HomeMy WebLinkAbout02/23/1982 - Workshop Minutes City Council MINUTES WORKSHOP CITY COUNCILN~TING TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 1982 4:00 P.M. OOUNCILMD~BERS PRESENT: Mayor Halter, Councilmen Boughton, Jones, Runnels, Dozier COUNCIL MEMBERS ABSENT: CouncilrrznPrause STAFF PRESENT: City ~hmager Bardell, City Attorney Denton, City Secretary Jones, Asst. to City Manager Albrecht, Asst. City Fngineer Smith, Deputy City Secretary/council Coordinator Martin, City Engineer Ash, City Planner Mayo VISITORS PRESENT: See guest register. Agenda Item No. 1 - Council Concerns. No concerns. Agenda Item No. 2 - Discussion of automated flight service station. City Manager Bardell presented the item to the council. He stated that the Federal Aviation Adminstration is proposing to equip and activate 61 automated flight service stations to serve general aviation. The FAA presently has a number of flight service stations similar to the one at Easterwood Airport, and would like to replace these smaller ones with centralized, larger stations. Specifications call for 10,000 square feet of air conditioned space with janitorial service provided, and 86 parking spaces adjacent to the building. The building must be located at the airport and be accessible to general aviation. They are asking entities interested in havingalocal station to submit a written proposal by April 2, 1982. City Manager Bardell pointed out that the FAA, under federal restrictions, leases the station for one year at a time. He stated that he talked to the Chamber of Ccrmnerce about advancing Easterwood Field as a location. Should the regional airport operations be moved to the old Bryan Air Force Base in the near future, a structure wouldbe built there, or an existing structure renovated. A third possibility would to locate the station at Coulter Field in Bryan. Mr. Bardell stated that Bryan City Manager Ernest Clark asked to meet with him concerning this project. Mr. Bardell ~_ggestedthat theChamber of C~m-erceTransporation Cc~nittee be present at that meeting. After further discussion, the council authorized the City Manager to meet with the individuals of the Chamber of Commerce and Bryan City Manager Clark, and to prepare and present a proposal. Agenda Item No. 3 - Discussion of problems on Dexter St. Mayor Halter presented the item to the council. He stated that two problems have been occurr~on Dexter Street: (1) the speed of traffic,and (2) vehicles driving on the strip of ground at the end of the cul-de-sac. He pointed out that these problems need to be resolved. City Engineer Ash stated that removal of the cul-de-sac on Dexter would create a thoroughfare frcm Southwest Parkway to Jersey St., and Dexter is not wide enough for this type of traffic. He suggested construction of a barricade to prohibit vehicular access 003 51 MI~JrKS WORKSHOP CITY 00UNCIL MEETING TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 1982 4:00 P.M. PAGE 2 and a gate to allow pedestrian usage. The speeding problem could be studied to determine how much to lower speed limit. He suggested completing Welsh St. and encouraging people to use Welsh instead of Dexter. Mayor Halter stated that he believed the city should barricade the area until further action can be taken. He asked the staffto study the problem and to return with a proposal at a later date. All council members agreed. Agenda Item No. 4 - Discussion and consideration of storing City Ordinances on microfiche. City Secretary Jones presented the item to the council. She stated that she had talked to the Record Conversion Facility at the Department of Corrections in Huntsville regarding storing all City Ordinances on microfiche. They perform this work at a reduced price. She pointed out that approximately 60 pages of Ordinances can be stored on one jacket, at $1.05 per jacket. She explained that duplicating the jackets would be done on a diazo copy process for the cost of 16¢ per jacket. The dia2o copies would be used in the office. She suggested duplicating the council minutes at the same time. If a set of duplicates is kept in the office, the city will need a reader costing approximately $300.00. Mayor Halter pointed out that this project is a necessity, as only one copy exists for many of the ordinances, and these originals could be lost or damaged. After further discussion, Councilman Jones moved to authorize the city staff to microfiche all ordinances and minutes in duplicate copies and to purchase a reader; also, to transfer approximately $600.00 from General Contingency to Adminstration Fund. to pay for this project. Agenda Item No. 5 - Reconsideration of Lone Star Gas Ordinance. Mayor Halter presented the item. He stated that the current College Station Ordinance relating to Lone Star Gas stated that the company is responsible for the line to the metering point. The problem with this policy is that some meters are located next to the house and some next to the street, l~rous cGnplaints have been received regarding the Lone Star Gas policy of requesting residents to pay for a leak if the problem occurs on private property, although the meter may be located next to the house. Mayor Halter had been contacted by Mayor Smith of Bryan, who asked if the city required Lone Star Gas to pay for installation of new lines on private property. He met with A1 'Bartley, of Lone Star Gas, on these questions and was informed that Lone Star Gas intends to pay for installation of new lines. City Attorney Denton stated that the current College Station Ordinance does not clearly answer these questions. Mayor Halter suggested that no action be taken until the Railroad Commission responds to a letter sent to them by City Attorney Denton. The council members agreed to delay this item pending said reply. Agenda Item No. 6 - Review of official notice of sale and official statement in connection with upcoming bond sale. David Fetzer, financial advisor, presented a statement for each COl'n~lr~er to review. 003&52 MINUTES WORKSHOP CITY COUNCIL~ING WED~AY, FEBRUARY 23, 1982 4:00 P.M. PAGE 3 He explained that the statement consisted of supporting data for the City of College Station. March 23, 1982was selected as the official sale date for the bonds. After briefly covering various subjects included in the statement, he asked the council to authorize his firm to present the statement to the bond rating companies. Councilman Runnels noved approval of the official notice of sale and official statement and authorized the financial advisors to present said statement to bond rating companies. Councilman Boughton seconded the motion which passed unanimously. Agenda Item No. 7 - Adjourn. Mayor Halter adjourned the meeting at 6:15 p.m. ATTEST: Di~n-Jones, Ci/6~ Secretary Halter, 003/,.53