HomeMy WebLinkAbout1984-1497 - Ordinance - 01/26/1984ORDINANCI~ NO. 1497 AN ORDIIlA~IC~'- REZONI[IG ;~ 4.974 ACRE TRACT OR PARCEL OF LAi{D LYING AND BEING SITUATED IN TIlE ROBERT STEVENSON LEAGUE, A-54, BRAZOS COUI~TY, TEXAS, AND ~EING A PART OF TIlE 19.3i ACRE TRACT OF LAND DESCRIBED IN TIIE SP~.CIAL WARRANTY DEED R~CORDED IN VOLUME 325, PAG~2 171, OF TIlL DEED RigCORDS OF BRAZOS COUNTY, TEXAS, /~lD BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRI~ED IN TIiE BODY OF TIIIS ORDINANCE FROI4 AGRICULTURE-OPEN DISTRICT A-O TO GENERAL CO[4MIgRCIAL DISTRICT C-1. BE IT ORDTAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS: WIIEREAS, the City Council held a publxc hearing in the Clty Hall at 7:~O P.M. on January 12, 1984, on the question of rezoning certain areas within the C~ty Limits; WHEREAS, the City Council has determined the follow,nE: To rezone or change the classification of all that certain 4.974 acre tract, lying and being situated in the Robert Stevenson League, A-54, and being part of the 19.31 acre tract of land described in the Special Warranty Deed recorded in Volume 325, Page 171, of the Deed Records of Brazos County, Texas, and bein9 more particularly described as BEGINNING at the most northerly corner of the beforeme~tioned 19.31 acre tract; TIIENCE S 45"~4'5~" E 304.25 feet to the most easterly corner of a 2.b7U acre tract described in the Deed recorded in Volume 443, Page 8O5, Deed Records of Brazos County, Texas, out of the 19.31 acre tract to the point of beginning of the herein described property; TIIENCE S 4b"O4'58" E 475.41 feet along the northeast l~ne of the beforementioned 19.31 acre tract and corner; T[IENCE S 44"21'5d'' W 448.8U feet across the beforementloned 19.31 acre tract and corner in the northeast right-of-way line of State llighway No. 6; TIIENCE N 4~"47'1~'' W w/th the northeast right of way line of the beforementloned State Highway No. u, 383.74 feet to a ROW marker in said NE line of Hwy. u for an angle point; THENCE along the beforementioned NE ROW l~ne of Hwy. 6, same being in a curve to the right having a radius of 2790.01 feet, for an arc distance of 91.73 feet, the chord Dears [] 45"50'30" E for a dlstance of 91.72u Ordinance No. 1497 Page 2 feet, to the most southerly corner of the beforementioned 2.760 acre tract= TLI~NCE N 44'21'5d" E along the southeasterly line of said /.7uO acre tract for a distance of 461.42 feet to the PLACE OF BEGINNIN~ containing 4.974 acres of land, more or less, from Agriculture-Open District A-O to General Commercial District C-l, save and except that portion of land proposed in the right-of-way taking for State Department of llighways and Public Transportation Project Number 8017-1-25, I.P.E. £~umber ~69 and 294. Ak~D, WHEREAS, the City Council has determined that the above-described property should be zoned from Agriculture-Open District A-O to General Commercial District C-1 for a period of ten (10) years. At the expiration of the ten year period from the date herein, the property shall revert to Agriculture-Open District A-O; ~ND, WHEREAS, the City Council has also determined that if any future construction takes place that requires a building permit, then the City Council shall De required to hold a public hearing to determine whether or not the property should continue to be zoned General Con~nercial District C-1 for the ten year period. ~4D, it is ordained that said change shall become effective i~mmed~ately. PASSED .%~D APPROVED this 1984. Cit~ 5ecr-etar~