HomeMy WebLinkAbout12/12/1984 - Workshop Minutes City Council MINUTES WORKSHOP CITY COUNCIL MEETING WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1984 5:00 P.M. COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: COUNCIL MEMBERS ABSENT: STAFF PRESENT: STUDENT GOVT. LIAISON: VISITORS PRESENT: Mayor Halter, Councilmen Anderson, McIlhaney, Prause, Reinke, Runnels Councilman Boughton City Manager Bardell, Assistant City Manager VanDever, Director of Capital Improvements Ash, City Attorney Locke, Traffic Engineer Black, City Secretary Jones, Personnel Manager Dickson, Printing Coordinator Fry, Administra- tive Assistant Magoon, Council Coordi- nator Jones Mike Hachtman See guest register. Mayor Halter stated that the change in meeting time from 4:00 P.M. to 5:00 P.M. was a result of a conflict in scheduling be- tween the Brazos Leadership seminar and the Workshop Meeting. Agenda Item No. 1 - Council Concerns. Councilman Runnels requested that Traffic Engineer Black contact the Highway Department concerning the possibility of lowering the speed limits on Texas Avenue. He stated that a bad accident had occurred at the intersection of Texas Avenue and Deacon. Councilman McIlhaney asked about the possibility of signalizing the intersection at Texas Avenue and Deacon. She suggested that until signalization occurs it might be feasible to prohibit left- turns at this intersection. She further stated that a dangerous situation exists at the intersection of Longmire and FM 2818. Mayor Halter stated that a signal is planned for the intersection at Longmire and FM 2818. Student Government Liaison Hachtman asked if the present speed limit of 40 mph on FM 2818 will increase after construction is completed. Director of Capital Improvements Ash replied affirmatively. O0 6'TB WORKSHOP CITY COUNCIL MEETING WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1984 PAGE 2 Mayor Halter stated that the City Council pictures are ready. He asked the Council if they would like to use the same pictures for next year's picture. The Council concurred. Councilman Reinke requested that a school crossing guard be stationed at the intersection of Holleman Drive and Glade. She reported that a manhole in the parking lot of Acme Glass, stands approximately three feet above ground as a result of severe erosion. She suggested that with the beginning of the Holiday Season, the staff should begin publicizing information about city ordinances regulating fireworks within the city limits . Agenda Item No. 2 - Presentation of Community Survey results pre- pared by the Community Council in cooperation with the City of College Station. Chiquita Lofgren, Community Council Public Relations Officer, ex- plained that the College Station Community Council acts as an ad- visory group to the Community Education Program. She stated that the survey was conducted in cooperation with the City of College Station to ascertain information about community services and the Community Education Program. Ann Mallard, Community Education Director, made a brief presenta- tion of the survey results pertaining to city services, as fol- lows: (1) most citizens do not attend the summer concerts spon- sored by the Parks and Recreation Department; (2) most citizens are aware of the programs offered by the Police Department; (3) responses were split evenly on the question of having a library in College Station, however, most responses were more positive than negative; (4) citizens would like to see the poles at the Utility drive-through painted maroon instead of yellow; and, (5) citizens would like to have bicycle registration held on school campuses. She further stated that the survey results will be distributed to those people who can do the most with the informa- tion. She explained that the respondents were from a tremendous variety of backgrounds and expertise as follows: (1) 64% em- ployed - 18% full-time students; (2) 60% male - 40% female; and, (3) 70% married - 23% never married. Agenda Item No. 3 - Discussion of garage sale regulations. Mayor Halter explained that recently there have been a number of violations of the city's ordinance regulating garage sales. He noted that other problems have arisen which are not addressed by the city's ordinance, such as non-profit organizations having , 00 B79 WORKSHOP CITY COUNCIL MEETING WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1984 PAGE 3 garage sales to raise money. He further stated that it is diffi- cult to enforce the garage sale regulations because a permit is no longer required. City Secretary Jones stated that recently the staff has received many inquiries about garage sale regulations. She requested di- rection from the Council concerning this matter. She stated that there have been a number of multi-family garage sales advertised in the Eagle, which are in violation of the ordinance. The Council concurred to take no action on this matter. Agenda Item No. 4 - Discussion of Council priorities for FY 85-86 Operating Budget. Mayor Halter stated that this item was scheduled to give the Council an opportunity to provide budget direction to the staff. City Manager Bardell explained that as the city has developed there have been an increasing number of boulevard situations cre- ated, which require maintenance. He stated that in the past the city has never employed anyone to provide maintenance for these areas. He suggested that a decision package be included in next year's budget for maintenance personnel for streets and right-of- ways. Councilman McIlhaney asked whose responsibility it is to maintain fences constructed to meet requirements placed on developers by the city. City Manager Bardell stated that responsibility for maintenance of these fences lies with the individual property owners. City Attorney Locke noted that the Public Services Staff have been maintaining larger lots that are kept unsightly and are fil- ing liens against the property until payment for services is re- ceived from the property owners. Councilman McIlhaney suggested that the Council consider a budget allowance for a staff position to take minutes for the Drainage Committee meetings. Councilman Reinke stated that the responses relating to animal control on the Con~aunity Education Survey indicate a need for additional animal control officers. She suggested that these individuals could possibly serve as school crossing guards during the morning and afternoon hours. 00 .680 WORKSHOP CITY COUNCIL MEETING WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1984 PAGE 4 Mayor Halter pointed out that College Station has a high rate of owners reclaiming animals taken to the Brazos Animal Shelter. He noted that the Brazos Animal Shelter Board has increased the re- demption fee for the second and third time offenses. He stated that College Station has made tremendous strides in getting the stray animals off the streets. He further stated that he would have to think about increasing the animal control staff. Assistant City Manager VanDever stated that the survey informa- tion was quite timely in view of the Council priorities. Councilman Runnels suggested that the city reconsider all stan- dards and requirements for street construction. He asked if there are alternate means that would eliminate the loose rocks on street surfaces. He further stated that the city should be able to do a better job at getting streets in good condition in a more timely manner. City Manager Bardell explained the process that the city is pres- ently using for street construction. He stated that he would in- vestigate to see if he could determine an alternate method not already tried by the city. Agenda Item No. 5 - Adjourn. Mayor Halter adjourned the meeting at 5:40 P.M. v,~;x~' .- ,-"/ Gary Halt~r~ Mayor / ATTEST: Dian Jone~t¥ Secretary 00 681 GUEST REGISTER WORKSHOP CITY COUNCIL MEETING WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1984 5=00 P.M. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. Sm 10. 11. 12. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 00 .682