HomeMy WebLinkAbout1983-1431 - Ordinance - 06/23/1983ORDINANCE NO. 1431 AN ORDINANCE LEVYING THE TAXES FOR THE USE AND SUPPORT OF THE MUNICIPAL GOVERNMENT OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION AND PROVIDING FOR THE INTEREST AND SINKING FUND FOR THE YEAR 1983-1984 AND APPORTIONING EACH LEVY FOR THE SPECIFIC PURPOSE. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION,TEXAS: SECTION L. That there is hereby levied and there shall be collected for the use and support of the municipal government of the City of College Station, and to provide Interest and Sinking Fund for the year nineteen hundred and eighty-three upon all property, real, personal, and mixed within the corporate limits of sa~d c~ty subject to taxation, a tax of thirty-one cents ($0.31) on each One hundred dollar ($100.00) valuation of property, and said tax being so lev~ed and apportioned to the specific purpose herein set forth: For the Interest and Sinking Fund, Thirty-one and 00/100 cents ($0.3100) on each One hundred dollar ¢$100.00) valuation of property to be apportioned as follows: General Obligation Bonds, Voted 1968, General Obligation Bonds, Voted 1971, General Obligation Bonds, Voted 1976, General Obligation Bonds, Voted 1978, and General Obligation Bonds, Voted 1981. SECTION Il. There is hereby levied and there shall be collected from every person, firm, association, or corporation pursuing any occupation taxed by the General Laws of the State of Texas, an annual occupation tax equal in each instance to one-half of the State occupational tax, which said taxes shall be pa~d annually in advance except where other- wise provided by State Laws, in which event the same may be paid as is provided by the State Law. SECTION III. Ail monies collecte~ under this ordinance for the specific items there~n named, shall be and the'same are hereby appropriated and set apart for the specific purpose indicated in each 1Tem and the Assessor and Collector of Taxes and the D1Fec~or of Finance shall keep these accounts so as tQ readily and distinctly show the amount collected, the amounts expended and'the amount on hand at any time, belonging to such funds. It ~s hereby made the duty of the Tax Assessor and Collector to deliver to the Director of Finance at the time of depositing any monies, a statement showing to what fund such deposit should be made and from what source received. Ail receipts for the City not specifically apportioned by this ordinance are hereby made payable to The Genera1 Fund of the C~ty. SECTION IV. That this ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage. PASSED AND APPROVED THI 23rd DAY OF June ATTEST: ian Jones, C~ft~ Secretary Gary Hal~e/r,~ Ma~,or~ 1983.