HomeMy WebLinkAbout01/28/1975 - Regular Minutes City Council MINUTES Regular City Council Meeting January 28, 1975 7:00 P.M. MEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor O. M. Holt; Councilmen Bravenec, Adams, Dale, Gardner, Dozier, Brison; City Manager Bardell; Director of Public Works Dulaney; Assistant Director of Public Works Ford; City Planner Koehler; Director of Parks and Recreation Paul Wojciechowski; Fire Chief Doug Landua; Administrative Secretary Sadie Holligan. MEMBERS ABSENT' None. GUESTS PRESENT' See guest register. Agenda Item No. 1 -- Approval of minutes of meetings of December 19~ 1974 and January 15, 1975. Councilman Bravenec off'ered the following corrections to the minutes of December 19, 1974. The first sentence of paragraph 5, agenda No. 3, should read as follows- 'Paragraph 4 of the contract should make mention of the rights and obligations of the third parties involved and the city's lack of obligations to continue service to future residents in this area. It was noted that the city would not consider issuing building permits in this area in the absence of an agreement similar to this" In paragraph 6 under agenda item no. 3, the second listed condition of the contract should read as follows: 2. "That a preamble be added which would recite the purposes for which the parties entered the contract and would mention the interests and obligations of third parties." Councilman Brison moved that the minutes be accepted with the above corrections. The motion was seconded by Councilman Dale and unanimously approved. Agenda Item No. 2 -- Hear visitors. No one spoke. Agenda Item No. 3 -- A public hearing 'on the question of rezoning the Southwest 171 feet of Lot 26 of the D.A. Smith Subdivision from Apartment District, District R-3 to General Commercial District,~ p_istrict C-1. Mayor Holt opened the public hearing. Mrs. Cleo Schwab spoke for the proposed change. No one spoke in oppostion. The public hearing was closed. Councilman Dozier moved that Ordinance No. 951, rezoning a 0.773 acre tract southwest 171 feet of Lot 26 of the D. A. Subdivision from Apartment District, District R-3 to General Commercial District, District C-1 be approved. Councilman Brison seconded the motion and the ordinance was unanimously approved. ; Age. n. da Item No. 4 -- Consideration of a motion callin~__for_a publi.c 'h'ear-ing on the question of rezoning a 0. 643 acre tract located within the Anderson~Ridge' Apartment, Complex, Phase II near the intersection of Village Drive and H~lleman Drive from Apartment Building District, District R-3 to General Commercial District, District C-1. CITY COUNCIL MEETING January 28, 1975 Page 2 Councilman Dozier moved that the City Council call for a public hearing to be held at the next regular City Council meeting at 7:00 P.M. on February 24, 1975 on the ques- tion of rezoning the said tract and included in his motion that public hearings be held at 7'00 P.M. on February 24, 1975 to consider the question of rezoning a 3 acre tract located northeast of the abandoned I & GN RR right-of-way between FM 2347 and Luther Street west from Heavy Industrial District, District M-2 to Apartment Building District, District R-3 and to consider a question of rezoning three tracts of land located northeast of ~M 2154 and along Southwest Parkway from Single Family g_esidential District, District R-lC, to General Commercial District, Agricultural- Open District, District A-O~, and Apartment Building District, District R-3. The motion was seconded by Councilman Dale and unanimously approved. intended Councilman Bravenec remarked that the zone change proposed for the 0.643' .acre tract was/ to be another supper club within an apartment complex. He pointed out the possibility of the construction of the building not being suitable for commercial use and pointed out the possibility of a future separation of ownership of the apartment project and the commercial project and suggested that the Planning and Zoning Commission should consider these factors in their recommendation. Agenda Item No. 7 -- Consideration of realignment of voting precincts in the City. of College Station. Mayor HoIt pointed out that the County Commissioner's Court had changed'the boundaries of the County voting precincts and that it would be necessary to modify the boundaries of the city voting precincts to coincide with the county's voting precincts. Councilman Dale moved that the City of College Station adopt the county precinct boundaries as presented and combine county precinct 10 and county precinct 24 into one precinct of the City of College Station with polling place at the Fire Station. The motion was seconded by Councilman Adams. Councilman Dozier spoke in favor of not combining the county precincts but having a total of six precincts for the City of College