HomeMy WebLinkAbout2015-3674 - Ordinance - 07/23/2015ORDINANCE NO. 2015-3674 AN ORDINANCE MAKING CERTAIN AFFIRMATIVE FINDINGS AND VACATING AND ABANDONING TWO PUBLIC UTILITY EASEMENTS LOCATED AT 2045 JONES BUTLER ROAD: A 0.167 ACRE PORTION OF A 20- FOOT WIDE PUBLIC UTILITY EASEMENT (EXHIBIT "A" -EASEMENT N0.1) RECORDED IN VOLUME 5282, PAGE 221 OF THE DEED RECORDS OF BRAZOS COUNTY, TEXAS AND A 94 SQUARE FOOT PUBLIC UTILITY EASEMENT (EXHIBIT "A" -EASEMENT N0.2) RECORDED IN VOLUME 6961, PAGE 201 OF THE DEED RECORDS OF BRAZOS COUNTY, TEXAS. WHEREAS, the City of College Station, Texas, has received an application for the vacation and abandonment of two public utility easements located at 2045 Jones Butler Road: 1. Easement No.1 is a 0.167 acre portion of a 20-foot wide public utility easement, recorded in Volume 5282, Page 221 of the Deed Records of Brazos County, Texas. (Exhibit "A" -Easement No.l)The 20-foot wide public utility easement recorded in Volume 5282, Page 221 of the Deed Records of Brazos County, Texas is 0.167 of one acre situated in the Crawford Burnett League, Abstract No.7, Brazos County, Texas and being part of that certain called 0.42 of one acre tract described as a 20-foot wide public utility easement in deed from Palomares Construction Company to City of College Station; and 2. Easement No.2 is a 94 square foot public utility easement, recorded in Volume 6961, Page 198 of the Deed Records of Brazos County, Texas. (Exhibit "A" -Easement No.2) The 94-square foot public utility easement recorded in Volume 6961, Page 198 of the Deed Records of Brazos County, Texas is also situated in the Crawford Burnett League, Abstract No.7, Brazos County, Texas, being a part of a 7.76 acre tract conveyed to Navajo, Ltd. by deed recorded in Volume 337, Page 600 of the Deed of Records of Brazos County, Texas, and also a part of the tract described by Quit Claim Deed to Brazos County, Texas, recorded in Volume 272, Page 425 of the Deed of Records of Brazos County, Texas, lying in the northwest corner of the said Navajo, Ltd. tract as described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and collectively referred to as the "Easements"; and WHEREAS, in order for the Easements to be vacated and abandoned by the City Council of the City of College Station, Texas, the City Council must make certain affirmative findings; now therefore, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS: 2045 Jones Butler Easement Abandonment Page 2 of2 PART 1: PART2: PART 3: That after opening and closing a public hearing, the City Council finds the following pertaining to the vacating and abandoning of the Easements in the manner and as described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and made a part of this ordinance for all purposes: a. Abandonment of the Easements will not result in property that does not have access to public roadways or utilities. b. There is no public need or use for the Easements. c. There is no anticipated future public need or use for the Easements. d. Abandonment of the Easements will not impact access for all public utilities to serve current and future customers. That the Easements described above and in Exhibit "A" be abandoned and vacated by the City. That the City is not abandoning the Temporary Blanket Easement granted from BCS Jones Butler 37.26, L.P. to the City record in Volume 12749 and Page 105 of the Deed Records of Brazos County, Texas covering the 36.829 acre tract. PASSED, ADOPTED and APPROVED this 23rct day of July, 2015. APPROVED: ATTEST: APPROVED: c!lffJQ(/rh FIELD NOTES PARTIAL EASEMENT RELEASE 0.167 OF ONE ACRE BEING A PART OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION 20' WIDE PUBLIC UTILITY EASMENT 0.42 OF ONE ACRE TRACT VOLUME 5282, PAGE 221 CRAWFORD BURNETT LEAGUE, A - 7 CITY OF COLLEGE STATION BRAZOS COUNTY, TEXAS June 2, 2015 Easement No. I All that certain lot, tract or parcel of land being 0.167 of one acre situated in the CRAWFORD BURNETT LEAGUE, Abstract No. 7, Brazos County, Texas and being a part of that certain Called 0.42 of one acre tract described as a 20 foot wide Public Utility Easement as described in deed from Palomares Construction Company to the City of College Station of record in Volume 5282, page 221, Official Records of Brazos County, Texas, said 0.167 of one acre tract being more particularly described by metes and bounds as follows: BEGINNING at a Tack in a Fence Corner Post at the most westerly corner of said o.42 of one acre tract for the most westerly corner, said corner being the most westerly corner of the BCS Jones Butler 37.26, L.P. Called 14.50 acre tract as described in Volume 12106, page 7, said corner also being the most southerly corner of the BCS Jones Butler 37.26, L.P. Called 14.66 acre tract as described in Volume 12106, page 21, said corner also being the most northerly corner of the BCS Jones Butler 37.26, L.P. Called 7.705 acre tract as described in Volume 12106, page 15, said corner also being the most northerly corner of the BCS Jones Butler 37.26, L.P. Called 0.054 acre tract as described in Volume 12499, page 67; THENCE N 57 ° 41 '21 "E, along the northwest line of said Called 0.42 of one acre tract and the northwest line of said Called 14.50 acre tract and the southeast line of said Called 14.66 acre tract a distance of 367.32 feet to a point for the most northerly corner; THENCE S 32 ° 27 ' 09" E, a distance of 20.00 feet to a point for the most easterly corner; THENCE S 57 ° 41 '21 "W, a distance of 361.66 feet to a point in the southwest line of said Called 14.50 acre tract and the northeast line of said Called 7. 705 acre tract for the most southerly corner, a 3/4" Iron Rod found for the most southerly corner of said Called 14.50 acre tract bears S 48 ° 15 ' 39 " E a distance of 902.97 feet; THENCE N 48 ° 15 ' 39 " W, along the southwest line of said Called 0.42 acre tract and the southwest line of said Called 14.50 acre tract and the northeast line of said Called 7.705 acre tract a distance of 20.80 feet to the PLACE OF BEGINNING AND CONTAINING AN AREA OF 0.167 OF ONE ACRE OF LAND MORE OR LESS, according to a survey performed on May 29, 2015 under the supervision of H. Curtis Strong, Registered Professional Land Surveyor No. 4961. North Orientation is based on rotating the northwest line the Called 14.50 acre tract to Grid North NAD83 (CORS 2011) epoch 2010.00 based on va_tioos,, BCS Jones Butler 37.26 L.P._ 0.054 Ac. 12499/6 7 '\ \ - R:l774.84' ----'�--­ D=02024'09'' L= 74.43' T:37.22' LC:74.42' CB=S 31°50'34" E NOTES: Easement No.1 \0/ / / 1'2--z:/ / / / / \�?,,'!!: / t ' ' '- / / ,<''/ "-"-�'-,se,,'-'- / / . "/ '-'-'- '-e, '- / / . � / '-'- '-<-,.,,, '- / / / --\ �Q / "' s "'. "' '-4• '-'-'-'"a '-, , ,, "" e · , N '-"-' '-,_e�, " / / ,, ,, oO / '-'-"r_,'-c..'-::'�/ '-, / ,V / /o O· / � BCS JONES BUTLER 37.26, L.P. "' J'6''il__."' "' / � /-;;: / -'\ ',so;"-�/ �s �',,; \ "' x"' ..__.,-/ ./ '\ J' \ /"y " / ''�' CALLED 14.66 AC. 12106/21 / /, / \L \ \ .. E \ "----------S 32°27'09 \ SAN -- 20.00' '---------- -20.80' 94 s.f. P.U.E.(6961/198) s ';?