HomeMy WebLinkAbout09/07/1983 - Workshop Minutes City Council MINUTES WORKSHOP CITY COUNCIL MEETING WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 7, 1983 4:00 P.M. COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Halter, Councilmen Boughton, Prause, Anderson, McIlhaney, Reinke, Runnels COUNCIL MEMBERS ABSENT: STAFF PRESENT: None City Manager Bardell, Assistant City Manager/Deputy Finance Director VanDever, Parks Director Beachy, Assistant Director of Planning Callaway, Deputy Finance Director Schroeder, Assistant City Attorney Locke, City Secretary Jones, Administrative Assistant Nowlin, Tax Assessor/Collector Dickson, Major Feldman, Fire Chief Landua, Traffic Engineer Black, Director of Capital Improvements Ash, VOE Secretary Moore, Zoning Official Kee, Director Planning Mayo, Assistant Zoning Official Dupies, Director of Public Services Miller, Assistant Director of Public Services Epps, City Engineer Pullen. VISITORS PRESENT: See guest register. A~enda Item No. 1 - Council Concerns. Councilman Reinke requested that something be done about the jaywalking situation at Northgate. Councilman Boughton asked Traffic Engineer Black if anything has been done about the crosswalk at Northgate. Traffic Engineer Black stated that Electrical Technician Lange was investigating possible alternatives to solve the problem. Councilman Runnels questioned why the traffic pattern at the Dexter and Jersey intersection had been changed from a three-lane system to a two-lane. Traffic Engineer Black stated that the width of roadway needed for the other lane narrows quickly and creates a problem. Councilman Runnels stated that the current system is worse than the previous system. He pointed out that with the present system cars sit in the middle and no one can make a right turn on red. 004030 WORKSHOP CITY COUNCIL MEETING WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 7, 1983 PAGE 2 Councilman Boughton stated her agreement with Councilman Runnels about the situation. Director of Capital Improvements Ash stated that the street could be restriped. The Council concurred with that suggestion. Councilman Boughton stated that the trees near the City Hall flag pole obstruct the flag, especially when it is flying at half-mast. Councilman Boughton commended the staff on the design of the medians on Hwy 30. She said that she has driven on Hwy 30 a number of times and has not observed any problems. She noted that Traffic Engineer Black had reported that one median was not as long as the specifications required. She asked if the City could get the Hwy Dept. to extend the median. Traffic Engineer Black stated that the staff and the Hwy Dept. were working to develop a solution. Councilman McIlhaney asked who is responsible for maintaining the medians. She recognized a potential problem caused by large vehicles turning across Hwy 30 and hitting the medians. Director of Capital Improvements Ash stated that when the change requested by the Council is made to Dartmouth, the large vehicles will be able to enter and exit the Center through the curb cut on Dartmouth. Councilman Anderson asked what the installation date is for the traffic signal at FM 2818 and Welsh. Director of Capital Improvements Ash stated that the State Hwy. Depto is going to release plans relating to the expansion of FM 2818. The traffic signal plan submitted by the City to the Hwy Dept. has been approved but does not take into consideration their plans to widen FM 2818. The City has asked the Hwy Dept. to erect a four-way stop sign at the intersection and to assign FM 2818 as a school zone during the interim period. He noted that a response from the Hwy Dept. had not been received. Councilman McIlhaney stated that she had received a call from a citizen concerning the problems with the congestion and school crossings north of the new Southwood Valley Elementary School. She pointed out that the sidewalk ends where the school property ends, thus forcing the children to walk out into the street. She stated that this situation creates a safety hazard and asked if anything could be done about it. Councilman McIlhaney stated that the Community Appearance Committee met and is planning some activities for the month of October for beautifying College Station. One of their suggestions was to make people more aware of Ordinance No. 699, prohibiting the growth of weeds and unsightly 00/ 031 WORKSHOP CITY COUNCIL MEETING WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 7, 1983 PAGE 3 vegetation. The Committee requested the staff to mail letters in October to property owners of problem sites. Councilman McIlhaney asked that the Council and City Staff give full support to the efforts of the Committee. A~enda Item No. 2 - Discussion on ~roposed Capital Improvements ~ro~ects. Councilman Anderson noted that a