HomeMy WebLinkAbout05/22/1985 - Workshop Minutes City Council MINUTES WORKSHOP CITY COUNCIL MEETING WEDNESDAY, MAY 22, 1985 4:00 P.M. COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Halter, Councilmen Bond, Brown, Boughton, McIlhaney, Runnels, Tongco COUNCIL MEMBERS ABSENT: None STAFF PRESENT: City Manager Bardell, Assistant City Manager VanDever, City Attorney Locke, Director of Planning Mayo, Capital Im- provements Director Ash, City Engineer Pullen, Director of Public Services Miller, Assistant Director of Public Services Epps, Major Feldman, Captain Kennedy, Police Records Supervisor Norton, Ambulance Supervisor Shaer, As- sistant City Engineer Smith, Accountant O'Brien, Accountant Hubbard, Community Center Director Calliham, Lincoln Cen- ter Supervisor Robinson, Program Super- visor O'Connor, Recreation Superinten- dent Waltman, Utilities Office Manager Piwonka, Personnel Director Dickson, Assistant Personnel Director Lucas, Parks Director Beachy, Deputy Finance Director Schroeder, Finance Secretary Barnett, Administrative Assistant Magoon, Printing Coordinator Fry, Plan- ning Technician Volk, Community Devel- opment Director Stevens, Assistant Di- rector of Planning Callaway, Aquatics Superintendent Szabuniewicz, Purchasing Agent McCartney, Assistant Utilities Office Manager Albright, Council Clerk Sultemeier, Council Coordinator Jones VISITORS PRESENT: See guest register. Agenda Item No. 1 - Signing of a proclamation designating May 25, 1985 as "Buddy Poppy Day" in College Station, Texas. Mayor Halter signed a proclamation designating May 25, 1985 as "Buddy Poppy Day" in College Station, Texas. Mr. John Velasquez, Chairman of the Brazos County Veterans of Foreign Wars Buddy Pop- py Drive, accepted the proclamation on behalf of all disabled veterans and the wives and orphans of veterans. Agenda Item No. 2 - Consideration of application for permit to keep poultry (Applicant - Mr. and Mrs. Ed McDow). Councilman Boughton moved approval of granting a permit to keep poultry to Mr. and Mrs. Ed McDow. Councilman Runnels seconded the motion which was approved unani- m~lv. 7-~. WORKSHOP CITY COUNCIL MEETING WEDNESDAY, MAY 22, 1985 PAGE 2 A~enda Item No. 3 - Joint discussion with Planning and Zonin~ Commission: College Station Stormwater Management Plan (Presen- tation by Walton and Associates). Ail members of the Planning and Zoning Commission were present at the meeting. Mr. Ned Walton, representing Walton & Associates, presented the item. He stated the purpose of the study and provided defini- tions. He requested input from the Planning and Zoning Commis- sion and the Council. Mr. Rick Robertson, Engineer for Walton & Associates, referred to a Drainage Basin Map on display and spoke of the topography of the area. He identified the Brazos and Navasota River. He pointed out that Bryan and College Station are located on a ridgeline between these two rivers. He located on the map the creeks in the area and identified the basins that drain into these creeks. He listed the special conditions found in this area as follows: (1) The University is on high ground; and, (2) There is virtually no cross drainage between the Cities of Bryan and College Station. Mr. Walton explained that his firm was contracted to identify and provide solutions for the drainage problems facing College Sta- tion, adding that a study will be conducted which involves four phases. He stated that Phases I and IV are the smallest of the four phases, Phase I being to identify the needs of the city and Phase IV to assist the city in implementation. He noted that Phase II, will involve developing ordinances addressing (a) stormwater control, (b) sedimentation control and (c) erosion control and design criteria. Phase II also includes the formu- lation of a design criteria manual to meet the requirements pro- posed in the ordinances. He stated that Phase III includes the documentation of techniques for solving the problems in each drainage basin and revision of the ordinances and design manual, Councilman Bond asked where the existing drainage problems are located. Mr. Robertson replied that one existing problem is lo- cated in the Wolf Pen Creek basin. Planning Commissioner Dresser questioned which of the basins are to be included in the study. He asked what is the time frame for completion of the study. Mr. Robertson stated that all drainage basins located inside the city limits and the city's extra territorial jurisdiction will be inventoried. Mr. Walton stated that the amount of time required for completion of the project is approximately eighteen months. He noted that his firm has been on the project for approximately three months. 