HomeMy WebLinkAbout06/12/1975 - Regular Minutes City CouncilMINUTES Regular City Council Meeting June 12, 1975 7'00 P.M. MEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor O. M. Holt; Councilmen Bell, Halter, Adams, Gardner, Dozier, Bravenec; City Manager Bardell; Assistant Director of Public Works Ford; City Planner Koehler; Assistant City Planner A1 Mayo; Administrative Secretary Sadie Holligan. MEMBERS ABSENT- None VISITORS PRESENT' See guest register. The meeting was called to order at approximately 7'00 P.M. Agenda Item No. 1--Approval of minutes of meetings held May 26 and May 28, 1975. Councilman Bravenec moved that the minutes be approved on the condition that an explanation of the zone change request policy and proce- dure be added to the minutes of May 26, 1975. Councilman Bell seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. Agenda Item No. 2 -- Hear visitors. Mayor Holt welcomed Claude Davis who had brought twelve visiting Costa Rican government officials. Mayor Holt officially welcomed the officials and made them honorary citizens of the City of College Station. Michael Murphy .presented some proposed ideas from the County Bicentennial Committee, or more specifically, the Beautification Committee and the Arbor Day Committee. The proposed ideas, the installation of plantings along city streets in the right-of-ways, would require the consent of the city and city maintenance. Mayor Holt assured Murphy that the Council would give serious consideration to the ideas. Richard Bury proposed that the city use $45,000.00 in "conservation money" for a control project for the '!oak wilt" attacking the oak trees in the area. Bury presented Dr. VanArsdale who explained the problem. Mayor Holt stated that the Council would give the proposal consideration. Jeff Dunn, the Student Body President of TAMU, related the complaints he has been receiving concerning the need for a traffic signal at the inter- section of Agronomy Road and Highway 60. Mayor Holt stated he would notify the Highway Department of the need. Bill Irwin, Division Manager of General Telephone Southwest, requested a public hearing and/or work session with the Council to consider their rate increase proposal. Irwin also requested the consideration of a temporary rate increase while the meetings were being held, which would include a payback guarantee should the proposed increase be eventually denied or lowered. Councilman Dozier stated that the next step would be a public hearing. Mayor Holt said that he would work with the City Manager to set up the public hearing as soon as possible. Agend.a- Item No. 3 -- A public hearing on the question of rezoning the -Carrie Barnes tract on the corner of Southland and F.M. 2154 from Apartment District, District R-3, to Neighborhood Business District, 01814 MINUTES, City Council Meeting June 12, 1975 Page 2 District C-N in the name of Carrie Barnes. A. G. Searcy and James Watson Spoke ~or the acti0~' 'NO one ~po~e- aga£nst it. Agenda Item.No. 4 -- Co~nsidera.~Lion .of an ordinance rezoning the Carrie Barnes tract on the corner of Southland and F.M. 2154 from Apartment District, District R-3, to Neighborhood Business District, District C-N. Councilman Bell moved that the ordinance be adopted. Councilman Adams seconded the motion. Councilman Gardner expressed concern about the strip commercial pattern of zoning that could develop in that area. For: Bell, Adams, Dozier, Bravenec, Halter Against' Gardner Agenda Item No. 5 -- A public hearing on the projected use of Entitlement Six of Revenue Sharing Funds in the amount of $105,206.00~ and a determination of .projected use. Randy Scott proposed that some money be allocated for lights at the girls' softball field at Fairview and Park Place and/or a new playing field. Jeff Dunn proposed a mass transit study and work in the four black neighbor- hoods involved in the Community Development Program. Spencer Buchanan proposed a seal coat treatment over the city streets that are deteriorating to help waterproof the surface and thus help prevent future deterioration. City Manager Bardell explained his proposal as submitted to Council. Council- man Halter expressed concern about the water main project and the Southwest Parkway sidewalk. Councilman Gardner said that he would rather accomplish the water main project in the Capital Improvement Program. Councilman Bell moved that the Council approve the proposed uses for Revenue Sharing Funds as submitted by the City Manager. Councilman Adams .~econded the motion. For: Bell, Adams, Halter, Bravenec, Dozier Against: Gardner Agenda Item No._. 