HomeMy WebLinkAbout1984V744P576 Name : Parker Project : Krenek Tap 314353 SUBORDINATION OF LIEN 1984 NOV 29 PM 1: 36 STATE OF TEXAS ) Gr7�n.�tc, couNTYCLErK KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESEZOScepi�ii�oUs� COUNTY OF BRAZOS ) THAT the undersigned , of the County of Brazos and State of Texas, the present legal and equitable owner and holder of that one certain promissory note in the original principal sum of $285,000.00, dated May 24, 1984, executed by Philip J. Tremont and Don W. Guggenheim , payable to the order of First National Bank of Bryan , more fully described in a Deed of Trust, duly recorded in Volume 685, Page 480 , of the Deed Records of Brazos County, Texas; said note being secured by said Deed against, AMONG OTHER PROPERTY, the of ib nTruston Exhibit "A" attached hereto which isripncorpas s orated herein for all purposes . For a good and valuable consideration paid undersigned , the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged , the undersigned hereby above-described lien to the easemenB and right-ofBwayEXPRESSLY Iheretofore or contemporaneously granted to the City of College Station by a document executed by PhilipJ Tremont, and recorded in the Deed Records of Brazos Count , Texas . It is expressly agreed and understood that this SUBORDINATION shall in no wise release, affect or impair said lien or liens against any other property or owner of any interest therein, nor shall the priority ofsaid lien or liens be affected except as to the City of College Station . EXECUTED this the �2. day of 1984 . FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF BRYA BY: STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF ) CORPORATE ACKNOWLEDGMENT COUNTY OF__Z.L his instrument was acknowledged before me on the day of / , -„ as .I1984, by _�� _ '� sof FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF BRYAN. 1;`N �, n NOTA,£, PiI:LIC in and r Brazos County, Texas My Commission Expires : G_ a (9rj� • Mjrt �r/1 04i," 7 p570 wit_ q, i�1 l� BCW EXHIBIT A JEFF PARKER Being a strip of land 30 feet wide for a situated in the Williams-Winder King sanitary sewer Subdivision,, County,BrazoslTexas,et and being part of that tract of land conveyed to Jeff Parker by recorded in Volume 526, Page 609, the said 30 foot easement beingBrazos County, Texas Deed Recordsa bounds as follows: more fully described by metes and BEGINNING at an iron pin found in the northerly Krenek Tap Road (a 40 foot street) right-of-way corner Ta said Parker , said point also being the lsouth ine f f landtract of land and the east corner conveyed to Allen R, Swoboda by deed of trustrecorded�3inrVolume 274, Page 338, Brazos County, Texas Deed Records; me THENCE N 44°57'51" W THENCE tract of7' land , along the common property line between the Parer feet and the Swoboda tract of land, 752. 735and thio an iron pin found for the west corner aoflsaid cParker beingtnorth corner of said Swoboda tract, said iron in the southeasterly John Ben heraouby line of a tract of land conveyed pinoalso County, deed recorded in Volume 470, Texas Deed Records; Page 334, Brazos THENCE N 44°38 '39" E, alongthe the common line point; tract of land between the Parker tract a distance of 30.0 feet to a THENCE S 44°57 '51" E, aloe Hwen the Parker along and parallel to the betwdisteen tract of land and the commontrat oland of said of 752.92 feet to a Swoboda tract of property line Krenek Tap Road; point in the northerlyland a right-of-way line THENCE S 45°00'49" W, along the northerly K distance of 30.0to right-of-way OF line f and containing 0.518 acres feet the POINT said and (22,584, 73 square BEGINNINGdm feet) of land, more or leadditional easement for Anperadd of two (2)ayears fro construction purposes is pent being a 75 footywide m the date hereon, granted for a conm nt buingon strip of land, saidtconstruction said ease- h easement being 37.50 the centerline the southerlyfeet northerlyof said line of said Jeff Parker tract from and ofparallel land. 74477 e