HomeMy WebLinkAbout12/08/1982 - Workshop Minutes City Council MINUTES WORKSHOP CITY COUNCIL MEETING WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 8, 1982 4:00 P.M. COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Halter, Councilmen Ringer, Jones, Prause, Runnels, Boughton, Nemec, Student Govt. Liaison Brewster COUNCIL MEMBERS ABSENT: None STAFF PRESENT: Asst. City Manager/Finance Director VanDever, City Attorney Denton, Deputy City Secretary/Council Coordinator Martin, City Engineer Pullen, Energy Coordinator Albrecht, Energy Specialist Layne, Building Official Perry, Administrative Asst. Nowlin, Planning Technician Volk, Asst. Director of Planning Callaway, Tax Assessor-Collector Dickson VISITORS PRESENT: See guest register. A_~enda Item No. 1 - Council Concerns. Councilman Runnels asked if the street sweeper was operating. Mayor Halter indicated that he has seen it in operation this past week. Councilman Jones stated that all materials for city council packets should be submitted to the council office on the Friday before the meetings. He also pointed out that the city hall parking lot is always full and suggested that the staff park in another designated area. Councilman Jones also indicated that a traffic signal is needed at the intersection of FM 2818 and Welsh St. by the high school. There has been many re-occuring accidents in this area. Councilman Prause stated that he would like to have a council communications meeting to discuss the possibility of including a memo in the ne~etter to inform residents of the Plan 2000 status. ~genda Item No. 2 - Consi~erat%on o~ proposal fgr Stage Center. Jim Wilson presented the item. He stated that he would like for the City of College Station to reserve the Old City Hall building for 2 years until the Stage Center can raise enough funds for renovation. He also asked that the City Council appropriate $10,000 to hire an architect to examine the building and start a fund raising project for the reconstruction of the building. Mayor Halter asked that the Stage Center present the Council with a budget of the proposed funds. 0O3738 WORKSHOP CITY COUNCIL MEETING WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 8, 1982 PAGE 2 Mr. Wilson indicated that other groups will be able to use the building when not reserved by the Stage Center. Stage Center will be responsible for scheduling the building. They also request that the City of College Station match the funds that the Stage Center group raises for reconstruction of the building. After further discussion regarding the lease of Stage Center, Councilman Ringer moved to have the City Attorney draw up an agreement with the Stage Center to reserve the Old City Hall building for a 2 year period and allocate $10,000 from Hotel/Motel Tax to them for hiring an architect and starting a fund raising program. Councilman Runnels seconded the motion which passed unanimously. Agenda Item No. 3 - Considerat%on of 1983 ~grgy "~PO'~% Energy Coordinator Albrecht presented the item. She stated that "Energy Expo 1983" will be an event to promote community energy awareness. Exhibitions will be set up at the Community Center to display various energy and solar related products. The Energy Department is requesting $5,000.00 from Hotel/Motel Tax to pay for this event. After further discussion, Councilman Ringer moved to appropriate $5,000.00 from Hotel/Motel Tax for the 1983 "Energy Expo". Councilman Runnels seconded the motion which passed unanimously. Agenda Item No. 4 - Discussion and consideration of 1983 Goals and Objectives for City Council. Mayor Halter stated that he has included in the packets a memo regarding 1983 Goals and Objectives for the Council. He asked that the council review the memo and include any items they feel needs to be looked at as a priority in 1983. Agenda Item No. 5 - Consideration of fund~q~.fo~ .cit~ Newsletter. Administrative Asst. Nowlin presented the item. She indicated that publishing 4 issues of the bimonthly newletter through the end of June 1983 will cost $688.80 per mailing. She asked that the Council appropriate $2,800.00 from Revenue Sharing to pay for this expense. Councilman Ringer moved to appropriate $2,800.00 from Revenue Sharing to pay for the cost of the City Newsletter. Councilman Boughton seconded the motion which passed unanimously. Agenda Item No. 6 - Discussion of.amending Standard Building Code of the City_of College Station. 003739 WORKSHOP CITY COUNCIL MEETING WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 8, 1982 PAGE 3 Building Official Perry presented the item. He pointed out all the proposed changes to be made to the current Standard Building Code Ordinance. After further discussion by the council, Mr. Perry indicated that the revision will be considered at the Regular City Council Meeting. Agenda Item No. 7 - Consideration of application for permit to keep livestock an__d poultr~;__App~iqa~t -_JtZ. Kneip, 206 Walton. Mayor Halter presented the item. He indicated that a memo was in the packet regarding Mr. Kneip's request to keep three chickens and a goat at the above address. A letter from the Brazos County Health Department is included in the packets. Mayor Halter asked if anyone would like to speak in opposition to this application. Councilman Nemec moved to approve the issuance of the permit. Councilman Jones seconded the motion which passed unanimously. Agenda Item No. 8 - Closed session to discuss pending litigation [6252-17(e)] and ~ersonn__el The council moved to closed session and later reopened to the public. A~enda Item No. 9 - Action on closed session. Councilman Prause, Councilman Runnels, and Mayor Halter volunteered to serve on the Capital Improvements Program. A meeting will be arranged as soon as possible. Councilman Runnels moved to pass Ordinance No. 1395 authorizing the staff to enter into a contract with Sears and Burns to provide attorney services. The $15,000 service fee will be determined for funding at a later date. Councilman Boughton seconded the motion which passed unanimously. ~enda Item No. 10 - Adjourn. Mayor Halter adjourned the meeting. ATI~ST: Di~u~ Jones, Ci~Secretary 0037/ 0 (~JEST R~IST~ CITY {XINCIL ~ ~Y, DER~ 8, 1982 4:00 P.M. SIGN BELO~: e 17. 9® e 20. 21. e 22. e e 24. 10. 25. 11. 12. 7o 13. 8m 14. 9e 15. 0037 1