00/,929 WORKSHOP CITY COUNCIL MEETING WEDNESDAY, MAY 22, 1985 PAGE 3 Councilman Runnels questioned if the study would take into con- sideration the runoff from all of the Carter Creek basin. Mr. Walton replied affirmatively. Councilman McIlhaney questioned where the Drainage Committee is in their work on this project. Planning and Zoning Commissioner Paulson, representing the Drain- age Committee, listed the things that the committee has been working to develop as follows: (1) Erosion Control Ordinance; (2) Solutions for existing drainage problems; (3) Study of how the city can avoid future problems. He stated his main concern is source of future funding for maintenance. He suggested that a questionnaire be formulated and submitted to the citizens to ob- tain their input concerning the amount of work they will be will- ing to support. Planning and Zoning Commissioner Wendler asked if there are other cities of comparable size that maintain a drainage program which could be used as an example. Mr. John Mason, Walton and Associates, stated that the City of Abilene has implemented a very comprehensive drainage program within the last two or three years. He further stated that the City of Austin is a perfect example of why the city should not adopt the "wait and see" attitude. Director of Capital Improvements Ash stated that the drainage committee has been studying other cities' erosion and sedimenta- tion ordinances. He noted that a meeting of the committee has been scheduled for Monday, May 27, 1985, to discuss these mat- ters. He pointed out that the city may enact temporary legisla- tion to address some of these problems in the short term. Planning and Zoning Commissioner Kaiser asked if the proposed study will examine water quality and water treatment. Mr. Walton replied negatively. Mr. John Mason, Walton and Associates, explained that sediment affects water quality to a large degree. He noted that this pro- gram could provide a positive impact on the water quality in the area by addressing sediment control. Planning and Zoning Commissioner MacGilvray directed a question concerning the use of structural versus nonstructural solutions to these drainage problems. He listed some examples of how the city could incorporate some natural controls into the program. Mr. Walton stated that they will be attempting to maintain the natural drainage environment as much as possible when addressing these problems. o,n4 93o WORKSHOP CITY COUNCIL MEETING WEDNESDAY, MAY 22, 1985 PAGE 4 Councilman Runnels asked if the project will include any remedial work to enhance drainage retention upstream. Mr. Robertson stated that that issue will be addressed. City Manager Bardell asked if there have been any attempts to ob- tain input from TAMU regarding this study. He stated his opinion that TAMU should be included in the project because of the tre- mendous impact they have on the city concerning this problem. Mr. Walton stated that his firm has no way of obtaining the Uni- versity's assistance. He noted that they will attempt to deter- mine their plans regarding this matter and incorporate them into the study. Mr. Robertson noted that there is an observer from the University attending the drainage committee meetings. No other questions were asked regarding this item; Mayor Halter dismissed the Planning and Zoning Commission and moved to the next item. Agenda Item No. 4 - Discussion of Merit S~stam Fundin~ for City Employees. City Manager Bardell presented the item. He briefly outlined the process whereby the merit pay plan was implemented. He stated that the direction of the local economy is gradually shifting to- wards a retail trade basis, which is resulting in increased de- mands for services as well as an increase in revenues. He ex- plained that this shift was taken into consideration along with the priorities expressed by the previous Council in developing the budget for FY 1985-86. He stated his opinion that the pro- jections proposed by the staff are fiscally sound. He referred to additional information submitted by Assistant City Manager VanDever, including a report from the Brazos Valley Personnel As- sociation, which reflects how the staff came up with the proposed merit figures and provides a comparison of salaries within the local community as well as those from other states. Councilman Brown asked what is the total dollar amount decrease resulting from the decrease approved by Council at their last meeting. Assistant City Manager VanDever quoted the figure at $127,500.00. Councilman McIlhaney expressed her concern that the Council was discussing an item that had previously been voted on. Mayor Halter stated that the item had been rescheduled because in his opinion there had been a misunderstanding at the last meeting about what had actually been voted on. 00 931 WORKSHOP CITY COUNCIL MEETING WEDNESDAY, MAY 22, 1985 PAGE 5 Councilman Brown stated that in his opinion the Council's inten- tion was not to adversely affect the morale of the city staff, but rather to save money where feasible without affecting ser- vices. Assistant City Manager VanDever stated his opinion that the basic budget had been reduced to the absolute minimum. He further stated that he did not feel any reductions could be made in the basic budget without affecting services. He suggested that if the Council intended to make reductions, these reductions be made through decision packages. Councilman Brown stated that he would like to see the city con- serve resources without