HomeMy WebLinkAbout10/23/1974 - Regular Minutes City CouncilMINUTES
Regular City Council Meeting
October 23, 1974
7- 00 P.M.
MEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor O.M. Holt; Councilmen Larry Bravenec, Homer
Adams, Fred Brison, James Dozier, James Gardner,
Don Dale; City Manager North Bardell; Director
of Public Works Dulaney; Assistant Director of Public
Works George Ford; City Attorney Neeley Lewis; City
Planner Bill Koehler; Administrative Secretary Sadie
VISITORS PRESENT: See guest register.
Agenda Item No. 1 -- Approval of the minutes of the meeting_ of September
23, 1974. On motion by Councilman Dale, seconded by Councilman Gardner,
the minutes were approved as written.
Agenda Item No. 2 -- Hear visitors. Mr. Victor Tubbs, 1009 Welch
Avenue, S. spoke that he did not think it was right for the city to charge
a penalty on late utility bills. He suggested that each customer set
his own due date or that each customer be given 30 days notice before a
penalty is assessed.
Agenda Item No. 3 -- Resolution accePti_n_g the provisions of St. ate High-
wa~y Department Minute Order for 'traffic signal construction at FM 2154
and Jerse. y Street. A Minute Order was passed by the Texas Highway
Commission on October 1, 1974. It was passed on the condition of the
city's acceptance and fulfilling certain requirements. Councilman
Dozier moved, Councilman Dale seconded that the Minute Order be approved.
The motion carried unanimously and the resolution accepting the provisions
of the Minute Order was passed.
A_genda Item No. 4 -- A public hearing on rezoning of a 16.134 acre
tract to Apar. tment. Buil_ding .Di~strict, a 5.983 acre tract to Duplex
Residential District and a 2.23'2 acre ~raC~'- t'~APari~en~ Bui_ldi_n_g
District from Single Family Re'side'tiaI Distri'ct. (Seaback tracts
north of Munson Avenue an.d Hwy.~ 30..). Mayor Holt opened the public hearing.
Mr. Scott Manning, 1004 Dominik, stated that he thought that there were
too many apartments in one area and that this would cause a density
problem. He also cited the problems of noise and traffic. He presented
the Mayor and Council with a petition with 280 signatures and a total
of 266 petitions of people who were opposed to the rezoning.
Dr. Thomas Kozik, 1010 Dominik, spoke against the rezoning.
Mayor Holt closed the public hearing. Councilman Adams questioned if
there were any persons in favor who wished to speak f~r the ~ezoning,
and Mayor Holt opened the public hearing again. No one spoke and
the hearing was once again closed. ·
MINUTES, Regular City Council Meeting
October 23, 1974
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Councilman Adams moved that the rezoning be approved as the Planning
and Zoning Commission recommended. The recommendation being that
Tract One of 16.134 acres, be rezoned to Apartment Building District,
Tract Three of 5.98 acres be rezoned to Duplex Residential and Tract
Two not be rezoned, but left as Single Family Residential. Councilman
Dale seconded the motion and discussion was called for.
Councilman Gardner asked about the R-lC "not platted" areas on the
map. City Planner Koehler explained these areas to the council.
Councilman Brison spoke regarding the traffic problem on Kyle and
Dominik and questioned the need for so many apartments in one area,
as more apartments will change the pattern of life in this area.
Councilman Dale stated that the development plan should be followed
as close as possible and the Planning and Zoning Commission had
worked hard to do this. He said that rights of the owner should
also be considered.
Councilman Bravenec stated that he was against the rezoning because
having more apartments there, would bring more traffic and noise
into the area.
Councilman Dozier replied to the petitioners, saying that things
do not stay the same and changes must take place if the City of
College Station is to progress.
Mayor Holt called on Planning and Zoning Commissioner M. R. Calliham
to brief the Council and citizens and to discuss the recommendation
of the Planning and Zoning Commission.
