HomeMy WebLinkAbout09/24/1973 - Regular Minutes City Council MINUTES City Council Meeting City of College Station, Texas September 24, 1973 7-00 P.M. MEMBERS PRESENT- Mayor J. B. Hervey; Councilmen J. D. Lindsay, C. A. Bonnen, Homer B. Adams, R. D. Radeleff, Assistant City Manager North Bardell; City Engineer George Ford; Director of Parks and Recreation Paul Wojciechowski; Administrative Secretary Sadie Holligan. MEMBERS ABSENT: Councilmen Don R. Dale, Fred Brison; City Manager Ran Boswell. VISITORS PRESENT: See Guest Register. The regular meeting of the College Station City Council was called to order by Mayor Hervey at 7:00 P.M., September 24 at the City Hall in the Council Chambers. Mayor Hervey welcomed all visitors present. The first item on the agenda for the meeting was approval of the minutes of the previous meetings of August 27, September 6, September 13, and September 19. The Mayor asked for comments regarding these minutes. On motion by Councilman Lindsay seconded by Councilman Bonnen, the council voted unanimously that the minutes be approved as read. Mr. Randy Ross, TAMU Student Body President, presented the council with two resolutions that had been passed by the TAMU Student Senate at one of their recent meetings. The first resolution, Student Senate Bill #SB73-0010-(3), was in regards to changing the polling place location to the University Center. He stated that the County Commissioners Court and the University had given their approval of the relocating. The second resolution was to allow the voters to ammend the city charter from the at-large system to the ward system of electing the city council members. This reso- lution was numbered Student Senate Bill 9SB73-0013-(3). The Mayor accepted the resolutions and advised Mr. Ross that the council would take these under advisory for further action. Mr. James Luscombe, Jr., requested a variance to allow his structure on Lot 10 of the Holt Addition to intrude upon the 20 foot ease- ment along the northeast line of said lot 10, the distance of 10 feet. On motion by Councilman Radeleff seconded by Councilman Lindsay, Mr. Luscombe's variance request was granted with the understanding that a letter stating same would be written to Mr. Pat Stacy, Mr. Luscombe's attorney. Mrs. Kruse of Suffolk Street, brought forward a petition signed by residents of the area in question regarding the opening of an MINUTES, City Council Meeting September 24, 1973 Page 2 alley between Dexter and Suffolk Streets and from Jersey to Burt Streets. Mayor Hervey called on Assistant City Manager Bardell to give the legal situation regarding this alley. Mr. Scoates stood before the council objecting, in behalf of his mother, who is ill. He stated that he thought the city would have to obtain additonal land to open this alley. He objected to this opening unless the land was acquired, the alley then curbed and guttered, and was topped all the way down. He also stated that several utility poles and trees would have to be removed. Mr. Lancaster stood to say that his position was neutral. Ms. Gloria Martinson stood in favor of opening of the alley. Mayor Hervey then delivered the petition to Assistant City Manager Bardell and asked him to make further investigations and give a full report as to the cost to the residents, the cost to the city, etc., so the council could give this petition further attention. Discussion was opened regarding awarding the bid of the swimming pool project. The architect, Mr. J. W. Wood, stood before the council and gave a brief summary of the bid and allowances giving, the total bid as $342,100 of Seaside Pools Co. of Mesquite, Texas. Mr. Wood stated that more bids would be sought on the item in the allowance phase of the contract which would enable the city to reduce the amount. On motion by Councilman Radeleff, seconded by Councilman Adams, the bid was awarded to 5he lowest bidder, Seaside Pools, with the stipulation that the City Attorney, Mr. James Dozier would review the contract. The vote on the motion was unanimous. The contract was then presented to Assistant City Manager Bardell for the City Attorney's review. In other business, on motion by Councilman Adams seconded by Councilman Bonnen, the Mayor was authorized to sign the preliminary arrangements letter for the city's participation in the Better Communi tie s Act. Mr. Michael Murphy of 305 Pershing, stood before the council to say that he was very much in favor of the striping for bicycle lanes, on Glade Street. He stated that he thought the stripes were working out real well and wanted to thank the city for this action. As there was no other business, Mayor Hervey declared the meeting adjourned. ATTEST SECRETARY PP STUDENT GOVERNMENT MEMORIAL STUDENT CENTER TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS 77844 ROOM 216 MEMORIAL STUDENT CENTER PHONE (713) 845-3061 September 17, 1973 Dr. Jack K. Williams, President Texas A&M University Systems Administration Bld$. CAHPUS Dear Dr. Williams: Two resolutions were passed by the Student Senate on September 12 that should be brought to your attention. The first one requests the City of College Station to hold a special election to allow its citizens to dec,de whether or not they wish to continue the "at large" system of electing city council members or change back to a "ward" system? 