HomeMy WebLinkAbout10/18/1982 - Special Minutes City Council MINUTES SPECIAL WORKSHOP CITY COUNCIL MEETING MONDAY, OCTOBER 18, 1982 12:00 NOON COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Halter, Councilmen Nemec, Prause, Ringer COUNCIL MEMBERS ABSENT: Councilmen Jones, Runnels, Boughton STAFF PRESENT: City Manager Bardell, City Attorney Denton, Director of Capital Improvements Ash, Council Coordinator/Deputy City Secretary Martin, City Secretary Jones, Administrative Asst. Nowlin, Deputy Finance Director Schroeder, Finance Director VanDever VISITORS PRESENT: See guest register. Agenda Item No. 1 - Council Concerns. No council concerns. Agenda Item No. 2 - Consideration of authorization to sell bonds and setting date for bond sale for $9,325,000 Ut~i~ty System Revenue Bonds and ~,590,000 General Obligation Bonds. David Fetzer and Pete Fischer, of Moroney, Beissner & Co., Inc. (Financial Advisors for the City of College Station), presented and explained the documents of the official notice of sale for each bond. Stated in the documents is the official place and time the bond sale will be held, being November 16, 1982 in the Council Chambers of the College Station City Hall. Bids will be received until 7:30 p.m. CST The General Obligation Bonds in the amount of $6,590,000 was presented as such. The bonds will mature serially on February 15, 1983 as follows: 1984 $290,000 1992 $400,000 1985-1991 $300,000 1993-2000 $475,000 These bonds are the third and final installment sale out of an authorization of $10,795,000 G.O. Bonds approved at the election of April 4, 1981. The use of these proceeds will included street improvements, public buildings, park improvements, and park land purchase. The security, legality, and payment record are included in the notice of sale. The Revenue Bonds in the amount of $9,325,000 will mature serially on February 1, 1983 as follows: 1984 $525,000 1985-2000 $550,000 These bonds are also the third and final installment sale out of an authorization of $16,545,000 Revenue Bonds approved on the election of 003677 SPECIAL WORKSHOP CITY COUNCIL MEETING MONDAY, OCTOBER 18, 1982 PAGE 2 April 4, 1981. The proceeds from the sale will be used for Waterworks System Improvements, Sewer System Improvements, and Electric System Improvements. The security, legality, and payment records are included in the notice of sale. The notice of sale includes the bids form for each bond, proposed schedule of payment, options how to sell the bonds, and who may purchase the bonds. The document includes a brief summary of the administration, elected and appointed officials background, and the current financial statement of the City. Messrs. Baker and Botts of Houston, Texas shall serve as bond counsel in the sale and delivery of The Bonds. In conclusion of the document, ratings of The Bonds, tax adequacy and rate distribution, repayment schedules of both bonds, history usage of previous bond sales and outstanding debts, and the City of College Station's current utility rates are included to support the presentation of the notice of sale. This information was derived from Hereford, Lynch & Co.'s annual audit report for the City of College Station. Mr. Fetzer stated he shall include a summary of the proposed growth of population, the extensive growth in commercial and industrial businesses, and the supporting institutional facilities located in the area. After further discussion by the council, Councilman Ringer moved to authorize the financial advisors for the City of College Station, Moroney, Beissner & Co., Inc., to solicit bids for the $6,590,000 General Obligation and the $9,325,000 Revenue bonds using supporting material included in the proposed Official Notice of Sale document. Councilman Nemec seconded the motion which passed unanimously. NOTE: A PROPOSED COPY OF THE OFFICIAL NOTICE OF SALE SHALL BE INCLUDED WITH THESE MINUTES AND BECOME A PART OF THE OCTOBER 18,1982 MEETING FOR ADDITIONAL LITERATURE REFERENCE. Agenda Item No. 3 - Adjourn. Mayor Halter adjourned the meeting. ATTEST: ~_ ) ~~es, C~ Secret~ry APPROVED: Ga~ ~a~ ~ayor 003678 OFFICIAL NOTICE OF SALE dated November 2, 1982 Place and Time of Sale The City Council of the City of College Station, Texas, will receive sealed bids until ?:30 p.m., CST, November 16, 1982 in the Council Chambers in the City Hall, 1101 Texas Avenue, College Station, Texas 77840 on the following: DESCRIPTION OF GENERAL OBLIGATION BONDS $6,590,000 CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS (Brazos County) General Obligation Bonds, Series II 1982 These Bonds, dated November 15, 1982; will be issued as coupon bonds in $5,000 denominations payable to bearer without privilege of registration. Principal and semiannual interest (February 15 and August 15) will be payable at the University National Bank, College Station, Texas. First interest coupon payable August 15, 1983. Maturity Schedule These Bonds will mature serially on February 15 as follows: $290,000 in 1984; $300,000 each year 1985 through 1991; $400,000 in ].992; and $4?5,000 each year 1993 through 2000. Optional Provisions Bonds maturing on or after February 15, 1993 are optional for redemption in inverse numerical order on February 15, 1992 or any interest payment date thereafter at par and accrued interest. A uthori zation These $6,590,000 Bonds are the third and final installment sale out of an authorization of $].0,?95,000 Genera] Obligation Bonds approved at an election held on April 4, 1981 by a majority of the votes east as follows: A mount Purpose For Aga]nst $ 5,760,000 Street Improvements 1,852 744 1,805,000 Public Buildings 1,468 1,067 2,080,000 Park Improvements 1,598 967 1,150,000 Purchase of Park Land I, 394 1,146 $10,795,000 Use of Proceeds The proceeds from the sale of these $6,590,000 General Obligation Bonds will be used for the following purposes: Purpose Amount Street Improvements $3,445,000 Public Buildings 560,000 Park Improvements 1,435,000 Park Land Purchase 1,150,000 Total .............................. $6,590,000 Security These Bonds will, in the opinion of counsel, constitute valid and legally binding Genera] Obligations of the City of College Station, Texas, payable from and secured by a continuing levy of ad valorem taxes against all taxable property located in tbe City, within the limits prescribed by ]aw. Legality Attorney General of the State of Texas and Messrs. Baker & Botts, Attorneys, Houston, Texas. Payment Record The City has never defaulted. / 003679 DESCRIPTION OF REVENUE BONDS $9,325,000 CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS (Brazos County) Utility System Revenue Bonds Series II 1982 These Bonds, dated November 1, 1982, witl be issued as coupon bonds in $5,000 denominations payable to bearer without privilege of registration. Principal and semiannual interest (February 1 and Aul~ust 1) will be payable at The University National Bank, Co~]eg.e Station, Texas. First interest coupon payable February 1, 1983 _Maturity Schedule These Bonds wiU mature serially on FebruarT 1, 6525,000 in 1984 and $550,000 each year 1985 throug'h 2000. Optional Provisions Bonds maturing on or after FebruazT 1, 1993 are optional for redemption in inverse numerical order on February 1, 1992, or any interest payment date thereafter at par and accrued interest. Authori zation These $9,325,000 Utility System Revenue Bonds are the tb. Jrd and final installment saie out of an auth- orization of $16,545,000 Revenue Bonds approved at an election held on April 4, 1981 by a majority of the votes cast as follows: Amount Purpose For Against $ 7,850,000 Waterworks System Improvements 2,077 519 6,510,000 Sanitary Sewer System Improvements 2,069 516 2, ] 85,000 Electric Utility System Improvements l, 995 5?0 $16,545,000 The proceeds from the sale of These Bonds will be used for the following purposes: Purpose Amount Waterworks System Improvements $2,625,000 Sewer System Improvements 4,605.000 Electric System Improvements 2,095,000 Total ......................................... $9,325.000 Security These Bonds, in the opinion of counsel, will constitute va[id and legally binding special obllgations of the City of College Station, Texas, payable from and secured by a first lien on and pledge of' the rev- enues derived from the operation of the City's Utility System (water, sewer and electric), after deduc- tion of the reasonable expenses of maintenance and operation of said system, on a parity with the presently outstanding' UttUty System Revenue Bonds. The ho]der or holders of These Bonds shall never have the right to demand payment of the principal and interest on These Bonds out of any funds raised or to be raised by taxation. Legality Attorney Genera] of the State of Texas and Messrs. Baker L Botts, Attorneys, Houston. Texas. Payment Record The City has never defaulted. BIDDING CONDITIONS Address and Delivery of Bids Bids should be in sealed .nye]opes plainly ma~ked "Bid for Bonds" and should be addressed to the Mayor, City of College Station, 1101 Texas Avenue. Col]eg'e Station. Texas 77840. Bids should be mailed or delivered so that they arrive at the City Offices, College Station. Texas. not later than ?:30 p.m., CST, November16, 1982. For