Mr. Marvin Harris spoke against the rezoning.
Agenda Item No. 5 -- Consideration of Ordinance No. 94_3, an ordinance
rezoning certai-n ~tr'acts' of la'nd in the Ric'ha~d .ca-r~e.r LeagUe more
particularly _d_escribed in the body of this ordinance from Si. ngie '
Family R~si~dentia!. DiStrict,' District R-lC, to. Apartment Buildinq
District, District R-3 a'nd Duplex Residential District~ pistrict R-2
as specified in the body of this ordinance. (Seaback tracts north
of Munson Avenue and Hwy. 30.) P&Z Case No. 74-22. Mayor Holt 'read
Section 13-A.7 of the Zoning Ordinance ("Effect of Protest to Proposed
Amendment"). He stated that the vote would be taken and the validity
of the petition would be ascertained at a later date. Those voting
"yes" were Councilmen Adams, Dale, Holt and Gardner. Councilmen
voting "no" were Dozier, Brison, Bravenec.
Mayor Holt advised all concerned of the existing situation. If the
petition is in order and enough of the residents of this area protested,
the motion would fail and the rezoning request would not be granted.
Mayor Holt stated that a determination would be made as soon as
possible and that the determination would be made by the City Attorney.
Councilman Dozier qualified his "no" vote by stating that the reason
his vote was "no" was that he voted against the duplexes invo~_ved.
Mr. Dozier moved that Tract One be rezoned to R-3 and leave the rest
of the land above that to R-l, if the petition is valid. Councilman
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October 23, 1974
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Brison seconded the motion. The motion failed with the following
vote: "yes", Councilmen Dozier, Gardner, Brison. "No" votes
were Councilmen Adams, Bravenec, Holt, Dale.
Agenda Item No. 6 -- A public hearing on rezoning request of a 2.2
acre tract to N.eighborh.o. od Business District and a 4.4 acre tract
t°'Apar~ent B. uildin.g DistriCt ~fro~ sinqle Fa_m_~ly ~sid-ential District.
(BEMA, Inc., tract northwest of FM 60 adjoining Texas A&M Univeristy.).
P&Z Case No. 74-28. Cit~ Plan~er Koe~ler descri6~-d ~he' location and
Surr0u~ding ~.'oning designations. Mayor Holt opened the public
hearing. No one spoke. The public hearing was closed.
Agenda Item No. 7 -- Consideration of Ordinance No. 944, an ordinance
rezoning certain tracts of land in the J.E. Scott Leaque more particu-
lariY described in the b°d~ of ~~-s Ordinance ~r0m Single Family
Residential District, District R-lC t0' Neig.hborhood Business District,
District C-N, and ~partmen't~ Bu'ilding '~DiStrict, Dis~ric't R-3' "~s~ speci-
fied in the body of this ordinance. (BEMA, Inc., tract northwest
of FM 60 adjoining Texas A&M u~v. elrsity) . . P&Z Case No. 74-28.
Coun6ilma~ ba]"e '~ove'd and C'ouncilman Adams seconded' t~at ~rdinance
No. 944 be adopted.
Mr. Martin Anding spoke for the rezoning and stated that the availa-
bility of utilities was not yet certain.
Councilman Dozier made a motion to amend the ordinance by adding
the paragraph: The rezoning of this property does not contemplate
that city utilities are to be furnished to these particular tracts of
land; if it is to be furnished with utilities, this will be an
expense to the landowner. The amendment to the motion was seconded
by Councilman Brison and passed unanimously. The motion was
amended, and passed with Councilman Gardner voting "no" and
Ordinance No. 944, rezoning the property, was adopted. Councilmen
voting "yes" were Dozier, Dale, Brison, Adams, Holt, Bravenec.
Agenda Item No. 8 -- A public hearing on the question of rezoning
a 6.47 acre tract to ...General comm. erclal Dist. ri~ct ..f_rom .S. ingle Family
~-side'ntia'l District. (E.f. putz tract on Univers_i. ty Drive
northeast of Tarrow St.). P&Z Case No. 74-29. Mayor Holt opened
the public hearing. No one spoke and the public hearing was closed.