recent letter to the Editor of the Ea~le suggested that this meeting was going to be a public hearing; however, he thought it was to be a Council discussion. Mayor Halter stated he had intended this item to be ~ Council discussion. He suggested three possible ways for the Council to proceed with this item. The Council discussed the alternatives. Councilman Reinke suggested that the Council Committee (CIP) meet with the Citizens Committee (CCIP). Councilman McIlhaney suggested that the Citizens Committee appoint a "citizen" chairman. She also suggested that the Committee give a formal written presentation of their recommendations to the Council. Mayor Halter asked if the Council would like to review the items that did not pass, rank them and then send the items to CCIP for their recommendations. He requested that the Committee meet within the next week. Mayor Halter stated his preference that the Council go back through the items and determine which items they felt should be eliminated. Director of Capital Improvements Ash passed out a list of the projects. GENERAL OBLIGATION PROJECTS Public Buildings: Fire, Police, and Public Services Councilman Reinke stated that she would like to see Fire Substation No. 4 omitted. Councilman Boughton expressed her concern with the need to consider the problem of timing in planning and building. She stated that at least the money should be made available to buy the land for the future fire substation. Councilman Reinke recommended that more immediate needs be addressed in this bond proposal to guarantee better results at the ballot box. Mayor Halter suggested that the Capital Improvements Program be something less than five years, although a five-year program would be good planning. He agreed that Fire Substation No. 4 should be omitted. The Council had no objection to retaining the police station addition. 00 032 WORKSHOP CITY COUNCIi MEETING WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 7, 1983 PAGE 4 Director of Capital Improvements Ash answered questions on the Public Service Addition and Renovation. Director of Public Services Miller expressed the need for the expansion of shop facilities included in this project. Director of Capital Improvements Ash expressed his opinion that to accomplish what they proposed to accomplish, no part of the project could be cut back. Mayor Halter stated that the Council would leave the Public Service Addition and Renovation, but that it would be pared back slightly. Parks Mayor Halter referred to the memo from Parks Director Beachy on the recommendations from the Parks Board. Councilman Anderson suggested that an additional $75,000.00 be added to the Park Development and Improvement Project making a total of $525,000.00; to delete completely the Community Park Development Project; and to delete the Bee Creek Recreation Center Project per the recommendations of the Parks Board. The Council had no objections to the Parks Board recommendations. City Manager Bardell pointed out that three members of the CCIP voted "zero" on the Lincoln Center P~nov~tionP~oject. STREET IMPROVEMENTS iincoln/Ashburn to University Drive Councilman Anderson stated that this project has a high priority. Councilman McIlhaney stated that the street should be built as the land develops. She suggested that this item be a separate one on the ballot. Welsh/Holleman to Jersey Mayor Halter stated this item was irrelevant since the extension of Welsh was removed from the "Thoroughfare Plan" of the Comprehensive Plan - Plan 2000 by Council action. Mayor Halter suggested that the staff work on a list of the total dollar amount for each project for a three-year period. Councilman Anderson stated that he felt the street rebuil'ding project should remain the same. 00&033 WORKSHOP CITY COUNCIL MEETING WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 7, 1983 PAGE 5 Director of Capital Improvements Ash stated that the staff had already made projections of annual needs for each year through fiscal year 1987-1988, as shown in the Capital Improvements book. The Council discussed the other items under Street Improvements. Marion Pugh Drive Director of Capital Improvements Ash stated that this item was a repay item because the work on Marion Pugh Drive had already been completed. Mayor Halter stated that this item could not be omitted. Holleman St./Winding Rd. to Texas Avenue Director of Capital Improvements Ash stated that $100,000.00 is needed for refurbishing Holleman Street from Winding Road to Texas Avenue. Councilman Reinke asked why this project was separate from other street maintenance projects. Director of Capital Improvements Ash explained that it was separate from other street maintenance projects because it is a major street. After further discussion, The Council concurred to leave the item on the list of