1 feel there is no need to elaborate on this proposal since the pros and cons are well known. The other resolution concerns moving the current on campus city and county polling places to the University Center. Presently, the polling site for County elections is in G. Rollie White Coliseum while the polling site for city elections is in the old Cushing Library. The Senate felt that one central polling site in the University Center would be a more desirable location due to the fact that most of the eligible voters of precinct 20 (A&M Campus) live on campus. I checked with Mr. Chuck Cargill, University Center Manager, and he could not see any problem with having the polling site in the University Center. I would appreciate any comment.s you may have on these resolutions. Sincerely, ~ident Student: Bod7 cc: Dr. Tom Adair Dr. John Koldus Mr. Roger Miller ol,a3o THE STUDENT SENATE Texas A&H Univers~ty Senate Bill No: SB 73.0013-(3) Introduced By: __ : Ron Miori .......... Ac t ion taken: Certified St uden t --BodY ViC e. pres :[h~e'r~ t Duly ApprovedStudent 'Body~-'~resid'~n't~' WHEREAS. the present "at large" system of elections in College Station does not give a true representation of all the c~tizens of the city, and WHEREAS, the City of College Station has grown considerably in the past few years since the ~n~t~at:l;on of the present systom, and WHEREAS, a ward system would g~e better representation to the various factions of the c~ty, THEREFORE, we, the members of the Student Senate of Texas A&M University, do hereby stronglF urge t~e C~ty of College Station to hold a special elect~on to allow the citizens of College Station to decide which system theM would now prefer. SB. 73 _-00!0,(3) THE STUDENT SENATE Texas A&H University Senate Bill No: SB 73-0010~(3) , Introduced By: Barb Sears _ -__~ ~ -~ ~ ~ ~..- ....~ · Ac t ion taken: Certified st~jnt~ s°d¥ viCj'~res'£d:~gt Duly Approved Student Body President CAMPUS POLLING PLACE WHEREAS, the main campus of Texas A&M University is now a precinct of the county and a ward of the city, and WHEREAS, the polling places are ~n d~fferent locations, neither one being in the most des~reable posit~on on campus, BE IT RESOLVED that the Student Senate of Texas A&M University recommends that the polling place should be relocated and established in the University Center. 0. .g32 TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY · COLLEGE STATION. TEXAS 77843 September 19, 1973 Mr. Randy Ross President . Student Government Texas AadVi University Campus Dear Mr. Ross: This has reference t° your September 17 letter giving the infoma- fi. on about two resolutions passed by the Student Senate on September 12. Concernins the resolution from the Student Senate to the City of Co~llege Station concerning a special election--this matter should be directed by the Student Senate to the mayor of the city under your signature. As you know, the mayor is The Honorable J. B. (Dick) Hemrey. Your second resolution concerning moving the polling places on campus from G. Rollie White and the Gushing Library to the MSC--I have no objection whatever to this move ff it can be arranged with Mr. Cargill and others and if it does not interfere with the regular business of the center. I will enclose a copy of this letter to Mr. Cargill and Mr. Chem'¥ and suggest you work directly with them. Jack K. Williams President Dr. John $. Koldus Mr. Tom D. Cherry Dr. Tom Adair Mr. Charles R. Cargill bcc' ~he Honorable J. B. Hervey FIEGION VI FIEGIONAI,.,'~FFICE FORT WOPlTI~, TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT AREA OFFICE 2001 BRYAN TOWER - FOURTH FLOOR DALLAS, TEXAS 75201 AUG 6 1973 Hono~ab le J. B. Hervey Hayor, City of College 8Cation Office Box 9960 College S~a~ton, Texas 77840 Dear l~ayor Hervey: When the Better Communities conference vas held with your city on Hay 30, 1973, it was explained that we would follow up ~r~th a memorandum summarizing our understanding of £utu~e community de- velopment funding and city respons~b~Itty, As you know, all of HUD*s categorical grant programs were either suspended or terminated in January or June 30, 1973. The Admin- istration has proposed the Better Communities Act which ~ould re- place these programs with a more flexible approach. Under that bill, the cities would be allocated funds on a formula basis which could be used for a broad variety o£ community' development activ- ities including housing rehabilitation, acquisition and development of open space, water and sewer facilities, municipal improvements, day care activities and faciIities, job training, and social services pro~ramSo Under the proposed Better Communities Act at a $2o3 billion annual funding level, College Station would receive: FY 1975 FY 1976 FY 1977 FY 1978 FY 1979 :~97,000 ~148,000 :~232,000 ~;241,000 $249,000 You and your staff should continue and expand their efforts to pro- duce the expertise to erasure the capability of meeting the Depart- ment's National Coals to (1) Improve