Agenda Item No. 9--Consideration of Ordinance No. 945, an ordinance
rezoning that certain tract of land in the Richard Carter League,
Brazos- County, Texas in Co. llege station b.e~ing part of Tract No. 3
of the division of a Portio~n of the Putz tract from Sin_gl.e. Residential
Di~tric~, Di~s'tri'ct R-lC to Genera~l COmmer'cial ~ist'rict, Dis~ric~ C'i-.
(E.L. Putz tract .on U. nive. r. sity Drive northeast of Tarr~St.) P&Z
Case No. 74-29. Councilman Dale moved and Councilman Adams seconded
that Or~inan~e- No. 945 be adopted.
Councilman Gardner pointed out that if this was rezoned Commercial,
that this would further develop "strip zoning" along University
Drive. He stated that he was against this type of development.
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October 23, 1974
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Councilman Bravenec suggested two possible plans to limit commercial
zoned tracts, especially those zoned commercial and not being developed.
He suggested implementing a heavy tax on land zoned commercial but
not in use, and he recommended that land not developed in two years
should revert to the original zoning.
Councilman Dozier moved an amendment to the ordinance stating that
the city is not rezoning this property in contemplation that city
utilities are to be furnished to these particular tracts of land; if
it is to be furnished with utilities, this will be an expense to the
landowner. Councilman Bravenec seconded the amendment and the motion
carried with Councilman Gardner voting "no" to the amendment.
Councilman Dale's motion to adopt Ordinance No. 945 passed with
Councilman Gardner voting "no". Those Councilmen voting "yes" were
Dozier, Dale, Brison, Adams, Holt, and Bravenec.
Agenda Item No. 10 --....A..Pu. blic hea. ring on the question of rezoning
all of Lot 1 and Lot 2, Block 3 of Redmond Terrace Subdivision to
Apartment Building District from Single Family~Residen%ial'-District.
(Haroid E' Redmond lots at Mil~iff st. and Redmond Drive.) P&Z
Case No. 74-3~_0. Mayor H°l~- opened the public hearing.
Mr. Travis Englebrecht, requested the council to table this ordinance
so that he and his associates could study a way to create a paved
parking area that would not be offensive to residents across from
this tract. This parking area would be used for overflow parking
from the Aggieland Inn.
Agenda Item No. 11 -- Consideration of Ordinance No. 946 an
ordinance .rez0nin_~' all 0~-L'ot 1 'an~ Lot 2', B10C~3, Redmond Terrace
Subdivis_ion ~from Single Family Resi.den~iai Di~'t'~iC~ District R-lC'
to Apartment Building District, District R-'3. (Harold E. Red~6-nd
lots at Milliff St. and Redm0n~ Drive) P&z daSe No.' '7'5-'3'0. ' '
Coun6iiman Dozier' moved, Councilman Brison seconded that Ordinance
No. 946 be tabled until a further study could be made regarding
development of this tract. The motion carried unanimously and the
ordinance was tab led.
Agenda Item No. 12 -- A public hearing on the question of rezonin~
a 1.122 acre tract in 'the D.A. Smith Subdivision to General Commercial
District from Apartment Building DistriCt. (Tommy' Arho'p01~s tract' --
northeast of Hwy 6~etween Live oak St. and Eastgatq ~Squa.r.q') P~z
case No. 74-31. Mayor Holt opened ~the Public hearing after ci~y
Planner Koehler described the area location and surrounding zoning.
No one spoke and the public hearing was closed.
