HomeMy WebLinkAbout1989V1142P816 . 433735 UTILITY EASEMENT (Specific Property) �� SEP 15 t i� 2 59 STATE OF TEXAS ) KNOW ALL MEN BY T[4ESE PRESENTav COUNTY OF BRAZOS ) That, RAFTER B. JOINT VENTURES, a Texas Joint Venture Partner- ship, GRANTOR, of the County of Brazos, State of Texas, for and in consideration of the payment of TEN and NO/100 DOLLARS, and other good and valuable consideration, in hand paid to GRANTOR by the CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS, the receipt of which is here- by acknowledged , has GRANTED, SOLD and CONVEYED and by these presents does GRANT, SELL, and CONVEY unto the said CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, a Texas Municipal Corporation, certain rights and interests in the nature of a perpetual EASEMENT on and through the following described property: All that certain 0.047 acre ( 2057 square foot) tract or parcel of land lying and being situated in the Morgan Rector League, Abstract No. 46, College Station, Brazos County, Texas, and being a portion of a 1 . 50 acre tract comprised of a called 0.888 acre tract conveyed from asShdescribed J. abyldeedrecorded inVOLUME on, et al , to B. Joint Ventures, 2 the Deed Records of Brazos County and the 3called1 , E0.572E acre remainder of a 1 .46 acre tract conveyed from Wilfred T. Riedel and Larry O. Riedel to William R. Miller, as described by deeds recorded in VOLUME 253 , PAGE 474, and VOLUME 253, PAGE 477 of the Deed records of Brazos County, said 0. 047 acre ( 2057 square foot) tract. Provided , however, that this conveyance shall grant the rights herein specified only as to that portion of the above described property more particularly described b terline on the attached Exhibit "A" , known Ecourse, width, men cen- Area", and any additional area outside the easement area nece - sary to install and attach equipment, uy wires, necessary and incident to the uses of the Easementand s To erect, construct, install , and thereafter use, in- spect, repair, maintain, reconstruct, operate,emoe fol- lowing: modify, and remove the Water Lines and sanitary sewer lines, connecting lines, access facilities, and related equipment; upon, over, and across said sc ways, streets, roads, or alleyspabutting hsame; anan d to to cut,d and any and control the of trees and other vegetation on andtinm growth the easement area or on adjoiningproperty might interfere with or threatentheof GRANTOR, which operation and maintenance of aay public utility equipment, accessories s understood and agreed that an � or operations. It i placed upon said proY and all equipment and facilities, shall remain the property of GRANTEE. GRANTOR expressly subordinates all rights of surface use incident to the mineral estate to the above described uses of said surface by GRANTEE, and agrees to lender's subordinations on behalf GRANTEE upon request. half of It is expressly understood that the GRANTOR or future Owner this property reserves the right to use this EASEMENT purposes which do not of GRANTEE. interfere with or for all prevent its use by the VOL 11 42v. - 1 - , nor ��f✓ ✓' n A_. i/ / TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the rights and interests herein described unto the CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS, and its successors and assigns, forever , and GRANTOR does hereby bind itself, its suc- cessors and assigns, to warrant and forever defend , all and sin- gular, these rights and interests unto the CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS, and its successors and assigns, against every person whomsoever lawfully claiming , or to claim same, or any part thereof. EXECUTED this 1 t day of �rnA, 3\,) , 1989 . RAFTER B. JOINT VENTURES BY: _ M.L. Cashion A� 4 Managing Partner APPROVED AS TO FORM. THIS DOCUMENT MAY NOT BE CHANGED WITHOUT RE-SUBMISSION FOR APPROVAL. STATE OF TEXAS * COUNTY OF BRAZOS * ACKNOWLEDGMENT This instrument was acknowledged before me on the day of < c �� r , by M.L. Cashion, as Managing Partner for Rafter B. Joint Ventures, a Texas Joint Venture Partnership, on behalf of said partnership. ______ e SNot�r CAROLYN PIERCE NotaryPubl`►.. in and for the Y f ublic, State of TexasState of E X A S Printed Name: ! f'''1' Co!mission Expires 3 1790 My Comm. Exp. : aL'1 - 2 - VOL 112p4,E 817 METES AND BOUNDS DESCRIPTION OF A 0.047 ACRE TRACT (A 10' WIDE UTILITY EASEMENT) MORGAN RECTOR LEAGUE, ABSTRACT NO. 46 COLLEGE STATION, BRAZOS COUNTY, TEXAS Metes and bounds description of all that certain 0.047 acre (2057 square foot) tract or parcel of land lying and being situated in the Morgan Rector League, Abstract No. 46, College Station, Brazos Coounty, Texas, and being a portion of a 1.50 acre tract comprised of a called 0.888 acre tract conveyed from Shelley J. Cashion, et al, to Rafter B. Joint Ventures, as described by deed recorded in VOLUME 531, PAGE 22 of the Deed Records of Brazos County and the called 0.572 acre remainder of a 1.46 acre tract conveyed from Wilfred T. Riedel annd Larry 0. Riedel to William R. Miller, as described by deeds recorded in VOLUME 253, PAGE 474, and VOLUME 253, PAGE 477 of the Deed records of Brazos County, said 0.047 acre (2057 square foot) tract being more particularly described as follows: COMMENCING at a 1/2" iron rod found marking the north corner of said 1.50 acre tract and the west corner of a 7.108 acre tract conveyed from Mayfield- Wilkerson-Jefferson Partnership #3 to Allied Bank--Austin, as described by deed recorded in VOLUME 1027, PAGE 309 of the Official Records of Brazos County, Texas, and lying in the southeast right-of-way line of Highway 30. THENCE S 45° 36' 00" W for a distance of 103.53 feet with said right-of- way line to a point for the PLACE OF BEGINNING. THENCE S 42° 22' 32" E for a distance of 108.88 feet to a point for corner. THENCE S 45° 35' 50" W for a distance of 105.95 feet to a point for corner in the southwest line of said 1.50 acre tract. THENCE N 52° 05' 00" W for a distance of 10.09 point for rner. A 1/2" iron rod found marking the west corneraid of said 1.50 acre tract bears N 52° 05' 00 W at a distance of 99.72 feet. THENCE N 45° 35' 50" E for a distance of 97.64 feet to a point for corner. THENCE N 42° 22' 32" W for a distance of 98.88 feet to a point for corner in the southeast right-of-way line of Highway 30. EXHIBIT A 000482-F.05-35 (1748) VOL t14?p rM.8 1; • , THENCE N 45° 36' 00" E for a distance of 10.01 feet to the PLACE OF BEGINNING and containing 0.047 acres (2057 square feet) of land, more or less. August 1989 Municipal Development Group College Station, Texas Surveyed by: Mark R. Paulson . Registered Public Surveyor .... ...... � No. 2099 sq.ur •'T'. • •MARK R. PAULSOPN uJ1' 2099 ��st£ toii 10 siiRa` 000482-F.05-35 (1748) VOL 1142pA;c 819 f