HomeMy WebLinkAbout09/23/1968 - Regular Minutes - City CouncilCITY OF COLLEGE STATION MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING September 23, 1968 Members Present: Mayor Anderson, Councilmen Dan Davis, Bill Cooley, James H. Dozier, T. R. Holleman, O. M. Holt, Robert R. Rhodes; City Manager Ran Boswell, City Attorney Don Dillon and Assistant City Attorney Tom Giesenschlag. Visitors Present: Melvin H. Luedke, John S Denison, Codie Wells, Don A. Adam, E. F. "Woody" Sevison, Edgar Butler, Kate P. Lamb, Mrs. W. D. Lloyd, John M. Lawrence, III, R. G. Merrifield, Paul J. Surovik, Michael Harvey, Robert P. Welsh, E. M. Lynch, Logan D. Wilson, Mrs. J. B. Wilson, Jr., W. R. Vance and M. K. Thornton. The Mayor called the meeting to order at 7:00 P. M. in the College Station Council Room. On motion by Councilman Rhodes, seconded by Councilman Holleman, the minutes of August 26, 1968 Council Meeting were approved. Motion carried. On motion by Councilman Holt and seconded by Councilman Holleman, the minutes of the special meeting of September 4, 1968 were approved. Motion carried. A public hearing was called by Mayor Anderson on the question of rezoning Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, Block 22, Boyett Addition, from District No. 2, Second Dwelling House District, to District No. 3, Apartment House District. Mrs. J. B. Wilson, Jr. , who had recently purchased property in this addition, spoke against this rezoning. Following the closing of the public hearing, and on motion by Councilman Rhodes, seconded by Councilman Holleman, Ordinance No. 594 which calls for rezoning Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, Block 22, Boyett Addition, passed. Motion carried. A public hearing was called by Mayor Anderson on the question of an amendment to Zoning Ordinance with reference to height of buildings in Business District No. 4. There being no discussion from the audience, the public hearing was closed. On motion by Councilman Holleman, seconded by Councilman Holt, Ordinance No. 595, an Ordinance amending Zoning Ordinance No. 38, passed. Motion carried. m , •. Is cu.k Y City of College Station ') Minutes of Regular Meeting September 23, 1968 Page 2 The next item of business was the second reading of the T. V. Cable franchise, which was passed at the first reading in the form of Ordinance No. 593. Don Adams, the representative for Community Cablevision Corporation, spoke on behalf of the franchise urging the approval of its second reading. John Lawrence, III, spoke on behalf of Midwest Video and stated that he felt the Council should do more investi- gation into the finances of Community Cablevision before a second reading was passed. On a motion by Councilman Rhodes, seconded by Councilman Davis, the second reading of Ordinance No. 593 passed. Councilman Dozier voted against this motion. Mayor Anderson voted in the affirmative. Motion carried. The Council agreed that a financial ability statement be requested of the Community Cablevision Corporation. On motion by Councilman Holt, seconded by Councilman Holleman, the statement for services rendered by Davis McGill in connection with the recent bond sale, in the amount of $6,411.17 was authorized. Motion carried. Mayor Anderson called on John Denison to clarify Article III, Paragraph 3, of his contract for engineering retainer service, which he did to the satisfaction of the Councilmen. On motion by Councilman Dozier, seconded by Councilman Rhodes, the contract for the engineering retainer service with John Denison, was approved. Motion carried. Mayor Anderson requested City Manager Boswell to prepare an ordinance calling for a public hearing on the extension of the City Limits, such extension being in keeping with the recommendation of the Planning and Zoning Commission as it pertains to both preferences. City Attorney Dillon then stated that he would prepare some type of a special ordinance about annexing land as a supplement to the foregoing. It was recommended in the form of a motion that the Council defer any action in regard to 29th Street until they could meet with the Planning & Zoning Commission in a joint meeting. Councilman Rhodes seconded the motion. Motion carried. City Attorney Dillon reported, in regard