Agenda Item No. 13 -- Consideration of Ordinance No. 947, an ordinance
rezqning .that certai~ 1~122 acre tract of land in the Richard Carter
League being part of Lot ~'~, D.A'. sm'it'h S~bdivision from Apartment"
Building District, District R-3 to-~ene'r'a~ d°mmercial' 'District,
District C-1. (Tommy Arhopolus tract no~the~s~--of Hwy 6 betWeen
Live Oak St. and Eastgate Square.) p&Z Case No'. 74-31. CounCilman
Dale moved and Counc'il-man Brison secOnded that Ordinance No. 947
be adopted. The motion passed with Councilman Dozier voting "no".
MINUTES, Regular City Council Meeting
October 23, 1974
Page 5
Agenda Item No. 14 -- A public hearing on the question, of rezoning a
1.064 a~'re tract i~~he D.A. Smi'th~ Sub'~ivisi'~n t° General cOmm~'rcial
~_s~rict ~from ~APa~ment' BUilding District. (Building Consultants,
Inc. tract northeast of Hwy 6 between Live"oa~ s~. and Eas. ltgate
Square.) P&Z Case No. 74-32. Ma~6r Hol{ o~en~d -t'he public hearing.
No one spoke and the public hearing was closed.
Agenda Item No. 15 -- Consideration of Ordinance No. 948_,...an ordinance
rezoning ~hat'~'~cer~ain '1.'064 a6r~ ~r~ct °f-land in the Richard Car~t'er
League being part of Lot 27, D.A. Smith Subdivision from Apartment
Buii_ding District, 'District R-3 to General Commercial District,
District C-1. Councilman Dale moved ~and" ~c°'unci'l~an Adams seconded that
Ordinance No. 948 be adopted. The motion passed and Ordinance No. 948
was adopted with Councilman Dozier voting "no" and Councilman Bravenec
Agenda Item No. 16 -- A public hearing on the question of rezoni.n.g
a 20 acre tract to Apartment Building .D_istrict from Si.ngle Fami!~f
~eS~i~e~tial~District. (F.S. KaPchinskie tract southwest of .H. wy_6
and southeast of Holleman Dr.) P&Z Case No. 74-33. Mayor Holt
°Pen'~ed 'the pu~bli~ he~'~ng'.' ~ayor'"~HOl~ ~Pened t'~ public hearing.
Mr. Tom Chaney, an associate of Richard Smith Co., spoke for the
rezoning and stated that as a member of the Planning and Zoning
Commission, he had abstained from voting when it came before
the Commission. Mr. Chaney is representing Mr. Kapchinskie in the '~
sale of this property, and therefore has a specific interest in the
rezoning. He then explained the situation concerning this tract
and the tract above it.
The public hearing was closed.
Councilman Adams moved and Councilman Brison seconded, that Ordinance
No. 949 be adopted. Discussion was called for from the Council.
Councilman Dozier moved and Councilman Dale seconded an amendment
to the ordinance by adding the statement to say that the preliminary
plat be withdrawn and resubmitted. The motion passed unanimously
and the amendment was accepted as an addition to Ordinance No. 949.
Agenda Item No. 17 -- Consideration of Ordinance No. 9_49, an ordinance
rezoning all ~f a-20.00-acre~ract o'f~ land in the ~'rawford Bur'nett ~
League in College Station, Brazes County, Texas and more particularly
described in the body of this ordina~ce frqm. Single Family Residential
District, District R-lC to Apartment B~uilding District, District R-3.
(F.S. Kapchinskie' trac~~ southwest of Hwy 6 and sout'heast of 'Holleman
Dr. ) P&Z Case No. 74-33. The motion th-at Councilman Adams made
to adopt Ordinance No. 949, passed unanimously with the amendment
and Ordinance No. 949 was adopted.