reducing the quality of service that is provided. Mayor Halter stated that the staff had taken into account the priorities set out by the Council in previous discussion when preparing this document. He noted that in the April 6, 1985 Election, the citizens of College Station voted to support a tax increase in order to provide funding to establish a College Sta- tion Branch Library. Councilman McIlhaney referred to a letter written to Personnel Director Dickson from Mr. John Davis, partner with Waters, Trego and Davis, stating that a five percent merit increase is typi- cal. She further stated her opinion that the city would still be offering competitive salaries taking into consideration the deci- sion to reduce the percent of merit increase for employees. Assistant City Manager VanDever referred to Schedules A and B, noting that a cost of living increase is usually added to the five percent figure. He stated his opinion that a five percent increase would not keep the city's salaries competitive. Councilman Tongco stated her preference to review all costs and expenditures to determine the amount of funds needed and then ad- just this figure accordingly. Assistant City Manager VanDever stated that the funds available for decision packages are dependent on this figure. He pointed out that the proposed cut in the percent of merit increase will free approximately $127,500.00, which could be used to fund addi- tional decison packages. He added that it is possible to follow Councilman Tongco's suggestion, but it is simpler to work with a set amount. Mayor Halter added that if more funds are available the Council might choose to reorder the priority of decision packages. Councilman Boughton expressed her concern with the Council previ- ously authorizing implementation of the merit pay program and now not providing the necessary support. 00/ 932 WORKSHOP CITY COUNCIL MEETING WEDNESDAY, MAY 22, 1985 PAGE 6 Councilman McIlhaney stated her feelings that the decision to cut the percent of merit increase is difficult because it affects in- dividuals' livelihoods, nevertheless, the Council must deal with a much broader issue of what is best for the citizenry of College Station. Councilman Bond questioned why the Council reviews the budget if all the efforts to make decisions are preempted by the staff's recommendations. He referred to Assistant City Manager VanDever's memorandum and stated his opinion that it was a genu- ine outcry to preserve the integrity of the merit pay system. He further stated that in his position as a newly elected council- member the merit pay system may be defensible, but it is very complicated and a rather new concept. He pointed out that the greatest harm that could come to the city would be for the merit pay system to be skewed at a time when it is still trying to prove itself, however, this situation puts the Council in a posi- tion where it has virtually no options. City Manager Bardell explained how the process for salary in- crease arrived at what it is today. He pointed out that the mer- it pay system does preempt Council involvement to a large degree because of its complexity. He pointed out that Mr. Davis' let- ter, previously referred to by Councilman McIlhaney, did not state that a five percent merit increase is typical, but stated that the most prevalent practice was giving a five percent merit increase, in addition to a blanket cost-of-living increase. Assistant City Manager VanDever explained that using the previous system the city gave a five percent increase plus cost of living to each employee on their anniversary date. He pointed out that using the merit pay system the city is giving essentially the same increases, five percent plus one and one-half percent cost- of-living, but the merit increase is based on the 3.0 scale. After further discussion, Mayor Halter suggested that the Council take time to review the additional information and reschedule consideration of this tiem. He pointed out that the city should consider not only the salaries in the local area, but also the salaries offered in by other cities when considering more spe- cialized positions, such as Park Planner. Councilman Bond pointed out that in considering this matter fur- ther it should be taken into account that the percent increase is no longer split into merit plus cost-of-living, but is considered as one. A~enda Item No. 5 - Consideration of Decision Packages for Gener- al and Revenue Sharin~ Funds and Library Funding. Mayor Halter asked for comments from the public relating to fund- ing requests from the General Fund. 004,93,9 WORKSHOP CITY COUNCIL MEETING WEDNESDAY, MAY 22, 1985 PAGE 7 Dr. Larry Ringer, 702 Thomas, summarized the report submitted by the citizen committee appointed in early 1985 to study the possi- bility of locating a library in College Station. He reiterated the recommendation of the committee, which suggested that the City of College Station support a Branch Library of the Bryan Li- brary, to be located in College Station and funded entirely by the city. He urged the Council's support for