HomeMy WebLinkAbout09/23/1974 - Regular Minutes City CouncilMINUTES
Regular City Council Meeting
September 23, 1974
7:00 P.M.
MEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor O. M. Holt; Councilmen Jim Dozier, Jim Gardner, Don Dale,
Homer Adams, Fred Brison, Larry Bravenec; City Manager North
Bardell; Assistant Director of Public Works George Ford; City
Planner Koehler; City Attorney Neeley Lewis; Tax-Assessor-Collector
Bengs; Administrative Secretary Sadie Holligan.
VISITORS PRESENT: See guest register.
The meeting convened at 7:05 P.'.,M.
Agenda ILtem No. ~1L ..- Appro~v~al of the minutes of the meetings of August 26 and September 17.
Councilman Bravenec moved, Councilman Gardner seconded a suggested addition to the
August 26 minutes. The addition referred to paragraph 10, the last line of page 2,
and would read "Members of the Planning and Zoning Commission expressed their feeling
that the ordinance as worded took account such cumulative affect." Also, a correction
should be made to the September 17 minutes in that there were no members absent and
the guest register should be referred to for an account of the visitors present.
The motion carried unanimously and the minutes were approved as corrected.
Agenda Item No. 2 - Hear visitors. Mr. Don Dillon appeared before the Council representing
Mr. Arhopolus, owner of Lot 33 of the D. A. Smith Subdivision. Mr. Dillon stated that
Mr. Caporina was the agent for the potential buyer of this property but that he could
not attend the meeting. Mr. Dillon discussed the existing sanitary sewer line which
runs approximately parallel to the Southeast line of Lot 33 of the D. A. Smith
subdivision He pointed out that the exact location of the line could only be
determined ~y digging the line up~at there was no record of an easement covering
this line. Mr. Dillon requested the Council to authorize the Mayor to sign the
necessary instruments to release whatever claim the City of College Station might have
on a blanket easement recorded in Volume 98, Page 230 of the Brazos County Deed
Records for the R.E.A. section of the City of Bryan, upon the condition that satis-
factory easements be provided for the existing sanitary sewer line. Mr. Dillon
pointed out that the city could refuse to issue building permits on the tract if
the easements weren't provided. Councilman Dale moved that the Mayor be authorized
to execute a release on the blanket easement provided the City is provided with
additional easements that would cover the existing sanitary sewer and power lines
or any that we might construct at a later date. Councilman Brison seconded the
After a discussion referring to this easement, Councilman Adams moved that this item
be tabled until the Utility Department could determine the location of the easements.
Councilman Bravenec seconded the motion and this item was tabled with the vote as
follows: Councilman Dale, Dozier voted no; Councilmen Brison, Adams, Gardner, and
Bravenec voted yes. The motion carried.
Mrs. Bettie McBride stated that she thought the pool should ha9e been finished by now
and that the danger of children falling in since there was no fence up, was very
possible. City Manager Bardell advised that the fence had been put up and the pool
was ready to be filled.
MINUTES, Regular City Council Meeting
September 23, 1974
Page 2
Agenda Item No. 3 - Set a date f~or regular October council meeti, ng. Councilman
Brison moved and Councilman Dale seconded, the regular meeting be held on
Wednesday, October 23 at 7-00 P.M. The motion passed unanimously and the
meeting will be held then due to a conflict with the Texas Municipal League meeting
in Fort Worth, which the council usually attends.
Agenda Item No. 4 - Consideration of a petition for sidewalks construction on
..Langford Street. A petition had been presented to the City Council from residents
of Langford Street to have sidewalks put in. 100% of the residents had not
signed the petition, however the cost would be absorbed by the residents who
did sign,a~sthey signed the petition stating they would be willing to pay $1.50
rather than $1.00 as the ordinance called for, and this would roughly make up
the difference.
Councilman Bravenec moved that the city build the sidewalk from Haines to Boswell
Streets on the east side, on the condition that the 7 signees pay $1.50 per foot
for each property owner. Councilman Gardner seconded the motion because he stated
that there should be more sidewalks and the council should do everything possible
to get them built. Councilman Dale advised that the ordinance is out of date,
as the approximate cost per foot now is $4.00 and suggested that this ordinance
be updated.
The motion carried with the following vote: Councilmen voting no were Dale,
Dozier, Adams. Councilmen voting yes, were Gardner, Bravenec, Brison, Holt.
Councilman Adams stated that he voted "no" because he thought that the property
owners should not have to pay $1.50, but $1.00 as the ordinance states, and
that there should be a 100% participation.
~genda !.tem NO_. 5- C°ns. iderat, io.n_ .of ~a proposed map for design_a, ti~ion of...street_s
to be included in the Federal Aid Urban System. Mayor Holt advised that the
subject map was looked at by the council at their last meeting, but was not
approved. The council decided to consider the map at this regular meeting in
order to have more time to study it. The intent now was to adjust the map
as the council saw fit.
