HomeMy WebLinkAbout03/11/1976 - Regular Minutes City CouncilMINUTES Regular City Council Meeting March 11, 1976 MEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Holt; Councilmen Bravenec, Adams, Halter, Dozier, Gardner, Bell; City Manager Bardell; City Planner Mayo; City Engineer Ash; Director of Public Works Ford; Planning Assistant Longley; Tax Assessor-Collector Bengs; Administrative Secretary Moss MEMBERS ABSENT' None VISITORS PRESENT' See guest register. Agenda Item No. 1 -- Approval of minutes of meetings held February 23 and February 26, 1976. Councilman Halter moved that the minutes of the meetings be approved as written. The motion was seconded by Councilman Bravenec and unanimously approved. Asenda Item No. 2 -- Hear visitors. No one spoke. Agenda Item No. 3--A public hearing on the question of rezoning a 15.95 acre tract at the East Bypass and Krenek Lane from Single Family Residential District R-1 to General Commercial District C-1. The request being in the name of Glynn A. Williams. Mayor Holt opened the public hearing. Mr. Glynn A. Williams, Jr., applicant and owner of the subject property spoke in favor of the rezoning and outlined his plans for developing the property. Councilman Halter suggested that the property should be developed under the restrictions of a planned unit development. Councilman Gardner stated that the proposed location was not consistent with the Comprehensive Plan and pointed out that the Planning Commission had not reconmiended the rezoning. Councilman Gardner also suggested that planned unit development would be a better method of development. Mayor Holt closed the public hearing. Agenda Item No. 4 -- Consideration of an ordinance rezoning the tract described in Item No. 3 from Single Family Residential District R-1 to General Commercial District C-1. . Councilman Gardner moved that Ordinance No. 1006 rezoning the property in question be denied. The motion was seconded by Councilman Halter. In response to a question by Councilman Adams, Councilman Gardner stated .that' the best use for the property would be residential or possibly apartmi~nts. Councilman Adams stated that he disagreed and felt the property should be rezoned to commercial. [THERE IS NO PAGE 01895] O~~~ MINUTES, Regular City Council Meeting March 11, 1976 7:00 P.M. Page 2 Councilman Gardner's motion was approved with Councilman Adams and Mayor Holt voting against. Agenda Item No. 5 -- A public hearing on the question of rezoning all of Lot 4~ Block 2 of the Cooner Addition from Apartment Building District R-3 to General Commercial District C-1. The request bei. n§ in the name of Bank of A&M, Inc. Mayor Holt opened the public hearing. Mr. Bob Lynd, Vice President of the Bank of A&M, spoke for the request and explained how the bank's expansion plans related to the lot in question. Councilman Gardner questioned the possible congestion caused by traffic exiting onto Cooner Street. Mr. Lynd stated that the purpose of the exit onto Cooner Street was to prevent large numbers of vehicles from attempting to turn directly onto Texas Avenue or University Drive. Councilman Bell stated that since he was a stockholder in the Bank of A&M he would not vote on this issue. Mayor Holt closed the public hearing. Agenda Item No. 6 -- Consideration of an ordinance rezoning the lot described in Item No. 5 from Apartment Building District R-3 to General Commercial District C-1. Councilman Adams moved that Ordinance No. 1007 be adopted. The motion was seconded by Councilman Dozier and approved unanimously with Councilman Bell not voting. Agenda Item No. 7 -- Presentation of a rate increase request_ by Lone Star Gas Company. Mr. A1 Bartley presented Lone Star's rate increase request. Mayor Holt pointed out that the average monthly bill of a gas user in College Station could increase by as much as $3.00 to $4.00 under this rate increase proposal. Mayor Holt stated that a public hearing would be held at a future date to consider the rate increase request. Agenda Item No. 8 -- Consideration of a preliminary plat- Southwood Terrace- Section 1. The preliminary plat was approved by general consent. Agenda Item No. 9 -- Consideration of a preliminary plat - Brentwood - Section 2. City Planner Mayo pointed out that the Parks and Recreation Committee had not accepted the park dedication shown on the plat, and since the Planning and Zoning Commission's approval had been contingent on this acceptance, the plat could not be considered at this time. Agenda