HomeMy WebLinkAbout1983-1453 - Ordinance - 10/13/1983ORDINANCE NO. 1453 AN ORDINANCE RECEIVING CERTAIN TERRITORY ADJOINING THE CITY LIMITS OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS: WHEREAS, an affidavit having been made by all of the owners of the hereinafter described territory adjoining the limits of the City of College Station, Texas, to the effect that there are no registered voters residing within the boundaries of the hereinafter described territory and that the affiants are the sole owners of the hereinafter described territory, and WHEREAS, the aforesid affidavit having been filed with the City Secretary who has certified the same to the City Council, That upon compliance with Article II, Section 7, of the City Charter and applicable laws of the State of Texas, the following terrItory shall be incorporated within the city limits: TRACT F Being all that certain 159.381 acre tract or parcel of land lying and being situated in the Robert Stevenson League A-54, Brazos County, Texas, more particularly described in the description attached hereto and marked Exhibit "B", save and except that portion of land proposed in the right-of-way taking for State Department of Highways and Public Transportation Project Number 8017-1-25, I.P.E. Number 069 and 294. Attached to and incorporated herein as a part of this Ordinance is a service plan, marked Exhibit "A", providing for the extension of municipal services into the duly described territory, said plan having been presented at the public hearing heretofore named and subsequently approved by the city council of the City of College Station, Texas. PASSED and APPROVED this /~, day of October, 1983. APPROVED: ~ / /~ GAR~-~;~ ~ ,v MAY0~R---~ ATTE ST: 03 76 .-~ei~.~ si! t:-ac certain pnccel or tract o'3 land lyin~ end b_~in,~ T~%~S, a~ b~ins more ~ic~!urly described by ~tes and bounds as ro~o~= J- T-r~s, said iron ~od ~so lyin~ i~ th9 southeast right-of-way line ~:'co~ ~res-tr~c~ fo~ a distance, of 987-19 Feet to an iron ~od loc cor~r; ... i~on ro~ '-: D:o- 6; .ores t~a~-~-~J a dist=e-of 136~-~3 Feat to an imon ~d Eec co~n~; .. ~H_..u- S ~5= ~ ~6' ~ ~ ~ southeast line'of the b~Uo?e~ntioaed .~cres tra~ ~ a dis~p~ aU 2113-87 Feet to an iron ~d ro~ ?EE:ICE S- ~&~ 53~= 23:' E ac~es, tree-~ ~° _-- ~ northeast line of the beFor~en~ioned 2~T-&58- feet. to an iron mo~ For' apda point; a northeast line of the ~eFcremedtion~d 24T.qSB acres tract _~or .a distanc~ of 61%.%7 Feel to an iron rod For cgra~ "~,~.'~--~.~CE: 5 45" 07' 29" W- elon~ a southeast line of the bero e= ioneU acres tract Fo~ a distance of 757-92 Feet to an iron ro~ fo~ corn~; ~E~!CE [! &g" &O'3O" W. along the coTl;on line between ~he 2&7.458 acres tract and-the 88.00 acres tract for a distance of feet to an iron mod ' set Fo~ corner, said iron rod narkin~ th= co:n~r of the sa~d 8B.O0 acres tract, said iron rod bein~lo~ated in th~ ; ' northwest line oF the said 2~7-~58 ac~-es tract, sa~e b~in~ the southeast risht-o~-way li~a of Barton Ro~d; -' TH£EC£ ..'; 45° ~3' 06" E alons the b-~foGa entioned nortPwest lin"- of the I' Bzrrofl Romd For a distance of 230B.72 feet to the PLf, CE OF ccntainim~ ]59.3~ votes or land, mome or less. Exhibit "A" SERVICE PLAN TO Whom It May Concern: This document addresses the extension of Municipal Services within a 159.381 acre tract located in the Robert Stevenson League adjacent to and south of the current city limits and as described more fully in the ordinance Of annexation. The City Council of the City of College Station, by action on Octnh~. 1~-1~R3.and prior to the passage of the ordinance of annex~tio6 of the above-named tract, did approve Resolution No. lO-l~-R~-~4 , entitled A RESOLUTION ADOPTING A PLAN OF SERVICE FOR ANNEXATION OF 2580 ACRES ALONG STATE HIGHWAY 6 TO THE SOUTH OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS. Said Resolution, duly recorded in the offlcial MINUTES RECORDS of the City of College Statlon and available for v~ewing in the office of the City Secretary, provides for the extension of municipal services into this area, as prescribed by the provisions of Article 970a, Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes, as amended by HB-1952. Section 1. of RESOLUTION NO. 1~-1~iR~-~4 plan for providing the following services: presents a a. Police b. F~re c. Emergency medical d. Water e. Sewers f. Electrical g. Refuse collection h. Streets i. Inspection Plannlng and zoning k. Street lighting 1. Recreation m. M1scellaneous (street name signs) RESOLUTION NO. lO-IN_RR_nA explains the extension plan and provides complete information relating to each of the above-named municipal services.