HomeMy WebLinkAboutOpen Gym Recreation ProposalTO: COLLEGE STATION RECREATION COUNCIL COLLEGE STATION SCHOOL BOARD FROM: M.L. CLARKE DATE: MARCH 21, 1972 SUBJECT: PROPOSAL FOR 19OPEN GYM" PROGRAM OF THE COLLEGE STATION RECREATION COUNCIL The crowded gyms at Texas A&M University on weekends has resulted in an appeal to the College Station Recreation Council to establish a program to open the public school gyms. Many of the people using the gymnasiums on weekends are students of the College Station and Bryan Public Schools. The following proposal has been developed in response to this request. A similar: irpeal has been made to Bryan. PROPOSED GYMS AVAILABLE FOR WEEKEND "OPEN GYM" PROGRAM: A&M CONSOLIDATED JUNIOR HIGH GYM A&M CONSOLIDATED HIGH SCHOOL GYM LINCOLN CENTER GYM WHO IS THE PROGRAM FOR? THESE GYMS WILL BE AVAILABLE TO RESIDENTS OF COLLEGE STATION AND THEIR CHILDREN. CHILDREN UNDER SIX YEARS OF AGE MUST BE ACCOMPANIED BY THEIR PARENTS. HOURS THAT GYMS ARE TO BE OPEN: SUPERVISION: SATURDAYS: 9:00 A.M. to 12:00 NOON and 1:00 F.M. to 5:00 P.M. SUNDAYS: 1:00 P.M. to 5:00 P.M. ONE SUPERVISOR WILL BE HIRED FOR EACH GYMNASIUM. THE RATE OF PAY WILL BE $1.50/HOUR. ANYONE INTERESTED IN THESE POSITIONS SHOULD CONTACT DR. MARION L. CLARKE, PHONE: 845-5411 or 846-7210. WHEN WILL THE PROGRAM START? THE PROGRAM WILL START ON APRIL 8, 1972 AND CONTINUE AS LONG AS THERE IS SUFFICIENT PARTICIPATION TO MERIT THE PROGRAM OR UNTIL THE FACILITIES ARE NEEDED FOR SCHOOL ACTIVITIES. COST OF THE PROGRAM: THERE IS NO CHARGE FOR PARTICIPATION IN THE PROGRAM. THE EXPENSES FOR SUPERVISION OF THE GYMNASIUMS WILL BE COVERED BY THE COLLEGE STATION RECREATION COUNCIL. COST OF "OPEN GYM" PROGRAM TO THE COLLEGE. STATION RE°,.REATION COUNCIL (NUMBER OF GYMS X NUMBER OF HOURS TO BE OPEN X $1.50) X (NUMBER OF WEEKENDS OPEN) FROM APRIL 8. 1972 to JUNE 1. 1972 (3 x 11 hours x $1.50) x 7 weeks (33 x $1.50) x 7 weeks ($49.50 x 7 weeks) ($346.50) TOTAL COST 33 x $1.25 x 7 weeks $288.75 33 x $1.00 x 7 weeks $231.00 FROM APRIL 8. 1972 to MAY 19. 1972 (3 x 11 hours x $1.50) x 6 weeks - $297.00 (3 x 11 hours x $1.25) x 6 weeks = $247.50 (3 x 11 hours x $1.00) x 6 weeks = $198.00 RECREATION COUNCIL OF COLLEGE STATION Report of Income & Expenses for 1971 As of January 20, 1972 e 320.F( -76 32 - Ie NET COST TOTAL PROGRAM INCOME TO COUNCIL EXPENSE Swimming $5,257.00 $2, 7 6 4. 4 X5 � 7,8311..6464 Tennis 584.00 650.00 1,234.00 Adult Softball 500.00 251.57 751.57 Twirling 127.00 (3.00) 124.00 Golf 335.00 335.00 Art 321.00 127.07 448.07 Pre -School 182.00 108.00 290.00 Crafts (Shop) 38.81 353.50 392.31 July 4th Fireworks 100.00 282.00 382.00 Track 1,000.00 1,000.00 Flag Football 150.00 150.00 Boys Club 500.00 500.00 Creative Drama 386.00 549.00 935.00 Teen Baseball 100.00 100.00 Tumbling 438.00 297.00 735.00 Knitting 52.00 37.00 89.00 Basketball 75.00 75.00 Brazos Valley Youth Association 300.00 300.00 Administration: Insurance 242.12 242.12 Brochure 35.28 35.28 Insufficient Check Charge 3.00 3.00 $8,320.81 $7,632.18 $15,952.99 e 320.F( -76 32 - Ie College Station Recreation Council FLAG FOOTBALL PROGRAM The College Station Recreation Council will sponsor a youth Flag Football Program in the Fall. Publicity on the details of the program will be distributed through the schools and the news media during the month of August. The Program will start on September 15th and continue through November 18, 1972. The Program will include boys from 6 through 12 years of age. They will be