HomeMy WebLinkAbout1977V379P675 Li ' T? • Pf- rdett _ g _,- 7Le a . AOR REC • J I V e� V a FR eNc BORIBKIE M N / Nn CLERK } . / //.... #. Ct L-1 aL THE STAT: OP T:.;;CI.S • 10OW ALL ISN BY TBESE PRESENTS: • . COUNTY OP BRAZOS J That I, We, Spearman, Sears, & Murphy. Inc. . • of the County of • • Brazos, State of Texas, for and in the consideration of the sum of 5 k. 1.00 ,, and the further consideration of the enhancement of the value of the land, paid by and moving from the City of College Station, a Municipal Corporation of Brazos County, Texas, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, have granted, bargained, and conveyed, and • by these presents do grant, bargain, and convey unto the City of College Station, its successors and assigns, a right-of-way easement for the purpose of oonstructina and maintaining a sanitary Sewer Line of said City, across a certain tract of land situated. • in Brazos County, Texas, described as follows: . • Lots 5 and 6. Block 3 of Parkway Plaza Phase Four, an '. addition . to incc City of Colleae Statlop. Texas Saidright-of-way easement being more particularly described • as follows: • . • Being twenty (20) feet in width, and lying adjArent to and running • .. . adiacent to the west Property lines of the aforesaid Lots 5 and 6 • ' as shown on duly recorded plat of said Parkway Plaza - Phase Four. • Said Grantors covenant that they are the owners of the above-described lands and that they have lawful authority to convey said easement for the purposes • -• • herein expressed. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the said Grantots have executed this instrument this - defy of --71:461 77. • • Frank Murphy, Vi e-Pr sident ' STATE OF TEXAS 0 COUNTY OF BRAZOS 0 • ' Before me, the and rsigned authority, on this day personally appeared ti awn 4 1 'A , Known to me to be the person whose name is , subscribed to the f eggg instrument and acknowledgeto me-that he executed the same for the purposes and consideration therein .expressed. ' Given underthey.,; ' mY hand and office..this , 1977. • , ., day of ,;.',; :4--,,,,, jiA . . . . , . , „_...._ • e 0.0- .),: ‘__, ,‘___.,,, ,i A tjt.4 • i No Ty Pub clBtzos C /, 0 Y.. Texas. ig'SOF• • • 7- s nc '� .379PAGE 6