HomeMy WebLinkAbout141027 - Campaign Finance Report - Linda HarvellTexas Ethics Commission P.O. Box 12070 Austin, Texas 78711-2070 12) 463-5800 (I DID 1-800-735-2989) CANDIDATE / OFFICEHOLDER CAMPAIGN FINANCE REPORT The C/OH Instruction Guide explains how to complete this form. 3 CANDIDATE / OFFICEHOLDER NAME / MRS / MR.. NICKNAME FIRST 4 LAST tlQeve if 1 ACCOUNT # (Ethics Commission Filers) MI I - SUFFIX 4 CANDIDATE / ADDRESS /PO BOX; APT/SUITE#; CITY; STATE; ZIP CODE OFFICEHOLDER ADDRESS .5- NUMBER EXTENSION I I change of address 5 CANDIDATE/ OFFICEHOLDER PHONE 6 CAMPAIGN TREASURER NAME AREA CODE (479) Mk FIRST gal" NICKNAME LAST 4JA i7L 7 CAMPAIGN STREET ADDRESS (NO PO BOX PLEASE); APT / SUITE #; CITY; TREASURER ADDRESS '/ (residence or business) / 75 1 ,j 7 j4 G r" i� N 6 /G7e •$• ���� y FORM C/OH COVER SHEET PG 1 2 Total pages flied: OFFICE USE ONLY Date Paul . II,„ 1 IW III ‘'''t4u p Receirt# klY 4IINrkrmr(i c11 I,VJII'YYe:iYIFR: rf Date Processed MI I Date Imaged 8 CAMPAIGN TREASURER PHONE 9 REPORT TYPE 10 PERIOD COVERED 11 ELECTION 12 OFFICE AREA CODE (177) PHONE NUMBER EXTENSION n January 15 0 30th day before election L.i Runoff r1 July 15 Month / 0 IV/ 8th day before election Cey Year /c. ELECTION DATE Month Day Year %l `-1/.213��i OFFICE HELD (if any) Al 79 THROUGH ELECTION TYPE Primary SUFFIX STATE; I tl Exceeded $500 limit ZIP CODE Amount 7'., 77T(5- 15th day after campaign treasurer appointment (officeholder only) Final report (Attach C/OH - FR) Month Day Year /0/2 7 62oi9 1...] Runoff 13 OFFICE SOUGHT (if known) GO TO PAGE 2 General n Special 60,149e 57;7t0 C; . .1 CDU14 . / P/tcce J www.ethics.state.tx. us Revised 07/28/2014 Texas Ethics Commission P.O. Box 12070 Austin, Texas 78711-2070 (512) 463-5800 (D 1-800-735-2989) CANDIDATE / OFFICEHOLDER REPORT: FORM C/OH SUPPORT & TOTALS COVER SHEET PG 2 14 C/OH.,........._ ....._._ — -- — NAME J I / / 15 ACCOUNT # (Ethics Commission Filers) 16 NOTICE FROM THIS BOX IS FOR NOTICE OF POLmCAL CONTRIBUTIONS ACCEPTED OR POLITICAL EXPENDITURES MADE BY POLITICAL COMMITTEES TO SUPPORT THE POLITICAL CANDIDATE/ OFFICEHOLDER. THESE EXPENDITURES MAYHAVE BEEN MADE WITHOUT THE CANDIDATES OR OFFICEHOLDERS KNOWLEDGE OR COMMITTEE (S) CONSENT. CANDIDATES AND OFFICEHOLDERS ARE REQUIRED TO REPORT THIS INFORMATION ONLY IF THEY RECEIVE NOTICE OF SUCH EXPENDITURES. COMMITTEE NAME COMMITTEE TYPE GENERAL COMMITTEE ADDRESS SPECIFIC m...,a._.,..e ._......------ -----—......------ COMMITTEE CAMPAIGN TREASURER NAME additional pages COMMITTEE CAMPAIGN TREASURER ADDRESS 17 CONTRIBUTION 1, TOTAL POLITICAL CONTRIBUTIONS OF $50 OR LESS (OTHER THAN @ TOTALS PLEDGES, LOANS, OR GUARANTEES OF LOANS), UNLESS ITEMIZED $ 2. TOTAL POLITICAL CONTRIBUTIONS $ ,t- 3 OTHER THAN PLEDGES, LOANS, OR GUARANTEES OF LOANS) J EXPENDITURE @ / g TOTALS 3. TOTAL POLITICAL EXPENDITURES OF $100 OR LESS, UNLESS ITEMIZED $ L %. 