HomeMy WebLinkAbout09/22/1982 - Workshop Minutes City Council MINUTES WORKSHOP CITY COUNCIL MEETING WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 1982 4:00 PoM. 2OUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Halter, Councilmen Ringer, Nemec, Runnels, Jones, Prause 2OUNCIL MEMBERS ABSENT: ~TAFF PRESENT: Councilman Boughton City Manager Bardell, Asst. City Manager/ Finance Director VanDever, City Attorney Denton, Deputy City Secretary/Council Coordinator Martin, City Secretary Jones, Deputy Finance Director Schroeder, City Planner Mayo, Director of Capital Improvements Ash, Administrative Asst. Nowlin, Tax Assessor-Collector Dickson TISITORS PRESENT: See guest register. agenda Item No. 1 - Signing of proclamation designating October 7, 1982 as ~TAW Radio Day in Colleqe Station. layor Halter signed the proclamation designating October 7, 1982 as WTAW ~adio Day in College Station. Representative Dave Barnett accepted the )roclamation and spoke about their 60th anniversary for serving the B/CS ~rea · agenda Item No. 2 - Council Concerns. ~ouncilman Ringer asked when the Emergency Phone System study for the City · :arks, which Bob Rogers brought before the council, would be on the City ~ouncil agenda. ~ity Manager Bardell replied that it would be included on the next City ~ouncil Meeting agenda. Mr. Bardell pointed out that the City Attorney ;ould also like to address the council regarding the City Cemetery Service ~ontract. lity Attorney Denton stated that he will be meeting several times with the :ity staff on general legal topics within the departments and asked that ~wo representatives from the Council be present at each of these meetings. ~ouncilmembers discussed various times to hold a Special Workshop Meeting ~nd decided to have the meeting on Wednesday, September 29, at 4:00 p.m. louncilman Ringer asked if there was a possibility for the Highway )epartment to signalize the intersection of Hwy. 30 and the access roads at ~he East Bypass. )irector of Capital Improvements Ash replied that the Highway Department las plans to signalize the frontage roads on both Hwy. 30 and Hwy. 60. The 0036 6 WORKSHOP CITY COUNCIL MEETING WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 1982 PAGE 2 plans will be sent to Austin in December. The Highway Department will be responsible for maintenance on these signals. Councilman Jones asked when the speed study on FM 2818 between Texas Avenue and FM 2154 will be done. Dir. of Capital Improvements Ash replied that notification of a request to study the speed on FM 2818 has been given to the Highway Department. The Highway Department is currently short on personnel for this study.' City Manager Bardell explained that the signal head on Southwood Drive and FM 2818 was flashing until the Highway Department could complete re-striping of the pavement. Dir. of Capital Improvements stated that erection of the signal light for FM 2818 and Texas Avenue will begin within the next week. Councilman Runnels asked if a 4-Way stop could be installed at the intersection of Welsh Ave. and Southwest Parkway due to heavy access on these roads. Dir. of Capital Improvements Ash replied that he would have to review the area and determine if this intersection would meet the warrant requirements. 3ouncilman Runnels asked what the status was of the University Oaks bridge which had collapsed. ~ity Manager Bardell replied that the situation has been reviewed and ~xtensive work must be done on the bridge. He stated that the collapse ?robably occured due to cables, etc. being placed there and the cement not ~eing replaced. ~ouncilman Runnels also asked if the City of College Station had emergency )rovisions to Railroad arms being locked down without a train on the track. {e stated that he had seen this situation occur this past week and was ~urious what would happen in case of an emergency situation. ~ity Manager Bardell replied that this usually occurs when workers are located on the tract at some point and cause the arms to fold. In case of ~mergency situations, a vehicle could drive between the arms or pass ~hrough the arms. layor Halter asked questions regarding the bikecrossing paths on Texas Ave. ~nd Kyle Street. He indicated that this crossing has been a problem ~ecause drivers tend to make right turns on red lights from Kyle Avenue .~nto Texas Avenue when pedestrians and bicyclists are in the lane. He itated that he has asked for reviewal on this problem by the Traffic ':ngineer. 0036/ 7 WORKSHOP CITY COUNCIL MEETING WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 1982 PAGE 3 City Manager Bardell stated that a sign could be erected on Kyle St. preventing right turns on red lights at designated hours of the day. stated that the intersection has a cross-guard who directs traffic at certain periods of the day. He Agenda Item No. 3 - Consideration of a Resolution authorizing the Southeast ~9~as .~her Education Authority to sell bonds. Mayor Halter presented the item. He stated that the Resolution has been provided to the Council earlier and two representatives of the Corporation were present to answer questions. Larry Holt, representing the Southeast Texas Higher Education Authority, explained that this action involves no liability on the part of the city. Councilman Runnels moved to approve Resolution No. 09-22-82-03 authorizing the Southeast Texas Higher Education Authority to sell bonds. 2ouncilman Jones seconded the motion which passed unanimously. ~genda Item No. 4 - Closed session to discuss land acquisition [6252-17(f)] and personnel ~6252-17(g)]. Fhe council moved to closed session and later reopened to the public. %~enda Item No. 5 - Action on closed session. ~o action was taken. ~genda Item No.6~_~journ. {ayor Halter adjourned the meeting. APPROVED: Bob Runnels, Mayor Pro-tern ,TTEST: Dian Jo~s ~ 0036 .8 GUEST REGI~ ~ CITY (IIH~IL MEETII~ ~HI~'I~Y~ ~ 22 ~ 1982 4~00 P.M. 6. 23. 24. 10. 27. 13. 30. 14. 31. 15. 32. 16. 33. 003651