Agenda Item No. 18 -- A public hearing on the .q.uestion of rezoning.
a 15.491 acre tract to General Commercial District, a 24.196 acre
t~ac~ tO General. C'ommerci~l '~ist'riCt, an'-18.7'35 acre-tra6~-t°
Apartment Bu~-il-ding~.. .District and a 8.187 acre tract to Townhou.se-
Rowhouse District from Si~g_l-e~a~ily. _ Residential, ...... Bistrict.. (Brazos-~
la'nd f~pPe, rti. e~s', Inc., tract southwes~ 'of _Hwy 6 'and northwest of
Southwest Parkwa. y.)~ P&Z ~a-se No. ~74'34. Mayo-r-H01~t-'.6p~ened th~ public
MINUTES, Regular City Council Meeting
October 23, 1974
Page 6
hearing. City Planner Koehler described the location and adjoining
zoned tracts.
Mrs. Kramer, 1604 Dominik, asked when all the apartment building
would end, as she thought that there are enough apartments in College
Station. Councilman Dozier advised Mrs. Kramer that is where
the demand lies, as most of College Station's population are students
and they do not want single family residences, but rather apartments.
Dr. Thomas Kozik spoke against more apartment zoning.
Mr. Thomas Chaney spoke for the rezoning, stating that the ordinance
allows 43 apartments to an acre and that the average in College
Station now is 22 1/2 per acre, which is approximately one-half of
what is allowed.
Ms. Gloria Martinson, representing Dr. F.B. Clark and herself,
discussed the rezoning, stating that as an adjacent property owner,
she was not for or against the rezoning, but she was concerned
about the drainage problems in that area.
The public hearing was closed. Councilman Gardner pointed out several
problems pertaining to this property and he stated that there are
alot of unanswered questions, therefore he did not think that this
property should be rezoned.
A discussion was held regarding the definition of "preliminary plat".
It was decided that the Council and the Planning and Zoning Commission
would hold a discussion regarding the exact terms and definition
of "preliminary plat".
Agenda Item No. 19 -- Consideration of Ordinance No. 950, an
ordi'n'ance' r~zo~i'ng certain tracts ~ land in the crawford Burnett
League more pa.r_ticularly described in the body of this ordinance
_from Single Famil~ Residential ~Distr~ct.,..Di.stri. ct R-lC to General
Commercial, District, D~ist~i~ct~C_-l,~ t_o_apartment Building ~str~ct,
District R-3, and Townhouse-Rowhouse District, District R-4 as
specified in .the body of this ordinance. (Brazosland ~r.operties,
Inc., tr'a6ts southwest of Hwy-~a~d n0rth~west Of Southwest Parkway).
P&Z Case No. 74-34. Councilman Dale moved and Councilman Adams
seconde'd that Ordinance No. 950, be adopted.
Councilman Dozier moved to make an amendment to Mr. Dale's motion,
which would state that the preliminary plat be considered as a pre-
development plat. Councilman Dale seconded the amendment and it
passed unanimous ly.
The motion that Councilman Dale made to adopt Ordinance No. 950,
passed with Councilman Gardner voting "no" and Councilmen Dale,
Brison, Adams, Holt, Bravenec and Dozier voting "yes".
Agenda Item No. 20 --Appointments to the task force for revi~e_w
of-Developmenta~ ordinances ahd c°ntrolS~- Mayor Holt stated that,
before the review committee could be appointed, it wo~ld'0be necessary
to make appointments to other standing committees. The first
committee to be appointed was the Safety Committee of which the
following nominations were considered:
MINUTES, Regular City Council Meeting
October 23, 1974
Page 7
Col. Howard F. Goldsmith
William E. Beach
Virgil Stover
Marvin Byrd
David Ruesink
Fred Hopson
Ann Hazen
Homer Adams, Liaison
Safety Engineer, Texas Highway Dept.
Agriculture Engineering Dept., TAMU
Traffic Engineer, TTI; Civil Eng. Dept;TAMU
C.S. Police Chief
Sociology Department, TAMU
Supt. A&M Consolidated School System
Councilman Dale moved and Councilman Gardner seconded that the above
be appointed to the Safety Committee. The motion passed unanimously
and the committee is so designated.
Mrs. Wayne Etter asked what qualifications and positions these members
held. City Manager Bardell stated each persons position.