4. TOTAL POLITICAL EXPENDITURES $ '5 3CONTRIBU BALANCE TION 5 TOTAL POLITICAL CONTRIBUTIONS MAINTAINED AS OF THE LAST DAY OF REPORTING PERIOD $ %, q,41 OUTSTANDING 6. TOTAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT OF ALL OUTSTANDING LOANS AS OF THE _ LOAN TOTALS LAST DAY OF THE REPORTING PERIOD 18 AFFIDAVIT I swear, or affirm, under penalty of perjury, that the accompanying report is true and correct and includes all information required to be reported by me under Title 15, Election Code. Notary Public. State of Texas r ," MARCH25 201 :_ , IYExpiresI gL M Commission ( Signature of Candidate or Officeholder AFFIX NOTARY STAMP I SEAL ABOVE Sworn to and subscribed before me, by the said ._^_(„ , _ _ _... this the day of ' _ 20 m„ to certify which, witness my hand and seal of office- Signature of officeradm Istering oath µ Printed name f officeradministering oath Titleof off'C" administering o ath www.ethics.state.tx.us Revised 07/28/2014 Texas Ethics Commission R0.Box12070 Austin, Texas 73711-2070 (512)463-5800 (TI:YD 1-800-735 2989) POLITICAL CONTRIBUTIONS SM §EDULIIE A OTHER THAN PLEDGES OR LOANS The Instruction Guide explains how to complete .....icpptothis form. 7 Total pages Schedule A: 2 FILER NAME ACCOUNT # (Ethics Commission Filers) A t n 4- Yx., v out of -state PAC I .. }._, 7 Amount of - In-kind c, contribution $ description utor ® ( contribution4Cate5Fullnameofcontributor ({ f applicable) Contributor address; City; State; Zip Code boo 1 i.,..n^ ,( If l outside of Texmp{ate Schedule T} mrri.._ l- -. Principal occupation /Job title (See Employer (See Instructions) date Full Wane of contributor out-of-state PAC (ID# Antuntof In-kind contribution -- contributionIBI description (if applicable) Contributor arfdTess, city; State, Zip Code I 1 10 Principal occupation Jab the See Instructions) ! t.. a....._w.. Employer (See Instructions) outside of Tex sF comMete Sctraaduk„ T}..._. w.. —....— r of-state PAC } contribution Amountt _. Cate Full name of contributor out of In-kind contribution Of 6 ution ($) description (if applicable) t eQ° l Cointrlbut' address; City; State, Zip Q:pode fW A- 4,P f far t, r f Principal occupation Job till (S Instructions) Employer See Instructions) If traveB outside of Texas, late Schedul _ ull na a of contri ntribution desert tion — Date tactor out -of-statet Ac, item 1 In-kind contribution I description (if applicable) 4 f Cord iribu.utor address; w : ity, Stale; Zip Code 1 Principal .,._.! o _,. ( If traveB outside f Txs .complete Schedule T) p occupation J (See ns) Employer (See Instructions) J -., Date m Fuil n«arne of contributor A outs..of-sWe IAC. _. contribution Amount w p....., . ...._ Aountof 9 In-kind contribution I description (if applicable) Coll FRmtor address;city at te ^ pZip Code p p ..__. ,......... .... . 70 if outside of Texas complete Schetlule T) Principal o . cu.. ation / Job title9-e Instructions) d Employer See Instructions)) mm,.....m., .._ ADDITIONALATTACHTHIS If contributor is out-of-state PAC, please see instruction guide foradditional reporting requirements. ethics. stete.tx.us Revised 07/28/201 Texas Ethics ® ission P.O. Box 12070 Austin, Texas 73711-2070 512} 453-5300 D 1®300-735-2939) POLITICAL CONTRIBUTIONS SCHEDULE A OTHER THAN PLEDGES OR LOANS The Instruction Guide explains o complete this form. 1 Total pages Sch®duleA. 