HomeMy WebLinkAbout04/24/1967 - Regular Minutes - City CouncilMINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING City of College Station, Texas City Council April 24, 1967 Members present: Mayor Anderson; Councilmen Rosprim, Boyett, Cooley, Adams, a Rhodes, and Holt; City Manager Boswell; City Attorney Dillon; Uj City Secretary Richardson. V) Visitors present: Rex Bailey; Felice S. Klein; D. Brooks Cofer, Jr. ; N. B. Bardell; Uj CL John Haislet; and Wayne Allen. On motion by Councilman Holt, seconded by Councilman Rosprim, the minutes of the Q March 27 regular meeting and April 5 special meeting were passed and approved with Q one correction on Page 3, paragraph 10, of the March 27 minutes to read, "City Mana- 00 ger Boswell reported that Homer Hunter Associates delivered the plans back to H. U. D. with Homer Hunter's Recommendations. It On motion by Councilman Adams, seconded by Councilman Rhodes, Ordinance No. 509, an ordinance on the Southwestern States Telephone Franchise was passed on its third and final reading. On motion by Councilman Rhodes, seconded by Councilman Cooley, Ordinance No. 510, an ordinance on a Limousine Franchise was passed on its third and final reading. On motion by Councilman Boyett, seconded by Councilman Rosprim, Ordinance No. 517, an ordinance approving and adopting plans and specifications for improvements on certain portions of Winding Road, Langford Street, Park Place Street, Live Oak Street, First Street, Spruce Street and Kerry Street, and directing the advertisement for bids was passed and approved. On motion by Councilman Rhodes, seconded by Councilman Holt, Ordinance No. 518, (;d> an ordinance approving and adopting plans and specifications for improvements on certain portions of North Walton Drive and directing the advertisement for bids was c passed and approved. The approval for North Walton Drive provided for paved head - in parking on the south side of Walton Drive instead of parallel parking. Councilman Cooley voted in opposition. The city manager set the date of May 12, 1967, at 1:30 p. m. (Q for the opening of bids. Brooks Cofer, President of the Brazos County Counseling Service outlined the expan- �r,' Sion program and budgetary plans of his group for the next fiscal year. He stated that Ur in order to provide the citizens of Brazos County with a better quality of counselors and UJ case workers, and general service to the public, an increase in the present budget would 0- be needed. Mr. Cofer requested a $2, 500. 00 increase from the City of College Station 65 in the budget for the coming year: Mrs. Klein presented to the council figures and statis- tics of people that have been helped through the service. She stated that there was no service in Brazos County that provides this type of counseling for its citizens. Following —% Q the conclusion of the presentations, Mayor Anderson stated that the council would give 0 consideration to the request in the new fiscal year budget. 0099J, 7V Minutes of Regular Meeting City of College Station, Texas City Council April 24, 1967 Page 2 On motion by Councilman Holt, seconded by Councilman Boyett, Ordinance No. 519, an ordinance providing for a public hearing on the question of rezoning Lot 14, Block 2, Tauber Addition, from District No. 2, Second Dwelling House District, to District No. 3, Apartment House District, was passed. The council requested that the Planning and Zoning Commission consider rezoning the rest of the lots in Block 2 of the Tauber Addition as District No. 3, Apartment House District. On motion by Councilman Holt, seconded by Councilman Boyett, Ordinance No. 520, an ordinance providing for a public hearing on the question of rezoning Lots 1 and 2, Block 1, College Hills Addition from District No. 3, Apartment House District, to District No. 4, First Business District was passed and approved. Councilman Adams abstained from voting. Considered by the council was the recommendation made by the Planning and Zoning Commission to reconsider the location of the 20 inch water line from proposed 29th Street to the reservoir. After deliberation, the council took action to stand on its original decision. The council considered the recommendation of the Parks Committee with reference to the A&M Consolidated School property located west of and adjacent to the city's park which adjoins Lincoln School. Related by the mayor was that an informal agreement will be entered into between the mayor and the superintendent in keeping with the phone canvass he conducted on the matter, It will free use of this school property by the city. On motion by Councilman Adams, seconded by Councilman Rhodes, the council voted to name the main lighted Little League park in honor of Wayne Smith, deceased, in keeping with the recommendation of the Parks Committee. Mayor Anderson reported to the council that he had fulfilled the request of the Parks Committee by writing letters of appreciation to the groups that had participated in the parks survey. With regard to the request of the Parks Committee that the council give, consideration to the establishment of three neighborhood parks and a large park, the mayor requested that such be withheld pending the evaluation of city needs over a period that he