HomeMy WebLinkAbout02/12/1976 - Regular Minutes City CouncilMINUTES Regular City Council Meeting February 12, 1976 7'00 P.M. MEMBERS PRESENT' Mayor Holt; Councilmen Adams, Halter, Dozier, Bell, Gardner, Bravenec; Administrative Assistant Koehler; City Planner Mayo; City Engineer Ash; Planning Assistant Longley; Administrative Secretary Moss MEMBERS ABSENT' City Manager North Bardell VISITORS PRESENT' See guest register Agenda Item No. 1-- Approval of minutes of meetings of January 22, 1976 and January 29, 1976. Councilman Halter stated that in reference to Item No. 5 of the minutes of the January 22, 1976 meeting, the statement made by Councilman Dozier was not council policy and that he (Councilman Halter) had pointed this out at the meeting. Councilman Halter requested that the minutes be amended to include this point. There being no objection, Mayor Holt declared the minutes approved as amended. Agenda Item No. 2 -- Hear visitors. Mrs. Thomas Kozik spoke expressing her dissatisfaction at the Council's recent decision accepting parkland dedication on Anderson Street for an apartment project on Munson Avenue at Harvey Road. Mrs. Kozik suggested that public notice of the meetings involved in this case was inadequate. Mrs. Kozik offered the following suggestions: 1. Minutes of committee meetings should be kept. 2. Copies of minutes of committee meetings should be available at City Hall. 3. No committee business should be conducted unless a quorum is present. 4. Replace any membe~.s who miss three consecutive meetings. 5. Establish some nine month committee memberships. Mrs. Kozik suggested that the Parkland Dedication Ordinance was not followed in this case. Mrs. Kozik further suggested that public notice be given of meetings involving parkland dedications. Councilman Bravenec stated that under the old parkland dedication ordinance, no dedication at all would have been required. Councilman Bravenec pointed out that the land received on Anderson Street was of a value equal to that required by the ordinance and that the intent of the ordinance was to acquire five acre or larger neighborhood parks. Agenda Item No. 3 -- Reconsideration of Ordinance No. 993, rezoning a 1.00 acre tract in the D. A. Smith Subdivision in the Richard Carter League on the east side of Turner Street at Poplar Stree~t from Apartment, Bui. ldin§ District R-3 to General Commercial District C-1. The request is i_n t.he name of Michael K. Davis. City Planner Mayo presented the report and recommendations of the Planning and Zoning Commission. Councilman Bravenec suggested that Gilbert Street was not of adequate width, for use as recommended by the Commission. .. Councilman Gardner questioned the advisability of extending Turner Street to University Drive. Councilman Gardner stated that the Zoning Ordinance would permit parking in MINUTES, Regular City Council Meeting February 12, 1976 Page 2 an R-3 zone and thus the C-1 zoning was not required. Councilman Gardner suggested that the extent of the C-1 zoning be reduced to the point necessary to meet Mr. Davis' needs for his commercial building. Councilman Adams moved that Ordinance No. 993 be adopted. The motion was seconded by Councilman Bell. Councilman Halter stated his concern that east-west traffic access be provided in this neighborhood. The motion to adopt Ordinance No. 993 passed with Councilmen Gardner and Bravenec voting against. Agenda Item No. 4 -- Consideration of an ordinance calling four. a .gene.,ral mun.icipal election. Councilman Dozier moved that Ordinance No. 999 be adopted. The motion was seconded by Councilman Gardner and unanimously approved. Mayor Holt announced that he would not be a candidate for re-election in the upcoming election. Agenda Item No..~5-- Cons. ider~ati, o.n of a resolution authorizing joint election operations with the A&M Consolidated Seh00'l' District. Councilman Bell moved that the resolution be adopted as presented. The motion was seconded by Councilman Gardner and unanimously approved. Agenda Item No. 6 -- Consideration of a...proposa! .tq cul-de-sac Redmond Drive and remove existing drainage structure. City Engineer Ash presented the proposed plan and explained its purpose. Mr. Ash explained that the other method of easing the flooding problems in this area would be to rebuild the existing drainage structure in such a way as to make it adequate to accommodate the flood waters. Councilman Bravenec suggested the possibility of constructing a low water bridge to replace the existing drainage structure. Mr. Ash replied that such crossings often created dangerous situations during periods of rapidly rising water. In response to a question from Councilman Halter, Mr. Ash explained that the use of the abandoned right-of-way would be up to the apartment owners and would probably be used for access to parking areas. Mr. Ash estimated that an adequate drainage structure would cost approximately $30,000.00. In response to a question from Councilman Gardner, Mr. Ash related the results of a traffic survey in this area conducted by the Engineering Department. Mr. Ash indicated that the traffic load at the intersection of Texas Avenue and Redmond Drive would be doubled. MINUTES, Regular City Council Meeting February 12, 1976 Page 3 Mayor Holt pointed out that removing the existing drainage structure and building the proposed retaining wall would increase drainage problems in the adjoining neighborhood to the south. Mr. Ash responded that homes in this neighborhood were at a high enough elevation that there would be no danger of their being flooded. Mr. Chalon Jones, Attorney for the Monaco Apartments, spoke to the Council stating that the maintenance of a storm sewer system was the responsibility of the City. Councilman Halter pointed out that the flooding problem existed when the apartments were built and that the City was now being asked to increase the value of marginal land. Mr. Ash pointed out that the entire area was within the 100 year flood plain and any action taken would only be a stop-gap procedure. In response to a question from Councilman Dozier, Mr. Jones indicated that the owners of the apartments would be willing to sign a release relieving the City from any future claims due to flood damage if the proposed action were taken. Councilman Halter asked Mr. Jones if the apartment owners would be willing