this recommendation and their continued support for the Bryan Library. Assitant City Manager VanDever stated that the city has histori- cally supported the Bryan Library with funding in the amount of $25,000.00. He noted that this request was not included in the budget document because it was not received in time for inclu- sion. Ms. Mary Alice Pisani, President of the Brazos County League of Women Voters, read a statement concerning establishing a library in College Station, as follows: "In 1982 the League of Women Voters in Brazos County conducted a study of library needs in the county using a comparative analysis and a survey of user opin- ions. One of the needs we identified was an additional library location to serve the southern part of the county. In the last election the voters of College Station strongly endorsed the cre- ation of a library in the city and that they are willing to pay additional taxes to support a library. The League asks you to meet the needs of library services in College Station and act in accordance with the voters' expressed interests. We urge you to appropriate funds for a library in College Station to work close- ly with the City of Bryan in planning the facility which will make the most effective use of public resources." Mayor Halter asked for comments from the public relating to fund- ing requests from the Revenue Sharing Fund. Ms. Gail Schmidt, Chairman of the Advisory Council for the Re- tired Senior Volunteer Program, presented their request for fund- ing in the amount of $2,250.00, which is the same amount request- ed last year. She expressed the organization's intentions to ex- pand the use of senior volunteers in College Station in the next year. Mayor Halter encouraged City Manager Bardell to meet with this group to enlist their aid during peak utility times. Ms. Ann Mallard, representing the Community Education Program, presented a request for funding in the amount of $1,872.00 for the Summer Library Program. Ms. Ann Pye-Shively, Executive Director of the Mental Health Men- tal Retardation Authority of Brazos Valley, addressed the Coun- cil. She stated that the organization is in a state of crisis due to recent litigation which has dramatically increased the de- mand for services of this kind in the Brazos Valley. She out- lined the wide range of services offered by MHMRA. 0~93& WORKSHOP CITY COUNCIL MEETING WEDNESDAY, MAY 22, 1985 PAGE 8 Councilman McIlhaney asked if the $35,000.00 requested will fund the facilities that will be needed as a result of the litigation. Ms. Shively stated that this amount will enable the organization to maintain its recently expanded services. Captain White, Commander of State Guard Company C, addressed the Council. She stated that the State Guard is part of the active militia of Texas. She outlined the supplies needed as well as the con~nunity services that can be provided by the State Guard. She pointed out that the state has restricted funding of this or- ganization which resulted in their organization having to request funds from the city. Susie O'Connor, Program Supervisor, addressed the Council regard- ing the "Christmas in the Park" program. She requested funding in the amount of $2,565.00 which will be allocated to provide the resources to wire and time the facilities so that a city staff person will not be needed to activate the lights. She pointed out that this project will ensure increased safety of the facili- ty. Councilman Bond questioned whether this proposal will be more cost effective than using staff members to activate the lights. Ms. O'Connor replied affirmatively. She noted that Mr. Jack Lester donated $6,000.00 last year to implement this program and has stated that he will donate another $6,000.00 this year to be allocated for the purchase of additional lights. Ms. Clara Mounce, Librarian for the Bryan Library, expressed her appreciation to the Council for the city's support of the Library and provided the Council with information delineating how the support funds have been allocated. Mayor Halter questioned if less money was available this year in the Revenue Sharing Fund. Assistant City Manager VanDever stated that there was approxi- mately the same amount. He further stated that Revenue Sharing funds will not be available to the city as of September 1986. Mayor Halter asked if the funds for the Bryan Library are in- cluded. Assistant City Manager VanDever stated that the $30,000.00 re- quested by the Bryan Library had been omitted. He then gave the Council a brief overview of the Decision Package requests, re- vised due to the change in proposed ambulance fees. Councilman McIlhaney asked if the funds to purchase a lawn mower could be taken from the Cemetery Fund. She also questioned what this fund is used for. 00&935 WORKSHOP CITY COUNCIL MEETING WEDNESDAY, MAY 22, 1985 PAGE 9 Assistant City Manager VanDever stated that the Cemetery Fund is used for perpetual care of the cemetery grounds. He further stated that maintenance equipment could be purchased with these funds. Councilman Tongco asked if the three additional