HomeMy WebLinkAbout1984V729P369 310926 �a g ,�--^cw :c ra rirw in OCT -3 A!1 13: 13 UTILITY EASEMENT (Specific Property) 6 :, . 0 HAL .. i, Jy, 1.3,1 /BY ., bi,11 i r,.,.,,1 , 101A-- STATE OF TEXAS ) � ' COUNTY OF BRAZOS ) KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: THAT, TONY JONES and wife, SANDRA JONES , GRANTORS, of the County of Brazos, State of Texas, for and in consideration of the payment of TEN and NO/100 DOLLARS, cash, and other good and valuable consideration , in hand paid to GRANTORS by the CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged , have GRANTED, SOLD and presents do GRANT, CONVEYED and by these pTATION a SELL, and CONVEY unto the said CITY OF COLLEGE Texas Municipal Corporation , certain rights and interests in the nature of a perpetual EASEMENT on and through the following described property: Being a strip of land ten feet10 ' the Crawford Burnett ( ) wide situated in hent League in College Station , Brazos the Southwood ,Sectiona25art of Colle Lot et 39A, Block 14 of Station , recorded in Volume 363 , Page 614 , and bein gTaxpa, as Lot 39B, Block 14 of the Southwood Section 25 , of recorded in Volume 368 , Page 871 of the Deed Records of Brazos County, Texas . Provided however, that this conveyance shall hts herein specified only as to that property more portion of the aabove edescribed centerline on phetattached Exhibiarly ts "A" course,�� "Easement Area" . width,wand and B known as the To erect, construct inspect, install , and thereafter use following: maintain, reconstruct, operate , modify, and remove the Water lines and sanitary lines, access facilities, and lines, connecting and related equipment; upon, over, and across said ways, reta, cproperty as herein described and any way controlsshe roads, or alleys abutting same- and the rth of trees and other vegetationoonuand in trim theORS, which easementareaworth on adjoining property pubinterferelic utility threaten the operation Gand Tmaintenance of anynepubood equipment, accessories and agreed that anyor operations. placed upon said property and all equipment andIt is uy shall remain p facilities ex the property of GRANTEE. GRANTORSo expressly subordinate all rights by the min estate to the abovedescribed i of surface saide insurfacecident t and agree to sublenderts s bordi uses s on behalf lfof GRANTEE upon request . s subordinations on behalf It is expressly understood that the GRANTORS or this property whichdo the right to use future for all do not interfere with orchis EASEMENT all ofners GRANTEE. prevent its use b Y the TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the rightsCand interests assigns, STATION, herein described 9 , forever, and GRANTOR dOeST , and bi its successors and hereby bind itself, its 7gP360 7212372--- - 1 - X99 `?P9 successors and assigns, to warrant and forever defend , all and singular, these rights and interests unto the CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS, and its successors and assigns, against every person whomsoever lawfully claiming , or to claim same, or any part thereof . EXECUTED this 25 day of ,J v .F_ 1984 . - r Y JO E,S �7Llt& I S NDRA JONES APPROVED AS TO FORM. THIS DOCUMENT MAY NOT BE CHAk a ED W i HO T RE-SU SS Fi : APPROVAL. —, i STATE OF TEXAS ) JOINT ACKNOWLEDGMENT COUNTY OF BRAZOS ) This instrument was acknowledged before me on the �'-� , 19 84 by25th day of ;'1 TONY JONES and SANDRA JONES . • _ ,,� L . r : =1 Title Pu �. .a • Notar Public - s/*:•., t' ,� My Com ission Expires : 4-27-88 f4' tF ,1� '1 29F,; ,� 970 - 2 - Z86T `aagweoeG • aoeCanan SSL£ 'ON S o TTgnd paaalsT2ag / 'ar `Mojow •�•2 _-r j, %0 ' „ 'fig aax3AunS auTT uoTss?wsuea; aaleM pies 3o auTlaa�uao a 'luawasea uoT�onaasuoo p?es 3o auTTaa�uao a '�� °� BuTPuodsaaaoo auawasea 8uTaonaasuoo aq auawasea uo q; pue pue/ 3o d?a;s ppm ;oog 0£ e es `uoaaaq alai) aq; tuoa3 aea,C (I) auo 3o po?aad a aog pa;uea8 sT sasodand voT;ona;suoo ao3 auawasea TsuoT;T e u • PP y -suea; aa4eM apTM X003 OI sT q; 3o pua a 'auawasea au?I uo?ssTw -oad uowwoo pies 8uoTE 8I8Z Ida 3o au q� -3o_ ti pies :auTi �i�aad laa3 0t'LI paleool BUTaq os1e pus ° z Tuote�a3o-T s �saMg3Oou ' 6 woad pue y6£ �o'/ pies uaaM;aq auTT Alaadoad uowwoo aq iii x a T Tg g6£ a0'I gu?od p?es :lu od a oa ;ea; wog 3o aouelsTp a `3 „SS JOSpace oBuTaq Nalu � 0 Sri N gONflIiZ :4uTod e 01 ;aa3 9£'SZ 3o eoue-s?p a 'a 15+7 , 80 05 N 3ONaH Z sTq; ;o ONINNI93g 30 JNIOd aq� o� `•NOILIIS OSSA ;saMylaou ago pus 6£ l0 8I8Z Nd 3o auTI 4eM- o_ 3o aoueus?p e '2 Z Pies uaaMlaq auTT uowwoo a 8uo e e �gBTI `6£ log 3o ;sip o0 az 09+7 N eouagj ;SZ uoT3oa s aan £L 'OI q; uT auawnuow .4eM-3o-;g2Ta 8I8Z HI33e le NIO3g apTM X003 OI p?es 3o auMollo3 se paq?aosap AIIn3 aaow BuTa as a Tiaa;uao a q auawasea P Q q� 30 X19 abed `£9£ awn o qa sexas `Aauno0 sozea P uoT oat pooh I A IIT Papaooaa se `sexay `uoTg 30 s aooag SZ � y7no a 3 `��uno0 sozeag `uo?�e� a8a qa o 17I )ioOlg `F�6£ ao7 3o aced a BuTa ls a's'sex auawasea au? 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