to participate in the construction of a larger drainage structure. Mr. Jones replied that they would not. Councilman Gardner suggested that if the existing bridge were removed, it should be replaced with a footbridge to allow pedestrian and bicycle flow to Rosemary Drive. Councilman Bravenec moved that the City offer to share on a 50-50 basis with the apartment owners the cost of a bridge and drainage structure adequate to handle a fifty year flood. The motion was seconded by Councilman Halter and approved with Councilman Bell voting against. Agenda Item No. 7 -- Consideration of a poli. cy for considering routine subdivision plats. City Planner Mayo outlined the proposed method of plat consideration. It was the concensus of the Council that action on the procedure be delayed pending further study. Agenda Item No. 8 -- Consideration of a preliminary, plat of Quail Run Estates in the extraterritorial jurisdiction of the City. Mr. James Jett, developer of the proposed subdivision, pointed out changed made in the plat as per recommendations of the Planning and Zoning Commission. Dr. Kirk Brown, soil sciences expert at TAMU, explained the county ordinance regulating septic systems. Mr. Jett pointed out that the basic development plan had been approved by the County Health Officer. Councilman Bravenec suggested that the Council develop a policy concerning E.T.J. type subdivisions in the areas of streets and sewage systems. MINUTES, Regular City Council Meeting February 12, 1976 Page 4 Mr. Jett pointed out that it would be impossible to sewer the majority of his sub- division to the City system. Councilman Halter asked if Mr. Jett would be willing to grant sewer easements on his lots. Mr. Jett replied that he would not be willing to grant these easements because any future sewer line in this subdivision could be installed in the easements provided along the streets. Councilman Bravenec suggested that the City develop a septic system ordinance of its own. Councilman Bell moved that the preliminary plat be approved as presented. The motion was seconded by Councilman Adams and was approved with Councilman Bravenec voting against. Agenda Item No. 9 -- Consideration of a preliminary plat of Parkway Plaza Section I. Mr. Jerry Bishop, engineer for the proposed project spoke for the proposed plat. Councilman Gardner asked what provisions had been to provide access to lots 22, 23 and 24 from Anderson Street rather than Southwest Parkway. Mr. Bishop replied that access to these lots would be from the rear by means of a private access easement. Councilman Gardner asked how the parkland dedication was to be satisfied on this property. Mr. Bishop replied that a financial settlement would be reached between the developer and the City at the time of final platting. Councilman Gardner asked if sidewalks would be provided in this subdivision. Mr. Bishop replied that sidewalks would be provided on both sides of Anderson Street. Councilman Halter moved that the preliminary plat be approved. The motion was seconded by Councilman Bell and unanimously approved. Agenda Item No. !~0..--_ Consider.at~i.o.n. Of am o~rdinance amending Ordinance No. 967, the Fire Prevention Code. Fire Chief Douglas Landua explained the purpose of the proposed ordinance. Councilman Halter moved that Ordinance No. 1000 be adopted. The motion was seconded by Councilman Dozier and unanimously approved. Agend~a Item Nq.- 1.1 -- Discussion of a prppo__sal to amend Ordinance No. 608 with respect_ to curb cuts. City Engineer Ash requested Council direction to proceed with preparation of'a manual outlining driveway location and construction to be adopted as an amendment to Ordinance No. 608. MINUTES, Regular City Council Meeting February 12, 1976 Page 5 Councilman Bell moved that Mr. Ash be given Council direction to proceed with preparation of such a manual. The motion was seconded by Councilman Dozier and unanimously approved. A,gend, a..Item No. 12 -- Discussion of the Texas Department of Highways and Public TransPortati_0n' s recomme, nd_a. tions for _the median ~at Jers~ey st.r._eet ~and Redmpnd Terrace Shopping Center. City Engineer Ash presented proposed location of signing on this median to prevent illegal left turning motions. Mr. Ash also explained the recommendations of the Highway Department that the median be made nonmountable. Councilman Gardner suggested that the nonmountable median should be constructed. Councilman Dozier suggested that such medians created a dangerous situation. Councilman Dozier moved that the median be marked with signs. The motion was seconded by Councilman Bell and approved with Councilmen Gardner and Bravenec voting against. Agenda .~Item ~N.o. 13 -- Di~.scus. s_ion of%he, policiesL concerning~ cemetery lot sales and use by non-residents. Councilman Dozier explained the problem and reviewed the differences in various cemetery related costs between College Station and Bryan. Councilman Dozier suggested that the city staff prepare proposed changes in the cemetery policy and present them for consideration at the next Council meeting. Agenda Item No. 14 -- Consideration of a livestock permit_ for W~rre~ S. Mau~k, 1207 Munson Avenue. Councilman Dozier moved that the permit be issued. The motion was seconded by Councilman Adams and unanimously approved. A~genda Item No. 15-- Other business. Councilman Bravenec requested that a discussion of the collection of the hotel-motel tax be placed on the agenda for the next Council meeting. Administrative Assistant Koehler pointed out that an ordinance calling for an election on charter amendments needed to be passed and could be done at the February 26 meeting. Mayor Holt read a memorandum from Councilman Bell stating that he wo~uld resign his position as councilman, place 3 effective at 5'00 P.M. Wednesday, March 31 and that he would file for election to the position of Mayor in the April 3, 1976 election. Agenda Item No. 16 -- Adjourn. Councilman Bell moved that the meeting be adjourned. MINUTES, Regular City Council Meeting February 12, 1976 The motion was seconded by Councilman Dozier and unanimously approved. The meeting was adjourned. APPROVED Mayor ATTEST / / City Secretary Page 6 REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING February 12, 1976 7:00 P.M. PLEASE SIGN BELOW- 5.~~* ~ ~ ~ , 15. 17. 18. 21. 3~. 'iq l Y/~-z_~ 34. 35. 36.