HomeMy WebLinkAboutCollege Station Jr. Flag Football/Basketball League, Inc.COLLEGE STATION JR. FLAG FCCTBAI..L/BASKETBALL LEAGUE, INC. January 10, 1971, SUBJECT: AFTER ACTION REPORT TO: All Concerned BP�;I l_ r" r,. the 1971 basketball program commenced on February 1 and ended April 6, Approximately 160 boys, ages 6 through 12 partitipated. Three divisions were formed, with boys assigned according to age and height, and then 2 leagues of b teams each were c esignated. T':cst ga7ies were played at Lincoln Gym, with the larger teams playing the final part of the season in the Consolidated A&m gym. No charges were made for the program. All expenses were met with Council Funds and money received from St. i:ary's Catholic Youth Organization. Eleven of the 22 coaches assisting in the program i,,aere Aggie students, and the rest were parents. FCOTBP..L i:Egistration was held on September 14 at Lincoln Park for the Flag Football program. The turnout was larger than expected, and when practice corinenced on September 16, over 225 bogs were present at Lincoln school and Thomas Park. To accomodate the large response, it was necessary to use the Little League practice field near Lincoln school for practice, as well as the two areas at Lincoln and Thomas, The merchant sponsor for each of the eighteen teams contributed $35.00 which purchased numbered T- shirts with the snonsor`s name on the back. No charges were made for the program as usual, but parents were asked to donate 1.00 per family if they were able, to defray operating costs in excess of that expected, irlost of the expenses were met with the Council allocation of $150.00 and a grant. of $50.00 from 5t. X.,arytss Cf 38 people .fairly actively engaged in the coaching of these teams, fifteen were Aggie students with no children of their own in,/olved. i�_ore than 230 boys, ages 6 throuc-ffh 12 were participating at the height of the season, which ended on November 22 with the All-Star game being played on Kyle Field. GENERIU: t.oth the basketball and football progrryms have been well received in the College Station area, and there appears to be a bright future ahead for both. fs a resuli-_ of the success, it - 2 - has been decided to provide permanency and formality to the overall program by forming a corporation in the fashion of Little Leaaue Baseball. Accordingly, the College Station Junior Flag Football/Basketball League, Inc. was recorded on November 8, 1971 by the State of Texas as a non-profit corr)oration. The requisite trustees of the new corporation consist of Marion L. Clarke, ;Ulen R. Swoboda, Russell J. Kohel, and Stanley li. Cass. A nine -man board of directors (in the fashion of Little League) has been designated, which will administer the forthcoming basketball program starting about February 1. These officers are# President - Idbert Pedulla Thomas Commissioner - Robert Stagat Assistant Thomas Commissioner - Jim Hull Lincoln Com.-nissioner - iron P?urff Assistant Lincoln Cotu-nissioner - Roger Feldman Pla�ser Agent - woe LeBlanc Equipment Eanager - Phil Weihs Chief Official - Duane Byrd Secretary -Treasurer - Hugh Lewis RECOM;.1L�VD T!C-A -r_'-ESTI GT S 1. The following items were proposed by the 1971 board of directors at the end of football season# a. Assuming that the 1972 football season will result in at least 200 participants, it might be more feasible to have 3 divisions, de- termined by age alone. b. The maximum number of players on a team should be 13, and the player agent would assign late- comers to a team until that limit was reached. c. A deadline for applications would be reached when all designated teams had the maximurci limit of players (appropriate for basketball also). d. Allow more time between receiving applications and original organization meeting. c. Advertise for and secure coaches prior to organi- zation meeting. f. Have a coaches briefing as soon as possible after start of season. g. As in Little League, schedule entire season among all teams, both Thcmas and Lincoln, so that "area rivalry" is minimized. - 3 - h. Designate permanent team names for enough teams to accomoCate all applicants. i. Get sponsors prior to start of season, and have shirts ordered prior to season. Try to avoid having to aet shirts lettered at the high cost experienced in 1970-71. j. Plan to use Little League field for games. k. Have officials designated early for largest teams, and plan a mid-season officials meeting. 1. Allow at least 2 days practice for All -Stars, and set a definite number of players to be selected from each team. Assure that an equi- table number of linemen are selected. m. Buy extra white shirts to be used for All-star games, and for games between tears with same color shirts. 2. The following additional items were discussed by the Trustees for consideration in 1972. a. An advisory comittee should possibly be established consisting of an experienced football coach; a doctor; and someone from a physical education department. (Trustee responsibility) b. Donations should be solicited at time of registration. c. Investigate feasibility of providing medical in- surance for those who want it. 1 C - Stanley Dw, Cass President -Oak bib4. �Lc 3Tr'h� itv¢4Nb� rvt. r f-, a --LD