HomeMy WebLinkAboutCollege Parks DeedThis deed is granted with the following limitations: 1. The improvements in College Park to be made at the expense of The Southside Development Company are as fol- lows, to -wit: (1) Extension of water and lights to the property line of each lot; (2) opening up and grading, but not grav- elling, of the drives, streets and avenues as plotted in the map of College Park; (3) construction of a sewage disposal plant and the provision of a sewerage system sufficiently large to accomodate all bona fide residents of College Park. The company does not guarantee to dispose of sewage except such as runs out of a properly constructed septic tank located on the property transferred. The company retains title to all light lines, sewer lines, and water lines, except such as are constructed at the ex- pense of the property owner within the limits of areas transferred. 2. No out -door toilet shall be allowed on any lot in College Park. 3. The lay -out of the lots as shown in the plan of College Park shall be adhered to and no scheme of facing lots in any other direction shall be permitted. 4. No use shall be made of the property hereby conveyed, or any part thereof, which shall constitute a nuisance or inure the value of neighboring lots. The question of determining what shall constitute a nuisance shall rest with the board of directors of The Southside Development Company. 5. The general landscape plans, such as location of houses, location of flower beds, trimming of trees, planting of shrubbery, etc., shall be in accordance with such standard authority as shall be acceptable to the board of directors of The Southside Development Company. 6. The Company reserves the right in fee in all streets, alleys, and sidewalks, to use the same for pavements, rail- ways, gas and water mains, sewer pipes, electric lights, telegraph and telephone wires, and such other reasonable uses as the company may see fit. 7. No house shall be built closer to the street than twenty feet. 8. Churches, stores, theatres, school houses, and other central meeting places shall be constructed only on lots pro- vided in the plan for establishments of that kind unless agreed to by the board of directors of the said company. 9. No house, with the exception of wood -sheds, garages, and similar supplementary buildings shall be constructed in College Park the plans of which have not been drawn or approved by an architect acceptable to the board of directors of The Southside Development Company. 10. At the expiration of three years from the date of sale of any lot in College Park, The Southside Development Company reserves the right to buy back at the original purchase price, without interest, any lot the owner or owners of which can not show bona fide evidence of utilization to some social or individual end other than that of merely holding the lot for increase in value. TO HAVE and TO HOLD the above described premises, together with all and singular, the rights and appurtenances thereto in anywise belonging unto the said Ir. Je Oe Peebles ------------------------------------ heirs and assigns forever; and said The Southside Development Company does hereby bind itself, and its successors, to Warrant and Forever Defend, all and sigular the said premises unto the said grantee, heirs and assigns, against every person whomsoever lawfully claiming, or to claim the same, or any part thereof. WITNESS the signature and seal of said The Soutside Development Company, acting by and through --- F. B. Clark ---------- its President and --------- Ce W. Burchard ---- , its Secretary -Treasurer, at College Station, Texas, this —_ 12th _play of November A.D. 19 37 . [SEAL]l THE SOUTHSIDE DEVELOPMENT COMPANY. Ily --------------------------------- %Q President. _ . Atte s 7'e�! Secretary -Treasurer.