2 FILEIR NAMI ACCOUNT (Ethics Commission Filers) Date..._..._ - - Full name of contributor out-of-stats PAC II... m.) 7 , Amount of ...... In-kindnd contribution attribution ($} d description (if applicable) Contn7bu.t a tr adduces; City; States Zi Code I A... mnmiW^"" iiwwyream "p. 7941m# !,- „ . t If travel outside of Texas, complete Schedule T) Employerer See9Principaloccupation / Job title » ee Instructions} ploy (SnInstructions) Date Full name of contributor out-of-stale PAC tl W..... ...__..._ I t o ' -- -_ 3 Amount In-kind contribution p contribution () l description (if applicable) Contribut r add ss; City; State; Zip Coder kR I t 01 o / 1 rJti g4 Txa,s. rcanplete Scheduleij e nsru ®t } plover (Se®InstruotronsPriacialoccupationtieI Date Full tare of contributor out-of-slate PAC (0# ......... ......-, Amount of In-kind contributionn contribution ($} I description (if applicable) Con 'ibu'tor addlressg. City, State; Zip Code 31 41 fir " m- v t f _._ s, complete Schedule T) If travel outside of Texas,............... _--- occupation / Job title See Instructions Employer (See Instructions) Principal...........-. W Date Full name of contributor — out-of-state PAC pdPS m..-...... .... V v Amount of L. m.mTT In-kind contribution p contribution ($} description (if applicable) ContribuI:olr address', City; State; Zilp Code iy , S G"" / ' tie! I fit If travel outside f Texas complete Schedule T} Principes! occupation /....Job title (See Instructions) Employer (See Instructions) 11 name of contributor out-of- _------------ Date Fu stat® PAC L _ _ -- Amount of In-kind contribution Z'A contribution ($} description (if applicable) i c' o' QAolYttr'IIII.'Au 4:all" addlY''°w.>'; CIItbP; tate';. I. de ryryV I mm m' 42- f trveloutsaepexa,co plate Schedule T)a Tr Principal occupation l Job title ( eInstructions) Employe(See Instructions) ATTACH ADDITIONAL COPIESI If contributor is out-of-state PAC, please see instruction guide fors di ionel reporting requirements. www.ethics.state.tx. Revised 07/28/2014 Texas Ethics Commission P.O. Box 12070 Austin, Texas 75711-2070 512) 403-580 ("1"'DD 1-800-735-2989) POLITICAL CONTRIBUTIONS SCHEDULE AOTHERTHANPLEDGESORLOANS The Instruction Guide explains how to complete this form. 1 Total pages Schedule A. 2 FILER IMAKE 3 ACCOUNT # (Ethics Commission Filers) 4t 4l Date 5 Full name of contributor 7 Amountof 8 In-kind contribution N retribution ($) description (if applicable) Contributor address; City; State; Zip Code 1cfAllaele 7794 If travel outside of Texas, complete Schedule T) F*rinci al occupation (Job title wee Instructions) 10 Employer (See Instructions) N . . ..,,. K., .... _..,.... _..., .. __ - _ Date Full Warn® of contributor ........-- out-of-state PAC (IU#: 3 Amount of In-kind contribution eL, retribution ($) description (if applicable) Contributor a dress; City; State; Zip C i 02 714 ....". 5, If tfinel outssde of texas complete Schedule T t)" r / e"_-- -. _..... d _.... F rinci al occu ati®n ( ) Employer (See Instructions) p p/Job tatNSee Instructions) m.... - ----- — - - .— _.---- Full name of contributor out-o..... - . Date .,-,_-..