HomeMy WebLinkAboutB-CS Chamber of Congress: Chamber in Progress (Feb. 1986)WORKING TO MAKE BRYAN -COLLEGE STATION A BETTER PLACE TO LIVE AND MAKE A LIVING! BRYAN -COLLEGE STATION CHAMBER OF COMMERCE CHAMBER IN PROGRESS VOLUME 2, NUMBER 2 Beverly Malazzo, First Bank and Trust, Top Blazer Fourth Quarter At,the January Blazer meeting Beverly Malazzo received the award for being the top membership producer for the fourth quarter of 1985. Beverly was responsible for bringing in 12 new businesses between October and December: Texas Romec, Inc., Texas Digital Systems, Texas Coin Exchange, Texas Pecan Growers Associa- tion, National Pecan Marketing Council, AM/PM Clinics, Curtis Mathes, Snelling and Snelling, The Jewelry Store, Burger King, AMSI, and Belair Mobile Home Park. In addition, Beverly was also the top producer in the Blazer program for the year 1985. Beverly is Assistant Vice -President of Marketing at First Bank and Trust and has been there since August 1983. In addition, Beverly was also employed with the Bryan Independent School District and American Ex- press Corporation in Houston. She is experienced in the areas of business development, product develop- ment, advertising, and public relations. Beverly holds a Masters in Educational Administration as well as a BS in Elementary Education, both from Texas A & M University. In addition to being the 1986 elected Blazer president, she is also a member of the Jaycees, Bryan Downtowners Association, The Answer Family Life Aux- iliary, and the Texas Gulf Coast Chapter Bank Marketing Association. She is married to Randy Malaz- zo of the Texas Coin Exchange and they have a four year old daughter Meredith. Congratulations go to Beverly from the Chamber Board of Directors and staff. The Chamber also wishes to express its appreciation to Winn Dixie and Aerofit for providing the Fourth Quarter Top Producer Award gifts. PLEASE NOTE! THE BRYAN -COLLEGE STATION CHAMBER OF COMMERCE'S 1986 PROGRAM OF WORK IS LOCATED ON PAGES 5 THROUGH 7 IN THIS ISSUE. FIND OUT WHAT YOUR CHAMBER PLANS TO DO IN 1986! FEBRUARY 1986 Beverly Malazzo, First Bank and Trust, Top Fourth Quarter Producer for Chamber Blazers. Chamber Board Adopts 1986 Pro- gram of Work In late November, a series of Chamber divisional meetings were conducted to deter- mine the goals and projects for 1986. A tabulation of the response from Chamber members to the annual Membership Survey were helpful in determining what you want the Chamber to accomplish this year. Please turn to page five for the divisonal listings in our 1986 Program of Work. Please review this Program of Work, as we are always interested in what you, the members, desire the Chamber to accomplish. What's Happening February 1986 11 - Economic Outlook Conference, 8:30 AM - 4:00 PM, The Hilton Grand Opening Scheduled for February Chamber members are encouraged to attend grand openings and show their support of new local businesses. 1. Wednesday, February 5, 9:00 a.m., Flowerama, Janet Colaluga, Post Oak Mall, 764-1828. WORKING TO MAKE BRYAN -COLLEGE STATION A BETTER PLACE TO LIVE AND MAKE A LIVING! We Made It! Congratulations to the following Blazers for making their annual goal for 1985 — you had a great year! Anita Auer-TAMU Randy Bowers -First Bank & Trust Dennis Bruner -Lilly Dairy Jewell Coker -Savin Sales Harold Dean -Dean's Temporary Services Allan Dunlap -Allan Dunlap Insurance Lisa Jones -Metro Properties Carol Kallendorf-Kallendorf Communications Earl Legg -State Farm Insurance Beverly Malazzo-First Bank & Trust Cindy Miller -Lawrence, Thornton, Payne, Watson Steve Miller -Dean Witter Reynolds Mark Miller -Texas Securities Janice Moseley -Brazos Beef Emporium Peggy Samson -Samson's Bookery Ernie Wright -Wright Insurance Chamber Board Members Retire Each year, the Chamber Board of Directors welcomes its new members and bids farewell to those members who are retiring. Every director serves a three year term on the Board, offering their leadership and guidance to the Chamber during that time. The following directors retired from the board as of January 1, 1986. Ben Hardeman, OMC Industries Alton Bowen, Citizens Bank Emil Ogden, Chaparral Minerals Louis Newman, Newman Printing Larry Linder, Commerce National Bank Jack Ford, UnitedBank Bill Mobley, Texas A&M John Hughey, Hughey & Company Our sincere thanks to these community leaders for their contribution to the Chamber over the past three years. County Attorney Holds Seminar Jim Kuboviak, Brazos County Attorney, is holding a one- hour seminar on Hot Checks and Forgery Prevention on February 5, 9:00-10:00 a.m. at the Brazos Center. Mr. Kuboviak has several new programs to announce that should assist merchants in drastically curtailing these problems. Please R.S.V.P. by February 3 to 361-4302. There is no charge for the seminar. Register Now for Economic Outlook Conference A reminder -- register now for the Economic Outlook Conference, to