HomeMy WebLinkAbout1985V793P217 Prepared by the State Bar of Texas for use by lawyers only. Reviewed 1-1-76. Revised to include grantee's address (art. 6626, RCS) 1-1-82. 32758 I WARRANTY DEED ° (LONG FORM) • (IN LIEU OF CONDEMNATION) THE STATE OF TEXAS KNOW ALL MEN BY THE ,,PR-ES TS: COUNTY OF BRAZOS That JAMES E. JETT and W. BARTON MUNRO, Trustee, of the County of Brazos and State of Texas for and in consideration of the sum of TEN AND NO/100 ($10.00) DOLLARS and other valuable consideration to the undersigned paid by the grantee herein named, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, • have GRANTED, SOLD AND CONVEYED, and by these presents do GRANT, SELL AND CONVEY unto the CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, a Texas Municipal Corporation, of the County of Brazos and State of Texas , all of the following described real property in Brazos County, Texas, to-wit: Being all that certain 0.72 acre tract or parcel of land lying and being situated in the Morgan Rector League, Abstract No . 46, College Station, Brazos County, Texas, and being a portion of that same 33.63 acre tract conveyed to W. R. Newton, Trustee, to James E. Jett, Inc . , by deed recorded in Volume 515, Page 191 of the Deed Records of Brazos County, Texas, and being more particularly described by metes and bounds as follows ; • 1) • , ) 793 PAA 217 COMMENCING at the west corner of Lot 19, Richards Subdivision as shown by a plat recorded in Volume 137 , Page 25 of the Deed Records of Brazos County, Texas; THENCE N 46° 00 ' 55" W for a distance of 329. 55 feet to a 1/2" iron rod found for the PLACE OF BEGINNING, said iron rod lying in the centerline of the proposed Holleman Drive right-of-way; THENCE continuing N 46° 00 ' 55" W for a distance of 30.01 feet to a 1/2" iron rod found for angle point; THENCE N 46° 13 ' 09" W for a distance of 5.00 feet to a 1/2" iron rod found for corner , said iron rod on the northwest right-of-way of the proposed Holleman Drive; THENCE N 44° 56 ' 55" E with the aforementioned northwest right-of- way for a istance of 463 :10 feet to a 1/2" iron rod found for the beginning of a curve to the right; THENCE N 56° 58 ' 02" E along the aforementioned northwest right- of-way for a distance of 431 .03 feet along the chord of said curve having a central angle of 24° 02 ' 13" and a radius of 1035. 00 feet to a 1/2" iron rod found for end of curve and corner, said iron rod lying on northeast boundary line of the aforementioned 33 . 63 acre tract; THENCE S 44° 55 ' 05" E for a distance of 38. 42 feet to a 1/2" iron rod found for the beginning of a curve to the left and corner, said iron rod lying in the centerline of the proposed Holleman Drive right- of-way; THENCE S 57° 24 ' 47" W with the aforementioned centerline for a distance of 431 .67 feet along the chord of said curve having a central angle of 24° 55 ' 44" and a radius of 1000. 00 feet to a 1/2" iron rod found for end of curve; THENCE S 44° 56 ' 55" W with the aforementioned centerline for a distance of 462 .49 feet to the PLACE OF BEGINNING and containing 0. 72 acres of land more or less. SAVE AND EXCEPT, Grantors reserve unto themselves , their heirs and assigns, forever, all of the oil , gas, casinghead hydrocarbons , in , on, under and that may be ptm gas and trheated described property, provided , however, that, withced crespect totheove interest reserved hereby, Grantors, their heirs and assignship , shall not Permit any person, corporation mine for, or conduct any operations tfor soill ,or gastorrothertmineralstolupon the surface of the property conveyed hereby nor shall the Grantors p permit any such person, corporation or locate any tank batteries or pipelines aonnsuch 1ptract, orrusetity suchttract as a means of access or travel or in any manner disturb the surface of such tract, and any lease executed by Grantors herein, their heirs and r assigns , covering all or any portion of the mineralsreserved herein shall contain these restrictions. v(IL 1 93 P nr2ii : sMo'ToJ ss spunoq pup segau Aq pagT.zosap A'ap'notgapd aaou buTaq pup 'spxay 'Aquno3 sozpag go spaooag paac aqq. 3o 161 e6pa 'STS aun'oA uT papaooaa peep Aq ' • oui 'ggar •S saupr oq 'aagsniy 'uo4MaN •g •M og paAanuoo goeiq aaop £9• ££ eups gpuq go uoTgiod p buTeq pup 'sexay 'Agunop sozpag 'uoTgpgg abaTTop ' 9{, • oN gopigsgy ' anbpar aogoag upbaow ayq uT pagpngTs buTaq pup buTAT pup' go Taoapd JO gop.zq 9.20g ZL• 0 uTpgaao 7Epug 'Iv butag :l!M-ol `srxa i_, `,Ciunop sozpag ut Aliadoad !rai paquasap 'Su!Mollol aul 3o lie ' spxey 3o ams pue sozpag JO /Clunop agii Jo 'uoTgpaodao0 TpdToTunW spxes p 'NOIS-SS SOS`r'I00 ao ASID egg olun A1ANOD Quid 111S `INd210 op sluasaid maul 41 pUe `U1A2ANOD (INV a'IOS `4a.LNyNo anEti `pa2papnoulae Agaiatl si qo qM jo ldiaooi agl Tatum Tang aalunig aqi Al pied pauaisJapun alp of uotle.iaptsuoa algenlen iaulo pue S2IH'PIOQ (00 . OT$) -----00T/ON QNV NEI jo ums aql jo uoile1ap!suoa ui pug .103 spxe,l, JO alelS put sozpag ;o ilunoO aul jo • 'eagsnay '02innw NOS2Ivg •M Pup azar 'a sawar leu.L SOZK2ig AO A.LMIfIOD S:L- S 2Ncd.