Station. Councilman Dale withdrew his motion and made a motion that the city accept the six county precincts as described by the adoption of Ordinance No. 952. The motion was seconded by Councilman Adams and unanimously approved. Agenda Item No. 8 -- Consideration of a date for presentation on the Comprehensive Development Guide. Mayor Holt suggested that a public hearing should be h~ld for the purpose of public presentation of the Comprehensive Development Guide and that the public hearing should be at a separate meeting with little other business. Councilman Dale moved that a special meeting be held at 5'00 PM. Tuesday, February 4, to consider this item. The motion was seconded by Councilman Brison and unanimously approved. Councilman Gardner pointed out his objection to the word "Guide" used in the title and stated that it should be called a "plan" for the sake of clarity. Agenda Item No. 9 -- Other business. Councilman Dale remarked on the rece.nt ceremony honoring those persons who had donated a gallon of blood, among whom were Councilman Adams and other citizens of College Station. Councilman Dale moved that the City Council commend those who contributed to this extent. The motion was seconded by Councilman Brison and unanimously approved. CITY COUNCIL MEETING January 28, 1975 Page 3 Pa~ks' & Recreation Director Paul Wojciechowski, announced that the nationally circulated Parks Maintenance magazine, along with the National Symposium on Parks, Recreation and Environment Design had selected the College Station Municipal Pool Complex for recognition for the best facility of its kind constructed in the United States this year. Councilman Dale suggested that the city investigate the possibility of being able to use for park purposes a vacant tract of land belonging to the A&M Consolidated School District located at Anderson and Holleman Drive. He also suggested that the city look into the possibility of purchasing this tract. Councilman Gardner suggested that the City Council hear the proposed park plan before deciding on this matter. Mayor Holt pointed out that the City of College Station had received a draft of the memorandum of agreement with Texas A&M University. He said that two parallel contracts had been prepared, one for water service and one for sanitary sewer collection and read the preamble common to both contracts. He suggested in view of questions concerning the wording of the contract, that action on this matter be delayed until the special meeting of February 4 and with the consent of the Council, appointed Councilman Dale and Councilman Brison to study and perhaps reword the preamble. Councilman Gardner suggested that the City Council should consider the appointment of the Charter Revision Commission as he felt that there was significant public interest in the possibility of changing to a ward system and changing the election date to coincide with the election day of the A&M Consolidated School District. Councilman Gardner moved that the City Council, at the February 4 meeting, consider an ordinance establishing the Charter Review Commission and be prepared to appoint members. Councilman Dozier seconded the motion which was unanimously approved. City Manager Bardell asked what number of members were to be specified in the ordinance. Councilman Gardner stated that he had intended that there would be one member selected by each Councilman. The proposed membership and charge of the Commission and possible election dates for the charter amendments were discussed. Councilman Dozier moved that the motion be reconsidered. Councilman Brison seconded and the motion to reconsider was passed by the following vote: FOR ....... Bravenec, Adams, Brison, Dale, Holt AGAINST ..... Gardner The original motion That the City Council~ at the February 4 meeting, consider an ordi- nance establishing the Charter Review Commission and appoint members", was reread and seconded by Councilman Dale. The motion was approved by the following vote: FOR ......... Bravenec, Adams, Brison, Dale, Gardner AGAINST ......... Dozier Agenda Item No. 10 -- Executive session to discuss prope.?ty ~a. cquisition and personnel matters under #6252-17, Open Meetings Law.;j Section 2; sub-section g~ The meeting was adjourned to executive session. The public meeting was reopened. CITY COUNCIL MEETING January 28, 1975 Page 4 Councilman Dozier moved that the amendment to Article III of the city's contract with Electric Power Engineer's, Inc., be adopted into the contract. The motion was seconded by Councilman Dale and unanimously approved. Mayor Holt stated that no action was necessary on the property acquisition mat ter. Agenda Item No. 11 -- Adjourn. Councilman Dozier moved that the meeting be adjourned. The motion was seconded by Councilman Adams and unanimously approved. ATTEST City Secretary APPROVED