be held February 11 at the Hilton Hotel. Sessions begin at 8:30 a.m. and will continue until 4 p.m. Registration fee is $30 for Chamber members and $40 for non -Chamber members. Lunch is included in the registration. For fur- ther information, call Beverly Barron at 779-2278. Sistrunk to Be Honored Tom Sistrunk, Brazos County Extension Agent, will be honored at a retirement dinner on Tuesday, February 4, at 6:30 p.m. at the Brazos Center. Tickets are $6.00 per person and are available at the Brazos County Extension Office, 361-4400. Mr. Sistrunk has been a vital part of Brazos County agriculture for many years. The Chamber joins the com- munity in expressing appreciation for his many contribu- tions and extends best wishes to him on his retirement. Housing Bureau Successful Since it began operation in September 1985, the Housing Bureau continues to show measurable success. Through the end of December, the Bureau has aided 503 persons in booking 358 room nights. The Bureau also assists in the blocking of rooms for conferences and will be providing this service for conferences book- ed in 1986. 1985 CVB Visitor Count Up In 1985, the Convention and Visitor Bureau recorded 30,175 visitor contacts. This figure represents visitors to the office, mail and telephone inquiries. An 8 percent increase is reflected over the 1984 count. An additional 41,700 per- sons were assisted through aid given to conferences and organizations. Collectively, the CVB assisted almost 72,000 people last year. Roundtables Held By Texas A&M University Management Department Chamber of Commerce members will have an op- portunity to discuss current and future strategies in business during a series of roundtable discussions sponsored by the Texas A&M University Management Department. Roundtables will be held throughout February. Each session is 70 minutes and is free of charge. Attendance will be by invitation only. Please contact David Rubinstein in the Texas A&M Universi- ty Management Department, 845-4851, for details. Buyer Beware!!! From time to time, com- panies come into the Bryan -College Station area promoting a variety of business opportunities. Many times these companies will tell a prospec- tive business prospect that they "have the en- dorsement of the Chamber, the okay of the Chamber, have stopped by to check with the Chamber,'' or any other statement that might give credibility to what they are promoting. Before you accept these or any other approval statements - CHECK IT OUT! Call us at 779-2278 or 260-9898 to verify. BRYAN -COLLEGE STATION CHAMBER OF COMMERCE CONFERENCE CALENDAR DATE CONFERENCE ATTENDANCE Jan 24-25, 1986 Region II Professional Improvement Conference on Trade 1,500 and Industrial Education April 4-5, 1986 Texas Alliance for the Mentally ILL 200 April 19-20, 1986 League of Women Voters Regional Meeting 150 May 2-4, 1986 Texas Professional Farriers Association 225 May 16-21, 1986 League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC) 2,000 June 26-28, 1986 Land Improvement Contractors of America 150 July 10-12, 1986 Soil Conservation Society of America, Texas Council 300 August 1986 Jaycees 5 Outstanding Young Texans 1,000 Oct 11-12, 1986 Texas Christmas Tree Growers Association 150 Oct 30 -Nov 1, 1986 Conference on Advancement of Science Teaching 2,000 Oct 31 -Nov 2, 1986 Texas Association of County Office Employees 400 Nov 2-5, 1986 Texas Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions 350 Officers August 1988 Texas Games Conference Calendar Through the sales ef- forts of the Convention and Visitor Bureau and the cooperation of many local people, an additional 29,000 people will be coming to Bryan -College Station in the future. These people will have a significant economic impact on not only the hotel and food service industry, but on the community as a whole. Figuring an average daily expenditure of $75 per day, these 29,000 people will bring approximately $2,275,000 into the two cities. The Texas Tourist Development Agency has determined that these new monies turn over seven times, giving a total economic impact of around $15,225,000. This supports the long -held belief by the Chamber of Commerce that the reinvestment of tourist dollars into the improvement of tourism services will provide jobs and tax revenues that will improve the quality of life for all the citizens in our community. Calendar of Events The quarterly calendar of local events for the months of January, February and March which is produced by the Convention and Visitor Bureau, is available at both Chamber offices. The calen- dar lists activities which are open to the public. If you know of an event which you would like listed or need further information, contact the Convention and Visitor Bureau, 260-9898. 