HomeMy WebLinkAbout1985V792P4 .4. 1 iS, lls [77 ; 1 i,- b UTILITY EASEMENT 1965 MAY 21 Fid 2 59 (Specific Property) -sa,tb-t :-'4,, ' COUNTY GLEP,Y, ' ERAZ lii.l!I.y r'lly 13US"t 327224 ki Ali: LAvtecfreAL STATE OF TEXAS ) SY -7. , �� ) KNOW ALL MEN BY THE E 'RESENTS: COUNTY OF BRAZOS ) THAT, M.H.B.R. JOINT VENTURE, a Texas General Partnership, GRANTOR, of the County of Brazos , State of Texas, for and in con- sideration of the payment of TEN and NO/100 DOLLARS, cash, and other good and valuable consideration, in hand paid the CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS, the receipt toGRANTOR which is hereby acknowledged, has GRANTED, SOLD and CONVEYED and by these presents does GRANT, SELL, and CONVEY unto the said CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, a Texas Municipal Corporation, certainrights and interests in the nature of a through the following described prope P yrpetual EASEMENT on and Being a 1640 square foot tract or parcel of land for the purpose of installing a water line and sprinkler vault, and being a 20 ' wide strip of land, part of Lot 5 , Block B, Ashford Square Subdivi- sion, platted and recorded in Volume 590 , Page 269 in the Deed Records of Brazos County, Texas. Provided , however, that this conveyance shall grant the rights herein specified only as to that property more portion of the above described centerline on the particularly Exhibit "A" ,A by course, width,Eand Area" , and any additional area outside' then easement own as harea sary to install and attach equipmentywEasement saressar necers y and incident to the uses of the Easement sArea and anchors To erect , construct Toect, air construct, install, and thereafter use, p ' maintain, reconstruct, modify, operate, in- and remove the following: Water lines, connecting lines, access facilities, and related equipment; upon, over, and across said ways,pnstreets,varoads,coProperty as herein described and any and or alleys abutting same; hcontrol theagrowa th of trees and other vegetation gno ocut, trim might interfere with or threatenon the operation and and in adjoining property n GRANTOR,maintenance of any public utility equipment of understood It is and agreed that an accessories , or operations. placed upon Y and all equipment and facilities P said property shall remain the GRANTOR expresslyProperty of GRANTEE. the mineral Subordinates all rights of estate to the above described uses surface of use incident by GRANTEE, and agrees to sublender' s subordinate GRANTEE uponsaid surface request. ons on behalf of It is expressly y understood that the GRANTOR or property reserve the right to use future purposes which do not interfere this Owners of pRApoEe. with or EASEMENT fory the prevent its use by the TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the rights and interests un- to the CITY OF COLLEGE herein described assigns, forever, STATION, TEXAS, and and ssigs and GRANTOR does herebyits successors ucd and assigns , to warrant and forever defend , a sin- gular, these rights itself, its sun- g and interests unto all and G the CITY OF COLLEGE VOL 79`9 Li 4 - 1 - ReATY Rotafe 2 ,2C6(J . ; STATION, TEXAS, and its successors and assigns , against every person whomsoever lawfully claiming , or to claim same, or any part thereof . EXECUTED this /0 day of ( aJj a , 1985 . M.H.B.R. JOINT VENTURE By: W. A. McKEAN EN HANSEN dpe 44,11.1.77- ow LIP -. BLACK;11 JR. GEORGE D. ILEY, JR. APPROVED AS TO FORM THIS DOCUMENT MAY NOT BE CHANGED WI ROUT RE- BM SSIO, FOR APPROVAL. v STATE OF � � ) ) COUNTY OF k 2�� PARTNERSHIP ACKNOWLEDGMENT This instrument was acknowledged before me on the 19_25_, _ ..day, �a f T RUT RU gon behalf of said Texas, by W. A. McKEAN, a partx.4er • "' Partnership. Gener.'a ' M.H.B.R. JOINT VENTURE, (4/5 .)• �, itle A ) t � Arfiri (1.44 My Commissi. Expires :-�i �° STATE OF COUNTY OF �jfCLj� n; ) PARTNERSHIP ACKNOWLEDGMENT This instrument was acknowledged before me on the day of rt ; . . STATE OF /0.1e 0.0 ) PARTNERSHIP ACKNOWLEDGMENT COUNTY OF , K1 �>5 ) This instrument was acknowledged before me on the /3 day of t , 19 5-5'15 , by PHILLIP E. BLACKBURN, JR. , a .H partner of M .B.R. JOINT VENTURE, on behalf of said Te.xas _� ; ., General Partnership. • J Tik/PeltWii, : () i ; My Commission Expires : ' STATE OF c ) COUNTY OFir}3n<� PARTNERSHIP ACKNOWLEDGMENT This instrument was acknowledged before me on the /541'1 �L , 19 g5 , byGEORGE D. dayt of of M.H.B.R. UJOINT VENTURE, on behalf of RILEY,RsaEdJe , a Geneia.r_; Partnership. Texas Gen�rai" I . Pr e / ..o My Commissio Expires : "' • GALm 0 ENGINEERS AND T IIANNERS 1900 West Villa Marla P.O;Box 3322 Bryan,Texas 77805 (409)823-1919 1 ,640 S.F. TRACT 20' WIDE ;WATER LINE EASEMENT Cot 5, Block B Ashford Square Subdivision College Station, Texas Being a 1640 sq. ft. tract or parcel of land for the purpose of installing a viater line and sprinkler vault, and being a 20' wide strip of land, , part of Lot 5, Block B, Ashford Square Subdivision, platted and recorded in Volume 590, Page 269, Deed Records, Brazos County, ;e>., •, and its cer,+er Imile bc:i;•, m:we described as follows; Commencing at a mark on a concrete driveway which is the north- easternmost corner of Lot 5, Block B:, Ashford Square Subdivision; THENCE S 45°22'46" E for a ,distance of 10.00' ; THENCE S 44°37'.14" W for: a' distance of 32.00' to the POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE S 44°37'14" W for a distance of 82.00' to the end of said easement. r, R A. • Gal ndo, R:.P.S #2588 0 March 8, 1985 r 411 792 PAGE 7 EXHIBIT A si