HomeMy WebLinkAbout1983-1483 - Ordinance - 12/08/1983ORDINANCE NO. 1483 AN ORDINANCE RECEIVING CERTAIN TERRITORY ADJOINING THE CITY LIMITS OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS: WHEREAS, an affidavit having been made by all of the owners of the hereinafter described territory adjoining the limits of the City of College Station, Texas, to the effect that there are no registered voters residing within the boundaries of the hereinafter described territory and that the affiants are the sole owners of the hereinafter described territory; and WHEREAS, the aforesaid affidavit having been filed with the City Secretary who has certified the same to the City Council; and WHEREAS, the Planning and Zoning Commission held a public hearing at City Hall at 7:00 P.M. on October 20, 1983, and the City Council held a public hearing in the City Hall at 7:00 P.M. on November 10, 1983, on the question of receiving certain territory into the city limits; NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council by virtue of the authority conferred by Article II, Section 6 of the Charter of the City of College Station, Texas, approved April 1, 1978, by this ordinance does hereby receive such territory within the incorporated limits of the City of College Station, Texas, such territory being more particularly described as follows: Being a 165.09 acre tract or parcel of land located in the Crawford Burnett League, Abstract 7, and the Robert Stevenson League, Abstract 54, Brazos County, Texas, comprised of two (2) tracts of land described by metes and bounds in the descriptions attached hereto and marked Exhibit "A". Attached to and incorporated herein as a part of this Ordinance is a service plan, marked Exhibit "B", providing for the extension of municipal services into the duly described territory, said plan having been presented at the public hearing heretofore named and subsequently approved by the city council of the City of College Station, Texas. ATTEST: C'lty SecreCy 1983. Metes and Bounds Description of a 156.68 Acre Tract Crawford Burnett League, Abstract 7 Robert Stevenson League, Abstract 5~ Brazes County, Texas Metes and bounds description of all that certain 156.68 acre tract or parcel of land lying and being situated in the Crawford Burr~ett League, Abstract T, and the Roberv Stevenson League, Abstract 5&, Br'azos County, Texas. Also being the same property as a 1~2.2 acme tract conveyed to Clement A. DoDrovolny by deed recorded ~n volume 195, page Z75 of the deed records of Brazes County, Tewas, and a 15 acre tract conveyed to Clement A. Dobrovolny bY deed recorded in volume 230, page 523 of the deed records of Brazes County, Texas, said 156.68 acre tract being more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at a I inch iron rod found marking the south corner of the said 15 acre tract, sa~d iron rod also marking the east corner of the said 1~2.2 acre tract and also lying on the northwest l~ne of a county road come,only referred to as Graham Road, at the tee intersection of a county road commonly referred to as Schaffer Road; THENCE N 39"02'16" W with an ~xlst~ng fence and the northeast line of the said 15 acme tract for a distance of 359~.13 feet to a railroad cross-tie for corner, said cross-tie also marking the north corner of the said 15 acre tract; THENCE S ~5°00'00'' W w~th the northwest line of the said 15 acre tract and the most northerly northwest line of the sa~d 1~2.2 acre tract for a distance of 1652.68 feet to a 1/2 inch iron rod found for corner, said iron rod also marking the most easterly west corner of the sa~d 1~.2 acre tract; THENCE S ~6°55'2~'' E w~th the southwest line of the said 1~2.2 acre tract for a distance of 1263.