convenience of bidders, bids may be delivered to Moron.y. Baissner & Co., Inc.. Suite 1865 Post 0036~0 Oak Central, 2000 Post Oak Boulevard, Houston, Texas 77056, Agent for the City, and if delivered not later than 4:00 p.m., CST, November 16, 1982, will be deemed to have been delivered to the City in accordance with the terms and conditions of the "Officia! Notice of Sale." Bids so delivered will not be opened except by the City Council of the City of College Station and will not be opened prior to ?:30 p.m, CST, November 16, 1982. No Bid From Financial Advisors Under the terms of the contract with Moroney, Beissner & Co., Inc., Financial Advisors to the City, it is agTeed and understood that Moroney, Beissner ~ Co., Inc. shall not be permitted to purchase any Bonds from the City nor have any interest, directly or indirectly, in the original purchase and sale of These Bonds except es Agent for the City. As Financial Advisors to the City, Moroney, Beissner & Co., Inc. will be paid a fee based upon a per- centage of the principal amount of the Bonds actually sold and delivered, which fee is contingent upon such sale and delivery. Type of Bids and Interest Rates Ali bids must be submitted on the "Official Bid Form" enclosed herewith Without Change. The Bonds wi]] be sold in two separate b]ocks, $6,590,000 Genera] ObLigation Bonds and $9,325,000 Utility System Revenue Bonds, at a price of not ]ess than pa~ and accrued interest for each separate block of bonds. Bidders are requested to specify the rate or rates of interest that the Bonds will bea~. There is no Limit on the number of coupon rates that may be named; however, all bonds maturing on the same date must bear interest at one and the same rate. Coupon rates must be in multiples of 1/8 or 1/20 of 1%. The spread between the highest and the lowest coupon rates named may not exceed 2% in rate. Bids providing for zero or supplemental coupons will not be considered. The net effective interest rate on the Bonds calculated pursuant to Article 717k-2, YATCS, as amended, shall not exceed 15%. Award of Bonds For the purpose of awarding' the Bonds, the interest cost of each bid wfl.! be computed by determining, at the coupon rate or rates specified therein, the total dollar amount of all interest on the Bonds from the date of the Bonds to their respective maturities, and deducting therefrom the premium bid, if any. In the event of an error in interest cost calculations, the coupon rates named in the "Official Bid Form" will govern. The City agrees to either award These Bonds on the sale date to the bidder whose bid on the above computation produces the lowest interest cost to the City and is L~ strict accordance with the terms and conditions of this "Official Notice of Sale" or reject ali bids and readvertise These Bonds for competitive bids. No award will be made to any bidder bidding on te~ms and conditions not in strict conformity with the "Official Notice of Sale." Tax Exempt Status of Bonds All bids are accepted on the condition that the tax exempt status of the interest on These Bonds is not changed prior to the date on which These Bonds are presented for delivery. Good Faith Deposit Each bid must be secured by a Good Faith Deposit in the form of a Bank Certified or Bank Cashier's Check in the amount of $131,800 accompanying bids for the $6,590,000 General Obligation Bonds, and in the amount of $186,500 accompanying bids for the $9,325,000 Utility System Revenue Bonds, payable to The City of College Station, Texas. The Good Faith Deposit may accompany the "Official Bid Form" or it may be submitted separately; if submitted separately, it shall be made ava]]able to the payee prior to the opening of the bids and shall be accompanied by instructions of the bank on which drawn, which authorizes its use as a Good Faith Deposit by the successful bidder who shall be named in such instruc- tions. The check of the successful bidder will be retained by the City to assure performance of the contract on the part of such bidder. In the event the successful bidder should fail or refuse to take up and pay for the Bonds in accordance with his bid, then said check will be cashed and accepted by the City of College Station as full and complete liquidated damages. Otherwise, the Good Faith Check will either be applied to the purchase price of the bonds or will be returned to the successful bidder upon delivery of and payment for the Bonds. No interest will be paid by the City on the Good Faith Deposit. The checks of the unsuccessful bidders will be returned after the award of the Bonds is made. Printed Bonds and Legal Opinion The City will furnish, without cost to the purchaser, printed bonds on lithographed borders anc~ a transcript of certain certifed preceedings had incident to the authorization and issuance of the Bonds. The successful bidder wi.ii be furnished, without cost, the unqualified approving opinion of the law firm of Baker & Botts, Houston, Texas, to the effect that, based upon an examination of such tran- script, the Bonds are va[id and legally binding obligations of the City (subject as to the enforcement of remedies, to applicable bankruptcy, moratorium and similar laws affecting creditors' rights generally from time to time tn effect) and to the effect that the interest on the Bonds is exempt from present Federal income taxation under ex~sting, statutes, regulations, published rulings and coturt decisions. Such opinion is expected to be reproduced on the back panel of the Bonds over a certification by the facsimile signature of the City Secretary, attesting that the opinion was dated as of the date of de- livery of and payment for the Bonds, and that the copy ts a true and correct copy of the original opin- ion; however, the fal]ttte to print such opinion on any Bond shali not constitute cause for a failure of or refusal by the purchaser to accept dellvery of and pay for the Bonds. The legal tee to be paid ,...7 003681 Baker I, Botts for services rendered in connection with the issuance and sale of the Bonds ia calculated on the basis of e percentage of the Bonds actually issued, sold and delivered, and payment of such fee is contingent on the sale and delivery of the Bonds. No Litigation Certificate The City will furnish the successful bidder a certificate signed by the Mayor and City Secretary which will recite, among other things, that no litigation of any nature has been filed or is now pending to restrain or enjoin the issuance or delivery of These Bonds or interest coupons, or which would affect the provision made for their payment or security, or in any manner questioning the proceedings or authority concerning the issuance of These Bonds and interest coupons, and that so far as is known and believed no such litigation is threatened. Delivery of Bonds These Bonds will be tendered for dellvery to the purchasers at the First City National Bank, Austin, Texas. It is anticipated that the Bonds will be presented for delivery on or before December 14, 1982. If however, Bonds are presented for delivery in accordance with these terms and conditions on or before December 31, 1982, then the purchaser agrees to accept delivery of and make payment for These Bonds in immediately available funds within five (5) busipess days of notification of the specific date set for delivery. If for any reason the City is unable to make delivery on or before December 31, 1982, then the successful bidder will be given five (5) days to extend his offer at the same price and under the same terms and conditions for an additional thirty (30) days. If the successful bidder does not elect to extend his offer within five (5) days after such notification, then the Good Faith check will be returned and both the City and the successful bidder shall be relieved of further obligation. CUSIP Numbers It is anticipated that CUSIP indentifieation numbers wLtl be printed on ~J'nese Bonds, but neither the f~ilure to pant such numbers on ~ny bonds, nor any error with respect thereto, shat1 constitute esuse for a faLlure of or refuse] by the purchaser thereof to accept delivery of and pay for said Bonds ~n seeordanee with terms of the purchase contract. All expenses in relation to the printing of CUSIP numbers of said Bonds shall be paid for by Moroney, Beissner & Co., Inc., provided, however, that the CUSIP Service Bureau charge ~'or the assignment of ssid numbers shall be the responsibility of and shall be paid for by the purchaser. Certification as to Official Statement At the time of payment for and delivery of the Bonds, the City will furnish the successful bidder a certificate signed by the City Manager and the Director of Finanee, acting in their official capacity, to the effect that the "Official Statement" has been authorized and s~pproved by the City Council, and to the best of their knowledge and belief after reasonable investigation: (a) neither the "Official State- ment"nor any amendment or supplement thereto contains any untrue statement of a material fact or omits to state any matez~al fact necessary to make the statements therein, tn light of circumstances in which they were made, not misleading; (b) since the date of the "Official Statement" no