to the quit claim deed for railroad R. O. W. , that Marion Pugh would sign a quit claim if the following stipulations were met: 0) that there be a straight-line continuation on the railroad r. o. w. and (2) that he not be assessed for curbing and guttering or street pavement (3) that the city should construct a road soon, not with use of gravel, but with some type of black top. Mayor Anderson asked that City Attorney Dillon check with Mr. Pugh in regard to this and see if he could persuade him to change his mind. G City of College Station Minutes of Regular Meeting September 23, 1968 Page 3 City Manager Boswell asked for permission to advertise for two (2) 750 G. P. M. fire trucks. He stated there would be approximately nine bidders. Councilman Holleman moved that City Manager Boswell be given the authority to send out the bids. The motion was seconded by Councilman Davis. Motion carried. On the question of the sewage treatment plant road, Councilman Holt moved that we buy the land. Councilman Rhodes seconded the motion. Motion carried. Such approval was with the understanding that the City Manager seek financial assistance of Freddie Walters in the amount of $250 and Dobrovolny for a similar amount. City Manager Boswell asked for authority to seal coat some streets within the city at a cost of $4, 722.37. On motion by Councilman Holt, seconded by Councilman Rhodes, authority to seal these streets was granted. Motion carried. Bids were opened for the two new patrol cars for the Police Department: Company Amount Corbusier (30 day delivery) $5, 588. 68 $5, 087. 08 (w/o air) Halsell (30 to 60 day delivery) 6,309.00 5, 692. 70 (w/o air) Twin City Plymouth 5,888.46 5, 343. 26 (w/o air) Cade (45 days) - Note: 1969 prices are not in as of yet. 7,058.00 6, 524.00 (w/o air) Prices quoted may increase when 1969 prices become available. Councilman Holt moved the bid of Corbusier in the amount of $5, 588. 68, with air conditioning, be approved. Councilman Holleman seconded the motion. Motion carried. Mayor Anderson stated that, in regard to a letter from Tom Cherry of the University about the sewerage line in the western portion of the city, the estimate to the city in the amount of $47, 382 seemed excessive and he urged that Codie Wells check into this. Councilman Holt made this recommendation in the form of a motion, seconded by Councilman Holleman. Motion carried. Mayor Anderson stated that there would be a joint meeting between the City Council and the Planning & Zoning Commission on Wednesday, October 2, at 6:30 P. M. This meeting will be a dinner meeting. On September 30, 1968, there will be a special meeting of the City Council at 7:00 P.M. In regard to the two suits against Bert Wheeler on the East By-pass, Tom Giesenschlag, Assistant City Attorney, stated that he had received an offer from Mr. Morse on two tracts still in litigation and that the offers seemed excessive. The Council said he should talk to Mr. Morse again in an attempt to make a favorable compromise and then report at the next Council Meeting. City of College Station Minutes of Regular Meeting September 23, 1968 l Page 4 Mr. Paul J. Surovik stated that he had been trying to get natural gas to his home for a year and he had been unable to get any action taken in regard to this -- and for this reason, he was seeking the help of the City Council. He stated that he had taken a petition to Lone Star Gas Company signed by people who lived in his vicinity but no action had been taken. He appealed to the Council for some assistance. Mr. Logan Wilson, Manager of Lone Star Gas, was in the audience and he stated that if Mr. Surovik could get thirty-one (31) people to come by the Gas Company and make applications for service and pay their deposits, they would be able to serve them now. The matter was settled to the satisfaction of Mr. Surovik. City Attorney Dillon stated that the present owners of the property on Meadowland Street from Lots 14 to 23 were willing to dedicate this land to the city. Councilman Cooley moved the Council accept this dedication of Meadowland Street from Lots 14 to 23. Motion was seconded by Councilman Davis. Motion carried. The meeting was adjourned, subject to call. APPROVED: Mayor ATTEST: City Secretary -1 a #1133