10,000 Adopters Needed The Adopt -A -School pro- gram continues to be one of the Chamber's most well received programs. During the past few weeks, eight adopters have been signed, but there are still several schools that have not been adopted as yet. Please call the Chamber office at 779-2278 if you wish to participate. Hats off to the following firms or organizations for enrolling: Alpha Chi Omega - had a clothes drive for two elementary schools. Texas Student Education Association - will assist with tutoring in the Bryan Independent School District. Bryan High School - Fred Brown Mazda BMW, Westinghouse. Lamar School - First Bank & Trust. Bonham Elementary - Alenco. College Hills Elementary - YES Computers. Bowie Elementary - Joe Dies Carpet Installation. A CHAMBER OF COMMERCE MEMBERSHIP DOES MAKE THE DIFFERENCE! FORKING TO MAKE BRYAN -COLLEGE STATION A BETTER PLACE TO LIVE ANI) MAKE, A LIVING! Holiday Parade The 1985 Holiday parade roll- ed down Texas Avenue Sunday, December 8. The parade marked the beginning of the Sesquicentennial celebration in Brazos County with the theme ''Home for the Holidays: 1836-1986." With 118 entries, the parade was the largest to date and involved over 2,500 participants marching or riding in the procession. Thousands of spectators viewed a variety of floats, a number of bands including the Texas Aggie Band and Prairie View A&M marching units, and specialty entries including a calliope, a dog sled, unicyclists, clowns, and even Bevo, the ''Crippled Cow.'' Debbie Cooper of KTAM/KORA served as chairman of the parade committee. Assisting Debbie were Ben Downs, KTAM/KORA, Entry Chairman; Ed Harris, Texas A&M University, Logistics Chairman; Darlene Nichols, First National Bank, Sponsorships; Kent Mar- tin, Richard Smith Company, Dignataries and Transpor- tation; Lisa Jones, Stanford Group, Chamber Float and Review Stands; David Hicks, Texana National Bank, Financial Chairman; and Peggy Calliham, Judging Chairman. A special thanks to these and the other members of the committee for the work and time devoted to planning the parade. Awards were given in several categories. In the float category, Little People Day Care won, with second go- ing to Tiny Tot Day Care; Junior High School Division, Carver Kemp Student Council, first; Secondary School Division, Bryan High School Jr. Air Force ROTC, first, and Bryan High School Building Trades Classes, se- cond; College Division, Miss TAMU Scholarship Pageant, first; Community Youth Division, Cub Scout Pack 1074, first, and Cub Scout Pack 559, second; Community Adult Division, Bryan Parks and Recrea- tion, first, and College Station Parks and Recreation, second. Commercial -Large Business, Post Oak Mall, first, and Pennwalt, second; Commercial -Small Business, Bryan Downtowners, first, Custom Costumes/Cohen & Co., second. Winners in other categories were KKYS Marching Kazoo Band, first in the marching units, TAMU Living Historians, second; Speciality Units, Confederate Air Force Aggie Wing, first, A. G. Kemler's Calliope, se- cond; and Mounted Units, Rio Viejo Peruvians, first, and Equestrian 4-H Club, second. Awards also were given to bands as a result of a con- tribution by Mr. Emil Ogden, Chaparral Minerals. Mr. Ogden provided financial assistance for the transpor- tation of the band and for awards given to the schools. A&M Consolidated High School Band won the grand prize as well as first place in Division A, with second place going to Bryan High School. In Division B, Franklin High School won first, Hearne High School, second, and Calvert High School, third. The overall grand prize winner was an entry from Bryan High School Future Farmers of America. The award for the float displaying the Sesquicentennial theme went to the Brazos County Sesquicentennial Commission High School Commission. A special thank you to all who participated and assisted with this year's parade. Lamar Savings, winner of the Financial Top Producing Company Award at the Blitz. Ed Brady, Chamber Executive Vice -President, and Gail Dresner, Director of Membership, tallying Blitz winners. BRYAN -COLLEGE STATION CHAMBER OF COMMERCE BRYAN -COLLEGE STATION CHAMBER OF COMMERCE 1966 PROGRAM OF WORK AGRICULTURE Vice President, Reba Ragsdale, Automated Clerical Services; Chamber Staff, Beverly Barron. The Goal To recognize the contribution of agriculture to the local economy, support and encourage youth agriculture activities in Brazos County, and award excellence in agriculture production. The Projects 1) Through the activities of the First Cotton Bale Award Committee, obtain financial support for a cash award, and present award to farmer ginning the first bale of cotton. 2) In cooperation with the Brazos County Extension Service, sponsor the Brazos County Hay Show recognizing outstanding hay production in the county. 3) In cooperation with local officials, complete a study of the feasibility of implementing a Brazos County Fair. 4) Recognize outstanding performance in the field of agriculture by awarding Outstanding Farmer, Rancher, Community Agriculture Leader and Adult Leader -Youth Groups awards. 