paramedics are needed for ambulances currently in use. Fire Chief Landua stated that these additional personnel are re- quested for positions at the proposed Fire Station No. 3 and are being requested at this time due to the long training period. Councilman Bond asked City Manager Bardell for an explanation of the process by which he determines which Decision Packages will be recommended for funding. City Manager Bardell briefly explained this process. Councilman Tongco asked City Manager Bardell if he felt the fund- ing of these paramedics was top priority. City Manager Bardell replied affirmatively. He stated that the paramedics would be needed even if Fire Station No. 3 is not con- structed. Fire Chief Landua discussed the personnel needed to provide 24 hour service. Assistant City Manager VanDever stated that the priority assigned to funding for the paramedics was in keeping with priorities set earlier by the Council. City Manager Bardell elaborated on the process of determining the priority rankings of the Decision Packages. Councilman Tongco questioned the request for two additional pa- trol officers. Police Major Feldman stated that these officers are needed to re- place officers moved to the DWI task force. City Manager Bardell referred to new state regulations pertaining to DWI arrests. After further discussion, City Manager Bardell explained a re- quest by the Street Department for an additional driver for street maintenance and repair vehicles. 00&93C' WORKSHOP CITY COUNCIL MEETING WEDNESDAY, MAY 22, 1985 PAGE 10 Councilman McIlhaney stated that she would like to have the re- quest for furniture for the treasury department delayed so that those funds can be used to purchase additional file cabinets for the Municipal Court. Assistant City Manager VanDever stated that some of the smaller items such as this that are not funded here are payed for mid- year from the Contingency Fund. Councilman Bond asked what is done with salary savings during the course of the year. Assistant City Manager VanDever stated that this money either is used to purchase operating equipment or is put back into the Gen- eral Fund. City Manager Bardell addressed a request for funds for mapping that was not approved. He stated that the staff will come back to the Council with a comprehensive report on this subject. Councilman Boughton expressed her concern that equipment for the renovated Lincoln Center was not funded. Assistant City Manager VanDever stated that there is a strong possibility that this equipment can be funded from bond proceeds for this project. Councilman McIlhaney asked about a request by the Traffic Divi- sion for mobile units. Police Major Feldman stated that these units were requested to replace units in patrol vehicles that are 10 to 15 years old. Councilman McIlhaney stated that she would place this as a high priority. Assistant City Manager VanDever suggested that the Council at some point in time address the issue of implementing a city-wide communications system. City Manager Bardell stated that Request No. 23 for equipment for the Southwood Maintenance facility is also an item that needs to be addressed. Parks Maintenance Superintendent Savage pointed out that of the $16,000 in equipment requested, only $5,000 of it would be used on a daily basis. Councilman McIlhaney questioned a request for $41,174.00 for hardware and software support. Data Processing Manager Koehler stated that this money is used to fund hardware and software purchases and development anticipated to be necessary over the next year. He listed three major areas 00 937 WORKSHOP CITY COUNCIL MEETING WEDNESDAY, MAY 22, 1985 PAGE 11 in need of attention as: (1) Utility Billing; (2) Electronic Man- ual Inspection Services; and, (3) Payroll & Accounting. He fur- ther stated that they could not be specific in their request be- cause they are not sure what will be available to them. Assistant City Manager VanDever added that they have followed this approach for several years, continually expanding the data processing system. The Council concluded review of the General Fund and Revenue Sharing Decision Packages. Assistant City Manager VanDever reviewed the decisions made by the Council. He stated that the following items remain unfunded: Airport's request at $100,000.00; the new library at $194,000.00; and the request for $30,000.00 for books for the Bryan Library. All of these items could be funded with a 3~ tax increase. He added that for a city of its size, College Station has the lowest tax rate in the state. Councilman Tongco asked how much additional revenue a $.02/$100 increase in the tax rate will generate. Assistant City Manager VanDever stated that a $.02/$100 increase would generate approxi- mately $200,000.00. Councilman Tongco asked about funding for the College Station In- dustrial Foundation. Mayor Halter stated that there are funds designated for the Industrial Foundation in the current budget that have never been released. He pointed out that in the pro- posed budget for FY 1985-86 no additional funds have been appro- priated for the