HomeMy WebLinkAbout1986V853P143 GRANT OF EASEMENT ( Lands Under Contract Of Sale And Purchase Under The Texas Vita 1L1n1Ac .)" STATE OF TEXAS KNOW ALL MEN THErYJPRESENTS: COUNTY OF BRAZOS (1) That the undersigned Veteran-Purchaser, grantor herein, with the approval of the Veterans Land Board hereby grants to the City of College Station hereinafter called grantee, an easement for a right-of-way for the following kind of line, to-wit: electric transmission and distribution lines • .. with the right to construct and erect such a line, on and across the land as describ- • . . .... • •• ed in the Warranty Deed from J. M. Atkins ••. • • .• •• to the Veterans Land Board and recorded in Vol. 279 , Page 494 , of the • Deed Records of Brazos County, Texas, to which reference is made for a full and complete description. Said right-of-way being 50 feet wide, being 25 feet over and on each side of the center line thereof, the courses ...... • and distances of said center line of said right-of-way being as follows, to-wit: Being a strip of land in the Thomas Caruthers League in Brazos County , Texas , fifty ( 50 ' ) feet in width through the Edward M . Kelley 25 . 0 acre tract described in Volume 279 , Page 496 of the Deed Records of Brazos County , Texas , and lying twenty - five ( 25 ' ) feet each side of the following described centerline ; Being in the northwest line of the said at a point located S 62 degrees 31 ' 19 " 75 . 8 fd feetMfrKeo th tract , W northerly corner of the said Edward M . tProm the most Thence S 39 degrees 35 ' 08 " Kelley tract . E - 549 . 7 feet , parallel to and 55 ' from the centerline of the existing Gulf States Utilities Company easement in said Edward M . the southeast line of power line , to the end of this the Kelley tract , at a point located S 25 degrees 08 ' 01 " W - 79 . 2 feet from the most easterly corner of the said Edward M . Kelley 25 . 0 acre tract . (2) Said right-of-way for said line is 33. 3 in h an grantee hereby agrees to pay to the Chairman of the Veterans Lands Board eattAustin,he Texas, in consideration for the granting of this easement, the sum of $2, 470. 00 Such amount is to be applied by the Veterans Land Board to the credit 7i—TETT--- grantor's account; provided that if said land has been forfeited according to law to the Veterans Land Board such amount will be applied for the benefit of the fund designated by law. (3) It is agreed that when said line is erected on said land, the location of the right-of-way shall become permanently fixed, and the course and location of said right-of-way shall not be changed except by both written consent of the rantor a written approval of the Veterans Land Board. g nd (4) The Grantee is hereby granted the right of ingress and eg said right-of-way and occupancy thereof only for theg strsc to and from ing, maintaining, repairing, purpose of constructing, erect- replacing and rebuilding said line, and not for any other purpose. The grantee agrees to occupy the land onl of time necessary when constructing, Y to the extent and for the length erecting, maintaining, repairing, replacing and rebuilding said line. G.L.O.-V-79-(1-82) err 1 VOL 853PAGE1A3 /n w . (11) The terms and conditions hereof shall be binding upon the parties, their heirs, executors, administrators, legal representatives, successors and assigns, respectively. In witness whereof the grantor has hereunto set his hand and the grantee is bound by the provisions hereof by the acceptance of delivery of this instrument , the effective date of which is the date the Chairman of the Veterans' Land Board executed his approval hereon. '---4(id•tek-;/. / (� (Veteran-Purchaser) APPROVED THIS ( fit day of W p 19 i �l1 '� Contents RpAALAA A... • m ► o Legal 0, • •• GARRY MAU'0 • • • •••• CHAIRMAN V ERANS LAND BOARD Ezecution Rk.. • •• •.•..• OF THE S E OF TEXAS •••• • ACKNOWLEDGMENT - SINGLE • •• STATE OF-TEs !//fi G' /TV r r9 X • COUNTY OF tc) / r rz)X X nQ� X 71-d tri c e c) ✓T e • Before me, 7--- ( Ka / 'i�. �' //'this day personally appeared., the undersigned authority, on known to me to be the person;.,(s0!whose name is subscribed to the foregoXb g instrument and acknowledged to me that •//e77"executed the same for the purposes and considera- tion therein expressed.A . under my hand and seal of office this/;'..;given 26 day of / ; • Notary Public in and fo County, —•eaia.e- 71) y 'y GI I Y ( L) L C. / v J ACKNOWLEDGMENT-HUSBAND AND WIFE JOINTLY ,AAy Cor:,;r ...... ^t. 6, 198 STATE OF TEXAS X COUNTY OF X X Before me, on this day personally appeared the undersigned authority, his wife, known to me to be the persons whose names are subscribed to the foregoing instrument, and the said acknowledged to me that he executed the same for the purposes and consideration there- in expressed. And the said of fe having been examined by, melpriviltley andaid apart from her husband, and having the same fully explained to her, she, the said led her act and deed, and declared that she had willinglywsigned thehsame instfor ethetpurpe oses and consideration therein expressed and that she did not wish to retract it. Given under my hand and seal of office, this day of 19 Notary Public in and for County, Texas G.L.O.-V-79-( 1-82) - 3 - VOL 1.)...h.)PAGE 145