HomeMy WebLinkAbout08/10/1982 - Special Minutes City Council MINUTES SPECIAL WORKSHOP CITY COUNCIi MEETING TUESDAY, AUGUST 10, 1982 5:00 P.M. COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Halter, Councilmen Ringer, Boughton, Nemec, Prause, Jones, Runnels COUNCIL MEMBERS ABSENT: None STAFF PRESENT: City Planner Mayo, Deputy City Secretary/Council Coordinator Martin, City Secretary Jones, Parks and Recreation Director Beachy, Zoning Official Kee, Asst. Director of Planning Callaway VISITORS PRESENT: See guest register. Agenda Item No. 1 - Public he~ring to discuss the proposed comprehensive p~an for the City of Coll~ge Station with pl~nqinq consultants, Snyder and Wyse. Sam Wyse presented the item. He stated that the Planning and Zoning Commission has been reviewing the proposed plans for several months with the public and many councilmembers. He stated that they have three alternatives for growth of the city. FIRST ALTERNATIVE: Increase growth East of the City across Carters Creek along Highway 30 The main problem with growth in this area is the considerable amount of flood plain because of Carters Creek. Expenses of alleviating transportation problems across Carters Creek and providing water services to the area will be costly. Providing sewer services to the area will be less expensive and less time consuming because of the location of the city treatment plant. SECOND ALTERNATIVE: Road Increase growth West of the City across Wellborn A Problem with this alternative is the high cost of providing sewer services to the area because of a major ridge line running along Wellborn Road. Also, rural development in the area has grown and acquiring the necessary right-of-ways to provide major vehicular access routes will be a problem. THIRD ALTERNATIVE: Increase growth South of the City along Highway 6 This alternative seems to be the most feasible in providing water 00359 SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL WORKSHOP MEETING AUGUST 10, 1982 PAGE 2 and sewer services. Attraction to development of this area will be caused by Highway 6 being a major access into and through the city and the development of the Industrial Research Park. He presented maps to the council showing the patterns of development for the future. The maps were divided into areas which the city could service with utilities according to current maximum allowance and those which would require major construction of lines. He indicated that a new sewer treatment plant would be needed in the future to allow for maximum growth. Mayor Halter opened the public hearing. Jim Gardner asked the council how many public hearings would be held on the Plan 2000 and if the Planning and Zoning Commission will review the project again and make further recommendations to the council. Mayor Halter stated that two public hearings would be held at the Council Meetings. He also stated that the P&Z Commission will still be reviewing the Plan 2000 before a final recommendation is made; the Council will also be participating in the review and recommendations. Duane Cote asked if any changes have occured since the P&Z public hearings. Sam Wyse replied that procedures have been to hold all the P&Z and Council public hearings and collect the comments from the staff, P&Z Commissioners, and the local citizens and integrate them into a final draft for Council review and consideration. Since all public hearings have not been held, the original Plan 2000 has not been changed. Spencer Wendt asked if the extension of utility services south of the city would occur in the near future because of the growth of the industrial developments in that area. Sam Wyse replied that the Plan 2000 maps show the pattern of development to increase before the year 2000 which would cause a need for utility service. At this time, there is not a plan to extend services until that increase begins. Gale Wagner stated that the Plan should include a clause which states that the Plan 2000 is only a recommendation, so that an individual would not be jeopardized if he wants to development something that is not in accordance with the proposed plan. Jim Gardner stated that the Plan should reflect some flexibility but not to exceed it and ruin the Plan 2000. He presented the council with a map of the commercial developments and proposed commercial 003595 SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL WORKSHOP MEETING AUGUST 10, 1982 PAGE 3 usage within the city. plan to the council. He presented additional considerations for the Duane Cote requested that the proposed maps be enlarged so that visitors at the council meetings could review the maps from the audience. He also requested that the various recommendations be made available with the Plan 2000 so that they may also be taken in consideration. City Planner Mayo stated that copies of the proposed recommendations where available and may be obtained from the staff office. He also noted that the council should be aware of the importance of the clauses which are included in the Plan. Councilman Runnels stated that the city should not depend on one alternative for future expansion of the city since we cannot determine what our need for growth will be. He asked if the council should be concerned about seeking the right-of-ways in the near future. Sam Wyse indicated that there was no way to determine growth of the city but we should meet the needs of our current increase in population. Right-of-ways should be obtained as needed yet still be considered for future growth. With no further comments, Mayor Halter adjourned the meeting. ATTEST: Dia~n~~retary APPROVED: / // ~ / . ~ // ///// Gary qTalt ~ '~ayor 003596 SPECIAL ~ ~I1~ H]R CITY ~IL AND PIANNING AND Z/I~ING Tt~s~AY~ AUGUST 10~ 1982 5:00 P.M. e 0e e 21. 22. e 3e So 24. e 5e 10. 60 11. 7e 12. 8e 13. 90 14. 0e 15. 31. 2e 003593