will shortly present to them. Consideration was therefore deferred. On motion by Councilman Boyett, seconded by Councilman Cooley, the extension of a five-year contract with Ernest L. Brown, Vice President of Moroney, Beissner, and Company as financial consultant for the city was disapproved. Councilmen Holt and Rhodes voted in opposition. Mr. Wayne Allen, a resident of the City of College Station, asked about the city's present street paving plan as stated in Ordinance No. 517, including the paving of Kerry Street. Minutes of Regular Meeting City of College Station, Texas City Council April 24, 1967 Page 3 He stated that he was not in favor of paving the street as it was not frequently used by citizens. He asked if the city had an over-all paving plan. The mayor informed Mr. Allen of the policy of the city with respect to paving streets. City Manager Boswell gave a report to the council on the cost of a culvert under Nagle Street, amounting to $3, 000. 00. He also reported that channel lining of the Inlow Blvd. drainage ditch would cost $13, 000. 00. One-half of the total cost would be borne by the City of Bryan, the other half by the City of College Station. The council, after deliberation, requested the city manager to proceed on a one-half basis with the City of Bryan for placing a culvert under Nagle Street. Action on channel lining the creek will be withheld pending action on the street adjacent to the drainage area. The City Engineer's recommendations of an 80' right-of-way for the County Road ex- tension from the Glade to Highway 6 S. was discussed and approved by the council. The estimate of cost for over -laying one-half inch hot mix asphaltic concrete on Walton Drive and Kyle Avenue was reported by the city manager to cost $7, 724. 48. After a discussion on the cost, the city manager was asked to check into the possibility of using some cheaper material, such as a slurey seal that would be effective. City Manager Boswell advised the council that he had talked with property owners concerning securing land for the extension of Park Place Street. Mr. Kapchinskie offered the city 202 feet of land, free of charge, if the city would not charge him for curbing and guttering and paving of the street. Mr. Surovik offered the city land for $200. 00, if the city would pay for the paving of the street, including the necessary curbing and guttering. The council gave the city manager authorization to go ahead with these propositions in securing land for the extension of Park Place Street. However, the contract consumated should specify that the paving the city would do is in lieu of payment for the land provided. The city manager was also requested to check with A&M Consolidated School to ascertain if perhaps we might use a small portion of school property to avoid purchase of land from Otto Jeske. City Attorney Dillon discussed with the council the problems involved inAhe collection of money due from J. C. Culpepper. Dillon advised the council Culpepper was willing to settle the matter for $1, 500. 00. The council requested the attorney to proceed with the collection of $1, 500. 00 representing a settlement on the total claim. A discussion arose relative to the cost of a connection to the sewer line established by Culpepper and the city in a 76 acre tract which Culpepper developed. Two developers were not charged when they developed tracts near this development thereafter, and which, under terms originally arrived at, was to be done in view of the investment on the part of the city. Charges were to be at the rate of $113. 00 an acre. After a thorough discussion the council decidedto forego charges against those already connected to the sewer since they were unaware of such, and were not so informed when they applied for a building permit. However, all subsequent developers are to be charged so that the city might recoup its investment. Minutes of Regular Meeting City of College Station, Texas City Council April 24, 1967 Page 4 Mayor Anderson inquired of the council as to their wishes on written requests the city had received for media breaks, and the policy of the Texas Highway Department in general. After discussion of the subject a motion was made by Councilman Adams, seconded by Councilman Holt, that the city advise the Texas Highway Department that they temporarily withdraw their request for a media break to the Bank of A&M. Motion passed. Councilman Boyett voted in opposition to the matter. The motion was pre- dicated on the proposition that the city communicate with Charles Pinnell or some other recognized engineer to determine feasibility, considering safety, of establishing media breaks at other than at street intersections so as to help business. The mayor presented to the council for their consideration andadoption an application form for use by individuals who apply for employment with the city. He also presented a supplemental application for police officers. On motion by Councilman Holt, seconded by Councilman Boyett, the forms were approved. A brief discussion ensued as to a taxi ordinance, led by Councilman Cooley. At its conclusion the city manager was asked to reproduce and send to each councilman a copy of the Bryan ordinance for their review. Meeting adjourned