event has cc- cuffed w~ch should have been set forth in an amendment or supplement to the "Official Statement" which has not been set forth in such amendment or supplement; and (c) there has not been any ma- terial adverse ohange in the operation or finaneial affairs of the City since the date of such "Official Statement." Not an Offer to Sell This "Official Notice of Sale" does not alone constitute an offer to se]] the Bonds. This "Official Notice of Sale," the "Official Bid Form," and the "Official Statement" collectively constitute the offer to sell the Bonds. Prospective bidders are urffed to carefully examine the "Official Statement" and to make other investigations they deem necessary to determine the investment quality of the Bonds. Responsibility for Qualification of Bonds for Sale in Respective States Neither the City nor Moroney, Beissner & Co., Inc. assumes any responsibility for qualification of the Bonds under the securities laws or' any jurisdiction in which the Bonds may be sold, assigned, pledged, hypotheeated or otherwise transferred. This cllsc]aimer of responsibility for qualification for sale or other cLisposition of the Bonds shall not be construed as an interpretation of any ]rind with regard to the svaJlabLLity of any exemption from securities registration provisions. Additional Copies of Prospectus . Additionnl copies of the "Official Notice of Sale," "Official Statement,~ and "Official Bid Form" may be obtained from Moroney, Beissner ~ Co., ]ne., Suite 1865 Post Oak Central, 2000 Post Oak Boulevard, llouston, Texas ?7056. GARY M. HALTER. MAYOR CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS OFFICIAL BID FORM GENERAL OBLIGATION BONDS Honorable Mayor and City Council City of College Station College Station, Texas Ladies anti Gentlemen: This bid is submitted under the terms and conditions of your "Official Notice of Sale"' dated Novem- ber 2, 1982, of $6,590°000 City of College Station, Texas, Ceneral Obligation Bonds, Series II 1982. terms and conditions of which "Official Notice of Sale"' are made a part hereof. For your legally issued $6,590,000 of Bonds, as described in said "'Official Notice of Sale," we will pay you par and accrued interest from date of issue to date of delivery to us, plus a cash premium of $ for bonds maturing and bearing interest as follows: 198q % 1990 % 1996 % 1985 % 1991 % 1997 % 1986 % 1992 % 1998 % 1987 % 1993 % 1999 % 1988 % 199# % 2000 % 1989 % 1995 % Interest cost, in accordance with the above bid, is: Gross Interest $ Less Premium $ NET INTEREST COST $ EFFECTIVE INTEREST RATE Attached hereto· or submitted separately, is Bank Certified or Bank Cashier's Check of the · in the amount of $131,800, which represents our Cood--'~ Deposit and which is submitted in accordance with the terms as set forth in the "Official Notice of Sale." We have read in detail the "Official Notice of Sale" and the "Official Statement" and we have made such investigations as we deem necessary relating to the City and to the Investment quality of These Bonds. Respectfully submitted, By ACCEPTANCE CLAUSE The above and foregoing bid is hereby in all things accepted by the City of College Station, Texas, this the day of , 1982. ATTEST: Secretary (Mayor, City of College Station, Texas) (See Bond Years on Reverse Side) 003683 Dated: November 15, Year of ~laturit~ 198q 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 199q 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 1982 ACCUMULATED BOND YEARS $6,590,000 CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS General Obligation Bonds Series II 1982 Amount of Bonds $290, 000 300,000 300,000 300,000 300,000 300,000 300,000 300,000 qO0, O00 q75,000 q75,000 q75,000 475,000 q75,000 475,000 q75,000 475,000 Bonds Maturing: February 15 Accumulated Bond Years 362.50 1,037.50 2,012.50 3,287.50 4,862.50 6,737.50 8,912.50 11,387.50 15,087.50 19,956.25 25,300.00 31,118.75 37,412.50 44,181.25 51,q25.00 59,143.75 67,337.50 Avera.qe Maturity - 10.22 Years 00368 OFFICIAL BID FORM REVENUE BONDS Honorable Mayor and City Council City of College Station College Station· Texas Ladies and Gentlemen: This bid is submitted under the terms and conditions of your "Official Notice of Sale" dated No- vember 2, 1982 of 59,325,000 City of College Station, Texas, Utility' System Revenue Bonds, Series II 1982. terms and conditions of which "Official Notice of Sale" are made a part hereof. For your legally issued $9,325,000 of Bonds· as described in said "Official Notice of Sale0" we will pay you par and accrued interest from date of issue to date of delivery to us. plus a cash pre- mium of $ for bonds maturing ant1 bearing interest as follows: 198q % 1990 % 1996 1985 % 1991 % 1997 1986 % 1992 % 1998 1987 % 1993 % 1999 1988 % 199q % 2000 1989 % 1995 ' % Interest cost, in accordance with the above bid· is: Gross Interest Cost Less Premium $ NET INTEREST COST $ EFFECTIVE INTEREST RATE % Attached hereto or submitted separately is Bank Certified or Bank Cashier's check of the · in the amount of $186,500· which represents our Good Faith fie- posit and which is submitted in accordance with the terms as set forth in the "Official Notice of Sale." We have read in detail the "Official Notice of Sale" and the "Official Statement" and we have made such investigations as we deem necessary relating to the City and to the investment quality of These Bonds. Respectfully submitted, By ACCEPTANCE CLAUSE The above and foregoing bid is hereby in all things accepted by the City of College Station, Texas. this the day of ° 1982. ATTEST: (Secretary) (Mayor, City of College Station, Texas} {See Bond Years on Reverse Side} 003685 Bonds Dated: November 1, 1982 Year of' M_aturity 198q 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 199q 1995 1996 :1997 1998 1999 2000 ACCUMULATED BOND YEARS $9,325, 000 CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS Utility System Revenue Bonds Series II 1982 Amount of Bonds $5~5,000 550,000 550.000 550,000 550,000 550,000 550,000 550,000 550,000 550,000 550,000 550,000 550,000 550,000 550,000 550,000 550,000 Average Maturity 9.27 Years Bonds Maturing: February 1 Accumulated Bond Years 656.25 1,893.75 3,681.25 6,018.75 8,906.25 12,3q3.75 16,331.25 20,868.75 25,956.25 31,593.75 37,781.25 #q,518.75 51,806.25 59,6~3.75 68,031.25 76,968.75 86, q56.25 003686 CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS ADMINISTRATION The City of College Station operates under a council-manager form of government. The Mayor and Council members must be citizens of the United States and qualified voters of the State of Texas; and must have resided within the corporate limits of the City of College Station for at least one {1) year next preceding the election at which they are candidates. The Mayor and six Council members are elected from the City at large. In each even-numbered year three Council members and a Mayor are elected, and in each odd-numbered year three Council members are elected. The Mayor and each Council member hold office for a period of t~o years and until his successor is elected and qualified. A vacancy in the City Council is filled by a special election which must be called within 30 days of the occurrence of such vacancy. If a vacancy occurs within 90 days preceding a general election, no special election will be called and the vacancy will be filled at the next general election. All powers of the City are vested in an elective council which enacts local legislation, adopts bud- gets, determines policies, and employs the City M~nager, who executes the laws and administers the government of the City. The City Council determines the goals of the City and operates as a policy making body. The City Manager executes the policies of the Council, assumes responsibility for ef- ficient operation of the City and makes recommendations to the Council concerning matters of policy, personnel, and budgeting. ELECTED OFFICIALS Length of Officials Title Service Dr. Gary M. Halter Mayor 7 Years Dr. Larry J. Ringer Present Term Expires April 1984 Councilman 7 Years April 1983 Patricia B. Boughton Councilwoman q Years Tony Jones Councilman 3 Years Dr. Robert Runnels Councilman 2 Years Dr. Alvin H. Prause Lynn Nemec Appointed Officials North Bardell A.E. Van Dever, Jr. Councilman Councilwoman Glenn Schroeder Dian Jones Elrey B. Ash II Lowell F. Denton Karen Dickson Moroney, Beissner&Co., Inc April 1984 April 1983 April 1984 1 Year April 1983 6 Mos. April 198q APPOINTED OFFICIALS Position City Manager Asst. City Manager and Director of Finance Deputy Director of Finance City Secretary Director of Capital Improvements City Attorney Tax Assessor-Collector Financial Advisors Occupation Associate Professor, Dept. of Political Science, Texas A F, M University Professor, Dept. of Statistics, Texas A F, M University Homemaker Building Contractor Assistant Professor, Dept. of Meteorology, Texas A r, M University Pediatrician Homemaker Length of Service 8 Years ~1 Years S Years 29 Years* 8 Years 2 Years 1 Year 28 Years BOND COUNSEL Messrs. Baker ~, Botts, Houston, Texas *With the City; one year in present position. OO3687 OFFICIAL STATEMENT dated November 2, 1982 In the opinion of Bond Counsel, the interest