HomeMy WebLinkAbout2015-3688 - Ordinance - 08/27/2015 ORDINANCE NO. 2015-3688 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 12, "UNIFIED DEVELOPMENT ORDINANCE," SECTION 12-4.2, "OFFICIAL ZONING MAP," OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS, BY CHANGING THE ZONING DISTRICT BOUNDARIES FOR APPROXIMATELY 2.429 ACRES FROM 0 OFFICE AND GC GENERAL COMMERCIAL TO PDD PLANNED DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT FOR A HOTEL DEVELOPMENT, BEING LOCATED IN THE RICHARD CARTER SURVEY,ABSTRACT NO. 8, COLLEGE STATION, BRAZOS COUNTY, TEXAS. SAID TRACT BEING ALL OF LOT 1, BLACK EYED PEA ADDITION,ACCORDING TO THE PLAT RECORDED IN VOLUME 1233, PAGE 531 OF THE OFFICIAL RECORDS OF BRAZOS COUNTY, TEXAS, AND ALL OF LOT 3-11 AND A PORTION OF LOT 2, BLOCK "A", COLLEGE HEIGHTS, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT RECORDED IN VOLUME 124, PAGE 259 OF THE DEED RECORDS OF BRAZOS COUNTY,TEXAS;BEING LOCATED AT 201 UNIVERSITY DRIVE EAST,403,405,409 JANE STREET, AND 400, 402, 406 A&B, 408 EISENHOWER STREET, AND BEING MORE GENERALLY LOCATED NORTH OF UNIVERSITY DRIVE EAST BETWEEN JANE STREET AND EISENHOWER STREET, COLLEGE STATION, BRAZOS COUNTY, TEXAS., PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; DECLARING A PENALTY; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS: PART 1: That Chapter 12, "Unified Development Ordinance," Section 12-4.2, "Official Zoning Map,"of the Code of Ordinances of the City of College Station, Texas,be amended as set out in Exhibit"A"and Exhibit"B", and as shown graphically in Exhibit"C"and"Exhibit D", attached hereto and made a part of this ordinance for all purposes. PART 2: That if any provisions of any section of this ordinance shall be held to be void or unconstitutional, such holding shall in no way effect the validity of the remaining provisions or sections of this ordinance, which shall remain in full force and effect. PART 3: That any person, firm, or corporation violating any of the provisions of this chapter shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be punishable by a fine of not less than Twenty-five Dollars ($25.00)nor more than Two Thousand Dollars ($2,000.00). Each day such violation shall continue or be permitted to continue, shall be deemed a separate offense. PART 4: Said Ordinance will not become effective unless a deed executed for purchase of the properties is recorded in the Official Records of Brazos County, Texas on or before January 31, 2016. PASSED, ADOPTED and APPROVED this 27th day of August, 2015 ATTEST: APPROVED: 01(t-UVIA/A,41'ttuL—ej Cify Secretar0 MAYOR APPROVED: CiA Yc/ i1,1 Cityforney ORDINANCE NO. 2015-3688 Page 2 EXHIBIT "A" That Chapter 12, "Unified Development Ordinance," Section 12-4.2, "Official Zoning Map," of the Code of Ordinances of the City of College Station, Texas, is hereby amended as follows: The following property is rezoned from 0 Office and GC General