the living environment (2) Ensure proper relocation resources and practices (3) Ensure coordi- nated and planned areawide development (4) Provide low and moderate income housing (5) Equal availability of houstnE to all citizens (6) Equal employment opportunity (7) Environmental preservation and improvement, The planntn$ and efforts reflected in your community development statement indicates progress towards accompltshtn$ ~heae 8oal.. e · -2- The change in direction and philosophy to the relationship between Federal and local Eovernments mi§hr be summarized in this manner, Local decision makin$ is paramount if responsive and efficient local Eovernment is Eoin$ to be effective, This is the thrust of the new federalism. Local Eovernment is challenged to expand its role in the decision maktns and the Federal Government is challensed to retreat from its dictatorial role, Special Revenue Shartns fundtns would require the City to assume the manaEement responsi- bility for such funds, This responsibility would require the City to establish its prior- ities based upon needs as represented by the broadest citizens base available. In order to accomplish this your City needs to deter- mine that its p lanntn$ and evaluation capacities are adequate to . ensure the funds are utilized for' pro~rams in order of their priority, In order for the cities to accomplish this objective it viii be necessary for HUD to minimize its manasement by objection role and increase its role of technical assistance. The Better Communities Act as presented to Con~ress would permit this; however, the role of HUD will depend on the Act as tt is finally enacted, which could contain statutory requirements. Some of the actions taken'by your City in prepartnE your coununtty development statements are commendable and I encourage you to con- tinue and expand the following activities: The National Housing Coal as set out by Con§tess is, 'A decent home and a suitable living environment for every American family." To assist in reaching this goal you are encouraged to complete a housing survey and to develop a plan to assist your low and moderate income people in meeting their housing needs o You should continue promotion of private investments for I:he houstn~ ot~ ~:he elderly and ].ow-income t:o meet: t:he Hat:J. onal Houstn~ Goal, ~or Naetonal Flo~ Insurance and when the qualification h~ been me~ all citizens should be notified of the availability, 3. You and your staff should continue and expand your efforts to involve the citizens o£ your City in the~ establishment of priorities, -3- &. The community developmer~t statement should be expanded to include the services available ~hrough o~her Federal Depart- men~s such as EPA~ HET/ and DOT, Also. you should conCac~ the State of Texas Department of Community Affat~s~ State Health Department. Texas ~/ater quality Control Board and Local Government such as County for special services they may render to you. $, The City must develop the staff capability to assure that all projects are in strict accordance ~ith all appltcabl~ Federal~ State and Local regulations concerning preser- vation of the environment. Under the Better Communities Act now pending before Congress it vt11 become the responsibility of each City to comply with the following (a) civil rights~ (b) labor and (c) relocation requirements, During the period prior to passage of the Act you should review your staff · capability to ensure that expertise is available to comply with these requirements. The City of College Station has made progress in the field of Civil Rights and should continue to expand this activity to include an affirmative action plan for all city employees, In the transition period ! intend to prepare my staff to be better able to advise and assist cities in the ney Federal Role in the fo 11ovtnE manner: 1, Conduct in-house tratninE sessions in all aspects of city manaEemen t, 2. Famtltartztn$ ourselves vith the operation and financial assistance available from other Federal AEencte8 in order to be able to assist communities in obtatninE such assist- ance. FormalizinE and stren~thenin$ lines of communication vtth the Southwes£ Federal Re§tonal Council so that their help may be requested in obtaining other Federal Assistance. A representative of this office will visit your City bt-monthly to keep you advised concerntn~ HUD administered federal assistance and to provide technical assistance and advice where needed, in brief, ~hese are the comments, suE§estions and recommendations of the Dallas Area Office, Since we are not ne~ottatin~, but are rather in the process of reachtn8 a mutual understandtn$ you are welcome to add any co~nents~ su8sesttons or recommendations you feel should be made on behalf of the City of Collese Stations Texas, -4- After a review of the contents of this letter ! would appreciate you presenttn~ it to your council for authorization to concur, After you have concurred, please return one copy to me, Thank you for par~tctpattn$ in the Community .~evelopmen~ S~ateuen~ process, ~e welcome your partnership in seeing new ways to better a Dire Concurrence~ t-he c~ of co~~e' s-~,~to~