HomeMy WebLinkAbout03/23/1982 - Workshop Minutes City Council MINUTES WORKSHOP CITY COUNCILMEErING TUESDAY, ~ 23, 1982 7:00 P.M. COUNCIL NI~IV~ PRESENT: ~ayorHalter, Councilmen Ringer, Boughton, Dozier, Prause Jones, Runnels COUNCIL M]~BERS~: None STAFF PRESENT: City Manager Bardell, City Engineer Ash, City Attorney Denton, Asst. City Manager/Finance Director VanDever, Deputy Finance Director/Tax Assessor-Collector Schroeder, City Secretary. Jones, Deputy City Secretary/Council Coordinator Martin, Parks and Recreation Director Beachy, Asst. Parks and Recreation Director Czimskey, Chief Accountant Hampton, Energy Coordinator/Asst. to City Manager Albrecht, Traffic Engineer Black VISITORS PRESENT: See guest register. Agenda Item No. 1 - Review of the status of the bicycle path plan. City Engineer Ash presented the item to the council. He stated that in September 1981, the council approved the proposed bike plan. The Highway Department approved the federal grant in November. The total bike grant was $47,700.00. Materials consisting of $25,000 worth of signs were advertised for bids in December. The signs should be delivered in April. After installment of these signs, the city will be re-imbursedby the Highway Department. The remainder of the grant will be for construction of bike lanes. Councilman Ringer asked if any of these signs and lanes will be on campus. Traffic Engineer Black replied that money was included for bike lanes and signs on campus. TAMUwill assume 25% of the cost. The council continued to discuss various locations of the bike lanes. The city staff will return at a later date with a proposed ordinance regulating bicycle traffic. Agenda Item No. 2 and No. 3 Item No. 2 and No. aw ere delayed until the financial advisors arrived. Agenda Item No. 4 - Presentation of status report of Civic Center Ccmnittee. City Manager Bardell presented the item to the council. He explained the proposed policy and fees for the used of the civic center by various organizations. He noted that the council needed to review the report and resolve the issues in this policy including the fee schedule, use of alcohol, the hours of operation, and membership of the advisory board. Noting that some centers classify political use as a separate and more expensive category, Mayor Halter pointed out that the proposed policy places political use of the center in the same category as c~mlercial use. He reccmnended this equal treatment and expressed his opinion that political usage of the center should be encouraged. Councilman Ringer asked if the proposed fees approximate those used by other civic centers. Mayor Halter replied that the policy corresponds to or is lower than other local facili- ties, i.e., Brazos Center. 003/,71 MINUFKS WORKSHOP CITY COUNCIL MEETING TUESDAY, ~RCH 23, 1982 7:00 P.M. PAGE 2 5~yor Halter asked the council members to review the proposed policy for changes, deletions, and additions, and to consider this item again after a public hearing. He pointed out that the Civic Center is hoping to hold its opening around the first of June, with a special event to mark the occasion. Agenda Item No. 2 - Opening of bids: a total of $2~705,000 in General Obligs.tion Bonds; and, a total of $4,220,000 in Utility System Revenue Bonds. David Fetzer, a financial advisor for the city, opened and read all delivered bond bids. Bids on the $4,200,000 Revenue Bonds were received frcm three ccmpauies. The lowest effective interest rate was 10.990219% bid by Rauscher, Pierce, and Refsnes, Inc. and Associates. Five companies submitted bids on the $2,705,000General Obligation Bonds, with the lowest effective interest rate being 10.572861% as bid by Rotan Mosle, Inc. The financial advisors asked for time to review the computation of all bids. R.D. Richards, Jr., representative of Baker and Botts, Inc., presented and explained the proposed ordinance for the authorization of issuing, sale, and delivery of the $2,705,000 General Obligation Bonds. He pointed out the reasons for the bond sale and the proposed use of the money. Rowland Geddie, of Baker and Botts, Inc., reviewed the proposed ordinance for the authori- zation of issuing, sale, and delivery of the $4,220,000 Revenue Bonds. He included the reasons for the bond sale and the proposed disbursement of the money. Agenda Item No. 3 - Authorization of Sale of said Bonds to lowest ~slified bidder. David Fetzer, financial advisor, stated that the bids had been reviewed and all figures had been checked. He reoam-~nded that the council accept the bid for Rotan Mosle, Inc. with a E.I.R. of 10.572861% for the $2,705,000 General Obligation Bonds. Councilman Ringer moved to accept the rec~m-ended bid for the General Obligation Bonds fremRotan Mosle, Inc. creating Ordinance No. 1349. Councilman Boughton seconded the motion which passed unanimously. Mr. Fetzer recomnended that the council accept the bid fromRauscher, Pierce, and Refsnes, and Associates with an E.I.R. of 10.990219% for the $4,220,000 Revenue Bonds. Councilman Jones moved to accept the recomr~ndedbid for the Revenue bonds from Rauscher, Pierce, and Refsnes, and Associates, creating Ordinance No. 1350. Councilman Ringer seconded the motion which passed unanimously. Agenda Item No. 5 - Review of the construction plans for the parks office building. Don Hill, architect of the parks office building, presented the progress report of the building. He stated the only change made in the plans was removal of the fireplace frc~n the reception area. The present budget is $206,000 for the 3200 square foot building. 003 72 MINUTES WORKSHOP CITY COUNCIL NI~MTING TUESDAY, MARCH 23, 1982 7:00 P.M. PAGE 3 Councilman Dozier asked why the fireplace was eliminated. Mr. Hill replied that questions regarding the fireplace were raised by a few council members. Counci/man Dozier pointed out that a fireplace could be designed to be cost beneficial to the building. councilman Jones noted that although the fireplace would cost approximately $1200-$1500, the installation of windows to fill the space of the fireplace would also be an expense. He stated that he believed the fireplace should be installed as the in-cost benefits from it would beworth the difference. councilman Dozier moved to approve the construction plans including a fireplace in the reception area. Councilman Jones seconded the motion which passed unanimously. The meetingwas adjourned. ATrEST: Gar Halt¥ a - 003 .73 GUST I~GISTER ~ CITY C~t~CIL MEglYNG ~'dESDAY, ~ 23~ 1982 7:00 P.M. Pr.~'~E SI6N BELOW: ® 0 18. 19. 0e 21, 22. ® 23. e 4m ® 25. 10o 7e 11. 12. 9® 13, 30. 14, 31. 15, 33. ~.?. ~. O03&T~.