Commercial to PDD Planned Development District, as described in EXHIBIT"B" and as shown graphically in EXHIBIT"C"and EXHIBIT "D." mons AND ROUNDS 1)DSCRIJ"rIoN OF A 2.429 ACRE TRACT RICHARD CARTER SURVEY,A-3 :COLLEGE,STATION,DRAMS COUWtY,TEAS METES AND LIOLNOS DESCIt1PTlCIN OF ALL 1'IF,ST CERTAIN TRACT OR.PARCEL OF LAND LYING AM)DEMO SITUATEDIN1716 men Am)cARTER,SOORVEY,Ali SIItACT'NO.B,'COLLEGESI`ATION,DRALC)SC:OUN TY,'I'LXAS. S,AFI3 TRACI'ammi ALL ar BLACK EYED PEA ADDITION, ACC O DIn't;1O 111E PEAT RECORDED IN '+'CA:IA41E 1233,MG 171OFTILE OF'FICIA1.RE RDS OFDRAZOSCOUNTY.TEXAS,AND ALL OFLO'N.1I ANDA PORTION'01'LET 2,1111XN,'A",COLLEGE 11EIGHTC, ACCORDING TOME PLAT#IF:i.:O4U)liD TNVOLUME 121 PAGE 259 OF TUE;DEED RECORDS OF II LAZOS COUNTY,tTX S. SAID TRACTl!I7NO MORE PARI ICL'IARL.Y DESCRIBED BY METES AND ROUNDS AS FOLLOWS: EGpiNING rs l i_'INCH IRON RQ1J FOUND ON 11it.NOk1i WFtir LINE OF UNIVERSITY DRIVE ON LO-1411' R.I:I IN I.te1AREi Itdt:'13CI`s EAST"I'L atiElt OF SAID LOT I_BLACK EYED P},'ADDITION,AND THE 500111 CORNER.OE TOT I,AI.00K"A',COLLEGE 11E1(1/ {I"l.A'I'1202M THENCE: 6 41";32';.1.7"W ALONG TJ1E NORTTIWEST LINE OF UNIVERSITY Y DRIti`,T.FOR nisTANC.E op 141.91 FEET TOTIlENORTHEAST L:.ANEOFJANESTREETC3G+R.CIW)TUTI#I SOLT11CORNEROFSA10LOT 1,13LACKEYED PEA A IDI)11'I(IN,FOR RF;FERENCE A.112 INCH IRON ROD FOUND NFA RS;S 41'32'37`W FOR A DISTANCE OF 4.29 FEET THENCE:)i4?1"+1 '2k5'Wt,b).(NOT IE NORTHEAST LINE OF JANE STItF...FORAU FA1.4CEOF'27011.IFP.ETTOAI.'2 I,4CII IRON ROD MARKING TILE WEST CORNER OF SAM Lori TIIENCE;N 110 2'•I('F ALONG)THE maim,'WEST LINE OF SAID tOT I,BLACK.EYED.Pt'A.ADDITION,F011 A DISTANCE of€L l FEET NY:1 A:a Nell RON ROD AT THE S00111 CORNER OF SAID LOT 11,BLOCK TI)13NU: CONTINUING ALE/NOME NORTHEAST LINE OFJANE STREET NOW VARIABLE WIDTHR.O,W.)FORTI-E FOLLOWING CALLS: N 47"39'1."W FOR A DISTANCE OF 112.$6 FEET Ti)AN"N" IN A CUNCIU TE WALL AT TML'WEST CORNER OF SAID WI 9,E;LOC_K N 42"II I'(Ir;'F'FOR A DISTANCE 0E1,19 FEET 'tJ A'CROWS ftXM"FOUND IN,A,CONCRETE WALL AT THF.SOUTH I RNFJ1 OF SAID LOTS.,BLOCK'A N 15°0I 13"W FOIL A 1)ISTANCI'.OF 50,08 PEEN ILIA 1,7 INCH IRON ROD FOUND MARKING TILE WEST CORNER OF SAID LOT k,13LC)0K",4',AND TEL SOU11.1 COUPLE 0(IF'WI IIA•R2,BLOCK A',101.1FO'P I LEIGI ITS,ACC ORDINCI TO TI 1E PLAT k ECC.5HDEI1 IN VOL AIME I ioq,1'MIE 221 OF Fl LE OFFICIAL PUBLIC RECORDS OF tiRAZOS COUNTY,TEXAS; THENCE;N 42.`OF 217/ F ALONG THE COMMON LINE OF SAIL)LOT 8 AND SAID I.OT^sA.R2 FOR A DISTANCE OF F33:21 FEET TO A 5A INCH IRON ROD FOUND MARKING THE'NORTH CORNER OF SAJIJ 1(11-H AND THE WEST CORNER OF SAIII LOT 7.BLOCK"A'; TH,ENCEINi1`'”'I Y E ALONG TH E COMMON LINE OF SAID Lai-7 AND SA/DLOT ZSA,R2 FOR A DISTANCE OF 67EA FEET TO A Ili INCHIRON ROO FOUND MARXINI;3 ME EASTCORNER OF SMD LOT 11/1.4t2 AND 11:IE.SOUfl>:1 CO N+ER OP LOT 11,BLOCK 2,THE t(X)NFR ADDITiION,ACCORDING TORE TRE PI AT RECORDED IN VOLUME 102,PACE 151 OF 111E DEED