subject to call. APPROVED: Mayor ATTEST: City Secretary MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING City of College Station, Texas City Council April 24, 1967 Members present: Visitors present- Mayor Anderson; Councilmen Rosprim, Boyett, Cooley, Adams, Rhodes, and Holt; City Manager Boswell; City Attorney Dillon; City Secretary Richardson. Rex Bailey; Feliee S. Klein; D. Brooks Cofer, Jr.; N. B. Bardell; John Haislet; and Wayne Allen. On motion by Councilman Holt, seconded by Councilman Rosprim, the minutes of the March 27 regular meeting and April 5 special meeting were passed and approved with one correction on Page 3, paragraph 10, of the March 27 minutes to read, "City Mana- ger Boswell reported that Homer Hunter Associates delivered the plans back to H. U. D. with Homer Hunter's Recommendations." On motion by Councilman Adams, seconded by Councilman Rhodes, Ordinance No. 509, an ordinance on the Southwestern States Telephone Franchise was passed on its third and final reading. On motion by Councilman Rhodes, seconded by Councilman Cooley, Ordinance Ne. 510, an ordinance on a Limousine Franchise was passed on its third and final reading. On motion by Councilman Boyett, seconded by Councilman Rosprim, Ordinance No. 517, an ordinance approving and adopting plans and specifications for improvements on certain portions of Winding Road, Langford Street, Park Place Street, Live Oak Street, First Street, Spruce Street and Kerry Street, and directing the advertisement for bids was passed and approved. On motion by Councilman Rhodes, seconded by Councilman Holt, Ordinance No. 518, an ordinance approving and adopting plans and specifications for improvements on certain portions of North Walton Drive and directing the advertisement for bids was passed and approved. The approval for North Walton Drive provided for paved head- in parking on the south side of Walton Drive instead of parallel parking. Councilman Cooley voted in opposition. The city manager set the date of May 12, 1967, at 1:30 p. m. for the opening of bids. Brooks Cofer, President of the Brazos County Counseling Service outlined the expan- sion program and budgetary plans of his group for the next fiscal year. He stated that in order to provide the citizens of Brazos County with a better quality of counselors and case workers, and general service to the public, an increase in the present budget would be needed. Mr. Corer requested a $2,500.00 increase from the City of College Station in the budget for the coming year. Mrs. Klein presented to the council figures and statis- tics of people that have been helped through the service. She stated that there was no service in Brazos County that provides this type of counseling for its citizens. Following the conclusion of the presentations, Mayor Anderson stated that the council would g~ve consideration to the request in the new fiscal year budget. 00991. Minutes of Regular Meeting City of College Station, Texas City Council April 24, 1967 Page 2 On motion by Councilman Holt, seconded by Councilman Boyett, Ordinance No. 519, an ordinance providing for a public hearing on the question of rezoning Lot 14, Block 2, Tauber Addition, from District No. 2, Second Dwelling House District, to District No. 3, Apartment House District, was passed. The council requested that the Planning and Zoning Commission consider rezoning the rest of the lots in Block 2 of the Tauber Addition as District No. 3, Apartment House District. On motion by Councilman Holt, seconded by Councilman Boyett, Ordinance No. 520, an ordinance providing for a public hearing on the question of rezoning Lots I and 2, Block 1, College Hills Addition from District No. 3, Apartment House District, to District No. 4, First Business District was passed and approved. Councilman Adams abstained from voting. Considered by the council was the recommendation made by the Planning and Zoning Commission to reconsider the location of the 20 inch water line from proposed 29th Street to the reservoir. After deliberation, the council took action to stand on its original decision. The council considered the recommendation of the Parks Committee with reference to the A&M Consolidated School property located west of and adjacent to the city's park which adjoins Lincoln School. Related by the mayor was that an informal agreement will be entered into between the mayor and the superintendent in keeping with the phone canvass he conducted on the matter. It will free use of this school property by the city. On motion by Councilman Adams, seconded by Councilman Rhodes, the council voted to name the main lighted Little League park in honor of Wayne Smith, deceased, in keeping with the recommendation of the Parks Committee. Mayor Anderson reported to the council that he had fulfilled the request of the Parks Committee by writing letters of appreciation to the groups that had participated in the parks survey. With regard to the request of the Parks Committee that the council give consideration to the establishment of three neighborhood parks and a large park, the mayor requested that such be withheld pending the evaluation of city needs over a period that he will shortly present to them. Consideration was therefore deferred. On motion by Councilman Boyett, seconded by Councilman Cooley, the extension of a five-year contract with Ernest L. Brown, Vice President of Moroney, Beissner, and Company as financial consultant for the city was disapproved. Councilmen Holt and Rhodes voted in opposition. Mr. Wayne Allen, a resident of the City of College Station, asked about the city's present street paving plan as stated in Ordinance No. 517, including the paving of Kerry Street. 