The Building Code Board of Adjustment and Appeals consisted of the
following nominations:
Teddy Hirsch
John Berrie
J. W. Sorenson
Paul Mason
Mike James
Civil Engineering, TAMU
Bldg. & Utilities Head, TAMU
Agriculture Engineering Dept.; TAMU
Engineer & Design Dept., TAMU
Civil Engineering Dept., TAMU
Councilman Dale stated that it was his understanding that the Southern
Building Code described qualifications of members of this board.
Mayor Holt withdrew these nominations until this could be studied
and a determination made.
Mr. Tom Chaney, representing the Planning and Zoning Commission,
stated that there were existing standing committees charged with
the studies proposed for the task force, and that the existing
committees should be functioning instead of appointing 20 more
people to do someonelse's job. He asked that the Council delay action
on the appointments until the Council and the Planning and Zoning
Commission could meet with the other interested committees to discuss
the problems.
Councilman Dale moved and Councilman Brison seconded that action on
designating this committee be delayed until the council and the
Planning and Zoning Commission could set up a date for a meeting
to discuss this item. The motion passed with Councilmen Gardner
and Bravenec voting "no" to the delay.
Agenda Item No. 21 -- Consider bids for purchase of three automobiles
for the Polic~ De-partment. C'~ty Ma~nager Bardeil advised that the
city took bids on two types of automobiles, the full size and the
intermediate size. This was done in order to make a study on possible
operating economies, as conflicting reports were received from other
cities as to the economy of a smaller car. The following bids were
MINUTES, Regular City Council Meeting
October 23, 1974
Page 8
Description Dealer Unit Price
Ford Torino (4 dr) Beal-Ford Merc. $ 4378.00
Ford Custom (500) Beal-Ford Merc. 4540.00
Oldsmobile Delta 88 (4 dr) Allen Oldsmobile
Dodge Coronet (4 dr) Halsell Motor Co. 4450.45
Chevrolet Malibu (4 dr) Corbusier Chev. 4619.96
Chevrolet Bel Air (4 dr) Corbusier Chev. 4709.05
Pontiac Catalina (4 dr) Calbert-Logan Inc.. 4686.13
Total Price
City Manager Bardell recommended the bid from Beal Ford for 2 Ford
Custom 500 (4 dr) at $4540. each and one Ford Torino (4 dr) for $4378.
Councilman Dozier moved and Councilman Dale seconded that the City
Manager's recommendation be accepted. The motion passed unanimously.
Councilman Dale asked what delivery date coule be expected'.. Mr.
Bardell advised that the delivery date was 60 days.
Agenda Item No. 22 -- Consider bids on Thomas Street Petition Paving.
Assistan~ Directo~of Public 'works ~0'rd~reCommen'ded ~ha~ ~~ 10ne bid of
Young Brothers Contractors, Inc., be accepted in the amount of
$11,502.80 with 80 working days.
Councilman Dale moved, Councilman Bravenec seconded that the bid
of $11,502.80 be accepted. The motion carried with Councilman
Dozier voting "no". Councilmen voting "yes" were Bravenec, Dale,
Dozier, Brison, Adams, Holt.
Agenda~ Item No. 23 -- Consider bids on South Texas Avenue area
sanitary sewer ~ine~. A~s-~Sta~tt Di~re~tor 0~f PUblic W6rks Ge°~rge
Ford reCommended the bid by M. Lawrence Parker in the amount of
$23,585.40 with 60 working days be accepted, as opposed to Brazos
Valley Utilities with 35 working days in the amount of $24,374.70.
Councilman Dale moved and Councilman Brison seconded that the Mr.
Ford' s recommendation of M. Lawrence Parker in the amount of $23,585.40
with 60 working days be accepted. The motion passed unanimously.
Agenda Item No. 24 -- Other business. There was none.
Agenda Item No. 25 -- Adjourn.
City Secretary