RECORDS OF BIAAZ.,1S CCMJNTY,TEXAS; THENCE:N 42"3lY 03"E ALOI4G'DIE COMMON LIN.E OF SAID LOT 7,BLOC*:"N' AND SAID(.OT LI,BLOCK 2,THE (.'1,7ONIERADDITION,FORA DISTANCE OF 45.01 Fbt7'JO A 54 INCH IP N ROO FOUND ON T111,SO!1111 WE"dLUNE OT EISENHOWER STREET(VARIABLE R.O.W,)MARKING VENOM'CORNER OF SAID LOT 9; THENCE; ALONG THE SOUTH WEST LINE OF EISENHOWER STREET FOR"IME FOLLOWING CALLS; ORDINANCE NO. 2015-3688 Page 3 sIr IT 541E FOR A DISTANCE OF 74.83 FEET'MAIM INCE IRON ROD FOUND: S 47 5V 2V E FORA DISTANCE OF 127.44 FEET TO A 51 INCH IRON ROD POUND; S 47 50!4 T'E FOR A DISTANCE OF 114.19 FEET TO A 112 INCE-IRON ROD FOUND MARKING THE NORTH CORNER(WA CALLED 0.562 ACRE TRACT AS DESCRIBED BY A DEED TO STACY MOINOTON DVM • RECORDED IN VOLUME V773,PACE 99 OF THE OFFICIAL PUBLIC RECORDS OF BRAZOS COUNTY, TEKAS,SAID 0 561 A CRE TRACT BEING ALL OF LOT I AND A PORTION OF WT 2,BLOCK"A',COLLEGE HEIGHTS(PLAT 10111 THENCE:SW Off 41"W TROUGH SAID LOT 2,BLOCK"A"AND ALONG THE NOR WEST LINE OF SAID 0.763 ACRE TRACT FOR A:DISTANCE 01213(118.FEET TOA L2 INCH IRONItODPOUND ON THONORTHEASTLINT GB SAID LOT 1,BLACK EYED PPA AMMON,MARKING THE WEST CORNER OF SAD OM ACRE TRACT 711ENCE4 S 45°44!MI"SALON°THE COMMON LINE OF SAID LOT 1,BLACK EYED PEA ADDITIOX AND SAID 0363 ACRE TRACT.FOR A DISTANCE Of 1E470 FEU-1DM fOINT OF BEGINNINGcoNTAINR401429 ACRES OF LOD, m OLE OF ix ss„kSst RYE\ID ON mr GROUND MA Y 201 .PARING SVSIN SHOWN I OEN IS BASED ON GIED NORTH AS ESTABIJSRED FROM CIPS OBSERVATION. BRAD KFIR REGISTERED PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR No.4502 ... ,. _ . , , ,•-. \\\\ ()-.. DAVORKIMAIN15-610.14AB \ \If':•.),.:`.'":1,'1;;C:X!,::;.'-'' ----.1,1*,-- %,1 ORDINANCE NO. 2015-3688 Page 4 EXHIBIT "B" General Requirements The PDD Planned Development District is based on the MU Mixed-Use district with some modifications. The Concept Plan includes a conceptual layout of buildings and parking areas. The purpose and intent of the zoning is for the consolidation and redevelopment of properties for a hotel use and structured parking. The buildings are multi-story and placed close to the street to create an urban character. A small surface parking lot is proposed at the corner of University Drive East and Jane Street and an access drive connecting Jane Street to Eisenhower Street at the rear of the property. The Concept Plan includes new sidewalk along all rights-of-ways. Permitted Uses Uses permitted in the MU Mixed Use district. Building Height—The primary structure will be approximately 95 feet tall and the two-level parking garage will be approximately 25 feet tall, at the highest point. Modifications The following meritorious modifications to MU Mixed Use district requirements are included: 1. Maximum Front Setback Requirement- UDO Section 12-5.2 "Residential Dimensional Standards," specifically the maximum front setback requirement to accommodate the minimum driveway spacing and the required fire truck access to ensure proper building fire protection coverage. 