5) Through the activities of the Livestock Show Committee, continue the support of the Brazos Coun- ty Livestock Show and be responsible for the promotion of the Youth Livestock Sale. 6) Research the programs of the State Agriculture Commission and study ways of implementing pro- grams locally. 7) Work cooperatively with Agriculture Extension Service on agriculture education. COMMERCIAL Vice President, Dean Dyer, First City Bank; Chamber Staff, Beverly Barron. The Goal Identify and address six needs of the local business community. The Projects 1) Through the activities of the Business Seminar Committee, develop and conduct seminars of in- terest to the local business community. 2) Through the Business Forum Committee, conduct forums on vital issues arising in the community. 3) Investigate the possibility of providing a forum for local business leaders in the community by which they can exchange ideas. COMMUNITY AFFAIRS Vice President, Fred Brown, Fred Brown Mazda BMW; Chamber Staff, Beverly Barron. The Goal Refine current community affairs services and initiate new programs for the purpose of establishing a liaison between the local business community and Texas A&M University. The Projects 1) Direct the continued improvement of Leadership Brazos, a program which identifies and educates outstanding men and women in Bryan -College Station, preparing them for positions of leadership in the community. 2) Through the activities of the Civic Recognition Committee, recognize outstanding individuals and/or businesses for their accomplishments and contributions to the local community. 3) To initiate a forum with community leaders and Texas A&M University officials to discuss areas of concern affecting both entities. WORKING TO MAKE BRYAN -COLLEGE STATION A BETTER PLACE TO LIVE AND MAKE A LIVING! CONVENTION/VISITORS BUREAU Vice President, Allan Hanson, Commerce National Bank; Chamber Staff, Anne Bell. The Goal To provide a service to the Bryan -College Station business community which will promote conven- tion and visitor activity. The Projects 1) To increase convention activity in the Bryan -College Station area by 20,000 room nights through direct solicitation of local business, civic and educational organizations, through contacts throughout Texas by direct mail, trade shows, and personal contact, through advertising at the local and state level, and continue to provide a housing bureau to assist in the blocking of rooms for conventions and visitors. 2) Coordinate the efforts of those in the hospitality industry to better serve the needs of visitors by forming an advisory committee made up of industry representatives. 3) Educate the local community concerning the important economic impact of the convention and visitor industry through the publication of a convention calendar, by providing promotional information to visitors, and continuing a good working relationship with the councils of both cities for better understan- ding of the Convention and Visitor Bureau. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Vice President, Bill Presnal, A&M Board of Regents; Chamber Staff, Ed Brady. The Goal To develop a strong, growing, and diverse economy for Bryan -College Station. The Projects 1) Continue the activities of the Economic Development Committee involving members of the Brazos County Industrial Foundation, Bryan Development Foundation, College Station Economic Development Foundation, Texas A&M's Research Park and the Chamber. 2) Continue implementation of the Community Marketing program involving direct mail, target adver- tising, public relations/education and articles placed in strategic publications. 3) Develop a visitation program to local industry to determine their needs and any problems they en- counter to provide the best environment possible for their continued expansion in Bryan -College Station. 4) Conduct the 1986 Economic Outlook Conference. 5) Conduct a Bryan -College Station orientation meeting with the staff and new Director of the Texas Economic Development Commission. 6) Continue communication with the Chairman of the Texas Economic Development Commission to schedule one of their 1986 Quarterly Board meetings in Bryan -College Station. 7) Create a committee to continue the process of making the Panther Creek Reservior a reality. EDUCATION Vice President, Peggy Calliham, College Station Community Center; Chamber Staff, Beverly Barron. The Goal Act as a liaison between the business and educational community to encourage participation in the educational process. The Projects 1) In cooperation with local school districts, continue the implementation of the Adopt -A -School pro- gram and study means of refining the program and encouraging more community support. 