0099 Minutes of Regular Meeting City of College Station, Texas City Council April 24, 1967 Page 3 He stated that he was not in favor of paving the street as it was not frequently used by citizens. He asked if the city had an over-all paving plan. The mayor informed Mr. Allen of the policy of the city with respect to paving streets. City Manager Boswell gave a report to the council on the cost of a culvert under Nagle Street, amounting to $3,000.00. He also reported that channel lining of the Inlow Blvd. drainage ditch would cost $13,000.00. One-half of the total cost would be borne by the City of Bryan, the other half by the City of College Station. The council, after deliberation, requested the city manager to proceed on a one-half basis with the City of Bryan for placing a culvert under Nagle Street. Action on channel lining the creek will be withheld pending action on the street adjacent to the drainage area. The City Engineer's recommendations of an 80' right-of-way for the County Road ex- tension from the Glade to Highway 6 S. was discussed and approved by the council. The estimate of cost for over-laying one-half inch hot mix asphaltic concrete on Walton Drive and Kyle Avenue was reported by the city manager to cost $7,724.48. After a discussion on the cost, the city manager was asked to cheek into the possibility of using some cheaper material, such as a slurey seal that would be effective. City Manager Boswell advised the council that he had talked with property owners concerning securing land for the extension of Park Place Street. Mr. Kapchinskie offered the city 202 feet of land, free of charge, if the city would not charge him for curbing and guttering and paving of the street. Mr. Surovik offered the city land for $200.00, if the city would pay for the paving of the street, including the necessary curbing and guttering. The council gave the city manager authorization to go ahead with these propositions in securing land for the extension of Park Place Street. However, the contract consumated should specify that the paving the city would do is in lieu of payment for the land provided. The city manager was also requested to check with A&M Consolidated School to ascertain if perhaps we might use a small portion of school property to avoid purchase of land from Otto Jeske. City Attorney Dillon discussed with the council the problems involved in the collection of money due from J.C. Culpepper. Dillon advised the council Culpepper was willing to settle the matter for $1,500.00. The council requested the attorney to proceed with the collection of $1,500.00 representing a settlement on the total claim. A discussion arose relative to the cost of a connection to the sewer line established by Culpepper and the city in a 76 acre tract whichCulpepper developed. Two developers were not charged when they developed tracts near this development thereafter, and which, under terms originally arrived at, was to be done in view of the investment on the part of the city. Charges were to be at the rate of $113.00 an acre. After a thorough discussion the council decided to forego charges against those already connected to the sewer since they were unaware of such, and were not so informed when they applied for a building permit. However, all subsequent developers are to be charged so that the city might recoup its investment. .00993 Minutes of Regular Meeting City of College Station, Texas City Council April 24, 1967 Page 4 Mayor Anderson inquired of the council as to their wishes on written requests the city had received for media breaks, and the policy of the Texas Highway Department in general. After discussion of the subject s motion was made by Councilman Adams, seconded by Councilman Holt, that the city advise the Texas Highway Department that they temporarily withdraw their request for a media break to the Bank of A&M. Motion passed. Councilman Boyett voted in opposition to the matter. The motion was pre- dicated on the proposition that the city communicate with Charles Pinnell or some other recognized engineer to determine feasibility, considering safety, of establishing media breaks at other than at street intersections so as to help business. The mayor presented to the council for their consideration andsdoption an application form for use by individuals who apply for employment with the city. He also presented a supplemental application for police officers. On motion by Councilman Holt, seconded by Councilman Boyett, the forms were approved. A brief discussion ensued as to a taxi ordinance, led by Councilman Cooley. At its conclusion the city manager was asked to reproduce and send to each councilman a copy of the Bryan ordinance for their review. Meeting adjourned subject to call. APPROVED: Mayor ATT EST: , City Secretary 0099 t