---------._ _._. out-of-state PAC (I 3 cunt®f I', -- --- -._._ In-kind contribution contribution ($) II description (If applicable) I Contributor address; City; State; Zip Code If travel ®uta ®f Texas, complete Schedule T) Principal occupation ! Job title (See Instructions) Employer (See Instructions) contributorcontributionr" n-kind cu ntribution contribution ($) 1 description (If applicable) Contributor address;" City; State Zip . Code . . . . . . . . Ifeof Teas co rneie Schedulg..T Principal occupation Job title (See Instructions) (See Instructions) L Date Full name of contributor out-of-slats PAC .. n®ken-d .... ,... . m ..,...,_,. Amount of .. I contribution contribution ($) description (if applicable) Ccntrl utor'address; City; State; Zip Code If tramel outs'de of Text„ r .. rnplefe Schedaale T) Principal occupation / Job title (See Instructions) Employer (See Instructions) ADDITIONALATTACHITHIS If contributor is out-of-state PAC, please see instruction guide foradditional reporting requirements. www.ethics.state.tx.us Revised 07/28/2014 Texas Ethics Commission P.O. Box 12070 Austin, Texas 76711-2070 (512} 460®5600 ('TD 1-600-7 35- 05 1) POLITICAL EXPENDITURES SCHEDULE F A - ._..m.._.. _ _ -w. _ ............. . -..1111.... EXPENDITURE CATEGORIES FOR BOX 8(a) Advertising Expense Gift/Awards/Memorials Expense Salaries/Wages/Contract Labor Loan Repayment/Reimbursement Accounting/Banking Legal Services Solicitation/Fundraising Expense Transportation Equipment & Related Expense Consulting Expense Food/Beverage Expense Travel In District Contributions/Conations Made By Event Expense Polling Expense Travel Out Of District Candidate/Officeholder/Political Committee Fees Printing Expense Office Overhead/Rental Expense OTHER (enter a category not listed above) The Instruction Guide explains how to complete this form. Total pages Schedule F: 2, Fill ER NAWIIi::3 ACCOUNT (Ethics Commission Filers) e .. --- _ ........ _ _ .. --- ate Payi a name M 1111. - - ......... ..m. y= Amount ddr.; p eRV,..,.,. Ip, e t ..___- -.- 1111... a......, .. _.___— 8 PURPOSE a) Category (See categories listed al Hie toys oV this schedule) (te) Description (If travel outside of Texas, complete Schedule T) F EXPENDITURE t•"l/ m f a°ee El Ch AestdrTX, trtde.r. vngexpense QNLY if direct J - .N m Complete Candidate Officeholderholder name Office sought Office held expenditure to benefit C/OH Date m, Payee name f d .- / aY-1-1 - Amount ($} Payee address; City; State; Zip Code PURPOSES catefgoAry (Saee categories lusted at t top of this schedule} Descrift avel outside of faxes, counplete Schedur) Rul... P. 4- in otoo u( CheckirAusttin FX aoeoiderlivingexpen e1rl Complete Y if direct Candidate / Officeholder name Office sought - Office held expenditure to benefit C/OH llPataz II' yea uw alrrrte e Leka°°°„C 1111.. ...,.......__ --- 1111.. .......,-__ _ Am Dunt ($) eat cress, City; State; Zip CodePa P / tc P the to of thus schedule) 111 1 _... _ Q"fitegr9r'y (SeoruaPoapoise 4u,todat p ' IDesu;V`ifatioufl (Vftravel outside of'roxas ooirupPaYauSa:Ps¢sdule'f) FEXPENDITUREICr"p ye W 4+ /1 m m'..:.ItlC.'RIf 9rA UL°rottiYf I:aC AAtItlal'tlAWNCtk°X"II\ptlU'9Q a•k7LMtl&fr ......._ 1.111....,....._ ..... ............ Complete ON if direct andid t..,. ............_ _ 1111. .,.,....,.__ ....._ ....,.. ...„,,....,._ 1111... .....,......, _._.,. —_. 1111. e / Officeholder name Office sought Office held expenditure to benefit C/OH L.. a _ Dat* l yN w IPager name- - p m...., ...1111_ ......... ... ...1.1...11... _ ......... t _ int ..