„ 3HI AS. N3111 " IH MOMN - 2r4. llet SVX�.L 1O Lid LS mu:..)) (NOI1L1MWSQN00 30 flair' MI) t,. (IAIUOd JMIO'I) „ , aaau A1MV IIIVM r �1 •ZB-i-i (S02I `9Z99 •lie) ssaippe s,2311.1eI2 apnioui sol pasinag •9L-I-I pama!nag •Aiuo sialimei Aq asn so;MU,JO seg ams am,(q pa.reda.td k • • • • TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above described premises, together with all and singular the rights and , appurtenances thereto in anywise belonging, unto the said grantee its Succaid granGrantors forever; and do hereby bind themselves, their heirs, executors and administrators to WARRANT AND FOREVER DEFEND all and singular the said premises unto the said grantee , its successors heitx and assigns, against every person whomsoever lawfully claiming or to claim the same or any part thereof. EXECUTED this C9-- J day of : , A. D. 19 a S IP li.• ti ►' ..A,u4 e JAMS , TRUSTEE s/o4 . )19:44.44e, 7`72 1111111 W. BARTON MUNRO, TRUSTEE Mailing address of each grantee: Name: City of College Station Name: Address: P. O. Box 9 9 6 0 Address: College Station, TX 77840 Attn: Office of the City Attorney (Acknowledgment) STATE OF TEXAS 14 :1::: COUNTY OF 1 . .„ , This instrument was acknowledged before me on the 1 day of ....�,j� by James E. Jett, Trustee. I ' ' `I _o___, _ Notary Public, State of Texas O N;G,. '-7,--t o;, ,r D./V Notary's name(printed): ,;r . t. •••'" Notary's commission expires: p— — 4 0 793 <_1 E6L 1111 Ob8LL XZ luoT4P4S abaTTo3 0178LL XS 'uoT4P S abeTTo3 0966 XOg '0 'd 0966 Xog '0 'd uoTTegs abaTTo3 3o '4TO uo-r_ Eqs abeTTOO Jo ALTO Aauaogqy k4TO auk. go aai;30 Aeuaogq\Z I4Z0 auq go ao-rgg0 :30 3OI330 M`d'I 3H1 Nl Q32IVd3ZId :01 NIMIR2I ONIQ'IoDa I 2I3.LdV :saijdxa uotsstu woo s,,Ue;oN :(paiuud)au= s,,ireioN sexaZ;o a1e2S `angnd,ize;oN • •uo►;eJodtoo mus ;o ;tegaq uo 'uoj;e.rodzoa ;o Aq 61 ' ;o ,iep aq1 uq�A F0�13[XAS a8pajmouxoe sem ;uauiru;sur sign hereb ccnit t+� COUNTY OFBp�� date and m y this Instrument was ill -3O A.LNf100 e�tarr,P,�q �e;,:un corded in volume ,nd by me and 0 3.Lv.LS of Brazos County. Texas asastao the named records (;uaur2pajeeou pV a;uuodioD) Ped hereon by me. MAY 2 :sandxa uojssjcuu[oa s,tie;oN " :(palupd)ausAmoN , r � reu mai 3o a;ziS 'aggnd tie1oA1 CUUNTY CLERK, Brazos County,Texas • Aq 61 ' ;o iiep aql uo aux aio;aq pa8patenouxoe sem ;uamn.r;su! sig,L 3O ALNf10O SVX3.L 30 3,LV1S (luaui2pajn+ouxav) • •... J • aazidxa uo!ssnuiuoo s,A.reloN =?7 7f3 7 1 43P0y • c. :(pa;uud)aureu s,LI oN mad,3o awls 'ajjgnd Le;oN • •eaqsnLJ, 'olunw uogreg •M Aq ' S8 61 ' APW Jo 'Cup 144 8 Z aq; uo aw a.ro;aq pa8paimoupe sena ;uamni;sur srgs, soZpzg 30 A.LNf1OO SNXaL 30 3.LvIS (;uaui8paimou3aV) (Acknowledgment) STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF Brazos Jr This instrument was acknowledged before me on the 28th day of May , 19 85 , by W. Barton Munro, Trustee. Notary Public, State of Texas ;�• .• "�r Notary'sname(printed): `' • /c 6945 ;e r Notary's commission expires: - 5-23-?i r i . (Acknowledgment) STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF This instrument was acknowledged before me on the day of , 19 by sexel sozejg'N!i]l0 kiN000 Notary Public, State of Texas hoo`;;` Notary's::::e:ir : Notary's -.ST -, rvA '81,u AQ uoeJe (Corporate Acknowledgment) mom pawB14 pedwels se se iluno 841 10 Dad pun;union some 1a STATE O pue ew�(q uoviat"mum aw papJoa COUNTYP alp 8d0A1Nf100II)sem wn�1sul pia lcyl 1uoa Ilga att This instrument was acknowledged be ore3t stn the day of , 19 by of a corporation, on behalf of said corporation. Notary Public, State of Texas Notary's name(printed): Notary's commission expires: AFTER RECORDING RETURN TO: PREPARED IN THE LAW OFFICE OF: Office of the City Attorney Office of the City Attorney City of College Station City of College Station P. 0. Box 9960 P. 0. Box 9960 College Station, TX 77840 College Station, TX 77840