2) Explore the possibility of creating a teacher appreciation program through Adopt -A -School. BRYAN -COLLEGE STATION CHAMBER OF COMMERCE ORGANIZATION Vice President, Ray Smith, Texas A&M University, Director of Personnel; Chamber Staff, Gail Dresner. The Goal Develop and implement those activities which will aid in the efficient and effective operation of the Chamber of Commerce and provide a base of financial support for its various activities. The Projects 1) Coordinate the activities of the Blazers, a volunteer sales group charged with the recruitment of new members. 2) Continue the activities of the Membership Relations Team to make follow-up contacts on delinquent membership renewals. 3) Conduct a 3 -day membership Blitz in November to aid in recruitment of new members. 4) Continue the production and mailing of the monthly newsletter, Chamber in Progress, to all current Chamber members. Expand the circulation of the newsletter via a formula based on the amount of dues paid per member. 5) Conduct Quarterly Membership Meetings in April, July, and October, providing members with an op- portunity to ''network' and be brought up to date on Chamber or community issues and activities. 6) Conduct quarterly New Member Coffees to acquaint new members with the Chamber's organization, goals, member services, etc. 7) Utilizing the Staff Evaluation Committee, evaluate the performance of the Chamber staff in accordance with established procedure. PUBLIC RELATIONS Vice President, David Shellenberger, Shellenberger's; Chamber Staff, Beverly Barron. The Goal Provide the community with a means of addressing political issues and candidates and to project a positive image of the community. The Projects 1) Through the activities of the Governmental Affairs Committee, hold regular meetings with local and state elected officials to discuss key political issues pertinent to the local area. 2) Throughout the election process, hold political forums introducing candidates to the community and providing a forum for studying opposing views of candidates. 3) Plan and conduct the Chamber's Annual Banquet to be held in January, 1987. 4) With other appropriate organizations, investigate the need and, if deemed appropriate, initiate a com- munity clean-up awareness activity. 5) Monitor activities of both city councils, the county, and the university, bringing all pertinent matters to the attention of the membership. 6) Explore the available options to help inform the general public of the Chamber's beneficial and varied activities. TRANSPORTATION Vice President, Don Martell, Stanford Associates; Chamber Staff, Ed Brady. The Goal Improve the movement of people and goods on streets, highways, rail and air to insure a climate favorable for strong economic growth. The Projects 1) Continue serving on A&M's Intergovernmental Liaison Committee to voice business' opinions on con- tinued development and improvement of Easterwood Airport. 2) Create a committee of local users to address the general aviation needs at Easterwood Airport and work with airport personnel to achieve these needs. 3) Create a committee of representatives of the three airlines serving Easterwood Airport, local travel agents, and the appropriate Chamber representatives to open lines of communication regarding improvement of air service and addressing specific problems encountered by travelers. 4) Continue serving on the Highway 6 Association to encourage the continued timely expansion of Highway 6 to Waco. 5) Meet with local Texas Highway Department officials to determine time tables for the completion of Highway 6 and 21. WORKING TO MAKE BRYAN -COLLEGE STATION A BETTER PLACE TO LIVE AND MAKE A LIVING! Welcome: New Members! The Chamber of Commerce welcomes the following new members and congratulates the sponsors on their sales efforts. AAA TIRE AND AUTO Sponsor - John Kuss Lamar Savings AMSI Sponsor - Beverly Malazzo First Bank & Trust A&M REALTY Sponsor - Chris McCool Pepsi Cola AGGIE CLEANERS Sponsor - Carla McDougal Dean & Dean Personnel AGGIE CLUB Sponsor - Joyce Maniord Maniord Office Products AGGIE TYPING SERVICE AGGIELAND DISCOUNT Sponsor - Michelle McKinzie The Eagle AGRIVEST, INC. Sponsor - Michael Patranella First Bank & Trust CHUCK ALLEN Sponsor - Chuck Allen On -Line Properties AMERICAN GENERAL LIFE COMPANY Sponsor - Carla McDougal Dean & Dean Personnel AMERICAN TIRE & AUTOMOTIVE Sponsor - Ernie Wright Wright Insurance AMERIMEX, INC. Sponsor - Kathy Swaldi Wright Insurance ANDERSON-RASBERRY & ASSOCIATES Sponsor - Kathy Moore World Travel ANUP AMIN, M.D. Sponsor - Steve Miller Dean Witter Reynolds ANDY'S TEXACO Sponsor - Linda Cameron Lamar Savings ATLAS TRANSMISSION Sponsor - Dennis Bruner Lilly Dairy ARTHUR L. BARRY, JR. Sponsor - A. L. Barry Westinghouse GARLAND BAYLISS Sponsor - Mark Bayliss First City National Bank DAVID BEESINGER, M.D. Sponsor - Steve Miller Dean Witter Reynolds BELAIR MOBILE HOME PARK Sponsor - Beverly Malazzo rst Bank First Bank & Trust CARROLYN BENNETT Sponsor - Carrolyn Bennett WTAW Radio GARRY BOLIN Sponsor - A. L. Barry Westinghouse BOLLWEEVIL/POSH COUNTRY Sponsor - Jewell Coker Savin Sales of East Texas BOTANY POINTE Sponsor - Spec Gammon Gammon Advertising Sales STEPHEN A. BRADEN, M.D. BRUCE BRAMLETT Sponsor - John Kuss Lamar Savings BRAZOS COUNTY CRIMESTOPPERS Sponsor - Mary Mike Hatcher WTAW Radio BRAZOS VALLEY CHECK SERVICES Sponsors - Ernie Wright and Kathy Swaldi, Wright Insurance BRAZOS VALLEY LOCK & KEY Sponsor - Jewell Coker Savin Sales of East Texas BRAZOS VALLEY LONE STAR Sponsor - Jay Drebilbis RepublicBank A&M BRAZOS VALLEY PRINTING Sponsor - Michelle McKinzie The Eagle BRYAN BICYCLES Sponsor - Janet Adams RepublicBank A&M BRYAN FUEL INJECTION SERVICE Sponsor - Bill Maniord Maniord Office Products LYNDA J. BRYANT Sponsor - Ann Kenney World Travel BRYCO CONCRETE Sponsor - Debbie Sisco Graphic Concepts BURGER KING Sponsor - Beverly Malazzo First Bank & Trust CLYDE CAPERTON, M.D. CASA CHAPULTEPEC Sponsor - John Kuss Lamar Savings CHARLIE'S BOOTS Sponsor - Ken Maniord Maniord Office Products CHERYL'S SCHOOL OF DANCE Sponsor - Linda Cameron Lamar Savings ALICE G. CLARY Sponsor - Hazel Holland Lamar Savings JEFFERY CLARY Sponsor - Hazel Holland Lamar Savings COULTER DRIVE HOBBY & GIFT Sponsor - Michelle McKinzie The Eagle CURTIS MATHES HOME ENTERTAINMENT Sponsor - Beverly Malazzo First Bank & Trust CUSTOM GRAPHICS Sponsor - Ron Martin Graphic Concepts D'OR INTERNATIONAL Sponsor - John Kuss Lamar Savings PHIL DAVIS, M.D. Sponsor - Susan Thomas First National Bank DUN & BRADSTREET Sponsor - Ed Latta Bryan Development Foundation ENER-POWER ELECTRICAL Sponsor - Beth Wiselgoe The Eagle EXTRA FASHIONS BY CATO Sponsor - Linda Cameron Lamar Savings FANTASY LINGERIE Sponsor - Linda Cameron Lamar Savings FAVOR EXPLORATION, INC. Sponsor - Amy Hume Allred & Hume FIT FOR KIDS Sponsor - Lisa Jones Metro Properties FLOWERAMA Sponsor - Neva Barnett Dean & Dean Personnel FORD CATTLE COMPANY Sponsor - Ken Kellough First City National Bank FULLER PRINTING Sponsor - Michelle McKinzie The Eagle GOODYEAR TIRE & RUBBER Sponsor - Carol Kallendorf Kallendorf Communications BRYAN -COLLEGE STATION CHAMBER OF COMMERCE H & M WHOLESALE, INC. Sponsor - Mark Bayliss First City National Bank HANCOCK AUTO SALES Sponsor - Leo Stephens Lamar Savings R. H. HARRISON, M.D. BURT HERMANN Sponsor - Carla McDougal Dean & Dean Personnel LYNN HICKEY Sponsor - Daryn DeZengotita Graphic Concepts HINEY COMPUTER BOOKKEEPING Sponsor - John Kuss Lamar Savings HAZEL HOLLAND Sponsor - Hazel Holland Lamar Savings HOUSING AUTHORITY, BRYAN Sponsor - Jay Dreibelbis RepublicBank A&M POLLY HOWARD Sponsor - Belinda Howard First City National Bank IMPROTECH Sponsor - Ron Martin Graphic Concepts INDY CAR STEREO Sponsor - Michelle McKinzie The Eagle IT'S SHOWTIME Sponsor - Melanie Townsend Graphic Concepts JACK WINSLOW BODY SHOP Sponsor - Mark Bayliss First City National Bank JOHNNY PEPPY'S Sponsor - Linda Cameron Lamar Savings K. D. TIMMONS, INC. Sponsor - Kathy Swaldi Wright Insurance KBS ELECTRICAL DISTRIBUTORS Sponsor - Chuck Allen On -Line Properties KENNEY ANGUS FARM Sponsor- Ann Kenney World Travel CARL KICKHAM Sponsor - Mark Bayliss First City National Bank KING ANIMAL HOSPITAL Sponsor - John Kuss Lamar Savings KWIK KOPY PRINT CENTER Sponsor - Michelle McKinzie The Eagle LIBERTY BANCORP MARY MAKINS Sponsor - Marsha Sanford Brazosland Realty MAXI'S CREPES Sponsor - Jewell Coker Savin Sales of East Texas GEORGE R. McILHANEY, M.D. L. B. McMURTRY Sponsor - Michelle McKinzie The Eagle McVIDEO Sponsor - Debbie Cooper KTAM/KORA JAMES MOSELEY Sponsor - Janice Moseley NL ATLAS BRADFORD Sponsor - Faith Phillips RepublicBank A&M NATIONAL PECAN MARKET COUNCIL Sponsor - Beverly Malazzo First Bank & Trust NOON OPTIMIST CLUB OF B -CS Sponsor - Michael Beal Century 21 Beal Real Estate NORTHCORP Sponsor - Logan Ammons University National Bank PM LUBE CENTER Sponsor - Ernie Wright Wright Insurance POP -ABILITIES Sponsor - Ron Martin Graphic Concepts HENRY C. PAINE, JR. Sponsor - Mike Patranella First Bank & Trust PARKS -MOULDER & ASSOCIATES Sponsor - Carla McDougal Dean & Dean Personnel PEARCE SUPPLY, INC. Sponsor - Billy Maniord Maniord Office Products PHELPS OFFICE CENTER Sponsor - Carla McDougal Dean & Dean Personnel PIPER'S GULF Sponsor - David Skinner Edward D. Jones & Company PONDEROSA MOTOR INN Sponsor - Dennis Bruner Lilly Dairy PROFESSIONAL PAINT & BODY Sponsor - Randy Bowers First Bank & Trust PROFESSIONAL SECURITY SYSTEMS Sponsor - Greg Gammon Gammon Advertising Sales QUALITY SATELLITES Sponsor - Linda Cameron Lamar Savings REFLECTIONS HAIR DESIGN Sponsor - Phyllis Wolfenbarger RepublicBank A&M MISSY RIVES Sponsor - Steve Cassman Pepsi-Cola ALBERT ROSS Sponsor - Bill Sensibaugh Westinghouse DICKIE RYCHETSKY, DDS Sponsor - Linda Cameron Lamar Savings SAM SHARP Sponsor - Mike Beal Century 21 Beal Real Estate SHERWIN WILLIAMS COMPANY Sponsor - Carla McDougal Dean & Dean Personnel THE SHOE STORE Sponsor - Lisa Jones Metro Properties SNELLING & SNELLING Sponsor - Beverly Malazzo First Bank & Trust SOUTHWOOD VALLEY TURF Sponsor - Willis Gentry Brazos Valley Nursery DON C. SPELCE ST. THOMAS AQUINAS Sponsor - Ken Kellough First Bank & Trust STANFORD REAL ESTATE INVESTMENT Sponsor - Lisa Jones Metro Properties RUSSELL STAUFFER Sponsor - Michelle McKinzie The Eagle STOTLER & COMPANY Sponsor - Carla McDougal Dean & Dean Personnel STEPHENSON CHIROPRACTIC ARTS CENTER Sponsor - Beverly Malazzo First Bank & Trust SUNSET GRILL Sponsor - Thomas Russell The Eagle T.M. ENERGY, INC. Sponsor - Shirley Randolph Lamar Savings TCI SECURITY ALARMS Sponsor - Jay Dreibilbis RepublicBank A&M TELCO, USA Sponsor - James Patranella Farmers Insurance TELECHECK TEXAS GENERAL PROPERTIES Sponsor - Mark Miller Texas Securities TEXAS PECAN GROWERS ASSOCIATION Sponsor - Beverly Malazzo First Bank & Trust WORKING TO MAKE BRYAN -COLLEGE STATION A BETTER PLACE TO LIVE AND MAKE A LIVING! New Members Continued TIP TOP RECORDS & TAPES Sponsor - Belinda Howard First Bank & Trust TOM'S MAINTENANCE Sponsor - Don Smith Anco Insurance TREASUREISLAND Sponsor - Estella Herring Lamar Savings KUMAND TRIPATHY, M.D. Sponsor - Pat Siegert University National Bank UNDERSEAS DRILLING, INC. Sponsor - Harold Dean Dean & Dean Personnel WAGON WHEEL COUNTRY GROCERY Sponsor - Darlene Nichols First National Bank SALLY WATSON Sponsor - Ann Kenney World Travel WILLIAM L. WILEY, DDS Sponsor - Anita Auer DR. KATHRYN YORKE Sponsor - Phyllis Wolfenbarger RepublicBank A&M "Meet the Arts" Scholarship Program The Arts Council of Brazos Valley is pleased to an- nounce the initiation of a ''Meet the Arts'' Scholarship Ticket Program. Through joint sponsorship with the Arts Council and the participating member group, as many as 40 student tickets for each scheduled event will be made available at a greatly reduced price. Tickets will be available on-site and will be distributed on a first- come, first -serve basis. To participate, the member group, the Arts Council and the student each pay 1/3 of the ticket cost. The pro- gram debuted this fall at events sponsored by the Brazos Valley Symphony Orchestra, Brazos Valley Art League and Community Singers and was greeted en- thusiastically by both students and parents. The Scholarship Program especially seeks to en- courage primary and secondary students in experien- cing the wide range of visual, literary and performing arts offered in the Brazos Valley. The Arts Council hopes that the program will attract other member groups interested in offering this opportunity to students who are financially disadvantaged. For further informa- tion regarding this program, call Kass Prince at the Arts Council, 268 -ARTS. Arts Council Business/Arts Alliance Awards This award, being given for the third con- secutive year, is co-sponsored by the Arts Council of Brazos Valley and the Bryan -College Station Chamber of Commerce. It is intended to honor a local business or corporation which has substantially enhanced the local arts movement during the last year. Nominations for the business or corporation which has made a significant contribution to the arts of Brazos Valley will be accepted until MARCH 15, 1986. The Business/Arts Award Committee will then meet to select the 1986 recipient, who will be honored at the annual meeting of the Arts Council in May. The Business/Arts Award Committee will consist of the ACBV Awards Chairman, the previous recipient of the BAA Award, two members of the ACBV and two members of the Chamber of Commerce, and the Arts Council representative from the Chamber of Com- merce. The Awards Chairman shall appoint one member to chair this committee. If you would like a nomination form, please contact either the Chamber of Commerce at 779-2278 or the Arts Council of Brazos Valley at 268 -ARTS. 2nd Annual Brazos Valley Golf Classic The Second Annual Brazos Valley Golf Classic sponsored by the Central Texas Association of Life Underwriters has been set for Friday, March 14, 1986 at Municiple Golf Course. Jackie Sherrill will again chair the host committee, with John Schuhmacher offensive guard of the Houston Oilers and Mark Dennard, center of the Philadelphia Eagles as co -hosts. An array of pro football and golf pros are expected to be on hand for the golf tourna- ment and auction. Many teams were formed to play in last years tour- nament, with area businesses donating merchandise and gift certificates for the auction. Persons desiring to play in the tournament or form a team should con- tact Mike Davis at 260-9629 or Wayne Dover at 779-4646. Area life insurance agents are contacting businesses in the area for donations of merchandise, advertising and sponsorships for the event. Anyone desiring infor- mation regarding a donation, contact Don Ladewig at 775-1559. Area life insurance agents are donating their time and efforts toward another successful event with