& "2 �S- rc . J's .. o,.. '-.. !;' so,_'-.. "05 . ,90 co,...,��s>. cs:i..-. /0 o,,-'-.. � 0 &cs co�'-.. . ...r_>i'· CT . /';? '-.. 0 ·S� '-.. o_, v. 0 . ,.,,,. co1't:'s -'>'.:: �CT""--'>'<<t:',:/"u .r. . ""'-� ,,.<!;',.,,,. � Ac. BCS NORTH ORIENTATION IS BASED ON ROTATING THE NORTHEAST LINE TO GRID NORTH NAD83 (CORS 2011] epoch 2010.00 AS 706' ·>a J' /: s > i5' -<;' -�6' c: . < � PARTIAL EASEMENT RELEASE 0.167 OF ONE ACRE BEING A PART OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION 20' WIDE PUBLIC UTILITY EASEMENT 0.42 OF ONE ACRE TRACT VOLUME 5282, PACE 221 CRAWFORD BURNETT LEAGUE, A • 7 CITY OF COLLEGE STATION BRAZOS COUNTY, TEXAS DERIVED FROM GPS RTK OBSERVATIONS. S TRO G 1722 Broadmoor, Suite 105 N Bryan, Texas 77802 ��', URVEYING Phone: (979) 776-9836 Fax (979) 731-0096 _ RRM NO. 10093500 email: curtisa»strongsurve}ing.com ·,() Proposed Easement Navajo, Ltd. Tract Crawford Burnett League College Station, Texas 3 May2005 Joe Orr, Inc. Surveyors & Engineers 2167 Post Oak Circfo' College Station, TX 77845 (979) 690-3378 Easement No.2 Doc Bk Vol Pg 00906090 OR 6961 201 All that certain tract or parcel of land lyirig and being situated in the· Crawford Burnett League, Abstract No 7, in College Station, Brazos County, Texas, being a part of that 7.76 acre tract conveyed to Navajo, Ltd. by deed recorded in Volume 337, Page 600 of the Deed Records of Brazos County, Texas, and also a part of that tract described by Quit Claim Deed to Brazos County, Texas, recorded in Volume 272, Page 425 of the Deed Records of Brazos County, Texas, lying in the northwest comer of the said Navajo, Ltc!. tract and being more particularly described as follows: Beginning at a W iron rod found (1983) at the c.ommon comer of the said Navajo, Ltd. tract, that 12.58 acre tract conveyed to .Palomares Cons1:rUction Compail.y l)y deed recorded .in Volume 2508, Page 234 of the Official Public Records of Brazos County, Texas, and that 14.58 acre tract conveyed to Cherokee, Limited by deed· recorded in Volume 323, Page 735 of the Deed Records of Brazos County; Texas. · Thence S 48° 16.' 32" E -20.80 feet along the line between the said Palomares Construction company tract and the said Navajo, Ltd. tract to the most easterly comer of this tract; Thence S 57° 40' 46" W -9.40 foet through the said Navajo, Ltd. tract to the southwest line of same; Thence N 21° 53' 24" W -20.34 feet along the southwest line of the said Navajo, Ltd. tract to the Point of Beginning and containing 94 square feet of land more or less. Bearings are Texas State Plane (NAD-83) based on City of College Station 1994 GPS control monuments. EXH\B\T A --·---�--�·------------.-----�--- lll 0.(\J IS) OJ ,... 0..-< :>..a Cl'! !.[) .::::o: C)Cl 0 Cl'! 5) l.[) <SI LJ()'I OIS Q6) � � � Cherokee Limited 14.58 acres Vol. 323, Pg. 735 Ci) I c-w1,e,..o.1r. ect ee fo �",;, .Oe tfe 010: fr0 g Ct r01iro Cfeea � 1.17 acre !&GN Roil.road tract Quit C!oim to Brozos County Vol. 272. Pg. 425 od r;l.ii,e Piit�P<0 I'� Y;> "'ecv .JsJ I ~ ,,,_I \ ,;;:� " Proposed Easement "' Seoring-3" ore-Te:co:!' Sto!ll: :Pfone, Centro! Zone;. w.D-83 dolum, Oii d<li.crmincd by GPS Qb:ocr.mlia=-..cing Cily of C.S 1S9.C. G?S mor.u:nents C:\Land Projects 3\Jones &tler Road\dwg\JBut02a.dwg, 5/4/2005 8:58:58 AM, HP Color LaserJet 4600 PCL 6 Feet 170' l&GN Roilrood R.O.W. Quit ClGim tc Brazos County Vol. 272, Pg. 425 Easement No.2 Ji � "' 0 -;:;; �s l' !JI .'J r}J I Palomares Construction Company 12.58 acres /Vol. 2508, Pg. 234 Novob.-Lt<J. Navajo,. ltd_ 7.76 acres Vol. 337, Pg. 500 8 ·<:C I-­:..- !:9 =c. >< i....U