Item No. 10-- Consideration of preliminary plat - Wildwood Su6~ivision. Councilman Gardner stated that the Council should attempt to get sidewalks along 0189 MINUTES, Regular City Council Meeting March 11, 1976 7:00 P.M. Page 3 Munson Drive in the area of the proposed subdivision. Councilman Gardner questioned the advisability of the area designated for a permanent entrance sign. Councilman Gardner also stated that Wildwood Drive should be a 60 foot right-of-way due to the tendancy of residents to park on the street rather than behind the units. Mr. Ronnie Cruze, developer of the proposed subdivision, stated that the only traffic on Wildwood Drive would be persons going from University Oaks Drive to Dominik Drive and that each townhouse unit would have ample parking in the rear of the unit to prevent residents from parking on Wildwood. Mr. Cruze stated that there would be space for four cars behind each unit. Mr. Cruze also pointed out that the area surrounding the permanent entrance sign would be landscaped and maintained. Mr. Mel Holubec of 1302 Munson Drive spoke stating that he objected to the location of the access drive at the side of his property as his bedrooms were adjacent to the drive and the coming and going of the residents of the proposed subdivision would distrub his family. Mr. Holubec also requested that a privacy fence be constructed between his property and the proposed subdivision. Mr. Holubec requested that the private drive be moved away from his property and stated that he had no objection to townhouses being built on the subject property. Mr. Cruze stated that he had already planned to construct a privacy fence but that moving the private drive would place a hardship on him, possibly eliminating one unit. Mr. Cruze suggested running the drive out to Wildwood rather than Munson Drive. Mr. Holubec stated that he wanted some assurance that the proposed development would not cause flooding of his lot. Mr. Bardell stated that the City Engineering Office would study the construction plans to be sure there is no danger of this happening. Mr. Hall, a resident on Gilchrist Street spoke in opposition to the proposed plat. Councilman Adams moved to accept the preliminary plat with the modifications moving the private drive toward the middle of the block, away from Mr. Holubec's house; requiring a screening fence, and also consideration of the drainage problem. The motion was seconded by Councilman Gardner. Councilman Bravenec asked if the private drive could not exit onto Wildwood Drive rather than Munson Drive. City Engineer Ash pointed out that a sight-line problem existed at the intersection of Wildwood Drive and Dominik Street and causing all traffic to exit from Wildwood would compound the hazard. Councilman Adams's motion was approved with Councilman Bravenec voting against. Agenda Item no. 11 -- Consideration of a preliminary plat - resubdivision of part of Lots E&G, College_ _Heights Addition. The preliminary plat was approved by general consent. Agenda Item No. 12 -- Consideration of a master preliminary plat - Parkway Plaza Subdivision. 01898 MINUTES, Regular City Council Meeting March 11, 1976 7:00 P.M. Page 4 Councilman Gardner noted that the two commercial areas along Texas Avenue had been divided into eight tracts each. Councilman Gardner stated that this did not conform to the original concept of commercial center development, but rather, encouraged "strip commercial" development. Councilman Gardner also objected to the Parkway Plaza Drive - Texas Avenue inter- section. Mr. Steve Arden, developer of the proposed addition, stated that platting the commercial areas into lots did not preclude "center" development, but was intended to leave alternatives open for use of the land. Councilman Gardner noted that platting the commercial tracts into lots created the potential for eight separate access-egress points on Texas Avenue. Councilman Bell suggested that the commercial lots have no access from Texas Avenue, but rather be served from the rear with access off of Parkway Plaza Drive. Mr. Arden stated that engineers at the Highway Department had indicated that if the speed limit on Texas Avenue was reduced to 45 MPH, the Texas Avenue-Parkway Plaza intersection could be controlled by traffic signalization. City Engineer Ash stated that when traffic at this intersection warranted such action, his office would recommend construction of a "controlled access" median thus eliminating the need for signalization. Mr. Ash