HomeMy WebLinkAbout1985V789P113 1 ti 2 6 5(3 7 RICHARD SMITH HARVEY ROAD SEWERLINE , SUBORDINATION OF LIEN STATE OF TEXAS ) [.1i KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENii4z,// ��// �• � COUNTY OF BRAZOS ) S: r THAT the undersigned, of the County of 511-6- 2-c..3 and State of Texas, the present legal and equitable owner and holder of that one certain promissory note in the original principal sum of $192 ,000 .00 , dated May 2 , 1979 , executed by WOODVILLE DEVELOP- MENT CORPORATION, payable to the order of BANK OF A&M, more fully described in a Deed of Trust, duly recorded in Volume 257 , Page 52 , of the Deed Records of Brazos County, Texas , and assigned to CITY NATIONAL BANK OF BRYAN by BANK OF A&M in instrument dated March 28 , 1980 , recorded in Volume 448 , Page 496, Deed Records of Brazos County, Texas; said note being secured by said Deed of Trust against, AMONG OTHER PROPERTY, the property as described on Exhibit "A" attached hereto which is incorporated herein for all purposes. For a good and valuable consideration paid to the undersigned, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged , the undersigned hereby EXPRESSLY SUBORDINATES the above-described lien to the easement and right-of-way heretofore or contemporaneously granted to the City of College Station by a document executed by WOODVILLE DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION, and recorded in the Deed Records of Brazos County, Texas. It is expressly agreed and understood that this SUB- ORDINATION shall in no wise release or liens against an . affect or impair said lien herein, nor shall the other property or owner of any interest tpriory ofsaid lien or liens be affected except as to the City of College Station. EXECUTED this the e- — day of )r, , 1985 . CITY NATIONAL BANK OF BRYAN BY: /. - Al. 4- 6._ - a_Lt._, STATE OF TEXAS ) COUNTY OF-_ aS ) CORPORATE ACKNOWLEDGMENT T is instrument was acknow edged before me on the 7 day of „0,c2/ / 4s _ !z- �F , 1984, by .� ,a4� of CITY NATIONAL BANK OF BRYAN. l n,i�mr nN�r1 e, . -n� - ' - / a c _ 2-O 62,(<• / 77/.224) 2. ✓' EXHIBIT "A" RICHARD SMITH TRACT Being a strip of land 20 feet wide for a permanent public utility easement situated in the Richard Carter League, Abstract No. 8, Brazos County, Texas, of a 0.43 acre tract conveyed to Richard Smith by deed recorded in Volume 328, Page 78 of the Deed Records of Brazos County, Texas. The centerline of said 20-foot easement being more fully described as follows: Beginning at a point on the southeast right-of-way line for State Highway 30, said point also being on the centerline of an existing 20-foot sewer easement conveyed to the City of College Station by deed recorded in Volume 410, Page 9 of the Deed Records of Brazos County, Texas; Thence southeast along said centerline of existing easement 38 feet, more or less, to the POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE N 48°19`40" E 94 feet, more or less, to a point; said point being on the common property line of said Smith tract and a 33.98 acre tract conveyed to H.P. Dansby by deed recorded in Volume 244, Page 581 of the Deed Records of Brazos County, Texas; and the end of this easement; said point also being northwest 10 feet, more or less from the south corner of said Dansby tract. An additional easement for construction purposes is granted for one (1) year from the date hereon, said construction easement being a 50-foot wide strip of land whose southeasterly boundary is coinci- dent with the southeasterly boundary of the aforesaid 20-foot permanent utility easement. SURVEYED BY: -6? r �. E.R. McDow, Jr. Registered Public Surveyor No. 3755 November, 1983 fi fi