projects. Traffic Signals Mayor Halter stated that the $370,000.00 is needed for years 1986-1988; therefore, this item can be omitted. APPOMATTOX Councilman Reike stated her opinion that Appomattox should be omitted. Councilman Anderson stated that this project was a high priority project per the CIP ranking. Councilman McIlhaney stated that perhaps an alternate route could be planned. She requested that Appomattox be left off the list at this time; however, the CCIP should be given the opportunity for input. Councilman Anderson expressed his opinion that Appomattox should be included on the list of projects. Mayor Halter stated that the project should be reviewed by the CCIP before a final decision is made by the Council. 00 03 WORKSHOP CITY COUNCIL MEETING WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 7, 1983 PAGE 6 REVENUE PROGRAMS Oversized Participation Water and Sewer Mayor Halter used the staff's figures to pare down the total dollar amount of this project. Councilman McIlhaney stated that she would rather wait and let the CCIP make a recommendation on the project. Mayor }{alter stated his opinion that all the figures would need to be pared down. Director of Capital Improvements Ash explained for the benefit of the press that the "paring down" of figures was related to reducing the projects from a five year plan to a three year plan. Mayor Halter asked Director of Capital Improvements Ash to convene the CCIP Committee, preferably within the next week. Councilman Runnels suggested that the Council let the CCIP work out how they want to proceed. Mayor Halter agreed with that suggestion. Councilman Boughton noted that in 1981 a special homestead tax exemption was passed for the elderly - some of these citizens voted against the August 13th issues for fear of a tax increase. She suggested increasing the homestead tax exemption from $18,750.00 to $30,000.00. She noted that an increase of this amount would only decrease annual revenues by $20,000.00, per Tax Assessor/Collector Dickson. She stated that she brought the question up at this time because she would not be at the Council meeting in two weeks. Mayor Halter stated his appreciation of her suggestion and noted that the Council would consider the change. A~enda Item No. 3 - Review of "Land Use Plan" Section of Comprehensive Plan - Plan 2000. Director of Planning Mayo presented the item. He pointed out two changes on the map reflecting the Comprehensive Plan - Plan 2000. Councilman Reinke asked if the Planning and Zoning Commission had any objections to the Plan. Director of Planning Mayo stated that there had been numerous discussions and eventually all the problems had been resolved. Councilman Reinke stated that she would like to see more development to the 00/ 035 WORKSHOP CITY COUNCIL MEETING WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 7, 1983 PAGE 7 west to relieve pressure on Texas Avenue. Director of Planning Mayo indicated that the development of single-family dwellings will be seen in areas how outside the city limits; probably most new multi-family dwellings will be developed closer to the University. City Manager Bardell explained that efficiency and financial savings were planned into the Development and Land Use Plans proposed. He noted that the development of a dam at Panther Creek and the designation of Texas Avenue as a major freeway influenced the proposals presented in the Plan. Councilman Prause left the meeting. Councilman McIlhaney expressed her concern with the fact that TAMU is developing toward the west. She stated that the City needs to be making more plans for developing in that direction. City Manager Bardell pointed out three primary barriers to development; railroads, flood plains, and major highways. He stated that development toward the west would be difficult considering these barriers. Mayor Halter requested that a tour of the areas adjoining the boundaries of College Station be scheduled. Director of Planning Mayo pointed out some of the problems the consultants had found with expansion toward the west: difficulty in putting majors streets across property that is cut up into small parcels owned by a large number of people, sewage treatment, and the water system. Mayor Halter pointed out that the water problem could be answered much more easily than that of sewage. Agenda Item No. 4 - Adjourn. Mayor Halter adjourned the meeting. Approved- ~ /~ Gary H~, Mayor 00h036 WORKSHOP CITY COUNCIL MEETING WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 7, 1983 PAGE 8 Attest: Dian Jones,/~ity Secretary 00h037 GUEST REGISTER COLLEGE STATION CITY COUNCIL WORKSHOP MEETING WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 7, 1983 e 18. 19. 20. m 21. Sm 22. e 23. 24. Se e 25. 26. 10. 27. 11. 28. 12. 29. 13. 30. 14. 31. 15. 16. 32. 33. 17. 34. 00 038