on These Bonds is exempt from Federal income Taxes under existing statutes, regulations, published rulings and court decisions. Dated: Year 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 DESCRIPTION OF GENERAL OBLIGATION BONDS $6,590,000 CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS (Brazos County) General Obligation Bonds, Series Ii 1982 Ratings on Outstanding Bonds: Moody's- "A-l" · S & P~s - "A+" New Ratings Applied For November 15, 1982 Denomination: These Bonds wiU be issued as coupon bonds payable to bearer without privilege of registration. Principal and semiannual interest (February 15 and August 15) wiU be payable at the University National Bank. CoUege Station, Texas. First interest coupon payable August 15, 1983 February 15 Maturity Schedule $5,000 Amount Year Amount Year Amount $290,000 1990 $300,000 1996 $475,000 300,000 1991 300,000 1997 475,000 300,000 1992 400,000 1998 475,000 300,000 1993 4?5,000 1999 475,000 300,000 1994 475,000 2000 475,000 300,000 1995 475,000 Optional Provisions Ail Bonds maturing on or after February 15, 1993 are optional for redemption in inverse numerical or- der on February 15, 1992, or any interest payment date thereafter at par and accrued interest. Authorization These $6,590,000 General Obligation Bonds are the third and final installment sale out of an authoriza- tion of $10,795,000 General Obligation Bonds approved at an election held on April 4, 1981 by a major- ity of the votes cast as'follows: Amount Purpose $ 5,760,000 Street Improvements 1,805,000 Public BuUdings 2,080. 000 Park Improvements 1,150.000 Purchase of Park Land $10,795,000 For Against 1,852 744 1,468 1,067 1,598 967 1,394 1,146 Use of Proceeds The proceeds from the sale of These $6,590,000 General ObUgation Bonds will be used for the following purposes: Purpose Amount Street Improvements $3,445,000 PubUc Buildings 560,000 Park Improvements !, 435,000 Park Land Purchase 1,150,000 Total $6,590,000 After the issuance and sade of These Bonds, the City will have no General Obligation Bonds authorized but unissued. / 003688 Security These Bonds will, in the opinion of Counsel. constitute valid and legally binding General Obligations of the City of College Station. Texas, payable from and secured by a continuing levy of ad valorem taxes against all taxable property located in the City. within the limits prescribed by law. Payment Record The City has never defaulted. 003689 DESCRIPTION OF REVENUE BONDS $9,325,000 CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS (Brazos County) Utility System Revenue Bonds Series II 19B2 Dated: Ratings on Outstanding Bonds: Moody's - "A-l*" S S P's - "AA-" New Ratings Applied For November 1, 1982 These Bonds will be issued as coupon bonds payable to bearer without privilege of registration. Principal and semiannual interest (February I and August 1) wilt be payable at the University National Bank, College Station, Texas. First interest coupon payable February 1, 1983. February 1 Maturity Schedule Denomination: $5,000 Year Amount Year Amount Year Amount 1984 $525,000 1990 $550,000 1996 S550,000 1985 550,000 1991 550,000 1997 550,000 1986 550,000 1992 550,000 1998 550,000 1987 550,000 1993 550,000 1999 550,000 1988 550,000 1994 550,000 2000 550,000 1989 550,000 1995 550,000 Optional Provisions All Bonds maturing on or after February 1, 1993 are optional for redemption in inverse numerieal order on February 1, 1992, or any interest payment date thereafter at par and accrued interest. Authorization These $9,325,000 UtLtity System Revenue Bonds are the tt'Jrd and final installment sale out of an auth- orization of $16,545,000 Revenue Bonds approved at an election held on April 4, 1981 by a majority of the votes cast as foltows: Amount Purpose For A [rainst $ ?, 850,000 Waterworks System Improvements 2,077 519 6,510,000 Sanitary Sewer System Improvements 2,069 516 2,815,000 Electric Utility System Improvements 1,995 570 $16,545,000 Use of Proceeds The proceeds from the sale of These Bonds will be used for the following purposes: Purpose Amount Waterworks System Improvements $2,625,000 Sewer System Improvements 4,605,000 Electric System Improvements 2,095,000 Total ....................................... $9,325,000 After the issuance and sale of These Bonds, the City will have no Utility System Revenue Bonds auth- orized but unissued. Security These Bonds, in the opinion of Counsel. will constitute valid and legally binding special obligations of the City of College Station. Texas. payable from and secured by s first lien on and pledge of the rev- enues derived from the operation of the City's Utility System (water. sewer and electric), after deduc- tion of the reasonable expenses of maintenance and operation of said system, on a parity with the presently outstanding Utility System Revenue Bonds. The ho]der or ho]ders of These Bonds shall never have the right to demand payment of the principal and interest on These Bonds out of any funds raised or to be raised by taxation. Payment Record The City has never defaulted. 003690 Bond Counsel Messrs. Baker · Botts, Houston, Texas, have acted as bond counsel in connection with the authoriza- tion, issuance, sale and delivery of The Bonds. In this capacity, such firm has reviewed the informa- tion appearing in this ~'Officia] Statement" under the captions entitled "Description of Bonds," solely to determine whether such descriptions conform to the provisions of the orders authorizing the issuance and sale of the Bonds. Such firm has not independently verified any of the factual information con- ia]ned in this "Official Statement," nor has it conducted an investigation of the affairs of the City for the purpose of passing upon the accuracy or completeness of this "Official Statement." No person is entitled to rely on such firm's limited participation as an assumption of responsibility for, or an ex- pression of opinion of any kind with regard to the accuracy or completeness of any of the information contained heroin. The legal fees to be paid Messrs. Baker & Botts for services rendered as bond counsel in connection with the issuance and sale of the Bonds are contingent upon the Bonds actually being issued, sold and delivered. Ratings. The outstanding General Obligation Bonds of the City are rated "A-I" by Moody's Investors Service, Inc. and hA+" by Standard & Poor's Corporation. The outstanding Revenue Bonds of the City are rated "A-l" by Moody's Investors Service, Inc. and "AA-" by Standard & Poor's Corporation (the "Rating Agencies" ). Applications for contract ratings on both the $6,590,000 General Obligation Bonds Series II 1982, and the $9,325,000 Utility System Revenue Bonds, Series II 1982, have been made to the Ratinl~ Agencies. The new ratings will be provided by addendum to this "Official Statement" as soon as possible after their assignment. An explanation of the significance of the ratings may be obtained from the Rating Agencies. The ratings reflect only the respective views of the Rating Agencies and the City makes no representation as to the appropriateness of the ratings. There is no assurance that the ratings assigned will continue for any given period of time or that they will not be changed, sus- pended or withdrawn by either of the Rating Agencies. Any change, suspension or withdrawl of the ratings may have an effect on the market price of the Bonds. Ad Valorem Tax Legislation The electorate of the State of Texas approved at a general election he]d on November ?, [9?8 "The Tax Relief Amendment." This amendment was proposed by the 65th Legislature or' the State of ~'exas when it adopted H.J.R. ! in its second called session. "The Tax Re~tef Amendment~ amends Article VIII of the Texas Constitution. The following briefly describes those provisions in "The Tax Relief Amendment" applicable to the City. [. Removes intangible persona] property from the constitutionaLiy required tax base, but allows the Legis]atu~e to provide by statute for the taxation of such property. 2. Exempts from taxation household goods and persona] et'feets not heid or used for the production of income and authorizes the ~.eg'Jslature to exempt ali or part of that persona] property which is immune from forced sale for debt. 3. Requires that taxation of open-space ]and devoted to farm or ranch purposes be on the basis of its productive capacity and gTants the Legislature the authority to provide by general ]aw for taxation of open-space ]and devoted to timber pro- duction on the basis of its productive capacity. Grants the [,egis]ature the authority to provide by general law for eligibility [imitations under this section and to impose sanctions in furtherance of the taxation policy or' this section. 4. Authori~-es an exemption from ad valorem taxation of an amount of not less than $3,000 of the market value of residence homesteads for certain disabled eitizens and persons 65 years of age or older. 5. Exempts from coverage of the provisions of this amendment outlined tn Item 4, above, the ad valorem tax prev'Jous]y pledged for the payment of debt if it wouid impair the obligation of the contraet by which the debt was created. 