HomeMy WebLinkAbout1979V425P758 +�r ,. �� pq�,'� 700 UTILITY E1:::i.:I IJT /�� COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS Ii l U Ein n2.O'cloc JUN 1 41979 STATE OF TEXAS X FRA K BORISKIE ft 4hi,. -iiir ibh'.B T"19COUNTY OF BRAZOS I 168257 / We, THE UNITARIAN FELLOWSHIP, for and in consideration of the sum of One ($1.00) Dollar, cash to me in hand paid by the City of College Station, ' Texas, and other valuable considerations, receipt of which is acknowledged do hereby give and grant to the City of College Station, Texas, the right to construct, re-construct, and maintain a water line upon and across the following described property: Being a strip of land 15 feet wide for a water line easement situated in Block 9, Lots 19, 20, 21 and 22 of theWest Park Addition, ai—addition to the City of College Station, Texas. The centerline of said 15 foot easement being more fully described as follows: BEGINNING at a point in the northerly right-of-way of a 15 foot alley said point also being 7.5 feet east of the southerly corner of Lot 22; Thence in a northwesterly direction 7.5 feet east of and parallel to the northeasterly'right-of-way line of F.M. 2154 for a distance of 175.00 feet more-or-less to the end of this 15 feet easement. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the same perpetually to the City of College Station, Texas and its successors, together with the right and privilege at any and all times to enter said premises, or any part thereof, for the purpose of constructing, rer.onstructing, and maintaining the said , „wer line fg lity on the condition that the City of College Station, Texas work in connection with the construction, reconstruction and repairing of said water line facility, restore said premises to the condition in which same were found before such work was undertaken and that in the use of said rights and privileges herein granted, the said City of College Station, Texas and its successors will not create a nuisance or do any act that will be detrimental to said premises. An additional easement for construction purposes is granted for a period of one (1) year from the date hereon; said construction easement being a 30 foot wide strip of land and the centerline of said construction easement following the centerline of said 15 foot water line easement. WITNESS my hand, this the /2 day of �--Q---- ;1979. ..1.„,r_. z,,f_ka ,0 CO—&-74 , i ACKNOWLEDGEMENT STATE OF TEXAS 0 COUNTY OF BRAZOS 4 .K 47'+ . .-• / BEFORE ME, a Notary Public in and for ,pAL„i�, County, Texas on this da , pellpo;}a11`yt appeare. - .,�1' , known to me toy, 3, ,, ;� i ., song,whose nam: is subscr ed to the fore- going instrumeiWe' an a'6, n�w�edged to me that executed the the rpose and consideration therein expressed. , tg GIVE UNDER iii' � ,A 4DsgL1oF 5 OFFICE this the /3 day of 7=1+gAPF - f I ti iL-6, /Zailii*41'-:/4.: 0 .t 0.... Nota ,tet Public, i -/ . County. Texas _