6 -- Consi..derat.ion of a proposal from the Whalen Corporation for drilling a well and su_pplyin, g..w~a, terL to the City of College Station. Dean Perry was present to represent Whalen Corporation. Councilman Adams briefly explained the proposed contract. Councilman Adams moved that the city enter into the contract with Whalen Corporation subject to the technical examination and clearance by the City Attorney. Councilman Bell seconded the mo tion. Councilman Bravenec stated that he would prefer to delay action on the motion until the alternatives, primarily that of the city drilling the well itself, had been investigated and reported to the Council. Councilman Dozier suggested that the City Attorney and the City Staff examine the contract and present it to the Council at the next regular meeting for action. Councilman Adams withdrew his motion and Councilman Bell withdrew his second. Councilman Bravenec moved that the City Manager be instructed to examine the alternative of the city drilling the well itself. Councilman Dozier seconded the motion. City Manager Bardell explained that the examination is already taking place, but the report from the consultant has not been 01 15 MINUTES, City Council Meeting June 12, 1975 Page 3 received yet. The motion failed by the following vote: For: Councilmen Bravenec, Dozier, Gardner Against: Councilmen Halter, Adams, Bell, Mayor Holt Councilman Bell moved that the Council move forward with all deliberate speed to examine a contract that would enter the city into an agreement with Whalen Corporation to drill a test well seeking an auxiliary water supply for the City of College Station; all this after the consideration and study of the contract by the City Manager, City Attorney, Water Committee, and such representatives of the City Council as may be retained or appointed by the Council. Councilman Adams seconded the motion. The motion passed by the following vote: For: Mayor Holt, Councilmen Bell, Adams, Halter, Dozier, Gardner Against: Councilman Bravenec For the record, Councilman Bravenec wants to make it clear that he is not against Whalen Corporation, but that he very strongly desires the city to investigate the possibility and economics of doing the well itself. Agenda Item No. 7 -- Consideration of a resolution allowing the purchase of two police radios with the support of the B.V.D.C. and Texas Criminal Justice Council. Councilman Dozier moved for the adoption of the resolution. Councilman Halter seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. ~ge~d~ I~tem No. 8 --Cq~$ideration of an ordinance adopting the 1974 Southern Fire Code with the specific amendments. ~p .~ ~; . Councilman Dozier moved for the adoption of the ordinance. Councilman Bravenec seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. Agenda Item No. 9 -- Discussion of swimming pool entrance fees and policy. Bill Lancaster, chairman of the Parks and Recreation Committee, stated that he would like to postpone the Committee's recommendations until they could meet and discuss the complaints. The Council delayed action until the next regular meeting so that the Parks and Recreation Committee could make their recommendations. Agenda Item No. 10 -- Appointment of an auditor. Councilman Dozier moved for the appointment of Nelson Durst as the auditor. Councilman Bravenec seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. Agenda Item No. 11 -- Consideration of bids on Shady Lane Substation equipment. Councilman Dozier moved the recommendations of the Electric Power Engineers, Inc. be accepted. Councilman Halter seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. Agenda Item No. 12 -- Other business. Councilman Gardner moved that the matter of a possible need for "No Parking" signs on Holleman between Anderson and Texas Avenue be referred to the Safety Committee. Councilman Bravenec seconded the motion. The motion passed by the following vote: For: Councilmen Gardner, Bravenec, Halter, Dozier Against' Councilman Bell ~~~6 MINUTES, City Council Meeting June 12, 1975 Page 4 Councilman Halter moved that the City Manager be directed to set up a meeting, either a joint school board-city council meeting or a meeting between representative committees of each body, in July with the A&M Consolidated School Board to discuss the problems of elementary school locations and other areas of common concern. Councilman Bravenec seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. Councilman Bravenec moved that the Council refer to the Beautification Committee the matter of the proposed beautification of city right-of-ways presented by Michael Murphy and the problem of oak decline. Councilman Bell seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. J. W. Wood proposed a parkland dedication to satisfy the required needs of Anderson Ridge Corporation. Councilman Bravenec moved that the proposed dedication be rejected. Councilman Gardner seconded the motion. After some discussion, Councilman Bravenec withdrew this motion and Councilman Gardner withdrew his second. Councilman Bravenec moved that, subject to the acceptance of the redesigned configuration of the dedicated parkland, the Council accept the dedication when it meets the requirements of the Parks and Recreation Committee, and provided the land is suitable for playgrounds and playfields. Council- man Halter seconded the motion. The motion passed by the following vote: For: Councilmen Bravenec, Halter, Bell Against: Councilman Gardner Mayor Pro-tem Bell called the meeting to executive session. The council convened to open session. The meeting was adjourned. APPROVED Mayor ATTEST City Secretary 01517' CITY COUNCIL MEETING June 12, 1975 7'00 P.M. PLEASE SIGN BELOW~ e 10. 19. 20. ~. ~ .~ ~..<.. ~ ~'? ~ .,~..~C../ 15 " .... }"~ ~ i_ ': ' ' ' _ ._ . , ' 16. ..' ~ / -',I ! , ' : /'~ ,~.,~ b" , . 17. -. ..,,, , ,', 32. 33. 34. 35. 36.