6. Requires all political subdivisions to conduct truth in taxation hearings; requires public notification when tax increases are contemplated; and requires notice to tnvidua] taxpayers when property values are increased. ?.Provides for limiting the rate of growth in State spenclJng to the rate of gTowth of the State's economy. 8. Prohibits Statewide approJsa] of rea] property for ad valorem tax purposes and quires administrative and judicial enforcement or" uniform standards and procedures for appraisal of property on the County ]eve[. The 66th Legislature of the State of Texas adopted [-louse Bi]] [060 on May 28, 1979 which implements the provisions of "The Tax Relief Amendment" as outlined above. The City's 3anuary 1, 1982 total assessed valuation is $744,522,410, after granting $30,538,100 of exemptions, including the homestead exemptions provided for in "The Tax Relief Amendment" as outlined above. The City's Tax Assessor Collector advises that implementation of the agriculture and timber use va]uatlons w[1] have no impact on the City's total assessed valuation. Senate Bill 621, "Property Tax Code," wes also enacted by the 66th [,egis]att:re of the 8tare of Texas and signed into law by the Governor on June 13, [9?9, and ia applicable to all taxing units in the State, including the City of Coliege Station. The "Property Tax Code," generaliy effective January 1, 003691 1982, requires, among other things, that s single central appraisal board within each county appraise all taxable property for purposes of sd valorem tax assessments by all taxing units in the county. The City's ad valorem tax, s portion of which is pledged to the payment of the City's General Obligation Bonds, is currently imposed at a rate determined by the members of the City Council based on the as- sessed valuation of property in the City as initially established by the City's Tax Assessor and approv- ed or modified by the Board of Equalization. The appraisal district (and an appraisal review board) has the responsibility for establishing the tax rolls for political subdivisions within the county (including the City). Those rolls must be used by the City in establishing its tax rate. The Code requires an up- date of appraised values not less frequently than every five years, and the City has the right to obtain more frequent appraisals, at its expense. Effective 3anusry 1, 1982, the Code prohibited the City from increasing its tax rate (exclusive of increases for debt service) without a prior public hearing and gives the voters of the City the right of referendum to repeal any such increases in excess of five percent per annum. The City's Tax Assessor-Collector cannot predict the precise effect that the enactment of the "Property Tax Code" will have on the City's ability to assess and collect ad valorem taxes, but does not believe the effect will be materially adverse. Any loss in tax revenue to the City occasioned by implementation of "The Tax Relief Amendment"not offset by increases in total taxable ,~alues as a result of other factors in the City, might cause the City to increase its total tax rate. However, "The Tax Relief Amendment" does not affect the City's maximum authorized tax rate. Use of Information in Official Statement This "Official Statement" has been prepared by Moroney, Eeissner l, Co., Inc., a firm employed b~ the City to perform professional services in the capacity of Financial Advisors, including the prepara- tion of this "Official Statement." Information with respect to interest rates, cliscounts, and other matters relating to the resale of These Bonds, including changes in the affairs of the City subsequent to the date hereof, is the responsibility of the successful bidder and such information is not provided herein. The information set forth herein has been obtained from the City and other sources which are believed to be reliable, but no guarantee is made as to the accuracy or completeness of such information, and its inclusion herein is not to be construed as a representation on the part of the City nor Moroney, Biessner · Co., Inc. to such effect. No person bas been authorized to give any information or to make any representations other than those contained in this "Official Statement,~ and if given or made, such other information or representations must not be relied upon as having been authorized by the City, or Moroney,Beissner & Co., lnc. This "Official Statement" does not constitute an offer to sell or solicitation of an offer to buy in any state in which such offer or solici- tation is not authorized, or in which the person making such offer or solicitation is not qualified to do so, or any person to whom it is un]awful to make such offer or solicitation. Any information and expressions of opinions herein are subiect to change, without notice, and neither the delivery, of this "Official Statement," nor any sale made hereunder, shall under any circumstances create any implication that there has been no change in the affairs of the City since the date hereof. 003692 FINANCIAL STATEMENT City of College Station, Texas (As of 8131182} Adjusted to include $6,590,000 G.O. Bonds, Series II 1982 1982 Assessed Valuation [100% of Actual} ................................................ $7~q, 522, q10 General Obligation Debt: Presently Outstanding Bonds ............................ $1q, 655, 000 These Bonds, Series 1982 ............................... 6,590,000 Gross Debt ........................................ $21,2q5,000 Less: Self Supporting Debt .................................... $ 5, 6q2,197 Applicable I 6 S Fund .................................. 278,262 Net Debt ........................................ ~. ....................................... $15,32q, 5ql Ratio of Net General Obligation Debt to 1982 Assessed Valuation ......................... 2.06% 1982 Estimated Population (excluding 9,550 students living on campus) ................... q2,000 Net Debt Per Capita ..................................................................... $365 Assessed Valuation per Capita ........................................................... $17,727 Area of City ............................................................................ 23.8 Sq. Mi. The above Debt Statement does not include $15,836,000 Utility System Revenue Bonds outstanding and the proposed $9,325,000 Utility System Revenue Bonds, Seriesll 1982. {See "Utility Department"). COMPUTATION OF SELF-SUPPORTING DEBT Utility System net revenues available for debt service for Fiscal Year ended 6/30/82 ........................................................ $6,368, 301 Less: Average annual debt service requirements for Utility System Revenue Bonds, including $9,325,000 Bonds, Series II 1982 {t 10% for purpose of illustration ............................................................ 2, 32~1,900 Balance available for other purposes ..................................................... Sq,0q3, q01 Average annual debt service requirements on General Obligation Bonds issued for Utility System improvements ............................................... $500, q75 Percentage of Utility System General Obligation Bonds self-supporting ................... 100% Note: The City Council adopted an Ordinance on June 29, 1976 committing the net revenues of the Utility System, after the payment of Revenue Bond requirements, to the payment of Principal and Interest on the General Obligation Bonds issued for Utility System purposes. This Ordinance is authorized by Article 1106, Vernon's Civil Statutes of Texas. TAX COLLECTION PERIOD Taxes are due October I and are delinquent after January 31. half by November 30, and balance by June 30. No discounts are given on early payments. and interest on delinquent payments are rigidly enforced. TAX COLLECTION RECORD Split payments are allowed; first Penalty 100% of actual. Tax Assessed Tax % Tax Collections Year Year Valuation Rate Current Total Endinc[ 1975 $109,885,032 $0.q30 93.89 99.23 6/30J76 1976 128,79~,193 O. q30 95.83 101.68 6/30/77 1977 lqq, 306,391 0.520 97.1~ 99.70 6/30/78 1978 159,361,089 0.610 97.16 98.86 6/30/79 1979 287, qq5,035' 0.390 95.5q 98.19 6/30/80 1980 301,651,3~6 0.390 95.85 99.61 6/30181 1981 q13, q03,681** 0.310 95.80 99.7a 6/30/82 1982 7qq, 522, q10' 0.310 In Process of Collection * Revaluation ** Increase in basis of assessment from 80% t~ 003 ' 3 Total delinquent taxes outstanding for all prior years as of 8/31182 .......................... $70,877 TAX RATE LIMITATIONS The City of College Station is a Home Rule Charter City with a maximum authorized tax rate for all purposes of $2.50 per $100 Assessed Valuation. The maximum tax rate is imposed both by the Constitution of the State of Texas and the City Charter. Within this $2. SO maximum there is no limit upon the amount of taxes which can be levied for debt service. TAX RATE DISTRIBUTION Tax Year 1982 1981 1980 1979 1978 1977 1976 General Fund $0.0801 $0. lqq8 $0.1697 $0.1553 $0.277 $0.33 $0.3q5 Interest & Sinking Fund 0.2291 0.1652 0.2203 0.23q7 0.283 0.19 0.085 Total Tax Rate $0.3100 $0.3100 $0.3900 $0.3900 $0.560 $0.52 $0. q30 INTEREST AND SINKING'FUND MANAGEMENT INDEX General Obligation Debt Service Requirements for Fiscal Year ending June 30, 1983. ex- cluding self-supporting Utility System G.O. Bonds ...................................................................................... $1,370. ~159 Interest & Sinking Fund Balance as of 6130/82 ........................ $ 803,691 Interest I; Sinking Fund tax levy of $0.2291 on 1982 Assessed Valution of $7qq, 522,~i10 at 95% collection produces ............................................. 1,620,~i16 $2, ~12zi, 107 TAX ADEQUACY General Obligation Debt Service Requirement for Fiscal Year ending 6/3018q, including These Bonds Series II 1982, at 10% for purposes of illustration, but excluding self-supporting Utility System G.O. Bonds ................................................................................... $2,308,582 Interest ~; Sinking Fund estimated as of 6/30/82 ........................ $1,053,6Zl8 Interest ~; Sinking Fund tax levy of $0.178 on 1982 Total Assessed Valuation of $7qq, 522,q10 at 95% collection produces ..................................................... 1,258,987 $2,312,635 CITY SALES TAX The City adopted the provisions of Article 1066e, VACS, Section 9, authorizing a 1% sales tax effective July 1, 1968. Following are sales tax collections for the past ten calendar years: Year Sales Tax Revenue Year Sales Tax Revenue 1973 $213,107 1978 $ 8q8,536 197~ 307,230 1979 1,005.373 1975 q70.679 1980 1,290.503 1976 565,629 1981 1,6q5,0q0 1977 675,197 1982(8 mos. thru 8/31/82) 1,qq8,880 GENERAL OBLIGATION BONDS AUTHORIZED BUT UNISSUED Date of Previously This Authorized Authorization Amount Purpose Issued Issue But Unissued q/q/81 $ 5, 760,000 Street Improvements $2, 315,000 $3, ~q5,000 $ -0- q/q/81 2,080,000 Park Improvements 6z15, 000 1, q35,000 -0- ql~l181 1,805, 000 Public Buildings 1,2~15,000 560,000 -0- q/~1/81 1,150,000 Purchase of Park Land -0- 1,150,000 -0- $10,795,000 $a,205,000 $6,590,000 $ -0- FLOATING DEBT OUTSTANDING None 00369 ESTIMATED DIRECT AND OVERLAPPING DEBT STATEMENT Percent A mount Over- Over- Political Subdivision Amount As of lapping lapping College Station I.S.D. $22,q78,755' 10131181 7#.56 $16,760,160 Brazos County 9, 580, 99q 1/31/82 30.82 2,952,862 Brazos County F/fl I; Lateral Road Bonds 365,000 1/31182 30.82 112, q93 A- 1 Bryan I.S.D. 10,213,002 8/31/81 1.89 193,026 A-1 Ratings As of 9/82 MoodySs S&Pts A-1 A+ A-1 Total Overlapping Net Debt ...................................... $20,018, CITY OF COLLEGE STATION .................................... 15,32q, 5~11 Total Direct and Overlapping Net Debt ........................... $35,3q3,082 Ratio of Total Direct and Overlapping Net Debt to 1982 Assessed Valuation ................... q.75% Per Capita Total Direct and Overlapping Net Debt ............................................ $8q2 Assessed Valuation per Capita ................................................................ $17,727 *Includes $15,500,000 Bonds dated 2/1/82 PRINCIPAL TAXPAYERS Type of Property Utility Retail Mall Apartments Manufacturing Apartments Retail Center Apartments Apartments Hotel Apartments Apartments Light Industry Development Bank Apartments Apartments Apartments Apartments Apartments A pa rtments Bank Apartments Apartments Apartments Apartments Taxpayer General Telephone Company CBL Associates, Inc. Continental Real Estate Ptnrs. Texas Instruments Munzel Properties J.C. Culpepper, Jr. Anderson Ridge Associates Sypcon Construction Corp. Joe Ferrari F.M. Short Company Barcelona Apartments Agency Records Control Southwood Valley, Inc. RepubHcbank of A & M Oakwood Apartments United States Savings Bank D. R. Cain Byram Properties Peppertree Apartments Southwest Apartments University National Bank Roy Harm Parkway Apartments Peter Pritchard College Station Investments 1982 Assess- ed Valuation $20,851,910 lq,813,671 11,282,969 11,176,190 9,815,255 9,017,7qq 8,5~9,560 7,117,773 5,871,25q 5,620,300 5,580,115 5,332,030 5,315,799 5,303 65O 5,22q ~60 5,216 5,215,2q2 ~,99q 020 q,713 060 q,66~ 250 q,561,630 q,582,560 q, q7q, 2qO q, q21,572 q, q16,1qO $178o129,83q 23.93% Total Assessed Valuation of Principal Taxpayers ................................. Principal Taxpayers as Percent of City's total 1982 Assessed Valuation ........................................................... 003695 GENERAL OBLIGATION BONDS PRINCIPAL REPAYMENT SCHEDULE Fiscal $6,590,000 Bonds Year Present Total Series II 1982 New Total Ending Principal Repay- Principal Repay- Principal Repay- June 30 ment Schedule ment Schedule merit Schedule $1,0q0,000 $ $1,0q0,000 1,100,000 290,000 1,390,000 1,110,000 300,000 1,q10,000 1,115,000 300,000 1,415,000 1,115,000 300,000 1,q15.000 1,115,000 300,000 1,q15,000 1,120.000 300,000 1,q20,000 1,120,000 300,000 1,#20.000 1,120.000 300°000 1.#20.000 9q5,000 q00.000 1,3q5.000 670.000 q75.000 1,1qS.000 675,000 475,000 1,150,000 675,000 475,000 1,150,000 625,000 475.000 1,100,000 625,000 475,000 1,100,000 350,000 475.000 825.000 170.000 475,000 6q5.000 -0- 475.000 q75.000 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 199q 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 Average Maturity on Outstanding Debt. Including These Bonds Series II 1982 .............. 8.20 Years Outstanding Debt $20,240,000 18,850,000 17,440,000 16,025,000 lq,610.000 13,195.000 11.775,000 10,355.000 8.935,000 7,590,000 6, qq5,000 5.295,000 q, lq5,000 3.045,000 1,945,000 1.120,000 q75,000 GENERAL OBLIGATION BONDS DEBT SERVICE REQUIREMENT SCHEDULE Fiscal Year Present Total Ending Debt Service June 30 Requirements 1983 $2,01q. 181 19Bq 1.993,864 1985 1,919,283 1986 1,8ql,787 1987 1.760,334 1988 1,683,261 1989 1,610.153 1990 1,532.2q3 1991 1,45q, 27q 1992 1.199,833 1993 862,368 199q 831,935 1995 796,385 1996 711,710 1997 682,710 1998 378,410 1999 179,860 2000 -0- $6,590,000 Bonds, Series II 1982 Principal 290 000 · 300 000 300 000 300 000 300.000 300.000 300 000 300.000 q00000 q75 000 q7S 000 475 000 47~ 000 q7S 000 q75,000 q75,000 q75,000 Interest* $ 823.750 630.000 600.000 570.000 540 000 510 000 qSO 000 #50 000 q20 000 380 000 332 500 285 000 237 500 190 000 lq2 500 95,000 q7.500 Utility New Total System Debt Service Included Total Requirements in Total $2,01q. 181 $6q3.722 1,113,750 2,9q2,86q 63q.282 930.000 2.8q9,283 622°026 900.000 2,7ql,787 601,874 870.000 2,630,33q 581,722 8q0.000 2.523,261 561,570 810.000 2. q20.153 5~1,q17 780,000 2.312.2q3 522,383 750.000 2.20q.27~ 503,906 820,000 2,019,833 qSq, 951 855.000 1,717.368 q65o772 807,500 1,639, q35 qq6,307 760.000 1,556,385 q26, Bq2 712,500 1.q2q.210 q07,378 665,000 1,3q7,710 391.265 617,500 995.910 172,180 570.000 7qg,86Q -0- 522,500 522.500 -0- *Interest rate of 10[ used for purposes of illustration. 003696 HISTORY OF GENERAL FUND REVENUES AND EXPENDITURES The following General Fund Revenues, Expenditures and Balances of Cash and Temporary Investments were taken from the City's Annual Audit Reports: Fiscal Year Ending June 30: Revenues: Ad Valorem Tax $ 509.033 City Ss]es Tax 1.544.870 Garbage Sera, ce Charges(I) Franchise Tax 135,823 Court Fines 406,636 Licenses, Permits & Certificates 219,785 Other 395,866 Tote] Revenue .................. $3,212,013 Transfers from other Funds 2,530,192 Total Revenue & Transfers $5,750,205 1981 1980 1979 1978 1977 $ 440.051 $ 434.254 $ 337.952 $ 418.357 1.065.314 919.492 784.930 581.708 308.302 283.951 250.324 115.810 103.752 93.683 79.858 315.514 288.306 184.053 113.674 80.599 64.040 67.512 74.416 294.764 216.043 175.769 127.342 $2,312,052 $2,334,189 $1,927,850 $1,645,679 1,922,056 975,266 621,750 193,746 $4,234,108 $3,309,455 $2,549,600 $1,839,425 Expenditures: Administration $1,776,640 $1,390,481 Police Department 1,196,668 920,773 Fire Department 1,044,754 687,264 Health Department(l) Streets 255.264 205.684 Parks I Recreation 640.479 476.706 Miscellaneous 31. 483 52.191 Toted Expenditures ........... $4.945.288 $3.733.099 Excess of Revenues & Transfers over Expenditures ............... $ 804,917 $ 501,009 Bedances of Cash and Temporary Investments ............. $1.612.938 $798.448 636 281 572.840 456 599 242,707 309 145 366 660 260 989 $ 448.655 $ 346.799 448.178 421.023 479.468 330.805 242.977 251.652 219.884 296.717 386.581 238.714 127.867 79.158 $2,845,221 $2,353,610 $1,964,868 $464,234 $195,990 ($125,443) $333,097 $449,672 $325,169 (1) The City established a Sanitation Fund and seffregated its operations from the General Fund beginning in the fiscal year 1980. /O 003697 UTILITY DEPARTMENT [As of 8131/82) Utility System Revenue Bonds outstanding, including These $9,325,000 Bonds, Series II 1982 ................................................ Fund Balances: Interest, Sinking and Reserve Fund ...................... $2,002,356 Operating Fund .......................................... 2,160,815 Total Fund Balances ..................................... $q, 163,171 REVENUE BONDS AUTHORIZED BUT UNISSUED Date of Previously This Authorized Authorization Amount Purpose Issued Issue But Unissued qlq181 $ 7,850,000 Waterworks System $5,225,000 $2,625,000 -0- q1#181 6,510,000 Sewer System · Improvements 1,905, 000 q, 605,000 -0- q/q181 2,185,000 Electric Utility System Improve- ments 90,000 2,095,000 -0- Total .......... $16,5q5,000 $7,220,000 $9,325,000 -0- $25,161,000 UTILITY SYSTEM OPERATING STATEMENTS The following condensed operating statements were taken from audits prepared by Hereford Lynch & Co., CPA's, Huntsville, Texas, for the years 1980 and 1981; and the City's records for the periods ended June 30, 1982 and September 30, 1982. 