HomeMy WebLinkAbout1973V320P553 ; �: S s FILED DATE R�CnR� q it -(-2--- 3 3 r, ,I At /a .0'clock�..ti1 ,i2411.4,14)i3. .. . ,:z5;,--x-e-c,,,L-: FRANK BORI$hc County Clark, PrPramCounty, Aryan, Trak THE STATE OF a► X ily Deputy, a)UNI'Y OF BRAZOS X KNOW ALL NEI BY THESE PRESENTS: That I, FREDDIE WOLTERS, of the County of Brazos, State of Texas, for and in consideration of the sum of Ten and No/100 ($10.00) Dollars to me in hand paid by the CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS, a municipal corp- oration, in cash, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, and other good and valuable considerations, do hereby grant and convey to the CITY OF CO D ' STATION, TEXAS, the right to construct, re-construct and per- petually maintain an outfall sewer upon, under and across the following described property: Being a strip of land 20 feet wide for an outfall sewer line easement situated in the Morgan Rector Survey, Abstract 46, Brazos County, Texas and being part of that 152.8 acre tract of land conveyed to Freddie Wolters by deed recorded in Volume 207, Page 1, Brazos County Deed Records, the centerline of said 20 foot easement being more fully described as foll BEGIN at a °`^�% point in the Northwest line of said Freddie Wolters 152.8 acre tract, said point also being the most Northeasterly corner of a 6.97 acre tract of land conveyed to the City of College A. Dobrovolney as recorded in Volume 169, Pa Station, Texas CobroTHENCE S. o Page 552, Brazos Count Deed Records; and the 45 00 W.along the Northwest line of said Freddie Wolters tract Southeast line of said City of OF THIS DC IColl of 393.80 feet to the BEGINNING POINT' ESPT tract for a distance �IPTION: THENCE S. 45° 00'E.' a distance of 360.00 feet, the centerline of Carter Creek and the end more footless atos a point in of this 200 And to construct, easenent, , re-construct and sewer upon, under and across the following described property: Being a strip of land 20 feet wide for a sanitary situated in the Morgan Rector Serve and beingy, Abstract 46, Brazos Countyr , Texas,es part of that 152.8 acre tract of 1 y� by deed recorded in Volume 207, and conveyed to Freddie Wolters ynterlie of said 20V foot Page 1, Brazos Count easement beingy' eecr Records, the more fully described as follows; BEGIN at a point in the Northwest line of said Freddie tract, said point also beingWolters 152.8 acre tract ofs land conveyed the most Northeasterly corner of a 6.97 acre tract olnto the City of College Station Texas, THENCE S.ley as0recorded in Volume 169,Page 552, Deedby Frank rA. W. along the Northwest line ofBsaidS �nty Records; and the Southeast line of said City of CollegeFreddie Wolters of 415.30 feet to the BEGINNING ISStation tract for a distaraicc� POINT' OF THIS DE- IPTION; ° 10 S. 11 57' E. 195.00 feet to a point; THD, « S. 20° 30' W. 802.50 feet, property line° between tmore or less to a point also beingw o Knight Corporation re in the rs, said 45 00' E. a distance of 505.00 feet from at30s marking dd� the �n property corner besaid Wolters and the end of 0'o Little-Knight tree this 20 foot easement.ght Corporation and VOL • A G" 5 f ,� Z' P • / ff.-- I •�' , • • • • , 1 iI 1 : And for further consideration it is agreed that: p. i The 'City of College Station shall furnish, without charge, to the Wolter's tract; a residential water service line. Said water service line shall extend fifty (50) feet unto the Wolter's tract and shall be metered at the pr•cperty line. Said water service line not to be made available until such time as city water is extended to the Waste Water Treatment Plant. The City of College Station shall furnish, without charge, to the Wolter's tract, a residential sewer tap; said to to be made on the 27" sewer . line that is to be installed across the Wolter's tract. . An additional easement for construction of one (1) � purposes is granted for a period year for the date hereon, said construction easement being a 100 ' ' foot wide strip of land and the centerline of said construction lowing the centerline of said 20 foot sewer line easements. easement fol- Grantor hereby agrees that he, and his heirs, executors, administrators, grantees and assigns, will permit the city by and through its proper officers, agents o:- employees at any and all time • , 'when do, to go over and upon necessary or convenient so to the described land in. order to perform any and all ' acts necessary or convenient for cityin order ' sewer or to maintain or repair sewers or pipe lines and properly the for whic:1 this p ly to carry into effect the purposes grant and easement is made. WITNESS my hand at Bryan, Texas, this the , day of ...,!--t. . 1973. , ---:-/ -1/4e '' , 7 -- V • THE STATE OF TE.KgS X MUNI? CV BRAZOS X BEFORE ids', a Notary public in and for B ' E.:sonal? a Brazos County, Texas on pursoralll appeared Freddie Wolters known to be the this day to the foregoing instrument, persono whose tameis ex- ecuted the same for the purpose and and akrx7wlerlged to m° that he oonsideration therein expressed. �VEiV UNDER MY �i HA AND SF,AI, OF Ol"CICS . 3 - r' • day of � .. ; .�.- 1973. `C`'iP Ue =/c C '''-)-. --? C--/.. .. . ,-• ''1/4.,-. •;• • Q-; NotaryPublis c, Brazos County, Texa . yOP c., •' •• •