stated that it would be impossible to signalize this intersection to fit into a '~rogressive" system and only a "fixed- time" signal could be used. Councilman Bell moved to approve the preliminary plat as submitted. The motion was seconded by Councilman Adams. Mr. James C. Smith, developer, stated that the developers would be willing to waive the platting of the lots along Texas Avenue. Councilman Bell amended his motion to provide for the removal of Lots 1-7 indicated on the preliminary plat. Councilman Bell's motion was approved with Councilman Gardner voting against. Agenda Item No. 13 -- Consideration of a final plat -- Parkway Plaza Phase I. The final plat was approved by general consent. Mr. James Smith stated that his organization was having difficulty obtaining the property which had been accepted as parkland dedication and needed to make a counter offer at this time. Councilman Bell moved to accept parkland dedication of .346 acres fronting on Anderson Street. The motion was seconded by Councilman Halter. Councilman Bravenec stated that he was opposed to the proposed dedication because the land was not of adequate value. The motion failed by the following vote: FOR Councilmen Bell, Gardner AGAINST .... Councilmen Dozier, Bravenec, Adams MINUTES, Regular City Council Meeting March 11, 1976 7:00 P.M. Page 5 Councilman Dozier moved to accept a dedication of $75.00 per dwelling unit, or $3,600.00. The motion was seconded by Councilman Halter and failed by the following vote: FOR .... Councilmen Dozier, Halter; Mayor Holt AGAINST .... Councilmen Bell, Gardner, Adams, Bravenec Councilman Bravenec moved to accept a dedication of $100.00 per dwelling unit. The motion failed for lack of a second. Councilman Bell moved that the City accept a letter from the developers obligating .346 acres of land or a sum of money to be determined at a later date. The motion died for lack of a second. Councilman Halter moved to accept the .346 acre tract on Anderson Street. The motion was seconded by Councilman Bell. Councilman Halter amended his motion to include the stipulation that the City not be obligated to the paving of any portion of Anderson Street. Councilman Bell agreed to the amendment. The motion was approved with Councilman Dozier voting against. Agenda Item No. 14 -- Consideration of a final plat - Pecan Tree Estates Phase I. Councilman Gardner recommended that Oney Hervey Drive be widened to a sixty foot right-of-way. Councilman Dozier stated that, in his opinion, the Council could not legally place major changes or restrictions on a final plat after approval of the preliminary plat. Ms. Rosetta Keaton of 109 Southland Street spoke in opposition to the proposed plat. Ms. Keaton stated that at the time of the rezoning, several residents in the area failed to receive notice. Ms. Keaton further stated that the citizens in the neighborhood were opposed to the duplex development. City Planner Mayo pointed out that in many instances the property owners listed in the City tax rolls in this area were not the persons living on the property. Ms. Keaton stated that she was in the process of getting the names of rightful property owners in this neighborhood and informing them of the necessity to file deeds of ownership. Councilman Dozier moved to accept the final plat. The motion was seconded by Councilman Adams and approved with Councilman Gardner voting against. Agenda Item No. 15 -- Consideration of a final pi.at -- White Canyon Estates. The final plat was approved by general consent. Agenda Item No. 16 -- Consideration of a proposed Bicycle Path Plan for federal funding. City Planner Mayo presented a map showing the portion of the Bicycle,Path Plan . O1900 MINUTES, Regular City Council Meeting March 11, 1976 7:00 P.M. Page 6 proposed for College Station. Mr. Mayo pointed out that this was not an ultimate plan, but only a starting point. Mrs. Anne Hazen stated that Kyle and Francis Streets should be striped rather than signed only as shown on the proposed plan. Dr. Tim Rose stated that when pedestrians and bicyclists shared a striped lane, the lane needed to be wider and this would not be possible on Kyle and Francis. Dr. Rose further stated that pedestrians often got a false sense of security from the striped lanes and thus the striped lanes were often more dangerous than signed- only lanes. Councilman Bell moved to approve the proposed Bicycle Path Plan. The motion was seconded by Councilman Bravenec. Councilman Bravenec asked if this