($} 3 T, Payee address; City, State, Ziip, Ode .. p / e.d " V a ro „Ate ,." A/ r PURPOSE oil S J 'es listed at the top this schedule ouil, y (.,ora a xsPea out rs Bea) II esa:riptiasiti (If fliauaarl ouiVsld® o61aaxaus, a:osnplekasac."krodulas "f} OF d a EXPENDITURE f, k s111 hvolaeffu fur, r>C,eaGhrehsaN¢/erluwer gusxpense Complete NLY if direct Candidate / Ofticeli name Office sought Office heft expenditure to benefit C/OH ATTACH ADDITIONAL COPIES OF THIS SCHEDULE AS NEEDED v.ethics.sta4e.ix.us. mm,,.,.,...._....,,,.„,.,...... w.,,..,,,,_.._,mm,..M... Revised 0712812014 Texas Ethics Commission C.O. Box 12670 Austin, Texas 76711-2076 (512) 463®5800 (T 1-800,-735 2969) POLITICAL EXPENDITURES SCHEDULE F EXPENDITURE8(a) Advertising Expense Gift/Awards/Memorials Expense Salaries/(ages/Contract Labor Loan Repayment/Reimbursement Accounting/Banking Legal Services Solicitation/Fundraising Expense Transportation Equipment & Related Expense Consulting Expense Food/Beverage Expense Travel In District Contributions/Conations Made By Event Expense Polling Expense Travel out Of District Candidate/Officeholder/Political Committee Fees Printing Expense Office Overhead/Rental Expense OTHER (enter a category not listed above) The Instruction Guide explains how to complete this form. Total pages Schedule F: 2 Fll ER NAI E. ACCOUNT # (Ethics Commission Filers) 7 Date 5 Payee name Amount ($} 7 Pay a ress; City; State; Zip Code a) Category Sla categouesI sted^0the lap ¢fthssuheduleDescription (if travel of Texas, complete Schedule T) I®T p ! " " Ch Mustin, Tx, P¢expenserg Complete NLY if direct Candidate ! Officeholder name Office sought Office held expenditure to benefit C/OH Date Payee narwke 16 ......._..... _ ....... ............... _... __ , Amount Py addCity; tete; Zip Code w a pig ," " anl'*• ! ,. n" .. aP' a .. "' ,N mP'mM' . PURPOSE F gry ......,..__.,...... _ _.— _ ... ...... __......_. __— ___--- ........,. ............. Cateo(See categories listed at the top of this schedule) Description (If travel outside of Texas, complete Schedule T) EXPENDITURE/ s r . m. a Check ifAustin,TX,®fi h®lderlivirgexpense w...... , Complete OV Yif direct Candidate /®ffi holder name Office sought Officeheld.. expenditure to benefit C/OH ate namePayee _ PayeeAmount ($} address, Clty" State; Zip Code a ll. PURPOSE s Ilur taad at P,Vro lop asf Iltt>,r........,. _ ._.._._............ CV ,...... Cate e See cake czno s "achoaNiaVe) Description (If travel outside of Texas, complete Schedule T) t ry ( m OF w EXPENDITURE I llh__ eck 8f i6$n, officeholder living expense Complete CVLYif direct Candidate / Officeholder name Office sought Office .held expenditure to benefit C/OH Date Payee name ount ($) Payee address; City; tea Zip Code roatory (See cakegories fisted at the top of this schsduie) Description (If travel outside of Texas, comialleta Schedule T) PURPOSE F EXPENDITURE Che-ck if Austin, rX, officehelder living expertise Complete QM if direct Candidate ! Officeholder name Office sought Office held expenditure to benefit C/OH m...._.._.. _ ADDITIONAL --. COPIES THISATTACH www,etnics.state.tx.us Revised 07/28/2014