HomeMy WebLinkAbout1984V691P1 301066 ! . L17 TEMPORARY BLANKET ELECTRIC POWER EASEMENT-" Oade this day of JGry , 19 ei , between JAAN LAANE and wife , TIIU V. LAANE, ( hereinafter called "GRANTOR" ) and the CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, a Texas Home Rule Municipal Corporation of Brazos County, Texas ( hereinafter called "GRANTEE" ) , WITNESSET H: WHEREAS, GRANTOR is the owner of certain real property, on which GRANTOR intends to construct a house and other residential use structures. The property is described in the attached Exhibits "B" and "C" , incorporated herein by reference . WHEREAS, GRANTOR is willing to grant to GRANTEE an undefined or "blanket" easement for "utilities" , to be restricted hereafter to the as built area, and defined by subsequent survey. WHEREAS, GRANTOR has agreed to convey the blanket easement in consideration for the abandonment of the easement described as follows : ,,( , A twenty foot ( 20 ' ) public utility easement with ten feet ( 10 ' ) lying on either side of the property line connecting Southwood #10 , Lot 4 ( 1906 Comal Circle) and Camelot #2 , Lot 24 (Lancelot Circle ) , A previously dedicated for the purpose of a utility � . • easement , more particularly depicted on the attached wt Exhibit "A" . t ; NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of TEN AND NO/100 DOLLARS ($10 .00 ) , and the premises, covenants and undertakings of the parties hereunder , and the mutual benefits and advantages accruing to the parties hereunder, the receipt and sufficiency of all of which are hereby acknowledged , the parties covenant and agree as follows : 1 . GRANTOR does hereby grant, bargain, sell and convey unto GRANTEE, its successors and assigns, an undefined easement in and to the above-described parcel of land; GRANTEE to install , all utilities it finds necessary. This conveyance is only of the right, privilege and easement for the aforesaid purposes . GRANTOR and its lessees, successors, and assigns shall have the right to use and to grant to others the right to use the easement area for any purpose which will not unreasonably interfere with the safe and reason- able maintenance and operation of installationsito be made by GRANTEE therein . 2 . GRANTEE covenants and agrees to interfere as little as possible with the normal flow of vehicular and pedes- trian traffic over and upon the site, and to restore the surface of the site, whenever and wherever disturbed by good a condition as existed at the time of such disturbance .as 3 . GRANTEE hereby covenants and agrees that in the event the future development or expansion of either the site or adjacent land , or both, requires the relocation of the facilities already constructed and installed in the easement area, GRANTEE will relocate such facilities, at the request and expense of /',,z i t 6 R 1 N,4c wQ ( tee- 1 a , � s,'1 -7 4 . The easement is intended to be temporary, but the rights granted hereunder shall not terminate unless GRANTEE shall deliver a final "As Built" Survey approved by the City Engineer; said survey showing the location of utility, equipment, and faciliities . The "As Built" Survey shall delineate a proposed permanent easement area to enable GRANTEE to maintain, repair , rebuild , and operate the equipment described in paragraph number 1 above, and GRANTEE or its successors shall thereafter execute an instrument in recordable form perfecting the rights existing hereunder in and to the "As Built" area . 5 . GRANTOR warrants that the right of GRANTEE shall be superior to those of all persons claiming under or through GRANTOR but not otherwise . IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this agreement to be executed as of the day and year aforesaid . JAAN LA NE 1/Al �T 8 TIIU V. LAANE Approved as to Form this document may not be cha •ed ithout re-su•l s iron for approval or AP STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF BRAZOS ) JOINT ACKNOWLEDGMENT T ' instrument was acknowledged before me on the day of , by JAAN LAANE and IIU V. LAANE . Notary Public AW `` Pjei If" • • ;.) My Comm. Expires f` / ("� . A tract of land lying and being situated in Brazos County, Texas, and being Lot No . Twenty-four ( 24 ) , Block Two ( 2 ) , of the CAMELOT ADDITION, REVISED PLAT #2 , an addition to the City of College Station , Brazos County, Texas, according to the plat of said addition recorded in Volume 314 , Page 620 , of the Deed Records of Brazos County, Texas . EXHIBIT "C" Vti (371 "r- { 4 A tract of land lying and being situated in the CRAWFORD BURNETT LEAGUE, College Station, Brazos County, Texas, and being the Northeast One-half of Lot Four (4 ) in Southwood Section 10 , an addition to the City of College Station, Brazos County, Texas, according to plat recorded in Volume 301 , Page 73 , of the Deed Records of Brazos County, Texas, and being a portion of that property conveyed to Richard B. Wadsworth by the Normandy Corporation by Deed dated November 4 , 1971 , recorded in Volume 299 , Page 107 , of the Deed Records of Brazos County, Texas . EXHIBIT "B" Ld -PIV '-j fi . ' 4. ., • '4 , IR. ' . . . . ',..., 1- 0 • 1 \ • ' i 5 e S 9 62 •. e \ '? • • 0 10 1 . , , \ . \ s°, \ -/ i 7 . i •+, \\ 6. \ c, . I . -.... a ) . . • ,D _ . , 1 • — i'- ' .. ,. •,, LOT9 I * c _,.. 1813 \ ..• •. 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