HomeMy WebLinkAboutConstitution of the College Station Recreation Councilr- CONSTITUTION of the COLLEGE STATION RECREATION COUNCIL PREAMBLE Whereas it is right that children, young people and adults should have an opportunity to make the best possible use of leisure time, and Whereas it is a wise community that provides proper places in which citizens may play throughout the year under intelligent and sympathetic leadership, Therefore be it resolved, that we hereby join together in a Council in accordance with the following Articles and By-laws. Article 1 Name. The name of this Council shall be the College Station Recreation Council, College Station, Texas. Article 2 Purpose. The organization shall be non-political, non-sectarian and non-commercial. Its objectives shall be to encourage unity for the purpose of obtaining for the people of our community such opportunities for wholesome play and recreation through- out the entire year as shall help them to become more worthy citizens, and to provide such opportunities for the wholesome recreation of youth as shall make our community the best possible place in which to live. Article 3 Membership. The membership of the Council shall be composed of not more than twenty citizens of College Station who shall serve without pay. One shall be a representative of the City Council, appointed by the Mayor; one representative of the School Board of the A & M Consolidated School System, appointed by the Board Chairman; and one a representative of the Texas A&M University to be appointed by the Head of the Health and Physical Education Department. One member shall be elected from each of the following organizations: - 2 - --Boy Scouts, Kiwanis Club, each P.T.A., Rotary Club, Chamber of Commerce, United Church Women, Girl Scouts, Lions Club, and United Chest. Six members will be selected at -large by the Council, as required, at the regular meeting in January. The term of office of the members shall automatically expire upon the termination of the affiliation of such members with their respective organizations. The vacancies occuring in the Council, other than by expiration of term, shall be filled for the unexpired term. The expiration dates of the members of the Council shall be staggered and the new members will be selected for a 3 -year period. Article 4 Officers. The officers of this Council shall be a President, Vice -President, Secretary, Publicity Chairman, and Treasurer. The officers shall be elected at the February meeting. Duties of officers shall be those provided in the Constitution. Article 5 Meetings. The Council shall meet monthly to hear reports and take action on current business. Special meetings may be called by the President, and due notice will be sent to each member at least 3 days before a meeting is called. Article 6 Order of Business. (1) Reading of minutes; (2) Report of Committees; (3) Report of Officers; (4) Unfinished business; (5) New business; (6) Adjournment. Article 7 Election of Officers. There shall be a nominating committee consisting of 3 members appointed by the President. Nominations also may be made from the floor. If there is but one nominee for any office, election may be by voice vote. When more than one nomination is made, election shall be by ballot and a plurality vote shall constitute an election. Any vacancy occuring in office shall be filled by election. Arti rrl a A Committees. The business of the Council shall be conducted by special and standing committees. Any proposed plan of work by a committee must be presented to the Council for approval. Article 9 Duties of Officers. It shall be the duty of the President to preside at all meetings of the Council, to sign all documents, to appoint all committees unless otherwise ordered by the Council, and to be ex -officio member of all committees without the right to vote. In case of a tie vote in general Council elections, he shall have the right to give the deciding vote. F/ - 3 - The Vice -President shall assume the duties of the President in the absence of the Pr esident or on the request of the President or the Council, and shall be responsible for arranging for all meetings. The Secretary shall check the roll, record the minutes of each meeting, keep a record of all publicity notices and activities, handle all correspondence, such as notifying new members of their election, conduct correspondence for the Council, acknowledge all grants, funds, resignations, etc. It shall be the duty of the Treasurer to receive and record all funds from local contributors and co-sponsors, to pay out funds on written order signed by the President, and to present a written report to the Council. He shall keep a summary of all receipts and expenditures. Chairmen of all committees shall upon completion of programs file an itemized account of all disbursements, as well as a record of all revenues and deposits, with the Treasurer. The Publicity Chairman shall be responsible for all publicity which relates to the total recreation program. He shall also be responsible for working with the Chairmen of the committees to co-ordinate the publicity for each individual activity. Article 10 Amendment of the Constitution. The Constitution may be amended by a vote of a simple majority of the membership of the Council. BY-LAWS OF THE COLLEGE STATION RECREATION COUNCIL 1. Ten members of the Recreation Council (hereafter termed Council) shall constitute a quorum. Notices of all meetings must be given at least 3 days in advance. The order of business shall be as provided in the Constitution (Article 6). 2. Immediately following the Council meeting in November, the Secretary shall notify the organizations having members on the Council whose terms expire in the current year. Each of these organizations will be requested to nominate one of its members as a candidate for membership on the Council. A nominating committee will propose candidates to serve as members -at -large to fill forthcoming vacancies caused by expiration of terms of such members. In the event of the resignation of a member -at -large, the Council will select someone to fill the unexpired term. When an organization representative must be replaced before expiration of his term of office, the subject organization will be requested to appoint a member of its organization to complete the unexpired term of the predecessor. 3. Persons elected to take the place of retiring Council members shall be installed at the February meeting. The out -going President will preside until the newly elected President is installed. 4. The tenure of service on the Council is provided for in the Constitution (Article 3). The following schedule shall be used: Organization affiliation Boy Scout representative ) Kiwanis Club representative ) P.T.A. representative ) 3 years 2 members -at -large ) United Chest representative ) Chamber of Commerce representative ) P.T.A. representative ) 3 years Rotary Club representative ) 2 members -at -large ) United Church Women representative ) Girl Scout representative ) Lions Club representative ) 3 years P.T.A. representative ) 2 members -at -large ) 5. An annual activity program will be developed for adoption at the March meeting of the Council. A detailed budget for each program activity will be prepared. The budget and program must of necessity be tentative in view of the fact that definite financing commitments will be impossible at that time. r� 6. A request for City funds will be presented to the City Manager on or before March 15. A detailed program and budget for activities which will require the use of City Recreation funds must accompany such a request. City allocations will not be available until July 1, following approval of the Council's request. 7. All funds of the Recreation Council shall be deposited in College Station banks. 8. The Treasurer shall disburse funds only on regularly receipted bills signed by the President. All funds received by the Council from all sources shall be deposited by the Treasurer and disbursed as budgeted funds are disbursed. Funds received by gift, bequest or otherwise shall be disbursed in accordance with the terms of such gifts or bequests. All checks shall be countersigned by the President. 9. The treasurer shall be prepared to present financial reports to the Council at regular meetings or as often as necessary. 10. No activity shall be undertaken in the name of the Council until the Council shall have approved it. 11. Progress reports of activities shall be given at the Council meetings. 12. All members of the Council shall be residents of the City of College Station. Exceptions may be made by concurring Council action. 13. Persons living in College Station, or those owning taxable property in the City, are (including dependents) eligible to participate in the programs of the Council at basic fee rates where participa- tion requires the payment of fees. Fee requirements to be assessed participants other than those mentioned above, will be double the basic rate. This requirement is designed to offset the contribution of tax supported funds assigned by the City of College Station and contributions made by the United Chest. 14. All funds collected and spent shall be accounted for by the Chairman of each activity at the conclusion of all programs for the year. A final financial statement shall be made in writing.