Foundation. The Council concurred to schedule a discussion concerning funding for the College Station Industrial Foundation. Deputy Finance Director Schroeder stated that if the amount of increase in the tax rate is to be greater than three percent of the calculated effective rate, state law requires that the Coun- cil take a "record vote" as an expression of intent. He pointed out that the exact amount of the increase does not have to be in- corporated into the "record vote." Councilman Bond asked what is the increase in total revenues over last year. Assistant City Manager VanDever stated that approximate intake for the FY 1985-86 is $3,589,000.00 compared to revenues of $3,150,000.00 for FY 1984-85. Councilman Bond moved approval of funding in the amount of $194,000.00 for the establishment of a branch of the Bryan Li- brary in College Station and funding in the amount of $30,000.00 for continued support of the Bryan Library for the purchase of books and supplies. WORKSHOP CITY COUNCIL MEETING WEDNESDAY, MAY 22, 1985 PAGE 12 Councilman Boughton seconded the motion which was approved unani- mously, 7-0. Mayor Halter stated his opinion that it might be appropriate to investigate private sources of funding to support the library. He noted that these efforts would probably receive a great deal of comunity support. Councilman McIlhaney referred to the decision packages previously discussed and requested that the lawn mower decision package be funded through the Cemetery Fund. Councilman Boughton stated that she would like to see the minimum amount of necessary maintenance equipment for the Southwood Main- tenance Facility receive funding in the amount of $5,000.00. Assistant City Manager VanDever noted that the item could be scheduled as the first Contingency Fund expenditure. He pointed out that there is $238,000.00 in this fund. Councilman McIlhaney stated that she would like to see the re- quest for the mobile units be scheduled for funding through the Contingency Fund. Assistant City Manager VanDever pointed out that this item is considered an operation stream high priority and will receive funding. Councilman McIlhaney also requested that the funds freed by ap- propriating funds from the Cemetery Fund to purchase the lawnmow- ers be used to fund the request made by the Municipal Court for filing cabinets. Councilman Tongco reiterated her concern about the funding of two additional patrol officers. Major Feldman stated that if the additional officers are not funded, the officers previously moved to the DWI Task Force will be put back on patrol, resulting in the elimination of the DWI Task Force Program. Councilman McIlhaney expressed her concern with the large amount of money requested for hardware and software support. Assistant City Manager VanDever confirmed the items recommended for funding by Council in the previous discussion as follows: (1) Lawn mowers at a cost of $1,560.00 to be appropriated from the Cemetery Fund; (2) Equipment for Southwood Maintenance Facil- ity - minimum of $5,000.00; (3) File cabinets for the Municipal Court in the amount of $1,378.00; (4) College Station Branch Li- brary in the amount of $194,000.00; (5) Support for the Bryan Li- brary in the amount of $30,000.00; and, (6) Replacement of mobile units in the amount of $9,000.00. 00 939 WORKSHOP CITY COUNCIL MEETING WEDNESDAY, MAY 22, 1985 PAGE 13 Agenda Item No. 6 - Council Concerns. Councilman Bond questioned why the restrooms in Central Park are not left unlocked and stated his opinion that they should always be open to the public. Parks Director Beachy stated that recurring expenses due to van- dalism prompted the Council to decide to lock the restrooms dur- ing hours when no one is available to monitor them. He pointed out that the restrooms are opened when individuals rent park fa- cilities and they are then held responsible. Councilman Bond reiterated his opinion that closing the restrooms to the public is not a viable solution. Councilman Brown questioned the Parks Department's proposal to show R-rated movies in the Park. Program Supervisor O'Connor stated that the staff has addressed the problem and is attempting to obtain some different movies. Councilman Tongco asked if the city has any ordinances that ad- dress the location of newspaper vending machines. City Attorney Locke stated that the city currently has no ordi- nances regulating these machines, however, there are restrictions that prohibit the chaining of these machines to utility poles. She further stated that the staff is researching the matter and will return a recommendation to Council. Councilman Boughton reported a street light out at the intersec- tion of Leona and Southwest Parkway. Councilman McIlhaney reported a stop sign down at the intersec- tion of Glade and Southwest Parkway. A~enda Item No. 7 - Adjourn. Mayor Halter adjourned the meeting at 8:00 P.M. Gary Ha~er, ~ayor / ATTEST: ~tary 0049 0 GUEST REGISTER WORKSHOP CITY COUNCIL MEETING WEDNESDAY, MAY 22, 1985 4=00 P.M. 19. 20. 21. 7. ~ 25. 27. 28. 13. 31. 14. 32. 15. 33. 16. 34. 17. 35. 18. 36. 004941