HomeMy WebLinkAbout1984V719P243 308232 UTILITY EASEMENT Z 52 (Specific Property) n STATE OF TEXAS ) -- C . ( ) • 1 KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: COUNTY OF BRAZOS ) THAT, SUSAN CREAGOR HELM, GEORGE CREAGOR, JAMES CARLL CREAGOR, Individually and as Trustee, for the benefit of Nancy Creagor and Michael Creagor, and NANCY CREAGOR and MICHAEL CREAGOR, Individu- ally, GRANTORS, of the County of Brazos, State of Texas, for and in consideration of the payment of TEN and NO/100 DOLLARS, cash, and other good and valuable consideration, in hand paid to GRANTORS by the CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged , have GRANTED, SOLD and CONVEYED and by these presents do GRANT, SELL, and CONVEY unto the said CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, a Texas Municipal Corporation, certain rights and interests in the nature of a perpetual EASEMENT on and through the following described property: Being a strip of land in the Thomas Caruthers League in College Station, Texas, ten feet ( 10 ' ) in width through Tract 3 of the Dimple Caril Creagor tract division according to plat of record in Volume 335, Page 131 of the Deed Records of Brazos County, Texas. Provided, however, that this conveyance shall herein specified only as to that granto the rightsib property more y portion of the above described centerline on thetattached Exhibit dAby course, width, and ement Area" , and any additional area outside�the oeasement wn as earea sneces- necessaryinstall incidentattach theequipment, of the wires, and anchors Easement Area. To erect, construct, install , and thereafter use, operate, inspect, repair, maintain, reconstruct, modify, and remove the following: Electric transmission and distribution lines; upon, over, and across said property as herein described and any ways, streets, roads, or alleys abutting same; and to cut, trim and control the growth of trees and other vegetation on and in the easement area or on adjoining property of GRANTORS, which might interfere with or threaten the operation and maintenance of any public utility equipment, accessories, or operations. it is understood and agreed that any and all equipment and facilities placed upon said property shall remain the property of GRANTEE. GRANTORS expressly subordinate all rights of surface use incident to the mineral estate to the above described uses of said surface by GRANTEE, and agree to sublender' s subordinations on behalf of GRANTEE upon request. It is expressly understood that the GRANTORS or future Owners of this property reserve the right to use this EASEMENT for all purposes which do not interfere with or prevent its ts use b y the ti (_ 1 97 o id ` c • person whomsoever lawfully claiming, or to claim same, or any part thereof. Further, in the event that the GRANTEE shall be called upon to defend any suit arising out of the granting of this easement, GRANTORS herein agree to defend and indemnify the GRANTEE as to any costs and liability incurred. EXECUTED this _466day of Ater-1i- , 1984 . SUSAN CREAGOR HE Y r GEORGE Ci(EAGOR nPlf_gbe A.4P P„„ JA S CARLL CREAGOR, In vidually a as Trustee, for the benefit of Nancy Creagor and Michael Creagor 7Lt ik Ct _ NANCY C8EAGOR 0 * /&f L Z MICHAEL CREAGOR APPROVED AS TO FORM. THIS DOCUMENT MAY NOT BE CHANGED WITHO RE-SUB S 1,% FOr AP .ROVAL. Of STATE OF ) COUNTY OF INDIVIDUAL ACKNOWLEDGMENT Th' S ' ' Lt �— ) , ,rgnjent was acknowledged before me on the , 19. _r by SUSAN CREAGOR HELM day of • ti . • Title . ,t1 l► My Commissio Expires: STATE OF TEXAS ) COUNTY OF INDIVIDUAL ACKNOWLEDGMENT Thip: 1Pstrument was acknowledged before me on the . '• �®Ul��'_ 19 .�d�jday of �eV , by GEORGE CREAGOR . STATE OF S ) INDIVIDUAL ACKNOWLEDGMENT COUNTY OF ,.. x 0 5 ) This instrument was acknowledged before me on the delegb day of rr LG gets'LL , 19 R41 , by JAMES CARLL CREAGOR, Ted. vl ally and as Trustee, for the benefit of Nancy Creagor and M'icha4,,Creagor, minors. • • Title A / My Commission Exuires: /8g STATE OF4 S ) COUNTY OF ) INDIVIDUAL ACKNOWLEDGMENT ) This in'str.ument was acknowledged before me on the �,,�L � st �c , 1914_, byNANCY , jday of • CREAGOR. Tit e iAS-';j i rihr.i7/ • My Commission Expires : STATE OF ) COUNTY.,.QF ) INDIVIDUAL ACKNOWLEDGMENT ec ) i'.ument was acknowledged before me on the 120166 day by MICHAEL CREAGOR. LGt1L77day of , .... Title A , My Commission xpiri ,3 JOE ORR, INC. Surveyors & Engineers Office Phone 693-3378 • Rt. 3, Box 413 COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS 77840 10 FOOT EASEMENT CREAGOR TRACT NO. 3 THOMAS CARUTHERS LEAGUE COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS 8 AUGUST 1984 Being a strip of land in the Thomas Caruthers League in College Station, Texas, ten (10' ) feet in width through Tract 3 of the Dimple Carll Creagor tract division according to plat of record in Volume 335 , Paee 131 of the Deed Records of Brazos County, Texas, and lying five (5 ' ) feet each side of the following described centerline: Beginning in the southwest line of the said Creagor Tract 3 , at a point located N 48 degrees 07 ' southerly corner of the said Tract 30 �� W — 5 . 0 feet from the most Thence N 41 degrees 35 ' 35" E — 2967.0 feet, parallel to and five feet from the southeast line of the said Tract easement in the northeast line of the said Tract ' to t3, at ae end of locatedth N 48 degrees 15 ' 44" W — 5.0 feet from the most easterly cpoint orner of the said Tract 3. i14 \ .. *i 0 DAVID R. MAYO • . 1475 719 PA if 246 ili