HomeMy WebLinkAbout01/21/1963 - Joint Minutes - City CouncilMINUTES OF JOINT MEETING BETWEEN CITY COUNCII. AND CITIZENS ADVISORY COMMITTEE RELATIVE TO PROPOSED CHANGES IN CITY CHARTER January 21, 1963 Members Present: Messrs. Ba.rdin H. Nelson, Frank H. Mathews, William A. Smith, Charles LaMotte, John W. Hill, J. A. Orr, Carl W. Landiss, Joe H. Sorrels, D. A. Anderson, A. P. Boyett, A. L. Rosprim, Ernest Langford, K. A. Manning, J. L. Sandstedt, Ran Boswell This was a second meeting of the committee to make recommendations for changes in the city charter. 1. On motion by Mr. Nelson, seconded by Mr. Mathews, the committee voted unanimously that Section 28 of the charter be amended to read as follows: Section 28. Upon recommendation by the mayor and approval by the city council, there shall be appointed a city secretary and such assistant city secretaries as may be deemed advisable. The city secretary, or an assistant city secretary, shall give notice of council meetings, shall keep a ;Journal of its proceed- ings, shall authenticate by his signature and record in full in a book or books kept and indexed for the purpose all ordinances and resolutions, and shall perform such other duties as the city council shall assign to him, and those elsewhere provided for in this charter. 2. On motion by Mr. Smith, seconded by Mr. Hill, the committee voted unanimously to recommend that the word "preferably" be inserted in the first sentence of Section 30 of the charter so that the sentence will read as follows: Section 30. The city council shall appoint a competent and duly licensed attorney preferably residing in the city of College Station who shall be its city attorney. 3. On motion by Mr. Smith, seconded by Mr. Hill., the committee voted unanimously that subsections (10), (11), and (12) of Section 46 be amended to read as follows: (10) A revenue and expense statement for all types of bonds and other obligations of the city. (11) A description of all outstanding bonds and other obligations of the city, showing, as to each issue, the rate or rates of interest, the date of the issue, the maturity date or dates, the amount authorized, the amount issued, and the amount outstanding. (12) A schedule of requirements for the principal and interest on each issue of bonds and other obligations of the city. 4. On motion by Mr. Mathews, seconded by Mr. Nelson, the committee voted unanimously that Article VI of the charter be amended to read as follows: ARTICLE VI CITY BONDS AND TIME WARRANTS GENERAL OBLIGATION BONDS Section 62. The City of College Station shall have the power to borrow money on the credit of the city and to issue general obligation bonds for permanent public improvements or for any other public purpose not prohibited by the Constitution and laws of the State of Texas, and to issue refunding bonds to refund outstanding bonds of the city previously issued. All such bonds shall be issued in conformity with the laws of the State of Texas. REVENUE BONDS Section 63. The City of College Station shall have the power to borrow money for the purpose of constructing, purchasing, improving, extending or repairing of public utilities, recreational facilities or any other self-liquidating municipal function not prohibited by the Constitution and laws of the State of Texas, and to issue revenue bonds to evidence the obligation created thereby; and to issue revenue refunding bonds to evidence the obligation created thereby; and to issue revenue refunding bonds to refund outstanding revenue bonds previously issued. Such bonds shall be a charge upon and payable solely from the properties, or interest therein, pledged, or the income therefrom, or both, and shall never be a debt of the city. All such bonds shall be issued in conformity with the laws of the State of Texas. INCONTESTABILITY OF BONDS Section 64. All bonds of the city, having been issued and sold and having been delivered to the purchasers thereof, shall thereafter be incontestable; and all bonds issued to refund outstanding bonds shall, after issuance, be incontestable. TIME WARRANTS Section 65. The city shall have the authority to issue time warrants of the city, and to issue refunding bonds to refund outstanding time warrants previously issued. All such time warrants and bonds shall be issued in conformity with the laws of the State of Texas. X07 6r/ INVESTMENTS Section 66. Any surplus in any interest and sinking fund may be invested with approval of the city council in securities of the United States of America, bonds of the State of Texas, and bonds of the City of College Station; and any such surplus may be used for the purchase and retirement of bonds or time warrants not yet due, for which said interest and sinking fund was created. Any surplus in the general fund of the city may be invested with approval of the city council in securities of the United States of America, bonds of the State of Texas, and bonds of the City of College Station; and any such surplus may be used for the purchase and retirement of bonds or time warrants of the city which are not yet due. 5. On motion by Mr. Smith, seconded by Mr. Mathews, with Councilman Sorrels voting no, the committee voted that Section 75 of the charter be amended by striking out the words "after there has been an opportunity for competitive bidding" from the third sentence of said section. 6. On motion by Mr. LaMotte, seconded by Mr. Smith, the committee voted unanimously that the figures of $1,000.00'which occur three times in Section 75 and twice in Section 76 be changed to read $2,000.00 in each instance. The committee instructed the city attorney to prepare the necessary ordinances to submit these proposals at the April 2, 1963, municipal election. APPROVED: Mayor ATTEST: r City Secretary 0790. J