12 Mos. Ending 9/30/82 Fiscal Year Ended 6/30 1982 1981 1980 Revenue: Electric $1q,17q,681 $13,077,552 $ 9,295,153 $ 8,336,19~ Water & Sewer 3,101,q06 2,768,287 2,2ql,q22 1,830,371 Tap Fees 205,699 197, tl6q 160,760 68, 8q0 Interest* 1 q2, 5q0 83,932 52,531 115, 192 Other 531,179 505,052 219, 867 88,606 Total Revenue $18, 155,505 $16,632,287 $11,969,733 $10, ~ 39, 203 Expenses: Power Purchased $ 6,727, 7q9 $ 6,610,659 $ 5,596,912 $ q, 612, 2q2 Water Purchased q53, 129 #89, 0q0 590, q05 518,985 Tap Expense 127,198 121,880 9q, 51q 36, q80 Other Expenses 3,557, 133 3, 0q2, q07 1,693,021 1,687,060 Total Expenses $10,865,209 $10,263,986 $ 7, 97#, 852 $ 6, 85q,767 Available for Debt Service $7,290,296 $6,368,301 $ 3, 99q, 881 $ 3, 58q, q36 Coverage of Average Annual Debt Service Requirements on Revenue Bonds, In- cluding These Bonds, Series II 1982 P 10% for purpose of illustration 3.1 qX 2.7qX I. 72X 1.5qX The Maximum Annual Debt Service Requirements on Revenue Bonds, including These Bonds, Series II 1982 {1 10% for purposes of illustration, is $3,791,017 and occurs in fiscal year ending 6/3018q.. The net revenues available for Debt Service for the Fiscal Year ending 6/30/82 and the 12-month period ending 9J30/82 are 1.68 and 1.92 times this Maximum Annual Requirement, respectively. *Excludes interest earned on construction funds. // 003 ' 8 As a result of the change in the City's source of electric power supply, the accompanying decrease in cost of power therefrom and the growth in the number of utility customers in College Station, there is a definite upward trend in the net revenue available for debt service from the operation of the City's Utility System. CUSTOMER COUNT 8/31/82 6,/30/82 6/30/81' 6/30/80 6J30/79 6/30/78 6/30/77 Water 1 !, 522 10, 628 q, O8O 6,288 5,904 5, 605 5,105 Sewer 15, 718 13, 361 12,692 6, 757 6, ~123 6.116 5,636 Electric 15, 085 12,881 13, 250 10, lq3 9, I qq 7, 606 5, 57q *In prior years, the nt}mber of utility customers was determined by counting the number of meters through which service was provided. There are numerous multi-unit housing complexes within the City being provided service through single meters. With the aid of the City:s computerized accounting and utility record-keeping system, the actual number of customers being served is now counted. WATER, SEWER AND ELECTRIC RATES The City changed its water, sewer and electric rates effective July 1, 1982. All customers are billed monthly. , WATER .Type of Customer New Rates Old Rates All Customers $1.25 per 1,000 gallons Sq.00 per month service charge $1.10 per 1,000 gallons Sq.00 per month service charge Residential Commercial and Industrial SEWER $8.00 per household unit First 7,000 gallons - $8.00 Each additional 7,000 gallons or fraction thereof of water used - $2.00 $6.00 per household unit First 7,000 gallons - $6.00 Each additional 7,000 gallons or fraction thereof of water used - $1.50 ELECTRIC The following electric rates are subject to a power adjustment charge which requires that the net ener- gy charge per kilowatt hour shall be increased or decreased by an amount per kilowatt hour equal to any increase or decrease in the wholesale rate paid for electric energy by the City by virtue of the fuel clause in the wholesale contract. Residential Commercial ( 1 / 15 KW demand) Commercial (151300 KW Demand ) New Rates Old Rates Service Charge ...Sq.00 First 25 kwhrs ...$.0881 per kwhr Next 75 kwhrs ...$.072q per kwhr Next 100 kwhrs ...$.065q per kwhr Next 200 krhrs ...$.0q20 per kwhr Over 700 kwhrs used per month in the months of November thru April ...... $.0338 per kwhr Service Charge ... sq.00 First 100 kwhrs.. $.0998 Next 400 kwhrs .. $.0858 Next 500 kwhrs .. $.0630 Next SO00 kwhrs.. $.0420 Over 6000 kwhrs.. $.0338 Service Charge.. Sq.o0 Demand Charge.. Sq.55 per kw of billing demand First 10, 000 kwhrs ......... $.0327 per kwhr Next q0,000 kwhrs ......... $.0286 per kwhr Over 50, 000 kwhrs ......... $.0216 per kwhr Service Charge... Sq- O0 First 25 kwhrs .... $.0755 per kwhr Next 75 kwhrs ...$.0620 per kwhr Next 100 kwhrs...$.0560per kwhr Next 200 kwhrs...$.0360perkwhr Over 700 kwhrs used per month in the months of November thru April ...... $.029 per kwhr Service Charge .. Sq. 00 First 100 kwhrs.. $.08S5 per kwhr Next 400 kwhrs.. $.0735 per kwhr Next 500 kwhrs.. $.05q0 per kwhr Next 5000 kwhrs..$.0360 per kwhr Over 6000 kwhr~.$.0290 per kwhr Service Charge .. $,4. O0 Demand Charge ..$3.90 per kwhr of billing demand First 10,000 kwhrs ........ $.0280 per kwhr Next q0,000 kwhrs ........ $.0245 per kwhr Over 50, 000 kwhrs ........ $.0185 per kwhr 003699 New Rates Old Rates Type of Customer Commercial and Industrial (Over 300 kw demand) Commercial/La rge Industrial [over 2500 kw demand) Service Char.ae ... Sq.00 per kw of billing demand Demand Charge ... $1.q60 for the first 300 kw of billing demand or less $11.20 per kw of billing de- mand for all over 300 kw First 50 kwhrs per kw of billing demand ..... $. 0321 per kwhr Next 100 kwhrs per kw of billing demand ..... $.0280 per kwhr All additional kwhrs ... $.0216 per kwhr Service Charge ....... $11.00 Demand Charge ... $% 111 per kwhr of billing demand Energy Charge .. $0.0210perkwhr Service Charge .. Sq.00 per kw of billing demand Demand Charcle .. $1. 250 for the first 300 kw of billing demand or less $3.60 per kw of billing demand for all over 300 kw First 50 kwhrs per kw of billing demand ....... $0.0275 per kwhr Next 100 kwhrs per kw of billing demand ....... $0.02~10 per kwhr All additional kwhrs ... $0.0185 per kwhr Service Charge ... $11.00 Demand Charge - $3.55 per kwhr of billing demand Energy Charge - $0.0180 per kwhr WATER SUPPLY SOURCE Since December, 1981, College Station has had the capability to produce and delivery 100% of its water needs through the new aqueduct system from the new well field. This newly completed system includes three wells with a combined capacity of 12 million gallons per day. The water is delivered to the dis- tribution system by 111 miles of 30-inch diameter pipeline and two pump stations. Each of the three wells mentioned above is completed into the Simsboro Sand of the Wilcox formation which forms a very prolific aquaf~r of high quality water and which should be capable of supporting a combined population of 300,000. SEWAGE TREATMENT FACILITIES College Station"s waste are treated by the City-owned sewage treatment plant located within the City. The sewage treatment plant has a capacity of I1.1 million gallons per day (mgd) average load, and 12 mgd, peak load. The City is presently experiencing approximately q.75 m.Cld average load and 6.5 mod peak load. At an election held within the City on April q, 1981, the electorate approved $$, 510, 000 'Utility System Revenue Bonds, designated for "Sewer System Improvements," of which approximately $5,000o000 will be used to double the capacity of the City's waste water treatment plant. With a portion of the proceeds from the sale of These Bonds, the City will enter into the construction phase of the expanded plant. Upon completion, the sewage treatment plant capacity will be adequate to serve a population es- timated at 80,000. ELECTRIC SUPPLY SOURCE The City of College Station presently purchases 100% of its electrical power from Gulf States Utilities under a contract valid through 1993. The City is served through three 138 kva transmission lines, tied to a ring bus at the City switching station. One 138 line comes from the Ree Dee substation in Madisonville, Texas, one line from the Lewis Creek station in Willis, Texas, and one line from the 1:;rimes substation in Shlro, Texas. USE AND DISTRIBUTION OF BOND PROCEEDS Wastewater Treatment Plant expansion ......................... Sewage Collection Lines ....................................... 355,000 Water Distribution Lines and Pump Stations ................................................... 2,625,000 Electrical Distribution System Improve- ments ..................... ~ ................................ 2,095,000 Total .......................................................... $9,32S, 000 003700 UTILITY SYSTEM REVENUE BONDS PRINCIPAL REPAYMENT SCHEDULE Fiscal $9, 325,000 Bonds Year Present Total Series II 1982 New Total Ending Principal Repay- Principal Repay- Principal Repay- June 30 merit Schedule ment Schedule ment Schedule 1983 $1,188,000 198q 1,218,000 1985 1,2q5,000 1986 !,270,000 1987 1,295,000 1988 1,320,000 1989 1,320,000 1990 1,290,000 1991 1,290,000 1992 !,000,000 1993 575,000 199q 575,000 1995 575,0O0 1996 600,000 1997 600,000 1998 q75,000 1999 2000 $ 525 000 550 000 550 000 550 000 550 000 550 000 550 000 550 000 550 000 550 (700 550 000 550,000 550 000 550.000 550000 550.000 550000 $1,188,000 1,7#3,000 1,795,000 1,820,000 1,8q5,000 1,870,000 1,870,000 1.8q0.000 1,8q0.000 1,550.000 1,125,000 1,125.000 1,125,000 1,150.000 1.150,000 1,025,000 550,000 550.000 Average Maturity on Outstanding Revenue Bond debt, including These Bonds, Series II 1982 ............ 