Councilman Dozier suggested that Munson, Dominik and Francis Streets be deleted
from the map. Councilman Dale suggested Welch be deleted. Councilman Bravenec
suggested the deletion of Park Place and Dominik Drive extending to the by-pass;
and deletion of Munson from Highway 30 to Highway 60. Councilman Gardner suggested
Munson in its entirety be deleted, Southwest Parkway be taken off in its
entirety, and Glade Street be taken off in its entirety.
Mr. Thomas Kozik, Dominik Street, questioned the rationale of the Highway
Department in considering Dominik Drive to be extended.
Mr. Tom Comstock stated that residents of these areas must come back to the
council every six months to protect their property. Councilman Gardner advised
that if more citizens were involved on the neighborhood level, theme problems
would not come up as often as they do.
Councilman Dozier moved that all the streets on the map be eliminated, exqept
for the primary and secondary highways (included in the exceptions is the
2154 extension from Highway 60 to F&B Road), and that streets could be considered
for addition at a later date. The motion was seconded by Councilman Brison and
unanimously carried.
MINUTES, Regular City Council Meeting
September 23, 1974
7'00 P.M.
Page 3
Agenda Item No. 6- Discussion of a name for the new Municipal Swimming Pool.
"Municipal Pool" be accepted Councilman
Councilman Dozier moved that the name, .
Brison seconded the motion.
Discussion was held and Councilman Dale suggested the name of "Ran Boswell
Swimming Pool."
Mr. Tom D. Comstock, suggested the name "The Arthur D. Adamson Swimming Pool."
Councilman Dale then withdrew his nomination of "Ran Boswell Swimming Pool."
Councilman Dozier withdrew his suggestion of "Municipal Pool" and Councilman
Brison withdrew his second to .Mr. Dozier's motion.
City Manager Bardell then advised that a name must be designated in order to
have a plaque put up at the pool as per B.O.R. regulations.
Councilman Brison moved that the name "Municipal Pool" be designated temporarily
and that a committee be appointed to set the policy for naming structures such
as the pool. Councilman Gardner seconded the motion and the name "Municipal
Pool" will be the temporary name of the swimming pool. Councilman Dale voted no.
Mayor Holt appointed the committee as Councilmen Dozier, Gardner, and Dale, with
Mr. Dale as Chairman for setting the policy of selecting names.
_Agenda Item No. 7 - Dis~us.s ~the.. po.s._sibility' ..~for re.v. iew of the ~adeRuac¥ and use
of College station,s development controls (zoning and s~bdiv.ision.~ ordinances,
building and housing Dodes,~ etq.). Councilman Gardner proposed to the council
that a joint citizen and Council committee be appointed to study the adequacy and
use of the codes and certain ordinances, along with the preliminary goals and
objectives and certain procedures. Councilman Gardner moved that a committee
be set up involving citizens and council to make this study. Councilman Dozier
seconded the motion. ·
Councilman Dale amended that an administrative personnel member of the University
be included on this committee. Councilman Brison seconded the amendment and
Mr. Gardner's motion carried unanimously. A committee of this nature will
be selected at the next regular meeting in October.
Ms. Lynn Glazer suggested that a public meeting be held and citizens be
interviewed for appointment. Councilmen advised that the meetings will be
Ms. Margaret Weirich asked if the sign ordinances will be included in this
study, as her group is interested in this in particular. Mayor Holt advised
that the sign ordinance is included in this study.
Agenda Item No. 8 - Resetting _a_ public hearing _on the~_question of rezoning a
16.134 acre tract to Apartment Building District, a 5.9~83 a~re tr~_ct to Duplex
Residential District and a_. 2.232 acre tract to.L .Apart.m_ent .Building Distric__t
from Single F.amily Residential District. (Se_aback tracts no. rth .of Munson Avenue
and.. Hwy 30.) P&Z Case No. 74-~2.' Mayor Holt ad~i'sed ~at-th. ese 'tracts did
not get advertised in order to hold public hearin~ at this meeting, so another
date would have to be set. Councilman Dozier moved that October 23 be-set for
the public hearing for Mr. Seaback's tracts. Councilman Brison seconded the
motion and it passed unanimously naming October 23, the next regular City Council
meeting, for the public hearing.
MINUTES, Regular City Council Meeting
September 23, 1974
7:00 P.M.
Page 4
Items No. 9 thru 16 - Consideration of a public hearing on the questio~npf
rezoniqg ~ 2._2 .acre t. rac. t ~t~ Neighborhood.. Business..D. istrict and a 4.4 acre tract
to Apartment Building District from Sing~le Fa.m.i.ly Residential District. (BEMA,
Inc. tract northwe$~ pf FM ~60 adjoining Texgas A&M Univeristy.) P&Z Case No. 74-28.
Consideration of a pub_!_ic heari~ng on the question of rezoning a 6.47 acre
tra~ct, to G.e~e. ral Commercial Dist~i~ct from Si. ngle Family ~Reside~tial pistrict.