~8 feet to a railroad cross-tie for corner, sa~d cmoss-t]e marking an interior ell of the said 1&2.2 acre tract; THENCE S ~"&3'27" W with the northwest line of the said 1~2.2 acre tract for a d~stance of 8&5.53 feet to a railroad cross-t~e for corner; THENCE S ~"11'08" E w~th the southwest line of said 1&2.2 acre tract for a distance of ]517.97 fc. et to a railroad cross-tie for corner; THENCE N 76"16'15" E for a distance of 289.18 feet to a 3/8 inch iron mod found for corner, said iron mod also lying on the northwest line of county road commonly referred to as Graham ~oad; ro3ect No. 04.0G8 EXHIBIT A D)brovolny 156.68 Ac THENCE w~th the said l~me of Graham Road for the following calls: N 45~28']8'' E fom a d~stance of 388.59 feet to a 5/8 inch iron mod set for corner; S 45~42'17'' E for a d~stance of 7z3.75 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod set fora coroner; N 44'&2'12" E for a distance of PLACE OF BEGINNI;~G and containing more or less. 1448.78 feet to THE 156.68 acres of land I4ay Nark R. Paulson Registered Public Surveyor No. 2099 Project No. 83-3014 M_tes and Bounds Description Of an 8.41 Acre Tract Crawford Burnett League, Abstract 7 Robert Stevenson League, Abstract 5& Brazos County, Texas Metes and bounds description of an 8.Zl acre tract or parcel of land lying and being situated in the Crawford Burnett League, Abstract 7, and the Robert Stevenson League, Abstract 5~, Brazos County, Texas and being a portxon of a 29.9 acre tract conveyed ko 0o Ann (FrazJer) Lanlngbam by d~ed recorded in volume 307, page 11 of the deed records of Brazos County, Texas and being more particularly described by metes and bounds as follows: BEGINNING at an lron rod found marking the southwest corner of the sald 29.9 acre tract, said iron rod also lying on the northwest right-of-way line of a county road commonly referred to as Arnold Road and also marking the south corner of a ]5 acre tract conveyed to Clement A. Dobrovolny by deed recorded ~n volume 230, page 523 of the deed records of Brazos County, Texas; THENCE N 39"02'16" W with the southwest line of the Laningham tract, also belng the northeast line of the Dobrovolny tract, for a distance of 6~3.92 feet to a 1 ~nch pipe found for corner; THENCE N &4"52'42" E for a distance of 223.18 feet to a 1 inch pipe found for corner; THENCE N &5013'30" W for a distance of 321.97 feet to a 5/8 ~nch · ron rod set for corner; THENCE S &0°aO'55" W for a distance of 190.28 feet to a 5/8 ~nch iron rod set for corner, said iron rod also lying on the afore said common line between the sa~d Dobrovolny and Lanlngham tracts; THENCE N 39°02'16'' W along said common line for a distance of 177.79 feet to a 1/2 ~nch Iron rod found for corner, said iron rod also marking the southwest corner of a 20.0 acre tract conveyed to W.D. Fitch by deed recorded in volume 542, page 526 of the deed records of Brazos County, Texas; THENCE N 5&"55'2&" E along the southeast l~ne of the F~tch tract, also being the northwest lzne of the Lan~ngham tract, for a dzst- ance of 377.34 feet to a 1/2 inch Iron rod found for corner, said iron rod marking the southeast corner of the said 20.0 acre tract and lying on the northwest l:ne of the said 29.9 acre tract; THENCE S &0"48'5~" E along the said northwest line of the 29.9 acre tract for a d~scance of 1062.79 feet to a 1 znch ~ron p~p~' found for corner, said pipe also marking the southeast corner 'of the saad 29.9 acre tract and also lying on the said northwest right-of-way l~ne of a county road commonly referred to as Arnold Road; Project No. 83-3039 0 O6S E~HIBIT A Jo Ann Lan~ngham, 8. ~ Ac~-e 7tact THENCE S 4&"56'56" W along sa~d right-of-way line for a distance of ~11.66 feet to the PLACE OF BEGINNING and containing 8.41 acmes Of land more or less. July 1983 S~rveyed by. _ , / .~- -', ;,' ,// ,' / Mark R. Paulson Beg~stered Public Su-veyor No. 2099 Project No. 83-3039 F\H]BIT A' THE STATE OF CCUNT! OF 5P3~ZOS X .,,,_~, ILL FEI; _~5 TqESK PFES£I~T: ..'.an Peoples Morns. age Co. --:5 Zr'xzcLl~-f t..a~ 2:%5', cf Cri__r_=-= Station, Texas, to -:.ns- - afa. iic. wlnc ::e~cr~be~ [roperty %e tho Cxty of CcEieqe S%a~ion, Te.,as. of Peoples MortEa~e Co. do hereby state nnan nnere are no registered voters residlng wlth~n %ne boundaries of the below described property, and that Peoples Mortgage Co. (is) (are) the sole owner(s) of all the follDwlnq aescrlbed property. Being ]65.0~ parnlcu!ar!y descr'_oed on and made a part herecf. acres cf land, more or less and more Exhumer A a~tached hereto h__H .... S ~U. ~ANL an Co~ile_~e Station, HAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE this A.D. day Of My co:mr, zs$1on expires