HomeMy WebLinkAbout1981V472P800 Vo1 '7a-Page 8 C�':) FILED EASEMENT At II :6 . O'clock:--A—M • THE STATE OF TEXAS * r. !..:-E). 3 tg°1 KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENT FRANK BORISKIE COUNTY OF BRAZOS * 19327? County fr_Ierk,i razos County, Bryan, Texas t>c1te ecvrded 2 By Utak Deputy THAT HATTIE KAPCHINSKI, HFNRY KAPCHTNSKT , LEWIS KAPCHINSKI , ANNIE KAPCHINSKI FOJTICK,HELEN KAPCHINSKI MATUS. and CHRISTINE KAPCHINSKI SECHELSKI • , hereinafter called Grantor(s) , for TEN AND NO/100 ($10.00) DOLLARS, and other good and valuable consideration, paid by the City of College Station, Texas, hereinafter called Grantee, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, does I: L hereby GRANT, SELL AND CONVEY unto Grantee an easement and right-of-way upon VA ;' and across the following described property of the Grantor(s): Being an easement twenty C20' ) feet in width through that 56.42 acre tract conveyed to Felix S. Kapchinski by deed recorded in Volume 121 , page 61 of the Deed Records of Brazos County, Texas, for the purposeof constructing and maintaining a sanitary sewer line or lines and lying ten (10' ) feet either side of the following described centerline: Beginning in the northeast line of the said 56.42 acre tract which is also the southwest line of Krenek Park, N 47° 47' W - 27.5 feet from the most southerly corner of Krenek Park which is also the most easterly corner of the said 56.42 acre tract. Thence S 31° 27' W - 82.5 feet to a0existing manhole and the end of this easement. The right-of-way, easement, rights and privileges herein granted shall be used only for the placing, constructing, operating, repairing, maintain- ing, rebuilding, replacing, relocating, and removing a sanitary sewer line or lines constituting a part of the College Station Municipal Sewer System. The easement, rights, and privileges herein granted shall be perpetual . Grantor(s) hereby binds himself, his heirs, and legalirepresentatives, to warrant and forever defend the above-described easement and rights unto Grantee, its successors and assigns, against every person whom so lawfully claiming or to claim the same or any part thereof. The easement, rights, and privileges granted herein are exclusive, and Grantor covenants that he will not convey any other easement or conflic .ing rights within the area covered by this grand:. Grantor reserves, however, and shall cc'ntinue to enjoy the use of the surface of such property for any and all purposes which do not interfere with and prevent the use by Grantee of the easement described and conveyed herein, including the right to build and use the surface of the herein granted easement for drainage ditches , private streets, roads, driveways, alleys, walks, planting or parking areas, and other uses, provided that such use is consistent with applicable federal , state and X/3,267 9 p , • local laws and regulations. • • IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have signed their names on this the 2311d day of Januar+ , 19 81 y HATTIE KAPCHINSKI signing by placing her mark above her typewritten name below, in the presence of the witne-ses ho also sign below. HER MARK • r HATT,-/ KAP , INSKI HENRY a;iJ. S• I W' ass CEPA S KAPCHINSK CA-4X- Al W ANNIE KAPCHINS FOJTI K ness /FELEN KA C _NSKI MAT S _ THE STATE OF TEXAS * _ __ , ��,.t` I% 'RISTINE KAPC- S I SECHELSKI COUNTY OF BRAZOS * • BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, on this day personally appeared • HATTTF KAPCHTNSKT , known to me to be the person_ whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument by the placing of her•mark,aboye her typewritten signature, • and acknowledged to me that she executed the. same for- the purposes and consider- ation therein expressed . Elmer McVey, Notary Public • ``'' My Commission Expires /z —3 ze dr • . ary Publ i'. i .nd fo The State of Texas • • : THE STATE OF TEXAS * COUNTY OF BRAZOS * • • BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, on this day personally appeared . . k ! . t ' . ► . ► . . a . !► ► , ► ' . ► 1 • known to me to be the person S whose name (i( )(are) subscribed to the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged to me that they executed the same • for the purposes and consideration therein expressed. Elmer McVey, Notary Public My Commission Expires i 2 3i- �1 ''�► (;/ N. , y Public in and for ;: , The State of Texas THE STATE OF TEXAS * COUNTY OF BRAZOS * BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority on this day personally appeared HELEN KAPCHINSKI MAIUS and CHBISIINF KAPCHINSKT SFI.HFISKI known to me to be the person s whose name ()1 (are) subscribed to the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged to me that they executed the same for the purposes and consideration therein e .ressed. xI y er:McVey,.Notary Pubiic _ �/ •. ti 7 Commission Expires —3� s� ,y5iin ancirfO75 The State of Texas Vo121-7 -Page0:1.