HomeMy WebLinkAbout1985V801P445 `., 9406 I:41i,..if,- I'i,L'1 r J r,"" f ,----: ata UTILITY EASEMENT I985 JUN 2 NI 3: T (Specific Property) BF, c t. ,,''.t.' CCUiiiY CLERK m i ti; :Y Cni• -HOUSE STATE OF TEXAS ) � " 's ) KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: �J, COUNTY OF BRAZOS ) THAT, MARTELL CHILDREN' S TRUST, GRANTOR, of the County of Brazos, State of Texas , for and in consideration of the payment of TEN and NO/100 DOLLARS, cash, and other good and valuable considera- tion, in hand paid to GRANTOR by the CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged , has GRANTED, SOLD and CONVEYED and by these presents does GRANT, SELL, and CONVEY unto the said CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, a Texas Municipal Corporation, certain rights and interests in the nature of a per- petual EASEMENT on and through the following described property: Being a strip of land in the Morgan Rector League in Brazos County, Texas, fifty ( 50 ' ) feet in width through that 20.69 acre tract conveyed to Robert D. Martell by deed recorded in Volume 334 , Page 340 , of the Deed Records of Brazos County, Texas. Provided , however, that this conveyance shall grant the rights herein specified only as to that portion of the above described property more particularly described by course, width, and cen- terline on the attached Exhibit "A" , Area" , and any additional area outsidenthe easementEarea e neces- sary to install and attach equipment uy wires , necessary and incident to the uses of gthe EasementnAreachorsTo erect, construct, install spect, repair, maintain , and thereafter use , operate, in- reconstruct, modify, and remove the following: Electric transmission and distribution lines; upon, over, and across said ways,neeta, roads, property as herein described and any and controle the or alleys abutting same- and heegra owth of trees and other vegetation on onuandtinm mieht easementteere with r or adjoining property io GRANTOR, which any public utility equipment operation and maintenance of any aagreedythate an accessories, P placedunderstood uodn andsaid or operations. It is property Y and all equipment and facilities y shall remain the property of GRANTEE. GRANTOR expressly subordinates to the mineral estate toaall rights of surface use incident by GRANTEE, and agrees to tsublenderove sdescribed uses of said surface subordinations on behalf of GRANTEE upon request. It is expressly understood that the GRANTOR or future property reserve the right to use for Ownerslpour- poses GRANS which do not interfere with this EASEMENT all GRANTEE. or prevent its use by Pur- the TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the rights and interests herein un- to the CITY OF COLLEGE STATION he , TEXAS, and its successors land bed asd assigns,forever, and GRANTOR does hereby bind itself , thesendihtoano warrant interests unto forever defend , all and singular, ION,heirs TEXAS, and its successors and tassie CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, gns, against every person vol8J1 p,L 445 l2 /3/6e7 whom.,oever lawfully claiming, or to claim same , or any part thereof . /' am EXECUTED this l day of Se.//A-R 1985 MA ELL CHILDREN' S ST oZL,C- JERRY T. PAUL, TRUSTEE APPROVED AS TO FORM THIS DOCUMENT MAY NOT BE CHANGED WITHOUT RE-SUBMISSION FOR APPROVAL. STATE OF COUNTY OF INDIVIDUAL ACKNOWLEDGMENT /J✓Gt OS C Thi instrument was acknowledged before me on the , 19 S, by JERRY T. PAUL, TR day of M— ELL CHILDREN S TRUST. TRUSTEE for • Title My Commission Expires , // JOE ORR, INC. Surveyors & Engineers Office Phone 693-3378 • Rt. 3, Box 413 COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS 77840 50 FOOT EASEMENT ROBERT D. MARTELL TRACT MORGAN RECTOR LEAGUE BRAZOS COUNTY, TEXAS 17 AUGUST 1984 Being a strip of land in the Morgan Rector League in Brazos Texas, fifty (50 ' ) feet in width through that 20 . 69 ac County, conveyed to Robert D. Martell by deed recorded in Volume of the Deed Records of Brazos County, re tract of(2feete eacheside of . the followingTexas, and lying 334,twPage 340e described centerline: Beginning in the northwest line of which is also the southeast line of the said Robert D. College Station, Texas, at a Raintree addition to athelCity l tract 1 .8 feet from the most westerlynt located N 40 degrees 54 ' 16 tract. corner of the said Robert D. Martell Thence S 39 degrees 28 ' centerline of 56" E - 11 . 4 feet, parallel to and theline the existing Gulf States Utilities Company from to the end of this easement in the southwest line Robert D. Martell tract,' at aPany power 11 . feet from the tract; westerly a point located S of t10 said tract. y corner of the said dRobert 28'rees Martell E - Martell • • P-cEOFT . .i.. 4' DA , '/R•�IdA p 1475 �•....;...• . ,• e sufol' 1 EXHIBIT A (�L 801 F;,:.c 447 ;f: