HomeMy WebLinkAbout1985V776P352 2 CARL LEE MOORE 32329 SOUTHWOOD SECTION 25 1 i 23 ,..!113: 23 SUBORDINATION OF LIEN STATE OF T-EX-R- ;,> ) KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: COUNTY OF S ) 1 THAT the undersigned, of the County of and State of Texas , the present legal and equitable owner and holder of that one certain promissory note in the original principal sum of $600 ,000. 00, dated September 25 , 1975 , executed by MORRIS F. HAMILTON, JR. , WARREN C. HARMON, DAVID R. BOLTON AND LIEVEN J. VAN RIET, TO GARRETT BUTLER, TRUSTEE, payable to the order of FIRST CONTINENTAL MORTGAGE COMPANY OF HOUSTON, more fully de- scribed in a Deed of Trust, duly recorded in Volume 192 , Page 472, of the Deed Records of Brazos County, Texas , and assigned to SECURITY BENEFIT LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY in instruments dated September 25, 1975, recorded in Volume 343 , Page 636, and Volume 343 , Page 639 and refiled November 3 , 1975 and recorded in Volume 344, Page 644 , all in the Deed Records of Brazos County, and amended by instruments dated January 29 , 1979 , recorded in Volume 253, page 482, Deed Records of Brazos County, Texas; said note being secured by said Deed of Trust against, AMONG OTHER PROPERTY, the property as described on Exhibit "A" attached here- to which is incorporated herein for all purposes. For a good and valuable consideration paid to the undersigned , the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged , the undersigned hereby EXPRESSLY SUBORDINATES the above-described lien to the easement and right-of-way heretofore or contemporaneously granted to the City of College Station by a document executed by CARL LEE MOORE, and recorded in the Deed Records of Brazos County, Texas . It is expressly agreed and understood that this SUBORDINATION shall in no wise release, affect or impair said lien or liens against any other property or owner of any interest therein, nor shall the priority of said lien or liens be affected except as to the City of College tation . EXECUTED this the - day of ; • , 1985. SECURITY BENEFIT LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY R. / j B Y: ,e1/ C` / STATE OF TE ) COUNTY OF ) CORPORATE ACKNOWLEDGMENT This instrument was acknowledged before me on the / day of �9 � ' l 1985, by GIC / / as • - _ /gy of SECURITY B NEFIT LIFE INSURANCE 5 AFFIDAVIT THE STATE OF 44/ COUNTY OF BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, on this day person- ally appeared c`) 4Li/, C4 t c (.i4 A, , who being by me duly sworn on his oath deposes and says : My name is 7/4L)` L,&) CA Al r L/ �t> I am the Ll/ Lr. �F `S� (fir I of SECURITY BENEFIT LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, a k-A s- corporation . I have the authority to sign documents for said corporation . ✓% z SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN TO before me on this the 7/ 11` day of j,,\i, , 19$.0-, to certify which witness my hand and seal of off ice . GLORIA J. SANDERS " • ' , STATE NOT1fRY PUBLIC `6 ' � Not ry %Publ in and for fia+noa County,Kansas My Appootment Expires _11- My Commission Expires : L EXHIBIT "A" LOT 39G, BLOCK 14 SOUTHWOOD SECTION 25 Being a strip of land 10 feet wide for a water transmission line easement situated in the Crawford Brunett League in College Station, Brazos County, Texas, being a part of Lot 39G, Block 14 of the Southwood Section 25, College Station, Texas, as recorded in Volume 418, Page 533 of the Deed Records of Brazos County, Texas, the centerline of said 10 foot wide easement being more fully described as follows: BEGIN at a FM 2818 right-of-way monument in the south corner of Lot 39, Block 14 of said Section 25; Thence N 46° 22' 47" E, a distance of 324.30 feet along a common line between said Lot 39 and the northwest right-of-way line of FM 2818 to a point; Thence N 44° 15' 6" W, a distance of 20.89 feet along a common property line between said Lot 39G and Lot 39E, Block 14, of said Section 25; to the POINT .OF BEGINNING of this DESCRIPTION; THENCE N 46° 18' 30" E, a distance of 140.03 feet to a point; THENCE N 42° 25 ' 43" E, a distance of 40. 10 feet to a point; said point being located on the common line between said Lot 39G and the southwest right-of-way line of Southwood Drive; saidt .point being located N 44° 05 ' 57" W, a distance of 23.82 feet from an iron pin in the east corner of said Lot 39G, Block 14 of said Section 25,,'. said iron pin Also being the northwest point of intersection of the hort4.est right-o€-way line of FM 2818 and the southwest right-of-way line of, Southwobd Drive; said point being the end of this 10 foot wide water transmission line easement,. An additional easement forconst'ruction purposes is granted for one (1) year from the date hereon,-said construction easement beingea130 of foot wide strip .of,'land'and the centerline of said construction easement corresponding to the centerline of said water transmission line easement. SURVEYED BY• /}. -i . E.R. McDow, Jr. Registered Public Surveyor No. 3755 vilL 776PVE354 rR