assigned leagues accord- ing to age and weight. Parents will be required to accompany boys participating in the Program at the organizational meeting. The date of this meeting will be announced in August. Anyone interested in coaching or assisting with this program should contact: Dr. Marion L. Clarke, Jack Hurlbut or Al Swoboda. LITTLE LEAGUE BASKETBALL PROGRAM The College Station Recreation Council will sponsor a Little League Basketball Program for boys 7 through 11 years of age and for girls 7 through 12 years of age. The Program may be expanded to include ages 12-14 for boys and the 13 & 14 year old girls if there is sufficient adult supervision and adequate facilities available. The Program will be publicized through the school and the news media. The anticipated starting date for the program is February 1, 1973, it will last through the first week in April. Parents must accompany participants at the organizational meeting. Anyone interested.in coaching or assisting with the program please contact: Al Pedulla, Dr. Marion L. Clarke, Jack..Hurlbut or Al Swoboda. LINCOLN CENTER PROGRAM Lincoln Center will have a summer recreation program sponsored by the College Station Recreation Council. Programs will be developed around the interests of the individuals participating in the program. The facility and program will be open to children 4 years of age and up. Adult programs will be initiated if areas of interest are expressed. The Director and staff of the center are volunteers from the Recreation and Parks Department of Texas A&M University. Details of the program will be publicized through the news media late in May. The Center will have a diversified program including: crafts, library service, team sports and games, low organized games, and individual and dual sports. The hours will be from 9a.m. - 12:00 noon; 1:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. and 6:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. Monday through Saturday. The program will rely on volunteers to instruct and supervise the activities. Anyone interested in assisting with the program should contact Dr. Marion L. Clarke, Mr. Bill Smith or the Recreation and Parks Department at Texas A&M University, phone 845-5411. The program is planned to start June 1, 1972. If there is enough interest, the program will be continued throughout the year. JUDO PROGRAM The Recreation Council will sponsor a judo program at Lincoln Center. There is no fee for participation. The current program is for ages 7-14. For additional information contact Lincoln Center Judo Gym. RECREATION COUNCTI, OF pyedI pec (11010 PIL10- 1971 1 "M ti' ARWIPATINU WMET ACTUAT, Fixt i1 Vp APPRM UIA 0 CIA VV\ 1// 200 31 00 -3 -7 5o 5-(dJ 7 2- 50 0 (8`50 Tenni 131i 00 750.00✓ -14 v" / Adult MIMI 274 (In team") 70, 1 50 ,)(1 owl, ✓700 v - UP& ink It, 3 0 3.M1 Teen 3aseball V/ 3 teams 150 c:, oo American Legion Baseball✓ 1 erm 200, Pre -School Vv 54 2510 250.001'' Art V 93 100 3.00/4,00 - 00. 00 Y', h 18 20) 9.00 200.00%1' ✓A Pnq�,, Wo 400.00 L t i e ! �­],,,Ue, incoln Cunt -i— ✓ )00 (6 0 0. 0 0/ Crea L i % e Drama all", 7,1 550 5.00 q59 ,�_\�G� Junior Flag Football[V 730 150 634.; w/. XA, to i or Basketball hve", 190 bojs 100 4 7 0. 01 115 girls Junior Olympic Track 90 1,000 06 VVII, Knitting Vv 12 125 4.00 50.00 V V Sew, Whet I/ $ 00 — F,,e Administration 100 100.0ov-1, Twirling ty/ 31 4.00 Table Tennis IV,NA Lkv 2,00 Qrls Softball V N of 7i�1`N �zude�eoele�,ce c�uM) t -t l 5 ?_ �Lo q-75,00