HomeMy WebLinkAbout1991V1254P645 4647U9 C1C) CITY OF BRYAN '.~� ;•tTY N�'��E PUBLIC UTILITY EASEMENT '^' THE STATE OF TEXAS S S KNOW ALL MEN THESE PRESENTS : COUNTY OF BRAZOS S That the CITY OF COLLEGE STATION of the County of BRAZOS , State of TEXAS .,�--- --.'—, for and in consideration of the sum of $ 1 . 00 paid by the City of Bryan, a municipal corporation of Brazos County, Texas, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, and the further consideration of the enhancement of the value of the land hereinafter described, have granted, bargained, and conveyed, and by these presents, do grant, bargain, and convey unto the City of Bryan, it__ successors and assigns, a public utility easement for the purpose o constructing and maintaining public utilities of said City, on and across a certain tract of land situated in Brazos County, Texas, arc: described as follows : All that certain tract or parcel of land lying and being1 in the Richard Carter League of Brazos a 10 acreitract conveyed to the County, situated of egxas and being part Galindo-Wood, Inc , bycity of College Station, Texas r ,, 529, Page 466 of theDeeddRecordsed Jofy28,Brazosl982 and County, Texas . in Volume County, Texas . Saidpublic utility eaement- follows . sbeing more particularly described a,4 COMMENCING: At the most northerly corner of an 0 . 45 acre tract cod recorded y of Bryan, dated October 19, 1965 Volume 2 50' Page 9 369 of the Deed Records of Brazos County, Texas; said point also being in the northeasterlyo rI of the city of CollegenStation; versity Park Section. VQi. 1,25'narr 645 j THENCE : S 410 37 ' 05" W along the northwesterly line of the abovementioned 0 . 45 acre tract for a distance of 19 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING for this public utility easement; THENCE: N 480 36 ' 46" W for a distance of 224 . 90 feet to an angle point in the south line of a 20 foot wide public utility easement deeded to the City of Bryan as Tract No . 2 and dated October 16, 1965 and recorded in Volume 250, Page 371 of the Deed Records of Brazos County, Texas; THENCE : S 760 05 ' 14" E along the previously mentioned public utility for a distance of 24 . 25 feet to an angle point in the common line of Block S of University Park II and the City of Bryan 50 acre tract; THENCE : S 480 21 ' 20" E along the previously mentioned common line for a distance of 150 . 80 feet to an angle point, said point being the north corner of a 0 . 14 acre right- of-way easement known as Tract No . 1 and granted to the City of Bryan, dated October 19, 1965, and recorded in Volume 250, Page 371 of the Deed Records of Brazos County, Texas; THENCE : S 300 53 ' 55" E (called N 270 32 ' W) along the previously mentioned right-of-way easement for a distance of 63 . 3 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING and containing 3674 square feet ( 0 . 084 acres ) of land more or less . SEE ATTACHMENT "EXHIBIT A" VOL 1254 Face 646 iI It is specifically understood that the City of Bryan and its asz igns shall be granted free ingress, egress and regress to and from said strip of land for the purpose of making improvements on, and repairs to the aforesaid, as shall be necessary and convenient at all times . TO HAVE AND TO HOLD unto the said City of Bryan, Texas, a Municipal Corporation as aforesaid, for the purposes aforesaid, the premises above described . WITNESS (my) ( our ) hand (s ) at College Station, Texas, this ,3'= day of M ,qj/ , 199 / . LfFP e/ e: NJ 4)/oR Ceryl o - Ce /%9e srAro4.) _ THE STATE OF TEXAS S COUNTY OF BRAZOS S BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, a Notary Public in and for Brazos County, Texas on this day personally appeared L-a2,2y a / �le rn/ ! , , 4/ wz'// G 6-7.727/-044ioi4 &,76-7.727/-044known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged to me that (he ) , (sloe-) executed the same for the purposes and consideration therein expressed . GIVEN UNDER MY HAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE, this 3 a=d day of AS/ , A. D. 199/ . 1 -' , ►. : NO AR PUBLIC I AND FOR °l' :-.r.: i'� BRAZOS COUNTY, TEXAS VOL 125,4 oAGc 647 , University Pork II, Block S,os shown Scaler 1"•30 "•30 on plot recorded in vol.502,pg,501 of ` the peed Records of Brazos County, Texas as being N 48•21120"W. 1 14,4 V./I II V u-‘,.../..r.1 I_._1r-1;1_ •4.,��., ,,' .... ,Acro:; ..)i. ri r.,, 1 I•, : 'I 'i1Idy. 11/_ d� do+• • P 4jOili Electrical ___—______7;_, / Easement / C 6• $ J II / .2 _� Ext•ndwd rk c Aecses as.. J i It)'fic)r Tfr j er;`/ .11 1 ♦h- 1X1 II-111 / Vet .."..P9.3de w. 14114(,- •i-r-, ./.--1-1, .i 171-A'I-r•r.A I-- �1 Y►I-I�� r 1�lirlil�l: . 1'Il�r,. IVII_II. J / I_,1 ,1 A 1 1 41x1 / / OC : 1_/-11 V I IV J. 1 /Lone Sear/ (i�Ur ti311 Cr.3di: / e. I. r W 1. yt) . 133 r r�`"y J:�i. R N 1: rr r i 3 w :)r rpr n- r,1r V o :re . ,. 4tet • • :::4 ,•kre • J It..5' ,.J,;ht of S4't:y .::/(il 4 \� r .?)%.$:.`1 h P.O.C. N41.3rOir w 66.61. Exhibit "A" City of Bryan. Public r1 t:r termo''' Utilit CITY O 1-;iTAN Y Easement • G.4:3 Acre 3674 sq, ft. rat tit;rcc•3 ssr 0.084 Acre VOL 1454 PAGE.648 • i' !i 1