2. Required Cross-Access Between Commercial Sites— UDO Section 12-7.4.B.2 "Cross-Access Easements." As an alternative, the Concept Plan includes a pedestrian cross access sidewalk along the front of the properties as well as cross access between Jane Street and Eisenhower Street at the rear of the property. 3. Non-Residential Architectural Standards for the Parking Garage- UDO Section 12-7.10 "Non-Residential Architectural Standards" (NRA)for the parking garage. As an alternative, the applicant is offering to use a green screen as a form of horizontal architectural relief at the same percentage standard (no more than 66 percent of the façade is permitted to be on the same plane), The garage will meet building color standards. Community Benefits The following community benefits were offered as part of the request: • The project includes the consolidation and rebuilding of several properties that have been identified as prime for redevelopment. These properties are adjacent to a major intersection in College Station and in proximity to other mixed-use developments, creating a desired urban feel to the area. ORDINANCE NO. 2015-3688 Page 5 • The redevelopment will require the development to upgrade substandard infrastructure, including new water and sewer lines and improving rights-of-way with curbing and sidewalks. These public improvements,while required, will be expedited with this project. • The improvements to the property and infrastructure have the potential to be a catalyst for future redevelopments to surrounding properties and continue the urban renewal in the area. ORDINANCE NO. 2015-3688 Page 6 EXHIBIT "C" a4,• 0)9 � c r. �� � ., fa" ft �\ v u p Ce 4.4 Ar Y N 4 �7 b P it r:� .2 O O.121,-T 1 Q.' w 3 r ft \ ©A \ n a 'V z 8.- F Cr ' \ f r r ✓ a k i N s c�.$2.N M O >E V C C b mt u g _ o 'F'D'AN. m � i� c`o m" v ' 011,E m aS 1• Q, C71=R'U17C '., O7A m rI '' *7 y��g wPNM , 'd /, I 0U I l i 0 .. • >. r, a��z Y0lcY 4.:1;f: -/D* rt i ',� d \ .% ' '. 40 ZN$ U)o -4 /moi \. g m .. c��.m >v j N. t cg - io 0r. M i 0 t C"). O, o / ap. a°d 1 1 1 1 y'1 mz02MUaa Y T \ .0 / \Li filly -,, - . GC -- . , - Ofli.. '30,0 V did E d U� c0 < \‘' i / 9,4 li U .74_ 0 et' tl► i / :3 4'fo -1 yy]�1 �a� og E i )6, cE .\\,c2 4.'-- U `r 0 y.t.-.73 VCis � li� ?r�.. 2=mOmt7un AD O) R wmi0886% U u-) 'y M U O1 --4' Lo Ill N P CC I / 4P r N. -J 0_ �(/ L I 1 ���J� T = ( c - 1l /s `f 1. i vfs'nE u 0 N .4—k o _ U fr z _tf ._.; 54 !,4' . OCO 0 �� %. c yfflly�m 1.` ORDINANCE NO. 2015-3688 Page 7 EXHIBIT "D" Concept Plan , // ; \ \ _ ,/ / /l \ / \\ / \• r . //- / f � ' , \, \ \ /7 / > \ N / / / qt N / '7 �\''� • ,♦ \ Vi / i/ / / '// _\ \, / • ,�,' ` \ .P/�/ / / / / \.\ \ e x t'.' ,\ // / f / / / \ " / / / / / / \ A \i \ // `// !/" \\ �\ > / j' ` /' /4 � ',/ .\ / h , ,/ 7/ / ,, ' , / .\ ' r / \ •// .) . / /.' , /• /. / , N / j // // NORTH