7. q8 Years Outstanding Debt $23,973,000 22,230,000 20,#35,000 18,615,000 16,770,000 lq,900,000 13.030,000 11.190,000 9,350,000 7,800.000 G,67S. 000 5,550,000 q, q25,000 3,275,000 2,125,000 1,100, OO0 550,000 UTILITY SYSTEM REVENUE BONDS DEBT SERVICE REQUIREMENT SCHEDULE Fiscal Year Present Total Ending Debt Service June 30 Requirements Principal 1983 $2, qO5,0q9 198q 2,333,517 525,000 1985 2,2q7, qSS 550,000 1986 2,156,927 550,000 1987 2,080,607 550,000 1988 2,005,790 550,000 1989 1,902,722 550,000 1990 1,768,976 550,000 1991 1,66q, q01 550,000 1992 1,268,300 550,000 1993 763,050 550,000 199~ 731,q50 550,000 1995 699,300 550.000 1996 691,q00 550,000 1997 657,000 550.000 1998 501,600 550,000 1999 550.000 2000 550,000 $9,325,000 Bonds, Series II 1982 Interest* $233,125 932 500 880 000 825,000 770.000 715.000 660 000 605 000 550 000 q95000 qq0 000 385 000 33e 000 275 000 220 000 165 000 110 000 55.000 *Interest rate of 10% used for purposes of illustration. Total 233,125 1,457,500 1.430,000 1.375,000 1,320,000 1,265,000 1,210,000 1,155,000 1,100,000 1,045,000 990,000 935,000 880.000 825.000 770.000 715,000 660,000 605,000 New Total Debt Service Requirements $2.638,17q 3,791,017 3,677, q85 3.531,927 3,~00,607 3,270,790 3,112,722 2,923,976 2,76q. q01 2,313,300 1,753,050 1,666,450 1,579,300 1,516,400 1,#27,000 1,216,600 660,000 605,000 003701 COVENANTS Pledc~e The $9,325,000 UtLlity System Revenue Bonds, Series Il 1982, constitute special obliKations of College Station, Texas, payable from and secured by a first Uen on and pledge of the combined reve- nues of the Waterworks System, Sewer System and Electric Light and Power System (the 'Systemsw) of said City, after deduction of reasonable operating and maintenance expenses, and a~e on parity with all outstanding Revenue Bonds. Rates The City shall fix and maintain rates and collect charges for the facilities and services afforded by the Systems which ~lli provide revenues sufficient at ail times: 1) To pay all operation, maintenance, depreciation, replacement and bette~nent charges of the Systems. 2) To establish and maintain the Bond Fund. 3) To pay ali outstanding indebtedness against the Systems, other than bonds, as and when the same become due. Provided also, that no fz'ee sez~v~ce of the Systems shall be allowed, and should the City or any of its agencies or instrumentalities make use of the services and faci~ties of the Systems, pay- ment of the reasonable value thereof shall be made by the City out of funds derived from sources other than the revenues of the Systems. Use of Revenues The City wiU deposit as coUected ~U revenues derived from the operation of the Systems into separate account (herein eailed the "Systems Fund") which sh~l be kept separate and apart from other funds of the City. The Systems Fund shall be administered as foUowa: Bond Fund - From the funds in the Systems Fund, the City shall pay into the Bond Fund during each year in which any of the bonds herein authorized are outstanding, commencing with the date of the delivery of the bonds herein authorized to the purchasers thereof, an amount equal to 100 per centum of the amounts required to meet the interest and principal payments falling due on or before the next maturity date of the bonds. In addition to such payment, the City shall pay into the Bond Fund from the Systems Fund in each year twenty (20%) per centum of the above required amount until such time as there is in the Bond Fund an amount sufficient to meet the interest and principal payment falling due on or before the next maturity date of the bonds and the interest and principal payments on the bonds for one year thereafter. The amount required to be paid into the Bond l~und in each year shall be paid in substantially equal monthly payments from the moneys in the Systems Fund, after deductions have been made for paying the reasonable cost of operating and maintaining the Systems for such month. Surplus - Any funds remaining in the Systems Fund, after provision for the reasonable cost of operating and maintaining the Systems, and after paying the amounts required to be paid into the Bond Fund as above provided, may be used by the City for the purchase of said bonds at not exceeding the principal amount thereof, or for any other lawful purpose. Additional Bonds The City hes and vr[11 continue to have the authority to issue, tn addition to inferior l~en bonds, additionai parity revenue bonds or other evidences of indebtedness as now, or hereafter, sutherized by the State Les-Jslature and such additionai pa~'Jty bonds or other evidences of indebtedness, when issued, may be secured by and payable f~om a first [ten on and pledge of the net revenues of the Systems in the same manner and to the same extent as the frst l~en revenue bonds then outstanding. It is pro- vided, however, that no such additional parity bonds or other evidences of indebtedness sh~11 be is- sued unless the following requirements are fulfil]ed: (a) As long as any of the Waterworks and Sewer System and Electric Light and Power System Revenue Bonds, Series 1957 and Waterworks and Sewer System and Electric Light and Power System Revenue Refunding Bonds, Series 1967 are outstanding and unpaid, the net earnings of the Systems for the twelve month period next preceding the month in which the ordinance authorizing such additional parity bonds or other evidences of indebtedness is adopted are equal to at least 1 1/2 times the maximum annual requLrements for the pay- ment of principal and interest on the then outstanding bonds and additional bonds or other evidences of indebtedness then proposed, when issued, sold and delivered as certi- fied by an independent firm of Certified Public Accountants. (b) As long as any of the Utility System Revenue Bonds, Series 1971 and Series 1973 are outstanding and unpaid, the net earnings of the Systems for the fiscal year next preced- ing the year in which the ordinance authorizing such additional parity bonds or other evidences of indebtedness is adopted ~ere equal to at least 1 1/2 times the maximum annual requirements for the payment of principal and interest on the then outstanding bonds and additional bonds or other evidences of indebtedness then proposed, when issued, sold and delivered as certified by an independent t-u-m of certified public account- 003702 (c) After all of the presently outstanding Revenue Bonds referred to in subparagraphs (a) and (b) on the preceding page have been paid and retired, the net earnings of the System for the fiscal year next preceding the month in which the ordinance is adopted authorizing the issuance of said proposed additional parity bonds or other evidences of indebtedness are equal to at least 1 4/1D times the average annual requirements for the payment of principal and interest on the then outstanding bonds and additional bonds or other evidences of indebtedness then proposed, when issued, sold and delivered as certified by an individual Certified Public Accountant or firm of Certified Public Accountants, such certification to be based on the annual audit of the books of said systems. The term "net earnings" as used herein shall mean all of the net revenues of the Waterworks System, the Sewer System and the Electric Light and Power System (exclusive of income received specifically for capita] items) after deduction of the reasonable expenses of operation and maintenance of the Systems (excluding ex- penditures for capital items and depreciation). (d) Said additional bonds or other evidences of indebtedness are made to mature on February 1st in each of the years in which they are scheduled to mature. Maintenance and Ooeration The City shall maintain the Systems in good condition and operate the same in an efficient manner and at a reasonable cost. So long as any of the bonds are outstanding, the City agrees to maintain insurance for the benefit of the ho]der or holders of the bonds, on the Systems, of a ~Jnd and tn an amount which usually would be carried by private companies engaged tn a similar type of business. Nothing in this ordinance shail be construed as requiring the City to expend any funds which a~e de- rived from sources other than the operation of the Systems, but nothing here~n shall be construed as preventing the City from doing so. Accounts and Periodic Statements The City shatl keep proper books of records and accounts (separate from a].l other records and accounts) in which complete and correct entries sba.il be made of ail transactions relating to the Sys- tems. The City shat] furnish to any holder of any of the bonds, at the written request of such holder not mo~e than sixty days after the close of the fiscal year, complete financial statements of the Systems in reasonable detail covering such fiscal year, certified by the City's Auditor. AUDIT REPORT The information contained on the following pages are excerpts from the City's Audit Report for the year ending June 30, 1981 as prepared by: Hereford, Lynch & Co. Certified Public Accountants Huntsville, Texas This information is not intended to be a complete statement of the City's financial condition. Complete Audit Report is avail- able upon request to: Moroney, Beissner & Co., Inc. Financial Advisors to the City 003703