(E.L. Putz tract_._o_n_ UniVersity. Drive northe, ast._of T~rpw St.) P&Z Case No. 74-29.
Consideration of a public hearing on the question of rezoning all of Lot 1
and Lot 2, Block 3 of Redmond Terrace Subdivision to Apartment Building District
_f__rom S ing!_e Family. ,R~esidenti. a. 1 .D. istrict. (~arp_l_d E..Redmond lots at Milliff St.
and~ Re_dmond D_riv_e. ) P&.Z .C~a.se No. 7.4-~0.
Considera~tipn_ of a~ j~ublic hearing on the question of rezoning a 1.122 acre
tract in the D.A. Smith Subdivision to General Commercial District from Apart-
m-en't B~i'ldi~ng Dist'ric't'."'(Tommy A.r. hop_olus tract nor_theast .of Hwy..6' ~between
Live Oak Street and Eastgate Square.) P&Z Case No. 74-31.
Consideration of a public hearing on the question of rezoning ~ 1.064 acre
tract in the D. A. Smith Subdivision to General Commercial District from
, _
Apartment Building District. (Building Consultants~ _Inc.. tract _northeast of
Hw~ 6 between Live. Oak~S~reetL~a~n~d- Ea. stg~at,e S.quar~e..) P&Z. ~Case N~oL. 74._32.
Consideration of a public hearing on the question of rezoning a ,15..~91 acre tract
to Ge.neral .Co~mmercia! Distric~t. a a~.r.e' tr~t tO ~eneral _Commerci. al
District, an 18.175 acre ....... tract to Ap_artme~n~ Build~ng District~, a 12.147 acre tract
to Apartment Building D'istrict and a 8.187 acre tract to Townhouse-Rowhouse
~_ist_rict fromSi_ngle Fami-iyReSiden'tial-'~Diist~ric~.. (Bra_zosland properties, Inc.
tr.acts sou~hw.est o~ Hwy ~. and. n_orthw.est of S.~outh. west Parkway.~) P&Z C~_se No. 74-34.
Consideration of a public belair_lng on .the qu~.stion of rezoning LOt 1~ Block 18,
College Hills EStates, Se_ction IV to N. eighbo, rhood BuSi~.ness District from Sing~le
Family Residential District." (T~e applicant ip~ in ~he mame Of. Gl. enn D.
Th. omas and the. 1. o.t is located northeapt of_ Hwy 6 ~a_nd southeast. of Kyle St.)
P&Z Case No. 74-35.
Consideration of a public hearing ~o~ the ~qu_estion Of r. ezoning__a 2_0 ac. re tract_
to Apartment. Build~i. ng Dist. rict from Single Family Residential District.
(F.S. Kapchinskie tract s_outhwe~st~._of- Hwy 6 and. _SOut_hea_st of_ Hollem. an Drive.)
P&Z Case No. 74-33
Councilman Dozier moved and Councilman Adams seconded that items no. 9 thru
16 be set for public hearing at the next regular council meeting on October 23.
The motion carried unanimously.
Agenda Item No. 17 -City M.a_nager's repo_r~. City Manager Bardell reported regarding
the property a~ the corner of Tarrow and University Drive. The property owners had
been notified by mail and had 10 days to begin clearing the rubble or the city
would exercise its rights according to the ordinance. Mr. Bardell advised that
the owners had been to the Fire Department to secure burning permits and that the
site looked much better. If the city is not satisfied, they c~n go in and finish
the job and charge the respective owners.
MINUTES, Regular City Council Meeting
September 23, 1974
Page 5
Mr. Bardell also reported that he had received the specifications on the taping
equipment suggested at the last meeting. If the city can get three bids, the
lowest will be taken and hopefully, the equipment could be installed for the
regular October meeting.
Also included in Mr. Bardell's report, was an update on the swimming pool. The
fence has been put up and the pool was now ready to be filled, which would
take two days. Then it would take at least 5 days to do the chlorination and
Agenda Item No. 18 - Closed session for personnel matters. The Council then
went into closed session in the conference room for discussion of personnel
appointments. (This was according to ~6252-17, Open Meetings Law, Section 2;
sub-section g. )
Agenda Item No. 19 - Reop.en session._ App0intm.ent of zonin~ Board of Adjustment.
Councilman Dozier nominated Chairman Fredda Austin, Kathy Leabo and Glenn Jones
serving two year terms and James Teer and Wayne Etter serving one year terms.
Councilman Gardner moved that the nominations cease and this was seconded by
Councilman Brison. The vote was unanimous and nominations ceased. Councilman
Dozier moved and seconded by Councilman Dale, that these persons be appointed
with the respective terms as stated. The motion carried. Councilman Adams
voted no as he felt strongly that the final decision should be left to the City
Council rather than appointed officials.
Agenda Item No. 20 - Other business. There was none.
AgenJ~ I~em NP' 21 - Adjourn. As there was no other business, the meeting was
adjourned under motion by Councilman Dozier, seconded by Councilman Adams,
which carried unanimously.
C_~.ty Secretary