net pro- ceeds being donated to the American Heart Associa- tion and Moncrief Ranch for Disabled Children. CALL US If You Ever Have A Question About Programs, Membership, Projects, or Committees --- 779-2278 --- We're Here To Help! a BRYAN -COLLEGE STATION CHAMBER OF COMMERCE T i Gail Dresner, Director of Membership, congratulates Michelle McKin- zie, The Eagle, on being the Top Individual Producer of the Blitz. NAME The Bryan -College Station Eagle, winner of the Non -Financial Top Pro- ducing Company Award at the Blitz. z Greg Gammon and David Skinner discussing results of the November Blitz. •-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1986 Economic Outlook Conference for Bryan I College Station February 11, 1986 College Station Hilton COMPANY ADDRESS Street City Payment must accompany registration. Deadline for registration, February 7, 1986. PHONE Zip WORKING TO MAKE BRYAN -COLLEGE STATION A BETTER PLACE TO LIVE AND MAKE A LIVING! Chamber to Expand Newsletter Mail- ing List During February each current Chamber member will receive a letter informing them that their investment level will allow the addition of one or more names from their organization to our newsletter mail- ing list. The expansion of the newsletter mailing list is to enable the Chamber to reach a larger audience. The newsletter is the most up-to-date communication vehi- cle for the Chamber and contains important informa- tion related to its membership, the Bryan/College Sta- tion area, and Chamber activities. We encourage you to take advantage of this opportunity to add additional contacts to our mailing list which will increase the ef- fective role the Chamber has in our community. Who would YOU like to add to the Chamber newsletter mail- ing list from your organization? Chamber 1986 Annual Meeting/Ban- quet A Success Over 600 Chamber members heard Neal Spelce deliver a riveting presentation at its Annual Meeting held at the Hilton. Spelce stressed the need for all academic and business entities to work together to enhance industrial recruitment and improve the local business climate. Spelce also suggested a business corridor link between Bryan/College Station and Austin as one step towards implementing such a long-range goal. Lee Cargill, RepublicBank A & M, turn- ed over her 1985 Chamber President's gavel to 1986 Chamber President, John Williams of The Eagle. Harold Dean of Dean's Temporary Services was honored with an award as retiring 1985 Blazer President. In addition, Earl Legg (State Farm Insurance), Beverly Malazzo (First Bank and Trust), Cindy Miller (Lawrence, Thorn- ton, Payne, Watson, and Kling), and Marsha Sanford (Brazosland Realty) received their Blazer Lifetime WORKING TO MAKE BRYAN -COLLEGE STATION A BETTER PLACE TO LNE AND MAKE A LNING BRYAN - COLLEGE STATION CHAMBER OF COMMERCE PO. BOX 726 BRYAN, TEXAS 77806 409-779-2278 CONVENTION & VISITORS BUREAU 409-260-9898 ADDRESS CORRECTION REQUESTED Membership plaques. Ernie Wright (Wright Insurance) received the President's Gavel award for his outstan- ding Blazer production during 1985. A special award was presented to Jo Halsell who has retired after 14 years as the Chamber's bookkeeper. v� BRYAN - COLLEGE STATION CHAMBER OF COMMERCE OFFICERS: President John Williams, The Eagle Past Presldenl, Lee Cargill, RepublicBank ABM Vice Preslden l/Agriculture, Robe Ragsdale, Automated Clerical Services Vice President/Commerclal, Dean Dyer, First City National Bank Vice President/Community Affairs, Fred Brown, Fred Brown Mazda BMW Vice PresidenVConventionNlaltors Bureau, Allan Hanson, Commerce National Bank Vice President/Economic Development, Bill Presnal, Texas ABM University Vice Pres ldenVEducetion, Peggy Cslllham, College Station Community Center Vice President/Organization, H. Ray Smith, Texas ABM University Vice President/Public Relations, David Shellenberger, Shellenberger's Vice President/Transportation, Don Martell, Stanford Associates Treasurer, Bill Vance, Vence, Bruchez 8 Goss DIRECTORS: STAFF: Phil Adams, Massachusetts Mutual Life Ed Brady, Executive Vice President Carey Cauley, Peoples Mortuary Anne Ball, Director Convention 8 Visitors J. D. Conlee, Conlee Brothers Moving 8 Bureau Storage Gell Dresner, Director of Membership, Beverly Cumpton, Brazosland Realty Editor -Newsletter Cheryl Dean, Dean & Dean Personnel Beverly Barron, Director of Community W. D. Fitch, Area Progress Corporation Affairs Rick Hunslcker, Westinghouse Dslene Barnes, Administrative Assistant Milton Lightsey, Bryan Production Credit Patsy Lavender, ReceptionisYSecretary Ken Martin, M&W Restaurants Rosemary Alyea, Secretary J. J. Rufflno, J. J.'s Package Stores Mary Brannen, Convention Services John Wallace, General Telephone Joy Shelton, Information Specipl- Bob Waters, ABM United Methodist Church Cooper, 0- C. , M- El. Holl.eman Drive, Cr) l.l.Pge .3tation, TX 77;4 0 BULK RATE U.S. POSTAGE PAID PERMIT NO. 80 BRYAN, TEXAS 77801