HomeMy WebLinkAboutGirl Scout News 071204Troop 2, Arrowhead patrol, were hostesses at a prettily planned tta on Tuesday afternoon at the home i of Mrs. George Potter when mem- " bers of the Fleetwood patrol and mothers of members of both troops were their guests. The hostess troop gave an origi= nal skit entitled "Mind Your Man - ners," parts being taken by Gail Crawford, Betty Jean Copeland, Frances Bonnen, Betty Ann Potter and Barbara Holden with Joyce Patronella as announcer. ? 'ple refreshments were prepay add served by the hostess patro 'after which the following were giv, en Hostess badges: Frances Ban nen, Barbara Holden, Betty Jean Copeland, Betty Ann Potter, Jo atronella, Gail Crawford, Marth �r iller, Frances Copeland. girls on� _ the Fleetwood patrol who iere ` given Second Class badge ere Carol Alexander Lou Burges 4ois Alexander, Patsy Bonne nna Jean Godbey, Marjorie Win - I Atiri11i N# r Ha upt, Marjie,.sTe rker. A THE BRYAN EAGL Girl Scout New The Tiger '.:Kit �s : {our poten -' tial grid stare of the next few years) played the Navasota grade! school team Friday. ,The score of 1 14 -7 was not in the Kittens' favor, but they are not discouraged. The splendid record .which. our Tigers now enjoy is an incentive for the Kitten to continue their hard work. G aud football players are made through hard work; superior foot- i ball players will result from these - hours of work while these boys are young. A. and M. Consolidated has material for great teams in the - future --se bravo, Kittens! - !a