HomeMy WebLinkAbout07/23/1973 - Regular Minutes City CouncilMINUTES CITY COUNCIL MEETING July 23, 1973 7:00 P.M. MEMBERS PRESENT- Mayor J. B. Hervey; Councilmen Fred R. Brison, Homer B. Adams, Don R. Dale, J. D. Lindsay, R. D. Radeleff, and C. A. Bonnen, City Manager -. Ran Boswell; City Engineer George Ford; Administrative Secretary Sadie Holligan. MEMBERS ABSENT: None. VISITORS PRESENT- See Guest Register. The regular meeting of the College Station City Council was called to order at 7-00 P.M. on Monday, July 23, 1973 in the Council Chambers of the City Hall by Mayor J. B. Hervey. Mayor Hervey welcomed all visitors present. The first item on the agenda was the approval of the minutes of the June 25, June 28, and July 16, 1973 meetings. On motion of Councilman Radeleff and seconded by Councilman Lindsay, the minutes were approved as presented to the council. Mayor Hervey asked if there were any visitors that wanted to be heard by the Council. Mrs. Kruse of 202 Suffolk, stood before the council and made a request that a~ alley on Suffolk Street be opened as it is overgrown and a hazard to the neighborhood. Mayor Hervey stated that the council would want to hear from the remainder of the residents and get their opinions on this matter. He advised that the council must first investigate this alley as to the expense to the city and if the alley could be traveled during good and bad weather. Mayor Hervey then opened a public hearing on the proposed garbage ordinance. City Manager Boswell briefly outlined the contents of the proposed ordinance. Mr. Jack W. Rose of 502 Kyle, stood before the council to object to the plastic bag container because of breakage and raised the question as to why cans could not be used. Councilman Radeleff pointed out that the ordinance does not restrict using cans, but that a plastic bag must be securely fastened in the can. Mr. Michael Murphy of 305 Pershing, objected to the use of plastic bags because some plastic is not decomposable and paper bags would be better. The council pointed out to Mr. Murphy that the resident had a choice of paper or plastic as so stated in the ordinance. MINUTES, City Council, July 23, 1973 Page 2 Mr. Everett E. Janne of 905 Glade, pointed out that the dog leash law would require stricter enforcement. Mr. Arthur Smith stood and stated that he was for the garbage ordinance 100%. Dr. A. D. Folweiler of 1028 Walton, stated he thought that since the word "garbage" was defined in the ordinance, that the word "refuse" should be too. Dr. Folweiler then asked when the garbage would be picked up. Mayor Hervey advised him that all residents would be notified. Dr. Folweiler then shared the feeling that some plastics were not decomposable. He then stated that he did agree with the newspaper statement that curbside pick up would lower the number of workers and therefore raise the salaries of the sanitiation department employees. Dr. Ea~lMartin if 1216 Westover, discussed with the council the expense of the bags. Councilman Dale pointed out that the city was providing service at a loss and the homeowner would bare the cost of the required containers. Mrs. Betty Dean asked if the residents would be notified which alleys were being used and if others were to be opened. Mr. Alfred Miller, Superintendent of the Sanitation Department, advised that most of the alleys have gas meters in the middle of them and that the meters would be an added expense to the city if they were to be moved. Mr. Miller also stated that most of the alleys are too small for a truck to go into and come out, especially in the bad weather. Mrs. Beverly Kirk of 1201 Foster, stated that there were wild animals that roamed the streets at night and tore the plastic bags and scattered them about. She also opinionated on the expense of the bags. Mayor Hervey ad.v~sed the citizens that the council was aware that there could be and probably will be some problems and the council was willing to hear requests for amendments. The public hearing was then closed. On motion by Councilman Radeleff and seconded by Councilman Bonnen, the garbage ordinance was passed. A public hearing was opened on the question of rezoning Lot 38, Block 14, Southwood Section 25 from Single Family Residential District (R-lC) to Apartment District (R-3); and Lot 39, Block 14, Southwood Section 25, from Single Family Residential District (R-lC) to General Commercial District (C-l). City Engineer Ford presented an explanation on the lots in question as approved by the Planning and Zoning Commission to be presented to the council. Mr. W. D. Fitch, as owner of the lots, gave a brief statement as to why he had requested the rezoning. On motion by Councilman Adams and seconded by Councilnan Brison, Ordiance Nos. 886A and 887 were unanimously adopted. Mayor Hervey then asked City Manager Boswell to brief the Council on Ordinance No.888, an ordinance determining to assess a part of the cost of improving portions of Brooks Avenue, Bolton Avenue, Jane Street, and Luther Street in the City of College Station; MINUTES, City Council, July 23, 1973 Page 3 adopting engineer's rolls providing for notice of hearing; and declaring an emergency. On motion by Councilman Dale and seconded by Councilman Bonnedn, the ordinance was passed unanimously. Mayor Hervey opened a public hearing relative to receiving certain territory adjoining the city limits of College Station. City Engineer Ford presented a description of the area in question. Mr. Edsel G. Jones, owner of the propert~ discussed his plans for a mobile home park on this site with the council. On motion by Councilman Brison and seconded by Councilman Dale, Ordinance No. 889 was adopted with the clear understanding that the developer would install sanitary sewer and water extensions in accordance with the sub-division ordinance. Mr. Bill Wischmeyer presented the tabulation of bids of sanitary sewer improvements. On motion of Councilman Adams and seconded by Councilman Brison, the bids were awarded to the two lowest bidders as presented and the Mayor and City Secretary were autho- rized to execute the contracts between the City of College Station and the two successful bidders as follows: H & H Concrete Construction-Contract "A" $451,313.00 Recommended.. 456,575.00 484,435.00 516.859.00 578,646.00 Ail concrete pipe 18" VCT; 21" thru 27; Concrete Pipe 18" & 21" VCT; 24" & 27 Concrete Pipe 18" & 21 "& 24" VCT; 27" Concrete Pipe All VCT Pipe M. Lawrence Parker Corporation - Contract "B" Recommended..$266,368.85 Ail VCT Pipe , Total Recommendation ...................... $722,943.85 City Engineer George Ford presented the council with an updated report on the Glade Street petition. The petition only has 62% of the residents signed of the required 70%. Mr. R. J. Hodges of 903 Glade, stood to state that he vitally opposed the sidewalk petition. Mrs. Jane Barry of 1303 Glade, said that she was in favor of the petition. Mr. Everett Janne of 905 Glade, opposed the sidewalk petition because the mail system would have to be changed. Mr. Tom Chaney of 404 Fairview, suggested that there be no street parking on the east side of Glade Street, and perhaps painting or striping rather than sidewalks would be approporiate. On motion of Councilman Brison and seconded by Councilman Bonnen, no further action will be taken regarding the sidewalk petition until the petition had 70% of the residents signatures to support the request. 01. 18 MINUTES, City Council Meeting, July 23, 1973 Page 4 As there was no other business, Mayor meeting at 9-20 P.M. Hervey adjourned the APPROVED: ATTEST: ~ Mgyor Secretary