HomeMy WebLinkAbout07/14/1983 - Regular Minutes City Council MINUTES REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING JULY 14, 1983 COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: COUNCIL MEMBERS ABSENT: Mayor Halter, Councilman Reinke, Runnels, Boughton, Prause, McIlhaney, and Anderson. None STAFF PRESENT: Asst. City Attorney Locke, City Secretary Jones, City Attorney Denton, Director of Capital Improvements Ash, Senior Account Clerk P.Jones, Tax Assessor-Collector Dickson, Deputy Finance Director Schroeder, Electrical Superintendent Guidry, Electrical Technician Lange, Energy Specialist Layne, PARD Director Beachy, VOE Secretary Moore. VISITORS PRESENT: See guest register. ~enda Item No. 1 - Approval of the minutes of the Workshop City_Co~ncil Meeting, June 22, 1983, Regular City Council Me~ti~g of June 3, 1983. Councilman Boughton moved approval of the minutes. Councilman Anderson seconded the motion, which passed unanimously. Agenda Item No. 2 - Discussion of the PCB Storage Building to be located on Switch Station Road. Superintendent Joe Guidry and Technician Gary Lange from the Electrical Department were present to answer questions concerning the item. Elect. Supt. Guidry stated that the EPA was not pleased with city storage of PCB. The agency has given the City a grace period to take care of the irregularities. They require that the City label all PCB materials and have a proper storage area built to EPA specifications. Guidry stated that Elect. Technician Lange had researched the building requirements. The staff has examined available sites and recommends the Switch Station site as best meeting the requirements. Councilman Anderson asked what precisely would be stored in the building. Elect. Supt. Guidry stated that mostly PCB capacitors would be stored there. Elect. Technician Lange described the proposed building and stated that the PCB capacitors could not be stored longer than a period of one year. All PCB capacitors must be removed from use by 1985. The purpose of this building is to prevent rainfall from contacting the storage drums. The building will have a pit for leakage. The proposed site location was decided on because of security reasons and it is outside the flood plain. 003961 REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING THURSDAY, JULY 14, 1983 PAGE 2 Councilman Anderson asked if the capacitors were placed in a steel drum. Elect. Technician Lange stated that they were encased in metal. When removed from service, the capacitors are placed in a DOD container which is a steel drum and then are stored inside a building, as required by the EPA. Councilman Reinke asked where the nearest disposal is located. Elect. Technician Lange replied that it is in Deer Park, Texas. Mayor Halter asked how many capacitors with PCB were in operation in College Station. Joe Guidrey stated there were about 20 in operation. He also explained that if transformers were not leaking, they did not have to be replaced. The only requirement at this time is that the PCB capacitors must be removed from operation by 1985. Councilman Anderson asked about the public danger from PCB. Superintendent Guidry stated that there is no danger unless the public were to come into contact with it. Mayor Halter asked what would be the likelihood of endangering the public because of the storage building being built at the Switch Station site. Guidry replied that the chances of the public coming into contact with PCB were highly unlikely. Councilman Reinke asked what each capacitor would cost to replace. Superintendent Guidry stated that they cost about $300.00 each. Mayor Halter asked about the projected cost to build the building. Elect. Technician Lange stated that they had not received a bid but it should cost between twelve and fifteen thousand dollars. Councilman Reinke asked if personnel would be present all day at the Switch Station. Elect. Technician Lange stated that someone went there everyday but that no one remained there all day. Councilman Reinke asked if there were another site where personnel would be on hand all day. Mayor Halter ~tated that the only other possibility was the Sewage Treatment Plant and that site is located in the flood plain. 003962 REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING THURSDAY, JULY 14, 1983 PAGE 3 Mayor Halter asked for comments from the public. F.M.Byers of 2702 Woodeliff, commented that he was not certain that the Switch Station was the most secure area for the PCB storage building, and asked several questions about the proposed methods for transporting and storing the PCB. Councilman Boughton asked how the steel barrels were sealed. Elect. Technician Lange stated that they were sealed with a lock top. Michael Abelson of 2611Sandelwood, asked if there is a deadline that the EPA has given the city as to when the storage facility has to be constructed. Superintendent Guidry stated that this project has to be completed as soon as possible. Following several more questions by Mr. Abelson, Gerald Schlapper of 2608 Sandelwood spoke against the PCB storage building being built at the Switch Station. Mrs. J. Boriskie, Route 6, stated she is the owner of the property next to the Switch Station and is concerned about the value of her property going down. Mayor Halter suggested that the council consider continuing the search for a suitable place for the building to be built, to see if an alternate to the Switch Station site can be determined. Councilman Runnels made a motion to direct the city staff to seek an alternate site for the PCB storage facility. Councilman Reinke seconded the motion which passed 6-1, as follows: FOR: Mayor Halter, Councilman Reinke, Runnels, Prause, Boughton, McIlhaney AGAINST: Councilman Anderson Agenda Item No. 3 - CONSENT AGENDA: BIDS: Cons~ation of bids for Southwood Athletic Park Irrigation/Conduit PLATS: Preliminary plat - Foxfire Phase IV (ETJ) All bids were approved by common consent. The Preliminary plat - Foxfire Phase IV (ETJ) was approved by the following vote: 0 3963 REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING THURSDAY, JULY 14, 1983 PAGE 4 FOR: Mayor Halter, Councilman Reinke, Runnels, Prause, Boughton, McIlhaney ABSTAINING: Councilman Anderson Agenda Item No. 4 - Discussion and consideration of Comprehensive Eq~rgy ~anagement Program. Mayor Halter asked for questions about the proposed program. Council Prause complimented the staff for doing a good job on the program. Councilman Reinke asked why portable heaters were not to be used but nothing was said about portable fans. Energy Specialist Layne stated that portable electic heaters are dangerous; also, they use more electricity than portable fans do. Runnels made a motion to approve Resolution 7-14-83-4 adopting a Comprehensive Energy Management Program. Councilman Boughton seconded the motion which passed unanimously. ~en~a Item No. 5 - Consideration of Resolution to establish curfew hours for City Parks. Mayor Halter stated that he considered the curfew hours a good idea. Councilman Prause asked if provisions could be made for an activity to end later if approval is obtained in advance. Director of Parks Beachy agreed that certain activities could be approved in advance and allowed extended times. City Attorney Lowell Denton suggested that the ordinance read" except for designated camping areas and after hours activities approved in advance by the park director." He stated that the ordinance would allow police officers to question people who are in the park after 1:00 A.M. Councilman Boughton moved approval of ordinance no. 1434 with the corrections as stated. Councilman Runnels seconded the motion which passed unanimously. Agenda Item No. 6 - Consideration of an Ordinance authorizin~ the City Manager to sign an ag~em~n--f. - City Attorney Denton presented the item. He stated that this contract was to continue the existing arrangement for payment of defense cost for the five officers named in the agreement, with the objective of limiting defensive expenditures. REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING THURSDAY, JULY 14, 1983 Councilman Runnels moved approval of ordinance no. 1435. Councilman McIlhaney seconded the motion which passed unanimously. Agenda Item No. 7 - Hear Visitors. No one spoke. ~enda Item No. 8 - Adjourn. Mayor Halter adjourned the meeting. PAGE 5 ATTEST: Dian Jones, y APPROVED: Ga~y ~ 1 ~,~Ma~y6r 0039 5 GUEST REGISTER THURSDAY~ JULY 14~ 1983 REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING 7:00 P.M. ® e 10. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23,, 24. 25. 26. 27. 12. 13. 14. 28. 29. 30. 15. 31. 16,. 32. 00 96B