plan could be changed if funds were granted. Dr. Rose stated that this plan was simply a concept and that it could be changed when constructed. Dr. Rose pointed out that the potential funds available would not pay for the total proposed project and specific streets on the plan would have to be selected. Councilman Bell's motion was unanimously approved. Agenda Item No. 17 -- Consideration of an ordinance regulating circuses, rodeos, carnivals, etc. Councilman Dozier moved that Ordinance No. 1008 be adopted. The motion was seconded by Councilman Halter. Councilman Bravenec questioned the definition of terms referring to rodeos, shows, etc. Councilmen Gardner, Bravenecand Adams offered suggested changes to the proposed ordinance. Councilman Adams moved that the motion to adopt Ordinance No. 1008 be tabled until the next meeting. Councilman Bell seconded the motion to table. The motion to table was unanimously approved. Agenda Item No. 18-- Consideration of an ordinance amending the Hotel-Motel Tax Ordinance No. 892. Councilman Dozier moved that Ordinance No. 1009 be adopted. The motion was seconded by Councilman Halter. In response to a question by Councilman Bravenec, Councilman Dozier stated that the current ordinance provided for an interest penalty. Councilman Dozier's motion was unanimously approved. MINUTES, Regular City Council Meeting March 11, 1976 7'00 P.M. Page 7 Agenda Item No. 19 -- Consideration of an or~d. ina. n.ce amending Ordinances 999, _1002, 1003 and ,~1004_ setti, n_g' ~the opening _time of the polli_.n_g, places for the election to be held on Ap~i! 3,~ !976.., Councilman Dozier moved that Ordinance No. 1010 be adopted. The motion was seconded by Councilman Halter and unanimously approved. Agenda Item No. 20 -- Consideration of authorizing the taking of bids on a 1500 GPM p.umper f,or t,he Fire Department. Councilman Halter moved to authorize the taking of bids for the pumper unit. The motion was seconded by Councilman Dozier and unanimously approved. Agenda Item No. 21-- Consideration of a request for the issuance of a permit to operate a bus serv,i~ce in Cplle.,ge Station. Mr. Bardell addressed the applications of Mr. Tommy D. Bass and Mr. Roy Ellis. Mr. Tommy Bass spoke explaining his proposed bus service. Mr. Bass stated that he planned to operate three "city" type buses in College Station and that he had made application to the City of Bryan. Director of Public Works Ford stated that his office wished to examine the wheel load data of Mr. Bass' buses in order to evaluate possible damage to city streets. Councilman Halter moved that Mr. Bass be granted a permit to operate a bus service in the City of College Station. The motion was seconded by Councilman Adams. Councilman Bravenec moved to table the motion. The motion to table was seconded by Councilman Gardner and failed by the following vote- FOR --- Councilmen Gardner, Dozier, Bravenec AGAINST--- Councilmen Adams, Bell; Mayor Holt Councilman Gardner stated that he felt the City should be able to set the fees charged by the bus service. Mayor Holt asked Councilman Halter if he would amend his motion to allow the City to set fees. Councilman Bravenec stated that the market would set the fees. Councilman Bravenec stated that the motion should include the provision that the City Staff be given an opportunity to examine the specifications of the buses. Mayor Holt declared this to be a part of the motion. Councilman Halter's motion was passed by the following vote' FOR --- Councilmen Bell, Adams, Gardner, Halter AGAINST--- Councilmen Dozier, Bravenec; Mayor Holt 01.90 MINUTES, Regular City Council Meeting March 11, 1976 7:00 P.M. Page 8 Mr. Roy Ellis spoke explaining his proposed bus service. Agenda Item No. 22 -- Other business. Mayor Holt appointed Councilman Halter to chair a subcommittee to consider the proposed rate increase request from Lone Star Gas Company. The first Council meeting in April was set as the date for the public hearing on the rate increase request. Councilman Bell asked if City Planner Mayo had gotten any information on the assessment of paving portions of Anderson Street. Mr. Mayo stated that the H.U.D. office had informed him that the City could assess some property owners for the paving. Mayor Holt suggested that the Council consider holding special meetings to consider plats. Councilman Dozier moved that 'the meeting be adjourned. The motion was seconded by Councilman Halter and unanimously approved. APPROVED ATTEST City Secretary ,